Epidemiological Models for Influenza and COVID-19—part 1
Epidemiological Models for Influenza and COVID-19—part 1
Robert B. Nachbar
Original post: 11-Mar-2020
Revised: 17-Mar-2020
Revised: 9-Apr-2020
The package should be in the same directory as the notebooks, and is automatically loaded as part of the initialization.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Use the subsection cells to navigate to the other notebooks
Outbreak 1
Outbreak 2
Suggestions for follow-up and improvements
The COVID-19 outbreak, initially in China and now throughout the world, has captured the interest of a large number of organizations and individuals alike. Some effort has been spent to model (or at least visualize) the geographic spread [JHU][JEP]. There have also been some reports of epidemiological models [TG][PYZ][ZCW][JDL][EGE][AA] that have been developed in an effort to estimate parameters that can be used to project the severity of the outbreak, its duration, and the mortality rate.
This report has to main goals. 1) It aims to put some of these modeling efforts into perspective so that conclusions and predictions can be better understood. We will be using compartmental models that allow one to describe the flow of individuals from one health state to another. We will attempt to employ just the right kinds of compartments and connections that are supported by the available data. As the noted statistician G. E. P. Box admonished us, “All models are wrong, but some models are useful.” It is also important know the assumptions on which the models are predicated. 2) It demonstrates the breadth of the Wolfram Language which makes these analyses relatively straight forward, from the retrieval of data from the web, to modeling and data fitting, to exposition and presentation, all in a single interactive document.
It is instructive to first examine two influenza outbreaks that occurred in 1978 in two different boarding schools. The two populations were well defined in terms of size and the assumption of rapid and uniform mixing. These two examples demonstrate that the reported retrospective data can be analyzed satisfactorily by mechanistically different models, and that limitations of the models sometimes preclude the explanation of all the observations.
Next we explore several epidemiological models for the COVID-19 outbreak, and use data from various provinces to estimate model parameters. We primarily want to see how similar or dissimilar the the outbreaks are to each other, point out the short comings, and make some suggestions for improvements.
Compartmental models
Compartmental models
We will be using compartmental models, which have had numerous applications in biology, ecology, chemistry, and medicine. For our purposes, each compartment represents a group of individuals in the same health state, for example susceptible or infectious. The connections between compartments indication the direction and rate of movement from one health state to another. One of the simplest compartmental models for epidemiology has three compartments: susceptible, infectious, and recovered, or SIR. Susceptible individuals come in contact with infectious individuals and become infected. After some period of time, infectious individuals recover, are not longer infectious, and have permanent immunity. The process can be described as a set of transitions
βλ[t] → | infection |
ℐ γ → | recovery |
Schematically, the model looks like this
For clarity, we will use a slightly different form of schematic diagram known as a Petri net, which looks like this
There is code in the Initialization section at the end of the notebook for generating these graphs.
Each compartment becomes a time-dependent variable in the model. The coefficient is the transmission rate constant, and is the force of infection. It is a function of all the infectious compartments in the model (in this case, just ), and thus is time-dependent. The parameter is the recovery rate constant, and is defined as , where is the average duration of infection.
This transmission model describes the rate of change of each of the compartments, which can be modeled mathematically as a system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs).
′ |
′ ℐ |
′ ℛ |
λ[t]ℐ[t] |
The number of infectious individuals in the population is the prevalence of the disease. The number of individuals that become infected per unit time is called the incidence.
Many epidemiologic models include population demographics, that is, birth and natural death. For comparison, this is the SIR model with demographics
Λ ↦ | birth |
βλ[t] → | infection |
ℐ γ → | recovery |
μ ⇥ | death |
ℐ μ ⇥ | death |
ℛ μ ⇥ | death |
′ |
′ ℐ |
′ ℛ |
λ[t]ℐ[t] |
The shape for in the schematic diagram is different because its units are , whereas all the other rates are .
Because the duration of the influenza and COVID-19 outbreaks that are discussed here are so short (weeks or months), we can make the assumption that births and natural deaths can be ignored.
Basic reproduction number
Basic reproduction number
The rate constants i these models can be used to estimate various epidemiological parameters, such as average recover time . Another parameter that is often used to characterize epidemics is the basic reproduction number, or R0. It represents the number of individuals a single infected individual will infect in a completely susceptible population during her/his lifetime. If the value is less than 1, the outbreak will die out. If it is greater than 1, then the epidemic will persist. A very good description of this parameter, its uses, and what various values greater than 1 mean was recently published [EY].
Delay differential equations
Delay differential equations
While delay differential equations (DDE) are often used in population models for ecology, and many other areas as well, they can lead to unphysical artefacts. For example, shown below is the SIR model solution (solid curves) and the solution for the corresponding DDE model (dashed curves). While the total population size () is constant, the infected compartment in the DDE model (dashed red) has several excursions below 0 and the recovered compartment (dashed blue) has corresponding excursions above . Adding a scaling factor to those terms in the DDEs will only minimize and not eliminate the issue. The oscillations are also of concern.
Parameter optimization
Parameter optimization
All of the parameters in these model need to remain in the range or , so constraints should be used. Wolfram Language has many efficient functions for optimization with constraints, and for many systems they work well. From many years of experience with these kinds of models (epidemiologic, pharmacokinetic, and viral dynamics), a simpler passive constraint method (transformation) with unconstrained optimization works better.
Values for parameters that should fall between 0 and ∞ are log-transformed and the parameters in the ODEs are back-transformed with . Similarly, for parameters whose values should be between 0 and 1 we use the logit transformation and its inverse. To facilitate coding, the functions , , , and are defined in the initialization section.
toLog, fromLog
There are two textbook examples of influenza outbreaks in boarding schools. They are retrospective reports because the studies were unplanned, however, from a modeling perspective they present several advantages:
The populations were closed (no migration in or out)
There were no births or deaths, so models without demographics can be used
The populations were well mixed as the students were attending classes together
There is a daily record of the number of students with influenza
The data
The data
Outbreak 1
Outbreak 1
…, in January-February 1978, an epidemic of influenza occurred in a boarding school in the north of England. The boarding school housed a total of 763 boys, who were at risk during the epidemic. On January 22, three boys were sick.
512 boys (67%) spent between three and seven days away from class, …
Fitting data
Fitting data
Outbreak 2
Outbreak 2
The West Country English Boarding School housed 578 boys. An epidemic of influenza began on 15 January 1978.
One hundred and sixty-six boys (29 per cent) were treated in the sick bays by bed rest and aspirin. Certainly this is not the total number with influenza, as the older boys had their own rooms in which some remained, treating themselves and avoiding detection and supervision as a result of the dislocated curriculum.
Fitting data
Fitting data
SEIR Model
SEIR Model
SEIR: SIR model with exposed compartment
No birth or natural mortality due to short time span of coverage of model
Mass action incidence
These are the transitions:
These are the ODEs
First dataset
First dataset
Manual fit
Manual fit
Statistical fit
Statistical fit
Sensitivity analysis
Sensitivity analysis
Total incidence & epidemic size
Total incidence & epidemic size
Nearly every boy is predicted to become infected, whereas only 512 boys (67%) were reported to have been confined to bed
Second dataset
Second dataset
Manual fit
Manual fit
Statistical fit
Statistical fit
Sensitivity analysis
Sensitivity analysis
Total incidence & epidemic size
Total incidence & epidemic size
Again, grossly overestimating the epidemic size
Since the data report the “number of boys confined to bed”, they are actually quarantined or isolated and not freely circulating among the student body
SEIQR: SEIR model with quarantined compartment
No birth or natural mortality due to short time span of coverage of model
Mass action incidence
These are the transitions:
These are the ODEs
First dataset
First dataset
Manual fit
Manual fit
Statistical fit
Statistical fit
Sensitivity analysis
Sensitivity analysis
Total incidence & epidemic size
Total incidence & epidemic size
Again, grossly overestimating the epidemic size
Second dataset
Second dataset
Manual fit
Manual fit
Statistical fit
Statistical fit
Sensitivity analysis
Sensitivity analysis
Total incidence & epidemic size
Total incidence & epidemic size
Again, overestimating the epidemic size, but much improved over the model without quarantine
Parameter values and statistics
Parameter values and statistics
Goodness of fit
Goodness of fit
For the first influenza dataset, the SEIR model is somewhat better than the SEIQR model
For the second influenza dataset, the SEIQR model is much better than the SEIR model
Epidemiological parameters
Epidemiological parameters
SEIR model
SEIQR model
Biggerstaff et al. [BCR] report much smaller values for the basic reproduction number for influenza:
General observations & conclusions
General observations & conclusions
Retrospective data without full details of collection can be interpreted in different ways
Recapitulating heterogenous data (e.g., prevalence and epidemic size) can be difficult
Different models may do better for different datasets for the same disease
Suggestions for follow-up and improvements
Suggestions for follow-up and improvements
Investigate the effect on model fitting
investigate the effect on the basic reproduction number
[JHU] “Mapping 2019-nCoV”, https://systems.jhu.edu/research/public-health/ncov/
[TG] T. Götz, “First attempts to model the dynamics of the coronavirus outbreak 2020”, https://arxiv.org/pdf/2002.03821.pdf
[PYZ] L. Peng, W. Yang, D. Zhang, C. Zhuge, L. Hong “Epidemic analysis of COVID-19 in China by dynamical modeling”, https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.02.16.20023465v1
[ZCW] Y. Zhou, Z. Chen, X. Wu, Z. Tian, L. Cheng, L. Ye “The Outbreak Evaluation of COVID-19 in Wuhan District of China”, https://arxiv.org/pdf/2002.09640.pdf
[JDL] J. Jia, J. Ding, S. Liu, G. Liao, J. Li, B. Duan, G. Wang, R. Zhang “Modeling the Control of COVID-19: Impact of
Policy Interventions and Meteorological Factors”, https://arxiv.org/pdf/2003.02985.pdf
Policy Interventions and Meteorological Factors”, https://arxiv.org/pdf/2003.02985.pdf
[EGE] E. G. M E. “An SEIR like model that fits the coronavirus infection data”, https://community.wolfram.com/groups/-/m/t/1888335
[AA] A. Antonov “Basic experiments workflow for simple epidemiological models”, https://community.wolfram.com/groups/-/m/t/1895686
[EY] E. Yong “The Deceptively Simple Number Sparking Coronavirus Fears”, The Atlantic, 28 Jan 2020, https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2020/01/how-fast-and-far-will-new-coronavirus-spread/605632/
[AV] J. Arino, P. van den Driessche “Time delays in Epidemic Models; Modeling and Numerical Considerations” in “Delay Differential Equations and Applications”, O. Arino (ed.) Springer, 2006.
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[BCR] M. Biggerstaff, S. Cauchemez, C. Reed, M. Gambhir, L. Finelli “Estimates of the reproduction number for seasonal, pandemic, and zoonotic influenza: a systematic review of the literature” BMC Infectious Diseases, 14, 480 (2014), http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2334/14/480
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[DWC] Z. Du, L. Wang, S. Cauchemex, X. Xu, X. Wang, B. J. Cowling, L. A. Meyers “Risk for Transportation of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) from Wuhan to Cities in China”, https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.01.28.20019299
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the package can be downloaded from https://www.wolframcloud.com/obj/rnachbar/Published/CompartmentalModeling.wl
Fit visualization
Fit visualization
Fitting error
Fitting error