Wolfram Research
“Who Knows What” Questions
Wolfram Research
“Who Knows What” Questions
“Who Knows What” Questions
For each school, please start on a new line and include institution, institution URL, dates, field/major, and degree (if any).
(e.g. University of Illinois, http://uiuc.edu, 1992-1994, mechanical engineering, MS)
(e.g. University of Illinois, http://uiuc.edu, 1992-1994, mechanical engineering, MS)
Master's-level Knowledge
Master's-level Knowledge
What fields do you know at a typical college bachelor's or master's level?
These might be fields that you learned about in formal courses or ones you've studied elsewhere. List only fields that are taught at universities. List them by their typical university department names.
(e.g. computer engineering, psychology, fine arts, business administration)
These might be fields that you learned about in formal courses or ones you've studied elsewhere. List only fields that are taught at universities. List them by their typical university department names.
(e.g. computer engineering, psychology, fine arts, business administration)
Research-Level Knowledge
Research-Level Knowledge
In what fields (if any) do you—or could you—read the current research literature?
Academic Knowledge Keywords
Academic Knowledge Keywords
Experience as an Educator
Experience as an Educator
What classes or areas have you taught?
Try to be as specific as possible.
(e.g. high school biology; calculus II; after-school karate for 5th graders)
Try to be as specific as possible.
(e.g. high school biology; calculus II; after-school karate for 5th graders)
Professional Certifications
Professional Certifications
What professional certifications, licenses, rankings, etc. do you have, or have you had?
(e.g. paramedic, chess master, CPA, broker—series 7, pilot VFR/SEL, Microsoft Certified Professional, Olympic swimmer, U.S. Army sergeant; include dates if appropriate)
(e.g. paramedic, chess master, CPA, broker—series 7, pilot VFR/SEL, Microsoft Certified Professional, Olympic swimmer, U.S. Army sergeant; include dates if appropriate)
Professional Societies
Professional Societies
What professional societies are you, or have you been, a member of?
(e.g. American Math Society, Society of Actuaries, IEEE, Society for Human Resource Management)
(e.g. American Math Society, Society of Actuaries, IEEE, Society for Human Resource Management)
What journals, magazines, newspapers, radio, television, news media, and podcasts do you follow regularly?
(e.g. Economist, Physical Review Letters, New Scientist, NOVA, CNET, BuzzFeed)
(e.g. Economist, Physical Review Letters, New Scientist, NOVA, CNET, BuzzFeed)
Social Media
Social Media
What social media do you use regularly?
(e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Reddit)
(e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Reddit)
Job Experience
Job Experience
What job positions have you held, and for roughly for how many years each?
(e.g. systems administrator, sales executive, truck driver, librarian, professor, copy editor)
(e.g. systems administrator, sales executive, truck driver, librarian, professor, copy editor)
Industry Experience
Industry Experience
What industries or major companies/organizations have you worked for, including as an intern?
(e.g. Motorola, food service, life insurance, Goldman Sachs, Field Museum, U.S. Navy)
(e.g. Motorola, food service, life insurance, Goldman Sachs, Field Museum, U.S. Navy)
Languages Spoken
Languages Spoken
What (human) languages do you know?
List the language and your level (basic/competent/fluent/native)
(e.g. French, competent; Latin, basic; Tamil, native)
List the language and your level (basic/competent/fluent/native)
(e.g. French, competent; Latin, basic; Tamil, native)
Familiar Places
Familiar Places
What cities or areas have you lived in, or traveled to frequently?
Note: Please include country or region name if a city isn't a major one; otherwise, searches won't work.
(e.g. Paris, Chicago, Western Massachusetts, Sweden)
Note: Please include country or region name if a city isn't a major one; otherwise, searches won't work.
(e.g. Paris, Chicago, Western Massachusetts, Sweden)
CS Languages/Apps Experience
CS Languages/Apps Experience
What software/systems have you used, and how deeply?
Include computer languages, major software applications, web applications, etc.
(e.g. C++, Java, React, salesforce, iMovie, Arduino tools)
Include computer languages, major software applications, web applications, etc.
(e.g. C++, Java, React, salesforce, iMovie, Arduino tools)
Open Source
Open Source
What open source projects are you involved in, and what is your level of involvement? (e.g., contributor, maintainer, owner)
Professional Skills and Experience
Professional Skills and Experience
What particular professional skills have you had experience with that are not directly related to your current role at Wolfram Research?
(e.g. public speaking, writing, project management, sales, elementary education)
(e.g. public speaking, writing, project management, sales, elementary education)
Other Interests/Hobbies
Other Interests/Hobbies
What potentially relevant areas do you spend time pursuing or reading about?
(e.g. blogging, chess, gardening, Japanese history, parasailing, stamp collecting)
(e.g. blogging, chess, gardening, Japanese history, parasailing, stamp collecting)
Like to Learn About
Like to Learn About
What areas are you interested in learning about, and would like to be given opportunities for?
Other Connections
Other Connections
What other areas might you be able to find information or insight about, through your personal network?
Anything Else
Anything Else
What other keywords might be relevant for finding you when someone wants to look up who knows what?