Preference Weights from Pairwise Comparisons
Preference Weights from Pairwise Comparisons
You can compare the three options A, B, and C (which could be alternative projects, products to buy, binary decisions, or power groups).
You compare these options in a pairwise fashion by dragging the sliders to the left or right, in the range -9 to 9. For the first slider: 9 indicates a strong preference of A over B; 1, 0, and -1 indicate little or no preference; and -9 indicates a preference of B over A. The two other sliders work analogously.
You see the result of your pairwise comparisons in the bar chart, representing relative preference weights for the three options. Also you can see the consistency of your pairwise comparisons at the bottom, from high consistency (close to 0) to high inconsistency (closer to 2).