Genealogy Graphs from XML
Genealogy Graphs from XML
Genealogies are frequently stored as XML files or as files that can readily be converted into XML using third party tools. This Demonstration shows how XML representations of genealogies can be readily visualized as graphs.
In visualizing this genealogy of the descendants of United States President George Washington, you can determine whether you wish to show all relationships or only those created by patrilineal or matrilineal descent. You can choose whether you want to show all persons in the genealogy at once or various algorithmically determined communities. You can also decide to exclude "ParentOf" links, which often duplicate "ChildOf" links or "SpouseOf" links, which can sometimes "clutter" a graphic. You also have several options relating to the rendering of the graph: (1) the type of embedding desired; (2) how vertices (persons) are to be visualized; and (3) the font size of any text.