Dataset[{<|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "0", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2018, 4, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.1848999999999995*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.4175*^9, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[865000000, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context…the average R-GPCD for April from 2005-2007 is 81 gpcd using metered consumption data. The R-GPCD for April, 2013 is 82 gpcd. 2. For the PRU and R-GPCD, applied SWRCB’s recommended methodology of using billing data for the volume of water provided to residential customers in April, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for April, 2013 and applying that ratio to TMPP of April, 2018 to get the approximate volume of residential water use for April, 2018. The population for 2018 was interpolated using 2013 ABAG projections. 3. For Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional (CII) water use, EBMUD used a methodology similar to that for calculating R-GPCD. Billing data for the volume of water provided to CII customers in April, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for April, 2013 was calculated, and that ratio was applied to the TMPP for April, 2018 to get the approximate volume of CII water use for April, 2018.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.43*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[61., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "Although EBMUD is not currently implementing its shorter-term water shortage emergency regulations but Water Service Regulation Section 29, longer-term water waste prohibitions, is continuously enforced. Section 29 details ongoing requirements that residential and nonresidential customers must observe to eliminate the wasteful use of water. For example, residential customers are required to irrigate their property in a manner that does not result in excessive flooding or runoff. On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities.", "Implementation" -> "Note that in the previous months, since July, 2016, had been incorrectly reporting the 'Actions Taken'...the action taken were marked as those that had been previously implemented, not just in the 'reporting month'. EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 that includes initiatives to comply with the state’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). EBMUD’s Board adopted on December 9, 2014 a declaration to increase customer water use reductions to 15% starting Jan, 2015. The Board adopted on April 14th, 2015 a revised Drought Management Program and declared that EBMUD has entered the critical stage in their water supply. EBMUD’s Board on April 14, 2015 adopted a mandatory 20% district-wide reduction in water use with 2013 as the baseline year. On May 10, 2016: o EBMUD’s Board declared a Stage 0 drought based on the “TSS Scenario” contained in the District’s Drought Management Program Guidelines. o Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded the District’s Water Shortage Emergency Declaration, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded District-wide mandatory 20 percent water use reduction goal, effective June 30, 2016. In March, 2016, the Board adopted revised Drought Management Program guidelines that clarified triggers to obtain supplemental supply. The current DMP guidelines can be found in the District’s 2015 Urban Water Management Plan (Chapter 3. Water Shortage Contingency Plan).", "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.1849*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.4175*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[8.65*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[60.4810722610722, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[62., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "Although EBMUD is not currently implementing its shorter-term water shortage emergency regulations but Water Service Regulation Section 29, longer-term water waste prohibitions, is continuously enforced. Section 29 details ongoing requirements that residential and nonresidential customers must observe to eliminate the wasteful use of water. For example, residential customers are required to irrigate their property in a manner that does not result in excessive flooding or runoff. On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "0", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2018, 3, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.0068*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.9275*^9, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[862000000, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context…the average R-GPCD for March from 2005-2007 is 71 gpcd using metered consumption data. The R-GPCD for March, 2013 is 71 gpcd. 2. For the PRU and R-GPCD, applied SWRCB’s recommended methodology of using billing data for the volume of water provided to residential customers in March, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for March, 2013 and applying that ratio to TMPP of March, 2018 to get the approximate volume of residential water use for February, 2018. The population for 2018 was interpolated using 2013 ABAG projections. 3. For Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional (CII) water use, EBMUD used a methodology similar to that for calculating R-GPCD. Billing data for the volume of water provided to CII customers in March, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for March, 2013 was calculated, and that ratio was applied to the TMPP for March, 2018 to get the approximate volume of CII water use for March, 2018.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.43*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[55., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "Although EBMUD is not currently implementing its shorter-term water shortage emergency regulations but Water Service Regulation Section 29, longer-term water waste prohibitions, is continuously enforced. Section 29 details ongoing requirements that residential and nonresidential customers must observe to eliminate the wasteful use of water. For example, residential customers are required to irrigate their property in a manner that does not result in excessive flooding or runoff. On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities.", "Implementation" -> "Note that in the previous months, since July, 2016, had been incorrectly reporting the 'Actions Taken'...the action taken were marked as those that had been previously implemented, not just in the 'reporting month'. EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 that includes initiatives to comply with the state’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). EBMUD’s Board adopted on December 9, 2014 a declaration to increase customer water use reductions to 15% starting Jan, 2015. The Board adopted on April 14th, 2015 a revised Drought Management Program and declared that EBMUD has entered the critical stage in their water supply. EBMUD’s Board on April 14, 2015 adopted a mandatory 20% district-wide reduction in water use with 2013 as the baseline year. On May 10, 2016: o EBMUD’s Board declared a Stage 0 drought based on the “TSS Scenario” contained in the District’s Drought Management Program Guidelines. o Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded the District’s Water Shortage Emergency Declaration, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded District-wide mandatory 20 percent water use reduction goal, effective June 30, 2016. In March, 2016, the Board adopted revised Drought Management Program guidelines that clarified triggers to obtain supplemental supply. The current DMP guidelines can be found in the District’s 2015 Urban Water Management Plan (Chapter 3. Water Shortage Contingency Plan).", "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.0068*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.9275*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[8.62*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[55.1353034062711, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[61., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "Although EBMUD is not currently implementing its shorter-term water shortage emergency regulations but Water Service Regulation Section 29, longer-term water waste prohibitions, is continuously enforced. Section 29 details ongoing requirements that residential and nonresidential customers must observe to eliminate the wasteful use of water. For example, residential customers are required to irrigate their property in a manner that does not result in excessive flooding or runoff. On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "0", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2018, 2, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.9255*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.0164*^9, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[886000000, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context…the average R-GPCD for February from 2005-2007 is 68 gpcd using metered consumption data. The R-GPCD for February, 2013 is 64 gpcd. 2. For the PRU and R-GPCD, applied SWRCB’s recommended methodology of using billing data for the volume of water provided to residential customers in February, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for February, 2013 and applying that ratio to TMPP of February, 2018 to get the approximate volume of residential water use for February, 2018. The population for 2018 was interpolated using 2013 ABAG projections. 3. For Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional (CII) water use, EBMUD used a methodology similar to that for calculating R-GPCD. Billing data for the volume of water provided to CII customers in February, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for February, 2013 was calculated, and that ratio was applied to the TMPP for February, 2018 to get the approximate volume of CII water use for February, 2018.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.43*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[60., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "Although EBMUD is not currently implementing its shorter-term water shortage emergency regulations but Water Service Regulation Section 29, longer-term water waste prohibitions, is continuously enforced. Section 29 details ongoing requirements that residential and nonresidential customers must observe to eliminate the wasteful use of water. For example, residential customers are required to irrigate their property in a manner that does not result in excessive flooding or runoff. On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities.", "Implementation" -> "Note that in the previous months, since July, 2016, had been incorrectly reporting the 'Actions Taken'...the action taken were marked as those that had been previously implemented, not just in the 'reporting month'. EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 that includes initiatives to comply with the state’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). EBMUD’s Board adopted on December 9, 2014 a declaration to increase customer water use reductions to 15% starting Jan, 2015. The Board adopted on April 14th, 2015 a revised Drought Management Program and declared that EBMUD has entered the critical stage in their water supply. EBMUD’s Board on April 14, 2015 adopted a mandatory 20% district-wide reduction in water use with 2013 as the baseline year. On May 10, 2016: o EBMUD’s Board declared a Stage 0 drought based on the “TSS Scenario” contained in the District’s Drought Management Program Guidelines. o Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded the District’s Water Shortage Emergency Declaration, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded District-wide mandatory 20 percent water use reduction goal, effective June 30, 2016. In March, 2016, the Board adopted revised Drought Management Program guidelines that clarified triggers to obtain supplemental supply. The current DMP guidelines can be found in the District’s 2015 Urban Water Management Plan (Chapter 3. Water Shortage Contingency Plan).", "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.9255*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.0164*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[8.86*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[59.8040709290709, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[61., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "Although EBMUD is not currently implementing its shorter-term water shortage emergency regulations but Water Service Regulation Section 29, longer-term water waste prohibitions, is continuously enforced. Section 29 details ongoing requirements that residential and nonresidential customers must observe to eliminate the wasteful use of water. For example, residential customers are required to irrigate their property in a manner that does not result in excessive flooding or runoff. On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "0", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2018, 1, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.8811*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.0993*^9, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[893000000, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context…the average R-GPCD for January from 2005-2007 is 68 gpcd using metered consumption data. The R-GPCD for January, 2013 is 60 gpcd. 2. For the PRU and R-GPCD, applied SWRCB’s recommended methodology of using billing data for the volume of water provided to residential customers in January, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for January, 2013 and applying that ratio to TMPP of January, 2018 to get the approximate volume of residential water use for January, 2018. The population for 2018 was interpolated using 2013 ABAG projections. 3. For Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional (CII) water use, EBMUD used a methodology similar to that for calculating R-GPCD. Billing data for the volume of water provided to CII customers in January, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for January, 2013 was calculated, and that ratio was applied to the TMPP for January, 2018 to get the approximate volume of CII water use for January, 2018.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.43*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[54., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "Although EBMUD is not currently implementing its shorter-term water shortage emergency regulations but Water Service Regulation Section 29, longer-term water waste prohibitions, is continuously enforced. Section 29 details ongoing requirements that residential and nonresidential customers must observe to eliminate the wasteful use of water. For example, residential customers are required to irrigate their property in a manner that does not result in excessive flooding or runoff. On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities.", "Implementation" -> "•Note that in the previous months, since July, 2016, have been incorrectly reporting the 'Actions Taken'...the action taken were marked as those that had been previously implemented, not just in the 'reporting month'. EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 that includes initiatives to comply with the state’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). EBMUD’s Board adopted on December 9, 2014 a declaration to increase customer water use reductions to 15% starting Jan, 2015. The Board adopted on April 14th, 2015 a revised Drought Management Program and declared that EBMUD has entered the critical stage in their water supply. EBMUD’s Board on April 14, 2015 adopted a mandatory 20% district-wide reduction in water use with 2013 as the baseline year. On May 10, 2016: o EBMUD’s Board declared a Stage 0 drought based on the “TSS Scenario” contained in the District’s Drought Management Program Guidelines. o Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded the District’s Water Shortage Emergency Declaration, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded District-wide mandatory 20 percent water use reduction goal, effective June 30, 2016. In March, 2016, the Board adopted revised Drought Management Program guidelines that clarified triggers to obtain supplemental supply. The current DMP guidelines can be found in the District’s 2015 Urban Water Management Plan (Chapter 3. Water Shortage Contingency Plan).", "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.8811*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.0993*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[8.93*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[54.2811188811189, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[62., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "Although EBMUD is not currently implementing its shorter-term water shortage emergency regulations but Water Service Regulation Section 29, longer-term water waste prohibitions, is continuously enforced. Section 29 details ongoing requirements that residential and nonresidential customers must observe to eliminate the wasteful use of water. For example, residential customers are required to irrigate their property in a manner that does not result in excessive flooding or runoff. On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "0", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 12, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.2583*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4772000000, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[966000000, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context…the average R-GPCD for December from 2005-2007 is 71 gpcd using metered consumption data. The R-GPCD for December, 2013 is 70 gpcd. 2. For the PRU and R-GPCD, applied SWRCB’s recommended methodology of using billing data for the volume of water provided to residential customers in December, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for December, 2013 and applying that ratio to TMPP of December, 2017 to get the approximate volume of residential water use for December, 2017. The population for 2017 was interpolated using 2013 ABAG projections. 3. For Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional (CII) water use, EBMUD used a methodology similar to that for calculating R-GPCD. Billing data for the volume of water provided to CII customers in December, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for December, 2013 was calculated, and that ratio was applied to the TMPP for December, 2017 to get the approximate volume of CII water use for December, 2017.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.41*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[61., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "Although EBMUD is not currently implementing its shorter-term water shortage emergency regulations but Water Service Regulation Section 29, longer-term water waste prohibitions, is continuously enforced. Section 29 details ongoing requirements that residential and nonresidential customers must observe to eliminate the wasteful use of water. For example, residential customers are required to irrigate their property in a manner that does not result in excessive flooding or runoff. On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities.", "Implementation" -> "•Note that in the previous months, since July, 2016, have been incorrectly reporting the 'Actions Taken'...the action taken were marked as those that had been previously implemented, not just in the 'reporting month'. EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 that includes initiatives to comply with the state’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). EBMUD’s Board adopted on December 9, 2014 a declaration to increase customer water use reductions to 15% starting Jan, 2015. The Board adopted on April 14th, 2015 a revised Drought Management Program and declared that EBMUD has entered the critical stage in their water supply. EBMUD’s Board on April 14, 2015 adopted a mandatory 20% district-wide reduction in water use with 2013 as the baseline year. On May 10, 2016: o EBMUD’s Board declared a Stage 0 drought based on the “TSS Scenario” contained in the District’s Drought Management Program Guidelines. o Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded the District’s Water Shortage Emergency Declaration, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded District-wide mandatory 20 percent water use reduction goal, effective June 30, 2016.", "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.2583*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.772*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[9.66*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[60.4014184397163, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[62., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "Although EBMUD is not currently implementing its shorter-term water shortage emergency regulations but Water Service Regulation Section 29, longer-term water waste prohibitions, is continuously enforced. Section 29 details ongoing requirements that residential and nonresidential customers must observe to eliminate the wasteful use of water. For example, residential customers are required to irrigate their property in a manner that does not result in excessive flooding or runoff. On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "0", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 11, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.2293*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.1486*^9, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[924000000, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context…the average R-GPCD for October from 2005-2007 is 97 gpcd using metered consumption data. The R-GPCD for October, 2013 is 88 gpcd. 2. For the PRU and R-GPCD, applied SWRCB’s recommended methodology of using billing data for the volume of water provided to residential customers in October, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for October, 2013 and applying that ratio to TMPP of October, 2017 to get the approximate volume of residential water use for October, 2017. The population for 2017 was interpolated using 2013 ABAG projections. 3. For Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional (CII) water use, EBMUD used a methodology similar to that for calculating R-GPCD. Billing data for the volume of water provided to CII customers in October, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for October, 2013 was calculated, and that ratio was applied to the TMPP for October, 2017 to get the approximate volume of CII water use for October, 2017.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.41*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[61., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "Although EBMUD is not currently implementing its shorter-term water shortage emergency regulations but Water Service Regulation Section 29, longer-term water waste prohibitions, is continuously enforced. Section 29 details ongoing requirements that residential and nonresidential customers must observe to eliminate the wasteful use of water. For example, residential customers are required to irrigate their property in a manner that does not result in excessive flooding or runoff. On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities.", "Implementation" -> "•Note that in the previous months, since July, 2016, have been incorrectly reporting the 'Actions Taken'...the action taken were marked as those that had been previously implemented, not just in the 'reporting month'. EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 that includes initiatives to comply with the state’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). EBMUD’s Board adopted on December 9, 2014 a declaration to increase customer water use reductions to 15% starting Jan, 2015. The Board adopted on April 14th, 2015 a revised Drought Management Program and declared that EBMUD has entered the critical stage in their water supply. EBMUD’s Board on April 14, 2015 adopted a mandatory 20% district-wide reduction in water use with 2013 as the baseline year. On May 10, 2016: o EBMUD’s Board declared a Stage 0 drought based on the “TSS Scenario” contained in the District’s Drought Management Program Guidelines. o Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded the District’s Water Shortage Emergency Declaration, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded District-wide mandatory 20 percent water use reduction goal, effective June 30, 2016.", "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.2293*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.1486*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[9.24*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[60.9899054373522, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[61., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "Although EBMUD is not currently implementing its shorter-term water shortage emergency regulations but Water Service Regulation Section 29, longer-term water waste prohibitions, is continuously enforced. Section 29 details ongoing requirements that residential and nonresidential customers must observe to eliminate the wasteful use of water. For example, residential customers are required to irrigate their property in a manner that does not result in excessive flooding or runoff. On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "0", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 10, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.7037*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6175000000, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.2588*^9, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context…the average R-GPCD for October from 2005-2007 is 97 gpcd using metered consumption data. The R-GPCD for October, 2013 is 88 gpcd. 2. For the PRU and R-GPCD, applied SWRCB’s recommended methodology of using billing data for the volume of water provided to residential customers in October, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for October, 2013 and applying that ratio to TMPP of October, 2017 to get the approximate volume of residential water use for October, 2017. The population for 2017 was interpolated using 2013 ABAG projections. 3. For Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional (CII) water use, EBMUD used a methodology similar to that for calculating R-GPCD. Billing data for the volume of water provided to CII customers in October, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for October, 2013 was calculated, and that ratio was applied to the TMPP for October, 2017 to get the approximate volume of CII water use for October, 2017.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.41*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[78., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "Although EBMUD is not currently implementing its shorter-term water shortage emergency regulations but Water Service Regulation Section 29, longer-term water waste prohibitions, is continuously enforced. Section 29 details ongoing requirements that residential and nonresidential customers must observe to eliminate the wasteful use of water. For example, residential customers are required to irrigate their property in a manner that does not result in excessive flooding or runoff. On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities.", "Implementation" -> "•Note that in the previous months, since July, 2016, have been incorrectly reporting the 'Actions Taken'...the action taken were marked as those that had been previously implemented, not just in the 'reporting month'. EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 that includes initiatives to comply with the state’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). EBMUD’s Board adopted on December 9, 2014 a declaration to increase customer water use reductions to 15% starting Jan, 2015. The Board adopted on April 14th, 2015 a revised Drought Management Program and declared that EBMUD has entered the critical stage in their water supply. EBMUD’s Board on April 14, 2015 adopted a mandatory 20% district-wide reduction in water use with 2013 as the baseline year. On May 10, 2016: o EBMUD’s Board declared a Stage 0 drought based on the “TSS Scenario” contained in the District’s Drought Management Program Guidelines. o Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded the District’s Water Shortage Emergency Declaration, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded District-wide mandatory 20 percent water use reduction goal, effective June 30, 2016.", "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.7037*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.175*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.2588*^9, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[78.2937542896362, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[60., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "Although EBMUD is not currently implementing its shorter-term water shortage emergency regulations but Water Service Regulation Section 29, longer-term water waste prohibitions, is continuously enforced. Section 29 details ongoing requirements that residential and nonresidential customers must observe to eliminate the wasteful use of water. For example, residential customers are required to irrigate their property in a manner that does not result in excessive flooding or runoff. On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "0", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 9, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.0398*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.5284*^9, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1292000000, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context…the average R-GPCD for September from 2005-2007 is 114 gpcd using metered consumption data. The R-GPCD for September, 2013 is 97 gpcd. 2. For the PRU and R-GPCD, applied SWRCB’s recommended methodology of using billing data for the volume of water provided to residential customers in September, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for September, 2013 and applying that ratio to TMPP of September, 2017 to get the approximate volume of residential water use for September, 2017. The population for 2017 was interpolated using 2013 ABAG projections. 3. For Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional (CII) water use, EBMUD used a methodology similar to that for calculating R-GPCD. Billing data for the volume of water provided to CII customers in September, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for September, 2013 was calculated, and that ratio was applied to the TMPP for September, 2017 to get the approximate volume of CII water use for September, 2017.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.41*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[84., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "Although EBMUD is not currently implementing its shorter-term water shortage emergency regulations but Water Service Regulation Section 29, longer-term water waste prohibitions, is continuously enforced. Section 29 details ongoing requirements that residential and nonresidential customers must observe to eliminate the wasteful use of water. For example, residential customers are required to irrigate their property in a manner that does not result in excessive flooding or runoff. On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities.", "Implementation" -> "•Note that in the previous months, since July, 2016, have been incorrectly reporting the 'Actions Taken'...the action taken were marked as those that had been previously implemented, not just in the 'reporting month'. EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 that includes initiatives to comply with the state’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). EBMUD’s Board adopted on December 9, 2014 a declaration to increase customer water use reductions to 15% starting Jan, 2015. The Board adopted on April 14th, 2015 a revised Drought Management Program and declared that EBMUD has entered the critical stage in their water supply. EBMUD’s Board on April 14, 2015 adopted a mandatory 20% district-wide reduction in water use with 2013 as the baseline year. On May 10, 2016: o EBMUD’s Board declared a Stage 0 drought based on the “TSS Scenario” contained in the District’s Drought Management Program Guidelines. o Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded the District’s Water Shortage Emergency Declaration, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded District-wide mandatory 20 percent water use reduction goal, effective June 30, 2016.", "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.0398*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.5284*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.292*^9, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[87.0987706855792, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[61., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "Although EBMUD is not currently implementing its shorter-term water shortage emergency regulations but Water Service Regulation Section 29, longer-term water waste prohibitions, is continuously enforced. Section 29 details ongoing requirements that residential and nonresidential customers must observe to eliminate the wasteful use of water. For example, residential customers are required to irrigate their property in a manner that does not result in excessive flooding or runoff. On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "0", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 8, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.4447*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[7.1723*^9, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1224000000, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context as EBMUD continues to face the second drought period since 2007…the average R-GPCD for August from 2005-2007 is 124 gpcd using metered consumption data. The R-GPCD for August, 2013 is 103 gpcd. 2. For the PRU and R-GPCD, applied SWRCB’s recommended methodology of using billing data for the volume of water provided to residential customers in August, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for August, 2013 and applying that ratio to TMPP of August, 2017 to get the approximate volume of residential water use for August, 2017. The population for 2017 was interpolated using 2013 ABAG projections. 3. For Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional (CII) water use, EBMUD used a methodology similar to that for calculating R-GPCD. Billing data for the volume of water provided to CII customers in August, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for August, 2013 was calculated, and that ratio was applied to the TMPP for August, 2017 to get the approximate volume of CII water use for August, 2017.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.41*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[90., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "Although EBMUD is not currently implementing its shorter-term water shortage emergency regulations but Water Service Regulation Section 29, longer-term water waste prohibitions, is continuously enforced. Section 29 details ongoing requirements that residential and nonresidential customers must observe to eliminate the wasteful use of water. For example, residential customers are required to irrigate their property in a manner that does not result in excessive flooding or runoff. On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities.", "Implementation" -> "•Note that in the previous months, since July, 2016, have been incorrectly reporting the 'Actions Taken'...the action taken were marked as those that had been previously implemented, not just in the 'reporting month'. EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 that includes initiatives to comply with the state’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). EBMUD’s Board adopted on December 9, 2014 a declaration to increase customer water use reductions to 15% starting Jan, 2015. The Board adopted on April 14th, 2015 a revised Drought Management Program and declared that EBMUD has entered the critical stage in their water supply. EBMUD’s Board on April 14, 2015 adopted a mandatory 20% district-wide reduction in water use with 2013 as the baseline year. On May 10, 2016: o EBMUD’s Board declared a Stage 0 drought based on the “TSS Scenario” contained in the District’s Drought Management Program Guidelines. o Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded the District’s Water Shortage Emergency Declaration, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded District-wide mandatory 20 percent water use reduction goal, effective June 30, 2016.", "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.4447*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.1723*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.224*^9, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[89.9397620681766, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[61., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "Although EBMUD is not currently implementing its shorter-term water shortage emergency regulations but Water Service Regulation Section 29, longer-term water waste prohibitions, is continuously enforced. Section 29 details ongoing requirements that residential and nonresidential customers must observe to eliminate the wasteful use of water. For example, residential customers are required to irrigate their property in a manner that does not result in excessive flooding or runoff. On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "0", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 7, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.5317*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[7.4522*^9, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1212000000, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context as EBMUD continues to face the second drought period since 2007…the average R-GPCD for July from 2005-2007 is 125 gpcd using metered consumption data. The R-GPCD for July, 2013 is 105 gpcd. 2. For the PRU and R-GPCD, applied SWRCB’s recommended methodology of using billing data for the volume of water provided to residential customers in July, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for July, 2013 and applying that ratio to TMPP of July, 2017 to get the approximate volume of residential water use for July, 2017. The population for 2017 was interpolated using 2013 ABAG projections. 3. For Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional (CII) water use, EBMUD used a methodology similar to that for calculating R-GPCD. Billing data for the volume of water provided to CII customers in July, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for July, 2013 was calculated, and that ratio was applied to the TMPP for July, 2017 to get the approximate volume of CII water use for July, 2017.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.41*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[89., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "Although EBMUD is not currently implementing its shorter-term water shortage emergency regulations but Water Service Regulation Section 29, longer-term water waste prohibitions, is continuously enforced. Section 29 details ongoing requirements that residential and nonresidential customers must observe to eliminate the wasteful use of water. For example, residential customers are required to irrigate their property in a manner that does not result in excessive flooding or runoff. On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities.", "Implementation" -> "•Note that in the previous months, since July, 2016, have been incorrectly reporting the 'Actions Taken'...the action taken were marked as those that had been previously implemented, not just in the 'reporting month'. EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 that includes initiatives to comply with the state’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). EBMUD’s Board adopted on December 9, 2014 a declaration to increase customer water use reductions to 15% starting Jan, 2015. The Board adopted on April 14th, 2015 a revised Drought Management Program and declared that EBMUD has entered the critical stage in their water supply. EBMUD’s Board on April 14, 2015 adopted a mandatory 20% district-wide reduction in water use with 2013 as the baseline year. On May 10, 2016: o EBMUD’s Board declared a Stage 0 drought based on the “TSS Scenario” contained in the District’s Drought Management Program Guidelines. o Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded the District’s Water Shortage Emergency Declaration, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded District-wide mandatory 20 percent water use reduction goal, effective June 30, 2016.", "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.5317*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.4522*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.212*^9, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[89.6595744680851, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[60., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "Although EBMUD is not currently implementing its shorter-term water shortage emergency regulations but Water Service Regulation Section 29, longer-term water waste prohibitions, is continuously enforced. Section 29 details ongoing requirements that residential and nonresidential customers must observe to eliminate the wasteful use of water. For example, residential customers are required to irrigate their property in a manner that does not result in excessive flooding or runoff. On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "0", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 6, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.9526*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.9275*^9, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1132000000, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context as EBMUD continues to face the second drought period since 2007…the average R-GPCD for June from 2005-2007 is 116 gpcd using metered consumption data. The R-GPCD for June, 2013 is 102 gpcd. 2. For the PRU and R-GPCD, applied SWRCB’s recommended methodology of using billing data for the volume of water provided to residential customers in June, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for June, 2013 and applying that ratio to TMPP of June, 2017 to get the approximate volume of residential water use for June, 2017. The population for 2017 was interpolated using 2013 ABAG projections. 3. For Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional (CII) water use, EBMUD used a methodology similar to that for calculating R-GPCD. Billing data for the volume of water provided to CII customers in June, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for June, 2013 was calculated, and that ratio was applied to the TMPP for June, 2017 to get the approximate volume of CII water use for June, 2017.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.41*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[85., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "Although EBMUD is not currently implementing its shorter-term water shortage emergency regulations but Water Service Regulation Section 29, longer-term water waste prohibitions, is continuously enforced. Section 29 details ongoing requirements that residential and nonresidential customers must observe to eliminate the wasteful use of water. For example, residential customers are required to irrigate their property in a manner that does not result in excessive flooding or runoff. On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities.", "Implementation" -> "•Note that previous months since July, 2016 have been incorrectly reporting the 'Actions Taken'...the action taken were marked as those that had been previously implemented, not in the 'reporting month'. Will be correctly reported moving forward. EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 that includes initiatives to comply with the state’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). EBMUD’s Board adopted on December 9, 2014 a declaration to increase customer water use reductions to 15% starting Jan, 2015. The Board adopted on April 14th, 2015 a revised Drought Management Program and declared that EBMUD has entered the critical stage in their water supply. EBMUD’s Board on April 14, 2015 adopted a mandatory 20% district-wide reduction in water use with 2013 as the baseline year. On May 10, 2016: o EBMUD’s Board declared a Stage 0 drought based on the “TSS Scenario” contained in the District’s Drought Management Program Guidelines. o Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded the District’s Water Shortage Emergency Declaration, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded District-wide mandatory 20 percent water use reduction goal, effective June 30, 2016.", "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.9526*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.9275*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.132*^9, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[85.8412765957447, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[61., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "Although EBMUD is not currently implementing its shorter-term water shortage emergency regulations but Water Service Regulation Section 29, longer-term water waste prohibitions, is continuously enforced. Section 29 details ongoing requirements that residential and nonresidential customers must observe to eliminate the wasteful use of water. For example, residential customers are required to irrigate their property in a manner that does not result in excessive flooding or runoff. On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "0", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 5, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5551000000, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.7165*^9, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1069000000, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context as EBMUD continues to face the second drought period since 2007…the average R-GPCD for May from 2005-2007 is 99 gpcd using metered consumption data. The R-GPCD for May, 2013 is 95 gpcd. 2. For the PRU and R-GPCD, applied SWRCB’s recommended methodology of using billing data for the volume of water provided to residential customers in May, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for May, 2013 and applying that ratio to TMPP of May, 2017 to get the approximate volume of residential water use for May, 2017. The population for 2017 was interpolated using 2013 ABAG projections. 3. For Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional (CII) water use, EBMUD used a methodology similar to that for calculating R-GPCD. Billing data for the volume of water provided to CII customers in May, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for May, 2013 was calculated, and that ratio was applied to the TMPP for May, 2017 to get the approximate volume of CII water use for May, 2017.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.41*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[76., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "Although EBMUD is not currently implementing its shorter-term water shortage emergency regulations but Water Service Regulation Section 29, longer-term water waste prohibitions, is continuously enforced. Section 29 details ongoing requirements that residential and nonresidential customers must observe to eliminate the wasteful use of water. For example, residential customers are required to irrigate their property in a manner that does not result in excessive flooding or runoff. On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities.", "Implementation" -> "• EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 that includes initiatives to comply with the state’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). EBMUD’s Board adopted on December 9, 2014 a declaration to increase customer water use reductions to 15% starting Jan, 2015. The Board adopted on April 14th, 2015 a revised Drought Management Program and declared that EBMUD has entered the critical stage in their water supply. EBMUD’s Board on April 14, 2015 adopted a mandatory 20% district-wide reduction in water use with 2013 as the baseline year. On May 10, 2016: o EBMUD’s Board declared a Stage 0 drought based on the “TSS Scenario” contained in the District’s Drought Management Program Guidelines. o Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded the District’s Water Shortage Emergency Declaration, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded District-wide mandatory 20 percent water use reduction goal, effective June 30, 2016.", "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.551*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.7165*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.069*^9, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[76.1976664378861, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[60., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "Although EBMUD is not currently implementing its shorter-term water shortage emergency regulations but Water Service Regulation Section 29, longer-term water waste prohibitions, is continuously enforced. Section 29 details ongoing requirements that residential and nonresidential customers must observe to eliminate the wasteful use of water. For example, residential customers are required to irrigate their property in a manner that does not result in excessive flooding or runoff. On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "0", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 4, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.9581*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.4175*^9, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[818000000, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context as EBMUD continues to face the second drought period since 2007…the average R-GPCD for April from 2005-2007 is 81 gpcd using metered consumption data. The R-GPCD for April, 2013 is 82 gpcd. 2. For the PRU and R-GPCD, applied SWRCB’s recommended methodology of using billing data for the volume of water provided to residential customers in April, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for April, 2013 and applying that ratio to TMPP of April, 2017 to get the approximate volume of residential water use for April, 2017. The population for 2017 was interpolated using 2013 ABAG projections. 3. For Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional (CII) water use, EBMUD used a methodology similar to that for calculating R-GPCD. Billing data for the volume of water provided to CII customers in April, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for April, 2013 was calculated, and that ratio was applied to the TMPP for April, 2017 to get the approximate volume of CII water use for April, 2017.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.41*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[58., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "Although EBMUD is not currently implementing its shorter-term water shortage emergency regulations but Water Service Regulation Section 29, longer-term water waste prohibitions, is continuously enforced. Section 29 details ongoing requirements that residential and nonresidential customers must observe to eliminate the wasteful use of water. For example, residential customers are required to irrigate their property in a manner that does not result in excessive flooding or runoff. On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities.", "Implementation" -> "• EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 that includes initiatives to comply with the state’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). EBMUD’s Board adopted on December 9, 2014 a declaration to increase customer water use reductions to 15% starting Jan, 2015. The Board adopted on April 14th, 2015 a revised Drought Management Program and declared that EBMUD has entered the critical stage in their water supply. EBMUD’s Board on April 14, 2015 adopted a mandatory 20% district-wide reduction in water use with 2013 as the baseline year. On May 10, 2016: o EBMUD’s Board declared a Stage 0 drought based on the “TSS Scenario” contained in the District’s Drought Management Program Guidelines. o Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded the District’s Water Shortage Emergency Declaration, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded District-wide mandatory 20 percent water use reduction goal, effective June 30, 2016.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.9581*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.4175*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[8.18*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[58.0147044917258, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[62., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "Although EBMUD is not currently implementing its shorter-term water shortage emergency regulations but Water Service Regulation Section 29, longer-term water waste prohibitions, is continuously enforced. Section 29 details ongoing requirements that residential and nonresidential customers must observe to eliminate the wasteful use of water. For example, residential customers are required to irrigate their property in a manner that does not result in excessive flooding or runoff. On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "0", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 3, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.8841*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.9275*^9, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[836000000, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context as EBMUD continues to face the second drought period since 2007…the average R-GPCD for March from 2005-2007 is 71 gpcd using metered consumption data. The R-GPCD for March, 2013 is 71 gpcd. 2. For the PRU and R-GPCD, applied SWRCB’s recommended methodology of using billing data for the volume of water provided to residential customers in March, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for March, 2013 and applying that ratio to TMPP of March, 2017 to get the approximate volume of residential water use for March, 2017. The population for 2017 was interpolated using 2013 ABAG projections. 3. For Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional (CII) water use, EBMUD used a methodology similar to that for calculating R-GPCD. Billing data for the volume of water provided to CII customers in March, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for March, 2013 was calculated, and that ratio was applied to the TMPP for March, 2017 to get the approximate volume of CII water use for March, 2017.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.41*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[54., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "Although EBMUD is not currently implementing its shorter-term water shortage emergency regulations but Water Service Regulation Section 29, longer-term water waste prohibitions, is continuously enforced. Section 29 details ongoing requirements that residential and nonresidential customers must observe to eliminate the wasteful use of water. For example, residential customers are required to irrigate their property in a manner that does not result in excessive flooding or runoff. On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities.", "Implementation" -> "• EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 that includes initiatives to comply with the state’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). EBMUD’s Board adopted on December 9, 2014 a declaration to increase customer water use reductions to 15% starting Jan, 2015. The Board adopted on April 14th, 2015 a revised Drought Management Program and declared that EBMUD has entered the critical stage in their water supply. EBMUD’s Board on April 14, 2015 adopted a mandatory 20% district-wide reduction in water use with 2013 as the baseline year. On May 10, 2016: o EBMUD’s Board declared a Stage 0 drought based on the “TSS Scenario” contained in the District’s Drought Management Program Guidelines. o Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded the District’s Water Shortage Emergency Declaration, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded District-wide mandatory 20 percent water use reduction goal, effective June 30, 2016.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.8841*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.9275*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[8.36*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[54.205010295127, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[61., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "Although EBMUD is not currently implementing its shorter-term water shortage emergency regulations but Water Service Regulation Section 29, longer-term water waste prohibitions, is continuously enforced. Section 29 details ongoing requirements that residential and nonresidential customers must observe to eliminate the wasteful use of water. For example, residential customers are required to irrigate their property in a manner that does not result in excessive flooding or runoff. On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "0", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 2, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.4033*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.0164*^9, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[768000000, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context as EBMUD continues to face the second drought period since 2007…the average R-GPCD for February from 2005-2007 is 68 gpcd using metered consumption data. The R-GPCD for February, 2013 is 64 gpcd. 2. For the PRU and R-GPCD, applied SWRCB’s recommended methodology of using billing data for the volume of water provided to residential customers in Feb, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for Feb, 2013 and applying that ratio to TMPP of Feb, 2017 to get the approximate volume of residential water use for Feb, 2017. The population for 2017 was interpolated using 2013 ABAG projections. 3. For Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional (CII) water use, EBMUD used a methodology similar to that for calculating R-GPCD. Billing data for the volume of water provided to CII customers in Feb, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for Feb, 2013 was calculated, and that ratio was applied to the TMPP for Feb, 2017 to get the approximate volume of CII water use for Feb, 2017.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.41*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[52., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "Although EBMUD is not currently implementing its shorter-term water shortage emergency regulations but Water Service Regulation Section 29, longer-term water waste prohibitions, is continuously enforced. Section 29 details ongoing requirements that residential and nonresidential customers must observe to eliminate the wasteful use of water. For example, residential customers are required to irrigate their property in a manner that does not result in excessive flooding or runoff. On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities.", "Implementation" -> "• EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 that includes initiatives to comply with the state’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). EBMUD’s Board adopted on December 9, 2014 a declaration to increase customer water use reductions to 15% starting Jan, 2015. The Board adopted on April 14th, 2015 a revised Drought Management Program and declared that EBMUD has entered the critical stage in their water supply. EBMUD’s Board on April 14, 2015 adopted a mandatory 20% district-wide reduction in water use with 2013 as the baseline year. On May 10, 2016: o EBMUD’s Board declared a Stage 0 drought based on the “TSS Scenario” contained in the District’s Drought Management Program Guidelines. o Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded the District’s Water Shortage Emergency Declaration, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded District-wide mandatory 20 percent water use reduction goal, effective June 30, 2016.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.4033*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.0164*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[7.68*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[52.5839159067882, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[61., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "Although EBMUD is not currently implementing its shorter-term water shortage emergency regulations but Water Service Regulation Section 29, longer-term water waste prohibitions, is continuously enforced. Section 29 details ongoing requirements that residential and nonresidential customers must observe to eliminate the wasteful use of water. For example, residential customers are required to irrigate their property in a manner that does not result in excessive flooding or runoff. On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "0", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 1, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.7471*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.0993*^9, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[862000000, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context as EBMUD continues to face the second drought period since 2007…the average R-GPCD for January from 2005-2007 is 68 gpcd using metered consumption data. The R-GPCD for January, 2017 is 60 gpcd. 2. For the PRU and R-GPCD, applied SWRCB’s recommended methodology of using billing data for the volume of water provided to residential customers in Jan, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for Jan, 2013 and applying that ratio to TMPP of Jan, 2017 to get the approximate volume of residential water use for Jan, 2017. The population for 2017 was interpolated using 2013 ABAG projections. 3. For Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional (CII) water use, EBMUD used a methodology similar to that for calculating R-GPCD. Billing data for the volume of water provided to CII customers in Jan, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for Jan, 2013 was calculated, and that ratio was applied to the TMPP for Jan, 2017 to get the approximate volume of CII water use for Jan, 2017.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.39*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[53., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "Although EBMUD is not currently implementing its shorter-term water shortage emergency regulations but Water Service Regulation Section 29, longer-term water waste prohibitions, is continuously enforced. Section 29 details ongoing requirements that residential and nonresidential customers must observe to eliminate the wasteful use of water. For example, residential customers are required to irrigate their property in a manner that does not result in excessive flooding or runoff. On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities.", "Implementation" -> "• EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 that includes initiatives to comply with the state’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). EBMUD’s Board adopted on December 9, 2014 a declaration to increase customer water use reductions to 15% starting Jan, 2015. The Board adopted on April 14th, 2015 a revised Drought Management Program and declared that EBMUD has entered the critical stage in their water supply. EBMUD’s Board on April 14, 2015 adopted a mandatory 20% district-wide reduction in water use with 2013 as the baseline year. On May 10, 2016: o EBMUD’s Board declared a Stage 0 drought based on the “TSS Scenario” contained in the District’s Drought Management Program Guidelines. o Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded the District’s Water Shortage Emergency Declaration, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded District-wide mandatory 20 percent water use reduction goal, effective June 30, 2016.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.7471*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.0993*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[8.62*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[53.9151079136691, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[62., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 97, "FollowUps" -> 90, "Warnings" -> 1, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "Although EBMUD is not currently implementing its shorter-term water shortage emergency regulations but Water Service Regulation Section 29, longer-term water waste prohibitions, is continuously enforced. Section 29 details ongoing requirements that residential and nonresidential customers must observe to eliminate the wasteful use of water. For example, residential customers are required to irrigate their property in a manner that does not result in excessive flooding or runoff. On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "0", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 12, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.7674*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4772000000, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[855000000, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context as EBMUD continues to face the second drought period since 2007…the average R-GPCD for December from 2005-2007 is 71 gpcd using metered consumption data. The R-GPCD for December, 2013 is 70 gpcd. 2. For the PRU and R-GPCD, applied SWRCB’s recommended methodology of using billing data for the volume of water provided to residential customers in Dec, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for Dec, 2013 and applying that ratio to TMPP of Dec, 2016 to get the approximate volume of residential water use for Dec, 2016. The population for 2016 was calculated using 2013 ABAG projections. 3. For Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional (CII) water use, EBMUD used a methodology similar to that for calculating R-GPCD. Billing data for the volume of water provided to CII customers in Dec, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for Dec, 2013 was calculated, and that ratio was applied to the TMPP for Dec, 2016 to get the approximate volume of CII water use for Dec, 2016.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.4*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[54., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "Although EBMUD is not currently implementing its shorter-term water shortage emergency regulations but Water Service Regulation Section 29, longer-term water waste prohibitions, is continuously enforced. Section 29 details ongoing requirements that residential and nonresidential customers must observe to eliminate the wasteful use of water. For example, residential customers are required to irrigate their property in a manner that does not result in excessive flooding or runoff. On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities.", "Implementation" -> "• EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 that includes initiatives to comply with the state’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). EBMUD’s Board adopted on December 9, 2014 a declaration to increase customer water use reductions to 15% starting Jan, 2015. The Board adopted on April 14th, 2015 a revised Drought Management Program and declared that EBMUD has entered the critical stage in their water supply. EBMUD’s Board on April 14, 2015 adopted a mandatory 20% district-wide reduction in water use with 2013 as the baseline year. On May 10, 2016: o EBMUD’s Board declared a Stage 0 drought based on the “TSS Scenario” contained in the District’s Drought Management Program Guidelines. o Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded the District’s Water Shortage Emergency Declaration, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded District-wide mandatory 20 percent water use reduction goal, effective June 30, 2016.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.7674*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.772*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[8.55*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[53.82, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[62., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "Although EBMUD is not currently implementing its shorter-term water shortage emergency regulations but Water Service Regulation Section 29, longer-term water waste prohibitions, is continuously enforced. Section 29 details ongoing requirements that residential and nonresidential customers must observe to eliminate the wasteful use of water. For example, residential customers are required to irrigate their property in a manner that does not result in excessive flooding or runoff. On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "0", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 11, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.8391*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.1486*^9, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[839000000, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context as EBMUD continues to face the second drought period since 2007…the average R-GPCD for November from 2005-2007 is 81 gpcd using metered consumption data. The R-GPCD for November, 2013 is 77 gpcd. 2. For the PRU and R-GPCD, applied SWRCB’s recommended methodology of using billing data for the volume of water provided to residential customers in Nov, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for Nov, 2013 and applying that ratio to TMPP of Nov, 2016 to get the approximate volume of residential water use for Nov, 2016. The population for 2016 was calculated using 2013 ABAG projections. 3. For Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional (CII) water use, EBMUD used a methodology similar to that for calculating R-GPCD. Billing data for the volume of water provided to CII customers in Nov, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for Nov, 2013 was calculated, and that ratio was applied to the TMPP for Nov, 2016 to get the approximate volume of CII water use for Nov, 2016.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.4*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[56., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "Although EBMUD is not currently implementing its shorter-term water shortage emergency regulations but Water Service Regulation Section 29, longer-term water waste prohibitions, is continuously enforced. Section 29 details ongoing requirements that residential and nonresidential customers must observe to eliminate the wasteful use of water. For example, residential customers are required to irrigate their property in a manner that does not result in excessive flooding or runoff. On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities.", "Implementation" -> "• EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 that includes initiatives to comply with the state’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). EBMUD’s Board adopted on December 9, 2014 a declaration to increase customer water use reductions to 15% starting Jan, 2015. The Board adopted on April 14th, 2015 a revised Drought Management Program and declared that EBMUD has entered the critical stage in their water supply. EBMUD’s Board on April 14, 2015 adopted a mandatory 20% district-wide reduction in water use with 2013 as the baseline year. On May 10, 2016: o EBMUD’s Board declared a Stage 0 drought based on the “TSS Scenario” contained in the District’s Drought Management Program Guidelines. o Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded the District’s Water Shortage Emergency Declaration, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded District-wide mandatory 20 percent water use reduction goal, effective June 30, 2016.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.8391*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.1486*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[8.39*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[55.7583571428571, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[61., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "Although EBMUD is not currently implementing its shorter-term water shortage emergency regulations but Water Service Regulation Section 29, longer-term water waste prohibitions, is continuously enforced. Section 29 details ongoing requirements that residential and nonresidential customers must observe to eliminate the wasteful use of water. For example, residential customers are required to irrigate their property in a manner that does not result in excessive flooding or runoff. On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "0", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 10, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.6899*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6175000000, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[956000000, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context as EBMUD continues to face the second drought period since 2007…the average R-GPCD for October from 2005-2007 is 97 gpcd using metered consumption data. The R-GPCD for October, 2013 is 88 gpcd. 2. For the PRU and R-GPCD, applied SWRCB’s recommended methodology of using billing data for the volume of water provided to residential customers in Oct, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for Oct, 2013 and applying that ratio to TMPP of Oct, 2016 to get the approximate volume of residential water use for Oct, 2016. The population for 2016 was calculated using 2013 ABAG projections. 3. For Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional (CII) water use, EBMUD used a methodology similar to that for calculating R-GPCD. Billing data for the volume of water provided to CII customers in Oct, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for Oct, 2013 was calculated, and that ratio was applied to the TMPP for Oct, 2016 to get the approximate volume of CII water use for Oct, 2016.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.4*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[65., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "Although EBMUD is not currently implementing its shorter-term water shortage emergency regulations but Water Service Regulation Section 29, longer-term water waste prohibitions, is continuously enforced. Section 29 details ongoing requirements that residential and nonresidential customers must observe to eliminate the wasteful use of water. For example, residential customers are required to irrigate their property in a manner that does not result in excessive flooding or runoff. On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities.", "Implementation" -> "• EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 that includes initiatives to comply with the state’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). EBMUD’s Board adopted on December 9, 2014 a declaration to increase customer water use reductions to 15% starting Jan, 2015. The Board adopted on April 14th, 2015 a revised Drought Management Program and declared that EBMUD has entered the critical stage in their water supply. EBMUD’s Board on April 14, 2015 adopted a mandatory 20% districtwide reduction in water use with 2013 as the baseline year. On May 10, 2016: o EBMUD’s Board declared a Stage 0 drought based on the “TSS Scenario” contained in the District’s Drought Management Program Guidelines. o Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded the District’s Water Shortage Emergency Declaration, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded District-wide mandatory 20 percent water use reduction goal, effective June 30, 2016.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.6899*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.175*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[9.56*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[64.8373271889401, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[60., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "Although EBMUD is not currently implementing its shorter-term water shortage emergency regulations but Water Service Regulation Section 29, longer-term water waste prohibitions, is continuously enforced. Section 29 details ongoing requirements that residential and nonresidential customers must observe to eliminate the wasteful use of water. For example, residential customers are required to irrigate their property in a manner that does not result in excessive flooding or runoff. On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "0", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 9, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.6362*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.5284*^9, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[912000000, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context as EBMUD continues to face the second drought period since 2007…the average R-GPCD for Sept from 2005-2007 is 114 gpcd using metered consumption data. The R-GPCD for Sept, 2013 is 97 gpcd. 2. For the PRU and R-GPCD, applied SWRCB’s recommended methodology of using billing data for the volume of water provided to residential customers in Sept, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for Sept, 2013 and applying that ratio to TMPP of Sept, 2016 to get the approximate volume of residential water use for Sept, 2016. The population for 2016 was calculated using 2013 ABAG projections. 3. For Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional (CII) water use, EBMUD used a methodology similar to that for calculating R-GPCD. Billing data for the volume of water provided to CII customers in Sept, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for Sept, 2013 was calculated, and that ratio was applied to the TMPP for Sept, 2016 to get the approximate volume of CII water use for Sept, 2016. 4. The number of Contact Follow-Ups includes the following actions: email to customer; field visit – contact with customer; field visit – door hanger; incoming call – contact with customer; outgoing call – contact with customer; outgoing call – voice message; warning letter sent.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.4*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[82., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "Although EBMUD is not currently implementing its shorter-term water shortage emergency regulations but Water Service Regulation Section 29, longer-term water waste prohibitions, is continuously enforced. Section 29 details ongoing requirements that residential and nonresidential customers must observe to eliminate the wasteful use of water. For example, residential customers are required to irrigate their property in a manner that does not result in excessive flooding or runoff. On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities.", "Implementation" -> "• EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 that includes initiatives to comply with the state’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). EBMUD’s Board adopted on December 9, 2014 a declaration to increase customer water use reductions to 15% starting Jan, 2015. The Board adopted on April 14th, 2015 a revised Drought Management Program and declared that EBMUD has entered the critical stage in their water supply. EBMUD’s Board on April 14, 2015 adopted a mandatory 20% districtwide reduction in water use with 2013 as the baseline year. On May 10, 2016: o EBMUD’s Board declared a Stage 0 drought based on the “TSS Scenario” contained in the District’s Drought Management Program Guidelines. o Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded the District’s Water Shortage Emergency Declaration, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded District-wide mandatory 20 percent water use reduction goal, effective June 30, 2016.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.6362*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.5284*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[9.12*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[81.8590952380952, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[61., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 98, "FollowUps" -> 83, "Warnings" -> 8, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "Although EBMUD is not currently implementing its shorter-term water shortage emergency regulations but Water Service Regulation Section 29, longer-term water waste prohibitions, is continuously enforced. Section 29 details ongoing requirements that residential and nonresidential customers must observe to eliminate the wasteful use of water. For example, residential customers are required to irrigate their property in a manner that does not result in excessive flooding or runoff. On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "0", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 8, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.0075*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[7.1723*^9, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1141000000, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context as EBMUD continues to face the second drought period since 2007…the average R-GPCD for August from 2005-2007 is 124 gpcd using metered consumption data. The R-GPCD for August, 2013 is 103 gpcd. 2. For the PRU and R-GPCD, applied SWRCB’s recommended methodology of using billing data for the volume of water provided to residential customers in August, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for August, 2013 and applying that ratio to TMPP of August, 2016 to get the approximate volume of residential water use for August, 2016. The population for 2016 was calculated using 2013 ABAG projections. 3. For Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional (CII) water use, EBMUD used a methodology similar to that for calculating R-GPCD. Billing data for the volume of water provided to CII customers in August, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for August, 2013 was calculated, and that ratio was applied to the TMPP for August, 2016 to get the approximate volume of CII water use for August, 2016. 4. The number of Contact Follow-Ups includes the following actions: email to customer; field visit – contact with customer; field visit – door hanger; incoming call – contact with customer; outgoing call – contact with customer; outgoing call – voice message; warning letter sent.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.4*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[84., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "Although EBMUD is not currently implementing its shorter-term water shortage emergency regulations but Water Service Regulation Section 29, longer-term water waste prohibitions, is continuously enforced. Section 29 details ongoing requirements that residential and nonresidential customers must observe to eliminate the wasteful use of water. For example, residential customers are required to irrigate their property in a manner that does not result in excessive flooding or runoff. On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities.", "Implementation" -> "• EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 that includes initiatives to comply with the state’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). EBMUD’s Board adopted on December 9, 2014 a declaration to increase customer water use reductions to 15% starting Jan, 2015. The Board adopted on April 14th, 2015 a revised Drought Management Program and declared that EBMUD has entered the critical stage in their water supply. EBMUD’s Board on April 14, 2015 adopted a mandatory 20% districtwide reduction in water use with 2013 as the baseline year. On May 10, 2016: o EBMUD’s Board declared a Stage 0 drought based on the “TSS Scenario” contained in the District’s Drought Management Program Guidelines. o Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded the District’s Water Shortage Emergency Declaration, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded District-wide mandatory 20 percent water use reduction goal, effective June 30, 2016.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.0075*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.1723*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.141*^9, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[84.4372119815668, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[61., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 176, "FollowUps" -> 69, "Warnings" -> 2, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "Although EBMUD is not currently implementing its shorter-term water shortage emergency regulations but Water Service Regulation Section 29, longer-term water waste prohibitions, is continuously enforced. Section 29 details ongoing requirements that residential and nonresidential customers must observe to eliminate the wasteful use of water. For example, residential customers are required to irrigate their property in a manner that does not result in excessive flooding or runoff. On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "0", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 7, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.0566*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[7.4522*^9, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[994000000, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context as EBMUD continues to face the second drought period since 2007…the average R-GPCD for July from 2005-2007 is 125 gpcd using metered consumption data. The R-GPCD for July, 2013 is 105 gpcd. 2. For the PRU and R-GPCD, applied SWRCB’s recommended methodology of using billing data for the volume of water provided to residential customers in July, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for July, 2013 and applying that ratio to TMPP of July, 2016 to get the approximate volume of residential water use for July, 2016. The population for 2016 was calculated using 2013 ABAG projections. 3. For Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional (CII) water use, EBMUD used a methodology similar to that for calculating R-GPCD. Billing data for the volume of water provided to CII customers in July, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for July, 2013 was calculated, and that ratio was applied to the TMPP for July, 2016 to get the approximate volume of CII water use for July, 2016. 4. The number of Contact Follow-Ups includes the following actions: email to customer; field visit – contact with customer; field visit – door hanger; incoming call – contact with customer; outgoing call – contact with customer; outgoing call – voice message; warning letter sent.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.4*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[83., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "Although EBMUD is not currently implementing its shorter-term water shortage emergency regulations but Water Service Regulation Section 29, longer-term water waste prohibitions, is continuously enforced. Section 29 details ongoing requirements that residential and nonresidential customers must observe to eliminate the wasteful use of water. For example, residential customers are required to irrigate their property in a manner that does not result in excessive flooding or runoff. On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities.", "Implementation" -> "• EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 that includes initiatives to comply with the state’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). EBMUD’s Board adopted on December 9, 2014 a declaration to increase customer water use reductions to 15% starting Jan, 2015. The Board adopted on April 14th, 2015 a revised Drought Management Program and declared that EBMUD has entered the critical stage in their water supply. EBMUD’s Board on April 14, 2015 adopted a mandatory 20% districtwide reduction in water use with 2013 as the baseline year. On May 10, 2016: o EBMUD’s Board declared a Stage 0 drought based on the “TSS Scenario” contained in the District’s Drought Management Program Guidelines. o Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded the District’s Water Shortage Emergency Declaration, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded District-wide mandatory 20 percent water use reduction goal, effective June 30, 2016.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.0566*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.4522*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[9.94*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[83.731797235023, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[60., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 197, "FollowUps" -> 47, "Warnings" -> 2, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "Although EBMUD is not currently implementing its shorter-term water shortage emergency regulations but Water Service Regulation Section 29, longer-term water waste prohibitions, is continuously enforced. Section 29 details ongoing requirements that residential and nonresidential customers must observe to eliminate the wasteful use of water. For example, residential customers are required to irrigate their property in a manner that does not result in excessive flooding or runoff. On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "0", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 6, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.6759*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.9275*^9, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[839000000, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context as EBMUD continues to face the second drought period since 2007…the average R-GPCD for June from 2005-2007 is 116 gpcd using metered consumption data. The R-GPCD for June, 2013 is 102 gpcd. 2. For the PRU and R-GPCD, applied SWRCB’s recommended methodology of using billing data for the volume of water provided to residential customers in June, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for June, 2013 and applying that ratio to TMPP of June, 2016 to get the approximate volume of residential water use for June, 2016. The population for 2016 was calculated using 2013 ABAG projections. 3. For Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional (CII) water use, EBMUD used a methodology similar to that for calculating R-GPCD. Billing data for the volume of water provided to CII customers in June, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for June, 2013 was calculated, and that ratio was applied to the TMPP for June, 2016 to get the approximate volume of CII water use for June, 2016. 4. The number of Contact Follow-Ups includes the following actions: email to customer; field visit – contact with customer; field visit – door hanger; incoming call – contact with customer; outgoing call – contact with customer; outgoing call – voice message; warning letter sent.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.4*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[82., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "Status Update On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities.", "Implementation" -> "• EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 that includes initiatives to comply with the state’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). EBMUD’s Board adopted on December 9, 2014 a declaration to increase customer water use reductions to 15% starting Jan, 2015. The Board adopted on April 14th, 2015 a revised Drought Management Program and declared that EBMUD has entered the critical stage in their water supply. EBMUD’s Board on April 14, 2015 adopted a mandatory 20% districtwide reduction in water use with 2013 as the baseline year. On May 10, 2016: o EBMUD’s Board declared a Stage 0 drought based on the “TSS Scenario” contained in the District’s Drought Management Program Guidelines. o Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded the District’s Water Shortage Emergency Declaration, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded District-wide mandatory 20 percent water use reduction goal, effective June 30, 2016.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.6759*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.9275*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[8.39*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[82.4356904761905, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[61., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 188, "FollowUps" -> 82, "Warnings" -> 7, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "Status Update On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 4", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 5, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.9593*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.7165*^9, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[955000000, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context as EBMUD continues to face the second drought period since 2007…the average R-GPCD for May from 2005-2007 is 99 gpcd using metered consumption data. The R-GPCD for May, 2013 is 95 gpcd. 2. For the PRU and R-GPCD, applied SWRCB’s recommended methodology of using billing data for the volume of water provided to residential customers in May, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for May, 2013 and applying that ratio to TMPP of May, 2016 to get the approximate volume of residential water use for May, 2016. The population for 2016 was calculated using 2013 ABAG projections. 3. For Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional (CII) water use, EBMUD used a methodology similar to that for calculating R-GPCD. Billing data for the volume of water provided to CII customers in May, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for May, 2013 was calculated, and that ratio was applied to the TMPP for May, 2016 to get the approximate volume of CII water use for May, 2016. 4. The number of Contact Follow-Ups includes the following actions: email to customer; field visit – contact with customer; field visit – door hanger; incoming call – contact with customer; outgoing call – contact with customer; outgoing call – voice message; warning letter sent.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.4*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[68., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "Status Update On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities.", "Implementation" -> "• EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 that includes initiatives to comply with the state’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). EBMUD’s Board adopted on December 9, 2014 a declaration to increase customer water use reductions to 15% starting Jan, 2015. The Board adopted on April 14th, 2015 a revised Drought Management Program and declared that EBMUD has entered the critical stage in their water supply. EBMUD’s Board on April 14, 2015 adopted a mandatory 20% districtwide reduction in water use with 2013 as the baseline year. On May 10, 2016: o EBMUD’s Board declared a Stage 0 drought, effective July 1, 2016, based on the “TSS Scenario” contained in the District’s Drought Management Program Guidelines. o Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded the District’s Water Shortage Emergency Declaration, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded District-wide mandatory 20 percent water use reduction goal, effective June 30, 2016.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.16, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.9593*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.7165*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[9.55*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[68.5617511520737, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[60., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 166, "FollowUps" -> 88, "Warnings" -> 5, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 30, "EnforcementComments" -> "Status Update On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. On April 26, 2016 EBMUD suspended the implementation of the Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, 2015 EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 4", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 4, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.0188*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.4175*^9, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[830000000, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context as EBMUD continues to face the second drought period since 2007…the average R-GPCD for April from 2005-2007 is 81 gpcd using metered consumption data. The R-GPCD for April, 2013 is 82 gpcd. 2. For the PRU and R-GPCD, applied SWRCB’s recommended methodology of using billing data for the volume of water provided to residential customers in April, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for April, 2013 and applying that ratio to TMPP of April, 2016 to get the approximate volume of residential water use for April, 2016. The population for 2016 was calculated using 2013 ABAG projections. 3. For Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional (CII) water use, EBMUD used a methodology similar to that for calculating R-GPCD. Billing data for the volume of water provided to CII customers in April, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for April, 2013 was calculated, and that ratio was applied to the TMPP for April, 2016 to get the approximate volume of CII water use for April, 2016. 4. The number of Contact Follow-Ups includes the following actions: email to customer; field visit – contact with customer; field visit – door hanger; incoming call – contact with customer; outgoing call – contact with customer; outgoing call – voice message; warning letter sent.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.4*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[59., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "Status Update On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities.", "Implementation" -> "• EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 that includes initiatives to comply with the state’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). EBMUD’s Board adopted on December 9, 2014 a declaration to increase customer water use reductions to 15% starting Jan, 2015. The Board has adopted, on April 14th, a revised Drought Management Program and declared that EBMUD has entered the critical stage in their water supply. EBMUD’s Board on April 14, 2015 adopted a mandatory 20% districtwide reduction in water use with 2013 as the baseline year. On May 10, 2016: o EBMUD’s Board declared a Stage 0 drought, effective July 1, 2016, based on the “TSS Scenario” contained in the District’s Drought Management Program Guidelines. o Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded the District’s Water Shortage Emergency Declaration, effective June 30, 2016. o Rescinded District-wide mandatory 20 percent water use reduction goal, effective June 30, 2016.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.16, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.0188*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.4175*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[8.3*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[59.3251428571429, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[62., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 166, "FollowUps" -> 89, "Warnings" -> 2, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 225, "EnforcementComments" -> "Status Update On May 10, 2016, EBMUD’s Board took the following actions: • Suspended Stage 4 drought surcharge for Fiscal Year 2017, effective June 30, 2016. • Rescinded Section 28 of the EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers, which established temporary water use prohibitions and restrictions, effective June 30, 2016. Background EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 4", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 3, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.7656*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.9275*^9, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[810000000, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context as EBMUD continues to face the second drought period since 2007…the average R-GPCD for March from 2005-2007 is 71 gpcd using metered consumption data. The R-GPCD for March, 2013 is 71 gpcd. 2. For the PRU and R-GPCD, applied SWRCB’s recommended methodology of using billing data for the volume of water provided to residential customers in March, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for March, 2013 and applying that ratio to TMPP of March, 2016 to get the approximate volume of residential water use for Feb., 2016. The population for 2016 was calculated using 2013 ABAG projections. 3. For Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional (CII) water use, EBMUD used a methodology similar to that for calculating R-GPCD. Billing data for the volume of water provided to CII customers in March, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for March, 2013 was calculated, and that ratio was applied to the TMPP for March, 2016 to get the approximate volume of CII water use for March, 2016. 4. The number of Contact Follow-Ups includes the following actions: email to customer; field visit – contact with customer; field visit – door hanger; incoming call – contact with customer; outgoing call – contact with customer; outgoing call – voice message; warning letter sent.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.4*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[53., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities.", "Implementation" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 that includes initiatives to comply with the state’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). EBMUD’s Board adopted on December 9, 2014 a declaration to increase customer water use reductions to 15% starting Jan, 2015. The Board has adopted, on April 14th, a revised Drought Management Program and declared that EBMUD has entered the critical stage in their water supply. EBMUD’s Board on April 14, 2015 adopted a mandatory 20% districtwide reduction in water use with 2013 as the baseline year.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.16, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.7656*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.9275*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[8.1*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[52.9266359447005, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[61., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 149, "FollowUps" -> 84, "Warnings" -> 2, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 231, "EnforcementComments" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 4", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 2, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.6254*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.0164*^9, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[818000000, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context as EBMUD continues to face the second drought period since 2007…the average R-GPCD for Feb. from 2005-2007 is 68 gpcd using metered consumption data. The R-GPCD for Feb., 2013 is 64 gpcd. 2. For the PRU and R-GPCD, applied SWRCB’s recommended methodology of using billing data for the volume of water provided to residential customers in Feb., 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for Feb., 2013 and applying that ratio to TMPP of Feb., 2016 to get the approximate volume of residential water use for Feb., 2016. The population for 2016 was calculated using 2013 ABAG projections. 3. For Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional (CII) water use, EBMUD used a methodology similar to that for calculating R-GPCD. Billing data for the volume of water provided to CII customers in Feb., 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for Feb., 2013 was calculated, and that ratio was applied to the TMPP for Feb., 2016 to get the approximate volume of CII water use for Feb., 2016. 4. The number of Contact Follow-Ups includes the following actions: email to customer; field visit – contact with customer; field visit – door hanger; incoming call – contact with customer; outgoing call – contact with customer; outgoing call – voice message; warning letter sent.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.4*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[56., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities.", "Implementation" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 that includes initiatives to comply with the state’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). EBMUD’s Board adopted on December 9, 2014 a declaration to increase customer water use reductions to 15% starting Jan, 2015. The Board has adopted, on April 14th, a revised Drought Management Program and declared that EBMUD has entered the critical stage in their water supply. EBMUD’s Board on April 14, 2015 adopted a mandatory 20% districtwide reduction in water use with 2013 as the baseline year.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.16, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.50038620689655*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.0164*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[7.897931034482758*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[54.4702955665025, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[61., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 176, "FollowUps" -> 95, "Warnings" -> 6, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 174, "EnforcementComments" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 4", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 1, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.7364*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.0993*^9, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1201000000, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context as EBMUD continues to face the second drought period since 2007…the average R-GPCD for Jan. from 2005-2007 is 68 gpcd using metered consumption data. The R-GPCD for Jan., 2013 is 60 gpcd. 2. For the PRU and R-GPCD, applied SWRCB’s recommended methodology of using billing data for the volume of water provided to residential customers in Jan., 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for Jan., 2013 and applying that ratio to TMPP of Jan., 2016 to get the approximate volume of residential water use for Jan., 2016. The population for 2016 was calculated using 2013 ABAG projections. 3. For Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional (CII) water use, EBMUD used a methodology similar to that for calculating R-GPCD. Billing data for the volume of water provided to CII customers in Jan., 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for Jan., 2013 was calculated, and that ratio was applied to the TMPP for Jan., 2016 to get the approximate volume of CII water use for Jan., 2016. 4. The number of Contact Follow-Ups includes the following actions: email to customer; field visit – contact with customer; field visit – door hanger; incoming call – contact with customer; outgoing call – contact with customer; outgoing call – voice message; warning letter sent.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.4*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[53., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities.", "Implementation" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 that includes initiatives to comply with the state’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). EBMUD’s Board adopted on December 9, 2014 a declaration to increase customer water use reductions to 15% starting Jan, 2015. The Board has adopted, on April 14th, a revised Drought Management Program and declared that EBMUD has entered the critical stage in their water supply. EBMUD’s Board on April 14, 2015 adopted a mandatory 20% districtwide reduction in water use with 2013 as the baseline year.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.16, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.7364*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.0993*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.201*^9, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[53.3771428571429, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[62., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 209, "FollowUps" -> 119, "Warnings" -> 1, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 387, "EnforcementComments" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 4", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 12, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.7138*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4772000000, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[843000000, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context as EBMUD continues to face the second drought period since 2007…the average R-GPCD for Dec. from 2005-2007 is 71 gpcd using metered consumption data. The R-GPCD for Dec., 2013 is 70 gpcd. 2. For the PRU and R-GPCD, applied SWRCB’s recommended methodology of using billing data for the volume of water provided to residential customers in Dec., 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for Dec., 2013 and applying that ratio to TMPP of Dec., 2015 to get the approximate volume of residential water use for Dec., 2015. The population for 2015 was calculated using 2013 ABAG projections. 3. For Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional (CII) water use, EBMUD used a methodology similar to that for calculating R-GPCD. Billing data for the volume of water provided to CII customers in Dec., 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for Dec., 2013 was calculated, and that ratio was applied to the TMPP for Dec., 2015 to get the approximate volume of CII water use for Dec., 2015. 4. The number of Contact Follow-Ups includes the following actions: email to customer; field visit – contact with customer; field visit – door hanger; incoming call – contact with customer; outgoing call – contact with customer; outgoing call – voice message; warning letter sent.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.39*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[54., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. The 709 penalties issued were for violating the excessive use ordinance for the Nov-Dec, 2016 billing cycle. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities.", "Implementation" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 that includes initiatives to comply with the state’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). EBMUD’s Board adopted on December 9, 2014 a declaration to increase customer water use reductions to 15% starting Jan, 2015. The Board has adopted, on April 14th, a revised Drought Management Program and declared that EBMUD has entered the critical stage in their water supply. EBMUD’s Board on April 14, 2015 adopted a mandatory 20% districtwide reduction in water use with 2013 as the baseline year.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.16, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.7138*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.772*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[8.43*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[53.4359712230216, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[62., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 166, "FollowUps" -> 67, "Warnings" -> 3, "PenaltiesRate" -> 502, "PenaltiesOther" -> 709, "EnforcementComments" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges were reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015. The 709 penalties issued were for violating the excessive use ordinance for the Nov-Dec, 2016 billing cycle. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 4", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 11, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.8759*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.1486*^9, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[847000000, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context as EBMUD continues to face the second drought period since 2007…the average R-GPCD for Nov. from 2005-2007 is 81 gpcd using metered consumption data. The R-GPCD for Nov., 2013 is 77 gpcd. 2. For the PRU and R-GPCD, applied SWRCB’s recommended methodology of using billing data for the volume of water provided to residential customers in Nov., 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for Nov., 2013 and applying that ratio to TMPP of Nov., 2015 to get the approximate volume of residential water use for Nov., 2015. The population for 2015 was calculated using 2013 ABAG projections. 3. For Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional (CII) water use, EBMUD used a methodology similar to that for calculating R-GPCD. Billing data for the volume of water provided to CII customers in Nov., 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for Nov., 2013 was calculated, and that ratio was applied to the TMPP for Nov., 2015 to get the approximate volume of CII water use for Nov., 2015. 4. The number of Contact Follow-Ups includes the following actions: email to customer; field visit – contact with customer; field visit – door hanger; incoming call – contact with customer; outgoing call – contact with customer; outgoing call – voice message; warning letter sent.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.39*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[57., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges will be reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015 and will apply to water use in July and August 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities.", "Implementation" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 that includes initiatives to comply with the state’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). EBMUD’s Board adopted on December 9, 2014 a declaration to increase customer water use reductions to 15% starting Jan, 2015. The Board has adopted, on April 14th, a revised Drought Management Program and declared that EBMUD has entered the critical stage in their water supply. EBMUD’s Board on April 14, 2015 adopted a mandatory 20% districtwide reduction in water use with 2013 as the baseline year.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.16, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.8759*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.1486*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[8.47*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[56.6978177458034, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[61., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 307, "FollowUps" -> 186, "Warnings" -> 50, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 491, "EnforcementComments" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges will be reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015 and will apply to water use in July and August 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 4", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 10, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4881000000, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6175000000, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[995000000, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context as EBMUD continues to face the second drought period since 2007…the average R-GPCD for Oct from 2005-2007 is 97 gpcd using metered consumption data. The R-GPCD for Oct, 2013 is 88 gpcd. 2. For the PRU and R-GPCD, applied SWRCB’s recommended methodology of using billing data for the volume of water provided to residential customers in Oct, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for Oct, 2013 and applying that ratio to TMPP of Oct, 2015 to get the approximate volume of residential water use for Oct, 2015. The population for 2015 was calculated using 2013 ABAG projections. 3. For Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional (CII) water use, EBMUD used a methodology similar to that for calculating R-GPCD. Billing data for the volume of water provided to CII customers in Oct, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for Oct, 2013 was calculated, and that ratio was applied to the TMPP for Oct, 2015 to get the approximate volume of CII water use for Oct, 2015. 4. The number of Contact Follow-Ups includes the following actions: email to customer; field visit – contact with customer; field visit – door hanger; incoming call – contact with customer; outgoing call – contact with customer; outgoing call – voice message; warning letter sent.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.39*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[68., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges will be reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015 and will apply to water use in July and August 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities. The penalties are from excessive use penalties that were issued in October. September’s numbers of penalties are 1516. This number wasn’t included in the September report as there was a lag from when the actual penalty went into effect and when the numbers were available to be published.", "Implementation" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 that includes initiatives to comply with the state’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). EBMUD’s Board adopted on December 9, 2014 a declaration to increase customer water use reductions to 15% starting Jan, 2015. The Board has adopted, on April 14th, a revised Drought Management Program and declared that EBMUD has entered the critical stage in their water supply. EBMUD’s Board on April 14, 2015 adopted a mandatory 20% districtwide reduction in water use with 2013 as the baseline year.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.16, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.881*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.175*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[9.95*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[67.9647249941982, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[60., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 673, "FollowUps" -> 361, "Warnings" -> 123, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 3217, "EnforcementComments" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges will be reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015 and will apply to water use in July and August 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities. The penalties are from excessive use penalties that were issued in October. September’s numbers of penalties are 1516. This number wasn’t included in the September report as there was a lag from when the actual penalty went into effect and when the numbers were available to be published."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 4", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 9, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.0607*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.5284*^9, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.0015*^9, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context as EBMUD continues to face the second drought period since 2007…the average R-GPCD for Sept from 2005-2007 is 114 gpcd using metered consumption data. The R-GPCD for Sept, 2013 is 97 gpcd. 2. For the PRU and R-GPCD, applied SWRCB’s recommended methodology of using billing data for the volume of water provided to residential customers in Sept, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for Sept, 2013 and applying that ratio to TMPP of Sept, 2015 to get the approximate volume of residential water use for Sept, 2015. The population for 2015 was calculated using 2013 ABAG projections. 3. For Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional (CII) water use, EBMUD used a methodology similar to that for calculating R-GPCD. Billing data for the volume of water provided to CII customers in Sept, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for Sept, 2013 was calculated, and that ratio was applied to the TMPP for Sept, 2015 to get the approximate volume of CII water use for Sept, 2015. 4. The number of Contact Follow-Ups includes the following actions: email to customer; field visit – contact with customer; field visit – door hanger; incoming call – contact with customer; outgoing call – contact with customer; outgoing call – voice message; warning letter sent.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.39*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[74., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges will be reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015 and will apply to water use in July and August 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities.", "Implementation" -> "1. EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 that includes initiatives to comply with the state’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). EBMUD’s Board adopted on December 9, 2014 a declaration to increase customer water use reductions to 15% starting Jan, 2015. The Board has adopted, on April 14th, a revised Drought Management Program and declared that EBMUD has entered the critical stage in their water supply. EBMUD’s Board on April 14, 2015 adopted a mandatory 20% districtwide reduction in water use with 2013 as the baseline year.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.16, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.0607*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.5284*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.0015*^9, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[74.0294244604317, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[61., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 535, "FollowUps" -> 352, "Warnings" -> 40, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges will be reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015 and will apply to water use in July and August 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 4", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 8, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.2505*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[7.1723*^9, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[9.972*^8, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context as EBMUD continues to face the second drought period since 2007…the average R-GPCD for Aug from 2005-2007 is 124 gpcd using metered consumption data. The R-GPCD for Aug, 2013 is 103 gpcd. 2. For the PRU and R-GPCD, applied SWRCB’s recommended methodology of using billing data for the volume of water provided to residential customers in Aug, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for Aug, 2013 and applying that ratio to TMPP of Aug, 2015 to get the approximate volume of residential water use for Aug, 2015. The population for 2015 was calculated using 2013 ABAG projections. 3. For Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional (CII) water use, EBMUD used a methodology similar to that for calculating R-GPCD. Billing data for the volume of water provided to CII customers in Aug, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for Aug, 2013 was calculated, and that ratio was applied to the TMPP for Aug, 2015 to get the approximate volume of CII water use for Aug, 2015. 4. The number of Contact Follow-Ups includes the following actions: email to customer; field visit – contact with customer; field visit – door hanger; incoming call – contact with customer; outgoing call – contact with customer; outgoing call – voice message; warning letter sent.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.39*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[74., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges will be reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015 and will apply to water use in July and August 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities.", "Implementation" -> "1. EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 that includes initiatives to comply with the state’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). EBMUD’s Board adopted on December 9, 2014 a declaration to increase customer water use reductions to 15% starting Jan, 2015. The Board has adopted, on April 14th, a revised Drought Management Program and declared that EBMUD has entered the critical stage in their water supply. EBMUD’s Board on April 14, 2015 adopted a mandatory 20% districtwide reduction in water use with 2013 as the baseline year.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.16, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.2505*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.1723*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[9.972*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[74.3282664191228, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[61., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 653, "FollowUps" -> 671, "Warnings" -> 43, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges will be reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015 and will apply to water use in July and August 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 4", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 7, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.1485*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[7.4522*^9, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[955000000, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context as EBMUD continues to face the second drought period since 2007…the average R-GPCD for July from 2005-2007 is 125 gpcd using metered consumption data. The R-GPCD for July, 2013 is 105 gpcd. 2. For the PRU and R-GPCD, applied SWRCB’s recommended methodology of using billing data for the volume of water provided to residential customers in July, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for July, 2013 and applying that ratio to TMPP of July, 2015 to get the approximate volume of residential water use for July, 2015. The population for 2015 was calculated using 2013 ABAG projections. 3. For Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional (CII) water use, EBMUD used a methodology similar to that for calculating R-GPCD. Billing data for the volume of water provided to CII customers in July, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for July, 2013 was calculated, and that ratio was applied to the TMPP for July, 2015 to get the approximate volume of CII water use for July, 2015.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.39*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[71., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges will be reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015 and will apply to water use in July and August 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities. 3. The number of Contact Follow-Ups includes the following actions: email to customer; field visit – contact with customer; field visit – door hanger; incoming call – contact with customer; outgoing call – contact with customer; outgoing call – voice message; warning letter sent.", "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.16, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.1485*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.4522*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[9.55*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[71.6894871199814, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[60., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 740, "FollowUps" -> 540, "Warnings" -> 35, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges will be reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015 and will apply to water use in July and August 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities. 3. The number of Contact Follow-Ups includes the following actions: email to customer; field visit – contact with customer; field visit – door hanger; incoming call – contact with customer; outgoing call – contact with customer; outgoing call – voice message; warning letter sent."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 4", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 6, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.7782*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.9275*^9, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[9.088*^8, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context as EBMUD continues to face the second drought period since 2007…the average R-GPCD for June from 2005-2007 is 116 gpcd using metered consumption data. The R-GPCD for June, 2013 is 102 gpcd. 2. For the PRU and R-GPCD, applied SWRCB’s recommended methodology of using billing data for the volume of water provided to residential customers in June, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for June, 2013 and applying that ratio to TMPP of June, 2015 to get the approximate volume of residential water use for June, 2015. The population for 2015 was calculated using 2013 ABAG projections. 3. For Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional (CII) water use, EBMUD used a methodology similar to that for calculating R-GPCD. Billing data for the volume of water provided to CII customers in June, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for June, 2013 was calculated, and that ratio was applied to the TMPP for June, 2015 to get the approximate volume of CII water use for June, 2015. 4. The number of Contact Follow-Ups includes the following actions: email to customer; field visit – contact with customer; field visit – door hanger; incoming call – contact with customer; outgoing call – contact with customer; outgoing call – voice message; warning letter sent.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.39*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[69., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges will be reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015 and will apply to water use in July and August 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities.", "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.16, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.7782*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.9275*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[9.088*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[69.8969304556355, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[61., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 990, "FollowUps" -> 627, "Warnings" -> 85, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges will be reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015 and will apply to water use in July and August 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 4", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 5, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.6577*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.7165*^9, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context as EBMUD continues to face the second drought period since 2007…the average R-GPCD for May from 2005-2007 is 99 gpcd using metered consumption data. The R-GPCD for May, 2013 is 95 gpcd. 2. For the PRU and R-GPCD, applied SWRCB’s recommended methodology of using billing data for the volume of water provided to residential customers in May, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for May, 2013 and applying that ratio to TMPP of May, 2015 to get the approximate volume of residential water use for May, 2015. The population for 2015 was calculated using 2013 ABAG projections.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.39*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[65., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges will be reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015 and will apply to water use in July and August 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities.", "Implementation" -> "1. EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 that includes initiatives to comply with the state’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). EBMUD’s Board adopted on December 9, 2014 a declaration to increase customer water use reductions to 15% starting Jan, 2015. The Board has adopted, on April 14th, a revised Drought Management Program and declared that EBMUD has entered the critical stage in their water supply. EBMUD’s Board on April 14, 2015 adopted a mandatory 20% districtwide reduction in water use with 2013 as the baseline year.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.6577*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.7165*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[64.8554188906939, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[60., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges will be reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015 and will apply to water use in July and August 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 4", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 4, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.4569*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.4175*^9, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context as EBMUD continues to face the second drought period since 2007…the average R-GPCD for April from 2005-2007 is 81 gpcd using metered consumption data. The R-GPCD for April, 2013 is 82 gpcd. 2. For the PRU and R-GPCD, applied SWRCB’s recommended methodology of using billing data for the volume of water provided to residential customers in April, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for April, 2013 and applying that ratio to TMPP of April, 2015 to get the approximate volume of residential water use for April, 2015. The population for 2015 was calculated using 2013 ABAG projections.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.39*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[67., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges will be reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015 and will apply to water use in July and August 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities.", "Implementation" -> "1. EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 that includes initiatives to comply with the state’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). EBMUD’s Board adopted on December 9, 2014 a declaration to increase customer water use reductions to 15% starting Jan, 2015. The Board has adopted, on April 14th, a revised Drought Management Program and declared that EBMUD has entered the critical stage in their water supply. EBMUD’s Board on April 14, 2015 adopted a mandatory 20% districtwide reduction in water use with 2013 as the baseline year.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.4569*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.4175*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[66.2656594724221, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[62., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted a revised Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on April 14, 2015. The revised Section 28 includes the State’s prohibitions as well as liming outside watering to before 9am and after 6pm. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions including a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and the District’s authority to enforce civil and criminal action if needed. On April 28th, EBMUD Board adopted two new ordinances… 1. Excessive Water Use Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to prohibit excessive water use when EBMUD’s Board has declared a Stage 3 or Stage 4 drought and to authorize EBMUD to impose a financial penalty on customers who disregard the mandate to conserve water during the drought water shortage conditions. Any applicable penalty charges will be reflected in customer bills beginning Sept 1, 2015 and will apply to water use in July and August 2015. 2. Water Theft Penalty Ordinance – purpose is to provide EBMUD the authority to impose administrative penalties on any person who engages in water theft, including the unauthorized use of water from a public fire hydrant or other facilities."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "Moderate", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 3, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.6502*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.9275*^9, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context as EBMUD continues to face the second drought period since 2007…the average R-GPCD for March from 2005-2007 is 71 gpcd using metered consumption data. The R-GPCD for March, 2013 is 71 gpcd. 2. For the PRU and R-GPCD, applied SWRCB’s recommended methodology of using billing data for the volume of water provided to residential customers in March, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for March, 2013 and applying that ratio to TMPP of March, 2015 to get the approximate volume of residential water use for March, 2015. The population for 2015 was calculated using 2013 ABAG projections. 3. EBMUD has mandatory prohibitions restrictions on outdoor use and EBMUD continues to ask all customers to voluntarily cut back their total water use with 10% requested thus far and increasing to 15% as of January, 2015. EBMUD customers have cut back ~11% when comparing total production in CY 2014 vs 2013.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.39*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[67., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on August 12, 2014 to specify outdoor water uses that are prohibited until further notice and provide guidelines on effective water use practices to help customers conserve. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions.", "Implementation" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 that includes initiatives to comply with the state’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). The Water Shortage Emergency Action Plan identifies the outreach efforts that EBMUD will make to educate and inform customers about the mandatory outdoor water use prohibitions and to provide guidance on how customers can conserve during the drought. EBMUD’s Board adopted on December 9, 2014 a declaration to increase customer water use reductions to 15% starting Jan, 2015. The Board has adopted, on April 14th, a revised Drought Management Program will be incorporated into EBMUD’s next monthly submittal to the SWRCB.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.6502*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.9275*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[65.8301694128568, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[61., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on August 12, 2014 to specify outdoor water uses that are prohibited until further notice and provide guidelines on effective water use practices to help customers conserve. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "Moderate", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 2, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.7659*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.0164*^9, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context as EBMUD continues to face the second drought period since 2007…the average R-GPCD for February from 2005-2007 is 68 gpcd using billed consumption data. The R-GPCD for February, 2013 is 64 gpcd. 2. For the PRU and R-GPCD, applied SWRCB’s recommended methodology of using billing data for the volume of water provided to residential customers in January, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for February, 2013 and applying that ratio to TMPP of February, 2015 to get the approximate volume of residential water use for February, 2015. The population for 2015 was calculated using 2013 ABAG projections. 3. EBMUD has mandatory prohibitions restrictions on outdoor use and EBMUD continues to ask all customers to voluntarily cut back their total water use with 10% requested thus far and increasing to 15% as of January, 2015. EBMUD customers have cut back ~11% when comparing total production in 2014 vs 2013. 4.The extremely dry weather of January 2015 and the wet weather preceding January 2013 results in a comparison showing no conservation to have occurred. February shows savings of about 6.7%.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.39*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[59., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on August 12, 2014 to specify outdoor water uses that are prohibited until further notice and provide guidelines on effective water use practices to help customers conserve. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions.", "Implementation" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 that includes initiatives to comply with the state’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). The Water Shortage Emergency Action Plan identifies the outreach efforts that EBMUD will make to educate and inform customers about the mandatory outdoor water use prohibitions and to provide guidance on how customers can conserve during the drought. EBMUD’s Board adopted on December 9, 2014 a declaration to increase customer water use reductions to 15% starting Jan, 2015.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.7659*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.0164*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[59.0236125385406, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[61., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on August 12, 2014 to specify outdoor water uses that are prohibited until further notice and provide guidelines on effective water use practices to help customers conserve. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "Moderate", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 1, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.0962*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.0993*^9, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context as EBMUD continues to face the second drought period since 2007…the average R-GPCD for Janaury from 2005-2007 is 68 gpcd (using billed consumption data). The R-GPCD for January, 2013 is 60 gpcd. 2. For the PRU and R-GPCD, applied SWRCB’s recommended methodology of using billing data for the volume of water provided to residential customers in January, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for January, 2013 and applying that ratio to TMPP of January, 2015 to get the approximate volume of residential water use for January, 2015. The population for 2015 was calculated using 2013 ABAG projections. 3. EBMUD has mandatory prohibitions restrictions on outdoor use and EBMUD continues to ask all customers to voluntarily cut back their total water use with 10% requested thus far and increasing to 15% as of January, 2015. EBMUD customers have cut back ~11% when comparing total production in 2014 vs 2013. 4. The extremely dry weather of January 2015 and the wet weather preceding January 2013 results in a comparison showing no conservation to have occurred.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.39*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[59., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on August 12, 2014 to specify outdoor water uses that are prohibited until further notice and provide guidelines on effective water use practices to help customers conserve. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions.", "Implementation" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 that includes initiatives to comply with the state’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). The Water Shortage Emergency Action Plan identifies the outreach efforts that EBMUD will make to educate and inform customers about the mandatory outdoor water use prohibitions and to provide guidance on how customers can conserve during the drought. EBMUD’s Board adopted on December 9, 2014 a declaration to increase customer water use reductions to 15% starting Jan, 2015.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.0962*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.0993*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[58.9381294964029, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[62., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on August 12, 2014 to specify outdoor water uses that are prohibited until further notice and provide guidelines on effective water use practices to help customers conserve. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "Moderate", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 12, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3839000000, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4772000000, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context as EBMUD continues to face the second drought period since 2007…the average R-GPCD for December from 2005-2007 is 71 gpcd (using metered consumption data). The R-GPCD for December, 2013 is 70 gpcd. 2. For the PRU and R-GPCD, applied SWRCB’s recommended methodology of using billing data for the volume of water provided to residential customers in December, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for December, 2013 and applying that ratio to TMPP of December, 2014 to get the approximate volume of residential water use for December, 2014. The population for 2014 was calculated using 2013 ABAG projections. 3. EBMUD has mandatory prohibitions restrictions on outdoor use and EBMUD continues to ask all customers to voluntarily cut back their total water use with 10% requested thus far and increasing to 15% as of January, 2015. EBMUD customers have cut back ~11% when comparing total production in 2014 vs 2013.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.379*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[56., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on August 12, 2014 to specify outdoor water uses that are prohibited until further notice and provide guidelines on effective water use practices to help customers conserve. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions.", "Implementation" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 that includes initiatives to comply with the state’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). The Water Shortage Emergency Action Plan identifies the outreach efforts that EBMUD will make to educate and inform customers about the mandatory outdoor water use prohibitions and to provide guidance on how customers can conserve during the drought. EBMUD’s Board adopted on December 9, 2014 a declaration to increase customer water use reductions to 15% starting Jan, 2015.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.839*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.772*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[55.6780275562001, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[62., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on August 12, 2014 to specify outdoor water uses that are prohibited until further notice and provide guidelines on effective water use practices to help customers conserve. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "Moderate", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 11, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.1953999999999995*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.1486*^9, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context as EBMUD continues to face the second drought period since 2007…the average R-GPCD for November from 2005-2007 is 81 gpcd (using metered consumption data). The R-GPCD for November, 2013 is 77 gpcd. 2. For the PRU and R-GPCD, applied SWRCB’s recommended methodology of using billing data for the volume of water provided to residential customers in November, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for November, 2013 and applying that ratio to TMPP of November, 2014 to get the approximate volume of residential water use for November, 2014. The population for 2014 was calculated using 2013 ABAG projections. 3. EBMUD has mandatory prohibitions restrictions on outdoor use and EBMUD continues to ask all customers to voluntarily cut back their total water use by 10 percent.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.379*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[62., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on August 12, 2014 to specify outdoor water uses that are prohibited until further notice and provide guidelines on effective water use practices to help customers conserve. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions.", "Implementation" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 that includes initiatives to comply with the state’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). The Water Shortage Emergency Action Plan identifies the outreach efforts that EBMUD will make to educate and inform customers about the mandatory outdoor water use prohibitions and to provide guidance on how customers can conserve during the drought.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.1954*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.1486*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[61.8611070824269, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[61., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on August 12, 2014 to specify outdoor water uses that are prohibited until further notice and provide guidelines on effective water use practices to help customers conserve. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "Moderate", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 10, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.3706*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6175000000, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context as EBMUD continues to face the second drought period since 2007…the average R-GPCD for October from 2005-2007 is 97 gpcd (using metered consumption data). The R-GPCD for October, 2013 is 88 gpcd. 2. For the PRU and R-GPCD, applied SWRCB’s recommended methodology of using billing data for the volume of water provided to residential customers in October, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for October, 2013 and applying that ratio to TMPP of October, 2014 to get the approximate volume of residential water use for October, 2014. The population for 2014 was calculated using 2013 ABAG projections. 3. EBMUD has mandatory prohibitions restrictions on outdoor use and EBMUD continues to ask all customers to voluntarily cut back their total water use by 10 percent.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.379*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[75., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on August 12, 2014 to specify outdoor water uses that are prohibited until further notice and provide guidelines on effective water use practices to help customers conserve. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions.", "Implementation" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 that includes initiatives to comply with the state’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). The Water Shortage Emergency Action Plan identifies the outreach efforts that EBMUD will make to educate and inform customers about the mandatory outdoor water use prohibitions and to provide guidance on how customers can conserve during the drought.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.3706*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.175*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[75.3786053474935, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[60., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on August 12, 2014 to specify outdoor water uses that are prohibited until further notice and provide guidelines on effective water use practices to help customers conserve. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "Moderate", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 9, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.6829*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.5284*^9, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context as EBMUD continues to face the second drought period since 2007…the average R-GPCD for September from 2005-2007 is 114 gpcd (using metered consumption data). The R-GPCD for October, 2013 is 97 gpcd. 2. For the PRU and R-GPCD, applied SWRCB’s recommended methodology of using billing data for the volume of water provided to residential customers in September, 2013 as a percentage of Total Monthly Potable Production (TMPP) for September, 2013 and applying that ratio to TMPP of September, 2014 to get the approximate volume of residential water use for September, 2014. The population for 2014 was calculated using 2013 ABAG projections. 3. EBMUD has mandatory prohibitions restrictions on outdoor use and EBMUD continues to ask all customers to voluntarily cut back their total water use by 10 percent. Voluntary cutbacks were requested in EBMUD’s service area on February 11, 2014; and through September 30, 2014 actual water production was 11.4 percent less in 2014 than for the same period in 2013.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.379*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[84., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on August 12, 2014 to specify outdoor water uses that are prohibited until further notice and provide guidelines on effective water use practices to help customers conserve. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions.", "Implementation" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 that includes initiatives to comply with the state’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). The Water Shortage Emergency Action Plan identifies the outreach efforts that EBMUD will make to educate and inform customers about the mandatory outdoor water use prohibitions and to provide guidance on how customers can conserve during the drought.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.6829*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.5284*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[83.7942712110225, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[61., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on August 12, 2014 to specify outdoor water uses that are prohibited until further notice and provide guidelines on effective water use practices to help customers conserve. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "Moderate", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 8, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6222000000, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[7.1723*^9, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. To provide context as EBMUD continues to face the second drought period since 2007…the average R-GPCD for August from 2005-2007 is 124 gpcd (using metered consumption data). The R-GPCD for August, 2013 is 103 gpcd. 2. Single Family Residential is 49 percent of total use; Multi-Family Residential is 20 percent of total use. 3. EBMUD has mandatory prohibitions restrictions on outdoor use and EBMUD continues to ask all customers to voluntarily cut back their total water use by 10 percent. Voluntary cutbacks were requested in EBMUD’s service area on February 11, 2014; and through August 31, 2014 actual water production was 11.1 percent less in 2014 than for the same period in 2013.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.379*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[88., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on August 12, 2014 to specify outdoor water uses that are prohibited until further notice and provide guidelines on effective water use practices to help customers conserve. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions.", "Implementation" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 that includes initiatives to comply with the state’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). The Water Shortage Emergency Action Plan identifies the outreach efforts that EBMUD will make to educate and inform customers about the mandatory outdoor water use prohibitions and to provide guidance on how customers can conserve during the drought.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.222*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.1723*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[88.7838312007298, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[61., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on August 12, 2014 to specify outdoor water uses that are prohibited until further notice and provide guidelines on effective water use practices to help customers conserve. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "Moderate", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 7, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.5901*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[7.4528*^9, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. Single Family Residential is 49 percent of total use; Multi-Family Residential is 20% of total use. 2. EBMUD has mandatory prohibitions restricting outdoor use, and EBMUD has undertaken a public outreach campaign asking all San Francisco East Bay customers to voluntarily cut back their total water use by 10 percent. EBMUD requested voluntary water use reduction in its service area on February 11, 2014; and through July 31, 2014 actual water production was 10.7 percent less in 2014 than for the same period in 2013.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.33*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "EnforcementActions" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on August 12, 2014 to specify outdoor water uses that are prohibited until further notice and provide guidelines on effective water use practices to help customers conserve. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement actions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions.", "Implementation" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 so as to comply with the State’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). The Water Shortage Emergency Action Plan identifies EBMUD’s outreach efforts to educate and inform customers about the mandatory outdoor water use prohibitions and to provide guidance on how customers can conserve during the drought.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.5901*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.4528*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[110.287872908077, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[69., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on August 12, 2014 to specify outdoor water uses that are prohibited until further notice and provide guidelines on effective water use practices to help customers conserve. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement actions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "East Bay Municipal Utilities District", "PWSID" -> "CA0110005", "StageInvoked" -> "Moderate", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 6, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.3654*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[7.0257*^9, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "1. Single Family Residential is 49 percent of total use; Multi-Family Residential is 20% of total use. 2. EBMUD has mandatory prohibitions restrictions on outdoor use and EBMUD continues to ask all customers to voluntarily cut back their total water use by 10 percent. Voluntary cutbacks were requested in EBMUD’s service area on February 11, 2014; and through July 31, 2014 actual water production was 10.7 percent less in 2014 than for the same period in 2013.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[1.33*^6, "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "EnforcementActions" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on August 12, 2014 to specify outdoor water uses that are prohibited until further notice and provide guidelines on effective water use practices to help customers conserve. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions.", "Implementation" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted a preliminary water shortage action plan on February 11, 2014 and updated it on May 13, 2014. The Board adopted a new water shortage emergency action plan on August 12, 2014 that includes initiatives to comply with the state’s emergency water conservation regulation (State Water Board Resolution 2014-0038). The Water Shortage Emergency Action Plan identifies the outreach efforts that EBMUD will make to educate and inform customers about the mandatory outdoor water use prohibitions and to provide guidance on how customers can conserve during the drought.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.3654*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.0257*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[110.078345864662, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[69., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "EBMUD’s Board adopted Section 28 of the District’s Regulations Governing Service to Customers on August 12, 2014 to specify outdoor water uses that are prohibited until further notice and provide guidelines on effective water use practices to help customers conserve. Section 28 also defines the exceptions and enforcement provisions should customers fail to comply with the prohibitions."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Moderately restricted", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2018, 4, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.35291*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.8928011*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[7.707393*^6, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10284., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[57.48, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.35291*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.8928011*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[7.707393*^6, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[53.6443956307533, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[70.34, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Moderately restricted", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2018, 3, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.3617122*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.1277518*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[8.070921*^6, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10284., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[51.87, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.3617122*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.1277518*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[8.070921*^6, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[51.8710832498965, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[70.02, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Moderately restricted", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2018, 2, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.4648804*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.5941318*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[8.723925*^6, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10284., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[54.9, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.4648804*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.5941318*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[8.723925*^6, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[60.7762781296883, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[71., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Moderately restricted", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2018, 1, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.6018454*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.0427517*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.0254332*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10284., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[57.4, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.6018454*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.0427517*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.0254332*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[57.4063705085256, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[70.34, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Moderately restricted", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 12, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.8257079*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.3999367*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[9.978321*^6, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10284., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[66.45, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.8257079*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.3999367*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[9.978321*^6, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[60.3601924662175, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[68.1, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Moderately restricted", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 11, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.7459086*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.3999367*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.0476488*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10284., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[65.15, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.7459086*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.3999367*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.0476488*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[65.1499123298327, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[73.2, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Moderately Resticted", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 10, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.1108938*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.7234272*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.223578*^6, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10284., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[63.43, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.1108938*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.7234272*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.223578*^6, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[63.4270890578537, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[65., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Moderately restricted", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 9, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.0489707*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.6627545*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.2949376*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10284., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[63.21, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.0489707*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.6627545*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.2949376*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[65.2249663555037, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[66., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Moderately restricted", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 8, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.1917705*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.0528972*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.3214168*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10284., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[66.6, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.1917705*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.0528972*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.3214168*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[64.5754749783566, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[64.5, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Moderate", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 7, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.4161476*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.2026752*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.4272589*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10284., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[69.72, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.4161476*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.2026752*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.4272589*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[69.7151111203122, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[65.06, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Moderately Restricted", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 6, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.0551803*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.6927203*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.1458612*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10284., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[63.15, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.0551803*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.6927203*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.1458612*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[65.2587779625308, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[65.9, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Severely Restricted", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 5, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.7673511*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.6927203*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[8.871281*^6, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10284., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[59.91, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.7673511*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.6927203*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[8.871281*^6, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[59.9122259827355, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[69.02, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Severely restricted", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 4, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.4978717*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.8928014*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[7.677473*^6, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10284., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[56.91, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.4978717*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.8928014*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[7.677473*^6, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[56.917016890315, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[70.3, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Severely Resticted", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 3, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.4189276*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.1277518*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[5.7596*^6, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10284., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[54.2, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.4189276*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.1277518*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[5.7596*^6, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[54.2051504196936, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[71.44, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Severely restricted", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 2, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.0460522*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.5941318*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[587392., "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10284., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[55.56, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.0460522*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.5941318*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[587392., "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[55.4231509418236, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[78., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "severely restricted", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 1, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.3003451*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.0427517*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[6.960889*^6, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10284., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[72.16, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.3003451*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.0427517*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[6.960889*^6, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[51.0860695223397, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[70.8, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Severely Restricted", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 12, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.2579461*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.3999367*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[7.152378*^6, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10284., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[49.29, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.2579461*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.3999367*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[7.152378*^6, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[49.2874835632552, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[69.59, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Severely Restricted", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 11, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.5063428*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.3485435*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[8.290085*^6, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10284., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[53.1, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.5063428*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.3485435*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[8.290085*^6, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[54.8760067872423, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[67.55, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Severely", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 10, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.8539498*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.7234272*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.0548297*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10608., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[10284., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.8539498*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.7234272*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.0548297*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[56.5152322580645, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[65.12, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Severly Restricted", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 9, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.8777427*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.6627545*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.0121885*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10284., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[60.67, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.8777427*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.6627545*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.0121885*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[60.6758597935304, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[65.05, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Severely restricted", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 8, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.0608028*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.0528972*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.1041976*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10284., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[62.64, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.0608028*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.0528972*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.1041976*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[62.6362199570896, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[65.24, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 1, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Severly Restricted", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 7, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.1975594*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.2026752*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.1431685*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10284., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[66.63, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.1975594*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.2026752*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.1431685*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[66.6383880177162, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[66.44, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 2, "FollowUps" -> 2, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Severely Restrictied", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 6, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.9421802*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.6565077*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.1471328*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10284., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[63.37, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.9421802*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.6565077*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.1471328*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[63.3695949338779, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[66.45, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Severely Restricted", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 5, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.8468458*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.3911021*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[9.212368*^6, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10284., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[58.2, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.12, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.8468458*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.3911021*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[9.212368*^6, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[58.2220882297587, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[65.2, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 1, "FollowUps" -> 1, "Warnings" -> 1, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Severely restricted", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 4, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.5679413*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.8928011*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[8.941592*^6, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10284., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[54.32, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.12, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.5679413*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.8928011*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[8.941592*^6, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[56.0998455918579, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[67.4, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Severly Restricted", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 3, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.4876688*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.1277518*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[7.048405*^6, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10284., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[53.81, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.12, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.4876688*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.1277518*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[7.048405*^6, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[53.841591448037, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[69., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 2, "FollowUps" -> 2, "Warnings" -> 2, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Severely Restricted", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 2, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.342769*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.5941318*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[5.715468*^6, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10284., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[51.97, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.12, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.26198386206897*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.5941318*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[5.5183828965517245*^6, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[55.5535293123567, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[70.72, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Severly Restricted", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 1, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.4343394*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.0427517*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[8.070172*^6, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10284., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[52.15, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.12, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.4343394*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.0427517*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[8.070172*^6, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[52.1528528563004, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[68.3, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 1, "FollowUps" -> 1, "Warnings" -> 1, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Severly Restricted", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 12, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.5226154*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.3999367*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[7.420908*^6, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10234., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[53.46, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.12, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.5226154*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.3999367*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[7.420908*^6, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[53.274421063249, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[67., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 3, "FollowUps" -> 3, "Warnings" -> 3, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Severly Resticted", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 11, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.8815483*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.3485435*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[8.188096*^6, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10234., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[60.68, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.12, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.8815483*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.3485435*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[8.188096*^6, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[60.6775120822748, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[64.65, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 3, "FollowUps" -> 3, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Severly Restricted", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 10, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.9133677*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.7234272*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[7.829316*^6, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10234., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[59.32, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.12, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.9133677*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.7234272*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[7.829316*^6, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[59.3226731325688, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[64.6, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 6, "FollowUps" -> 6, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Severly Restricted", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 9, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.0354644*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.6627545*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[8.659596*^6, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10234., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[60.7, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.12, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.0354644*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.6627545*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[8.659596*^6, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[60.7053332551625, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[61.4, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 4, "FollowUps" -> 4, "Warnings" -> 4, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Severly Restricted", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 8, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.2579005*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.0528972*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.1604472*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> "Revised report for CII water only, pervious CII report was not in Gallons.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10234., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[64.2, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.12, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.2579005*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.0528972*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.1604472*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[64.1816277336141, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[62.5, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 7, "FollowUps" -> 7, "Warnings" -> 2, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Severly Restricted", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 7, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.2318984*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.2026752*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[9.60432*^6, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Gallons"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> "Revised report for CII water only, pervious CII report was not in Gallons.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10234., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[64.5, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.12, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.2318984*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.2026752*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[9.60432*^6, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[64.4843465236057, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[63.3, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 4, "FollowUps" -> 4, "Warnings" -> 4, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Severly Restricted", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 6, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.2189607*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.6565077*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.0424128*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10234., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[66., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.12, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.2189607*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.6565077*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.0424128*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[66.0525451436389, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[63., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 7, "FollowUps" -> 7, "Warnings" -> 7, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Severly Restricted", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 5, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.989317*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.6927203*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[9.627508*^6, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10234., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[60.26, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.989317*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.6927203*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[9.627508*^6, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[60.3038221740309, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[64., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 7, "FollowUps" -> 7, "Warnings" -> 7, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Severely Restricted", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 4, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.936258*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.8928011*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10234., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[62.79, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.936258*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.8928011*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[62.7859219920526, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[65.65, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 7, "FollowUps" -> 7, "Warnings" -> 7, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Severly Restricted", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 3, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.9893871*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.1277518*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10234., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[52.61, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.9893871*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.1277518*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[65.0165828957239, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[69., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 3, "FollowUps" -> 3, "Warnings" -> 2, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Severly Restricted", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 2, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.5004393*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.5941318*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10234., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[60.27, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.5004393*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.5941318*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[60.2090760839219, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[69., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Severly Restricted", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 1, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.9586922*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.0427517*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10234., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[66., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.9586922*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.0427517*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[66.2141836509548, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[71., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Severly Restricted", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 12, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.6365763*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.3999367*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10234., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[57., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.6365763*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.3999367*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[56.5121916193334, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[68., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Severely Restricted", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 11, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.7062107*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.3485435*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10234., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[59., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.7062107*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.3485435*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[59.056777050355, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[67., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Severely Restricted", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 10, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.2547457*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.7234272*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10234., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[67., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.2547457*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.7234272*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[66.6842563056731, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[65., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Severly Restricted", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 9, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.2804911*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.6627545*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10234., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[69., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.2804911*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.6627545*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[69.4521273858381, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[65., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Severely Restricted", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 8, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.5695596*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.0528972*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10461., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.5695596*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.0528972*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[70.4465478227888, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[64., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Severely Restricted", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 7, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.7625206*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.2026752*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> "See June 2014 monthly report", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10608., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "EnforcementActions" -> "see June 2014 report", "Implementation" -> "See June 2014 report", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.7625206*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.2026752*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[70.136510722279, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[61.3, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "see June 2014 report"|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Morro Bay", "PWSID" -> "CA4010011", "StageInvoked" -> "Severely Restricted", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 6, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.4544401*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.6565077*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> "Morro Bay has had moderately restricted water supply water conservation measures for years now, and since approx. February the City went to severely restricted water supply. This year Morro Bay has been experiencing a influx in tourism resulting in more water use in restaurants, hotels and vacation homes.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[10234., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "EnforcementActions" -> "The City of Morro Bay has been writing letters to potential violators and reminding them of our current water situation. Compliance has been good.", "Implementation" -> "Water Conservation information has been updated on the City website, Channel 20 (local Channel) and discussed at City Council meetings. Flyers were sent to every mail receptacle in Morro Bay with the water restrictions and water conservation was addressed in the Utility newsletter.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.4544401*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.6565077*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[74.5975436877076, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[66.3, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Central Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "The City of Morro Bay has been writing letters to potential violators and reminding them of our current water situation. Compliance has been good."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "0", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2018, 4, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1664.01, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1791.2, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[89.32, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[79176., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[110.96, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "0", "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.4222003304227*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.836650760424*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[2.910504945964*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[110.942261989552, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[48.6, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 6, "FollowUps" -> 6, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> 0|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "0", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2018, 3, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1056.05, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1546.1, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[91.32, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[79176., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[104.71, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.4411539948335*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.037988912847*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[2.975675231364*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[104.729603388312, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[74.7, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 8, "FollowUps" -> 8, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "0", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2018, 2, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1354.45, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1254.9, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[110.57, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[79176., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[148.1, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.4134946530015*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.089109557423*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[3.602939228339*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[148.116674146978, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[74.4, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 2, "FollowUps" -> 2, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "0", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2018, 1, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1303.05, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1155.6, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[98.35, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[79176., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[129.08, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.2460070195235*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.765539090412*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[3.204748784545*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[129.05186471318, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[74.6, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 5, "FollowUps" -> 5, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "0", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 12, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1620.53, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1437.7, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[113.12, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[79176., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[136.93, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.2805201299631*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.684765965979*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[3.6860313422240004*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[136.829130473577, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[63.6, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 4, "FollowUps" -> 4, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "0", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 11, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1559.8, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1584.3, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[133.94, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[79176., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[176.24, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.082630558346*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.162464157961*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[4.364454013238*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[176.319742517813, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[82.4, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 1, "FollowUps" -> 1, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "0", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 10, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1933.5, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1953.5, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[137.47, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[79176., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[161.61, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.300337341045*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.365507626445*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[4.4794795669690005*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[161.714552017162, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[63., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 3, "FollowUps" -> 3, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "0", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 9, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1910.7, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2236.5, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[125.03, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[79176., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[170.56, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.226043215689*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.287667164855*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[4.074120391781*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[170.639003966418, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[65.1, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 8, "FollowUps" -> 8, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 0", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 8, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1816.2, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2355.9, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[185.68, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[71796., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[155.76, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. A Penalty Block structure on customer usage, based on customer class, was put in place in May 2015. The Penalties were NOT part of the current rate structure, which remained at a Uniform-based volumetric rate. As of the first billing cycle in May 2016, the Penalties were discontinued due to the fact that YLWD customers achieved the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction through February 2016. The Board of Directors retains the ability to apply Penalties in conjunction with SWRCB future mandates.", "Implementation" -> "Watering is prohibited between the hours of 9am and 6pm. Watering is limited to 15 minutes per station per day. Water is prohibited when it is raining, or there is a forecasted chance of rain of 50 percent or higher. No runoff. No washing down of hard or paved surfaces. Re-circulation of water is required for water fountains. Washing of vehicles is limited to use of a hand-held hose with an automatic shut-off nozzle. Education and communication regarding these restrictions have been communicated to our customers in the following ways: • 0 Water Waster Hotline and 4 Website Applications for customers to notify the District of water waste they observe in the community. Additionally, the City of Yorba Linda forwarded 0 calls they received from residents of water waste at locations throughout the City. • Regular specialized training regarding Conservation and the Conservation Restrictions for Operations Field staff and Customer Service Staff. • Field staff assigned to Conservation Education and Investigation of Water Waste in the Community. • 0 Water Conservation Ordinance First Violations have been issued. 0 Water Conservation Ordinance Second Violations have been issued- resulting in potentially $0 in fines. • Participation in MWDOC’s Turf Removal Rebate Program • Partnered with the City of Yorba Linda to identify and educate customers with a history of irrigation runoff to decrease usage and pollutants entered into the stormwater system. • Implementation of a Leak Detection Program within the District. Approximately 9 leaks found this month in YLWD-maintained pipe, which have been repaired, and 6 leaks on customer-maintained pipe. The customers were notified of the leaks and the District will be confirming they have been repaired. Additionally, due to the loss of revenue related to the Emergency Mandate of 36%, the District has raised its base fee effective on October 1, 2015 to cover the cost of providing water service. For a 1 inch meter, this amounts to approximately a $25 increase per billing period. We are encouraging customers to continue to decrease their usage to offset the increased base fee, and to help in meeting the State Emergency Mandate. As of the first billing period in August 2016, the base fee was lowered by approximately $9 due to the District’s self-certification of 0% conservation being approved and the associated increase in consumption. This amount was not increased for FY18. The vast majority of the conservation efforts remain in effect, even with the 0% conservation standard and the District has voluntarily asked for 10% conservation from the public. Many of the actions listed in the question above the District has taken since FY16, however, the District has not implemented any FURTHER actions since last month.", "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.918113617174*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.676733768693*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[6.050409296536001*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[196.767367609156, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[74., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 4, "FollowUps" -> 4, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. A Penalty Block structure on customer usage, based on customer class, was put in place in May 2015. The Penalties were NOT part of the current rate structure, which remained at a Uniform-based volumetric rate. As of the first billing cycle in May 2016, the Penalties were discontinued due to the fact that YLWD customers achieved the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction through February 2016. The Board of Directors retains the ability to apply Penalties in conjunction with SWRCB future mandates."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 0", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 7, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1873.39, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2348.8, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[146.01, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[79176., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[184.04, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. A Penalty Block structure on customer usage, based on customer class, was put in place in May 2015. The Penalties were NOT part of the current rate structure, which remained at a Uniform-based volumetric rate. As of the first billing cycle in May 2016, the Penalties were discontinued due to the fact that YLWD customers achieved the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction through February 2016. The Board of Directors retains the ability to apply Penalties in conjunction with SWRCB future mandates.", "Implementation" -> "Watering is prohibited between the hours of 9am and 6pm. Watering is limited to 15 minutes per station per day. Water is prohibited when it is raining, or there is a forecasted chance of rain of 50 percent or higher. No runoff. No washing down of hard or paved surfaces. Re-circulation of water is required for water fountains. Washing of vehicles is limited to use of a hand-held hose with an automatic shut-off nozzle. Education and communication regarding these restrictions have been communicated to our customers in the following ways: • 2 Water Waster Hotline and 7 Website Applications for customers to notify the District of water waste they observe in the community. Additionally, the City of Yorba Linda forwarded 0 calls they received from residents of water waste at locations throughout the City. • Regular specialized training regarding Conservation and the Conservation Restrictions for Operations Field staff and Customer Service Staff. • Field staff assigned to Conservation Education and Investigation of Water Waste in the Community. • 0 Water Conservation Ordinance First Violations have been issued. 0 Water Conservation Ordinance Second Violations have been issued- resulting in potentially $0 in fines. • Participation in MWDOC’s Turf Removal Rebate Program • Partnered with the City of Yorba Linda to identify and educate customers with a history of irrigation runoff to decrease usage and pollutants entered into the stormwater system. • Implementation of a Leak Detection Program within the District. Approximately 4 leaks found this month in YLWD-maintained pipe, which have been repaired, and 5 leaks on customer-maintained pipe. The customers were notified of the leaks and the District will be confirming they have been repaired. Additionally, due to the loss of revenue related to the Emergency Mandate of 36%, the District has raised its base fee effective on October 1, 2015 to cover the cost of providing water service. For a 1 inch meter, this amounts to approximately a $25 increase per billing period. We are encouraging customers to continue to decrease their usage to offset the increased base fee, and to help in meeting the State Emergency Mandate. As of the first billing period in August 2016, the base fee was lowered by approximately $9 due to the District’s self-certification of 0% conservation being approved and the associated increase in consumption. The vast majority of the conservation efforts remain in effect, even with the 0% conservation standard and the District has voluntarily asked for 10% conservation from the public. Many of the actions listed in the question above the District has taken since FY16, however, the District has not implemented any FURTHER actions since last month.", "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.1044680482753*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.653598317376*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[4.757756685627*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[184.045114506991, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[74., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 9, "FollowUps" -> 9, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. A Penalty Block structure on customer usage, based on customer class, was put in place in May 2015. The Penalties were NOT part of the current rate structure, which remained at a Uniform-based volumetric rate. As of the first billing cycle in May 2016, the Penalties were discontinued due to the fact that YLWD customers achieved the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction through February 2016. The Board of Directors retains the ability to apply Penalties in conjunction with SWRCB future mandates."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 0", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 6, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1678.18, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2185., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[158.98, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[79176., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[170.36, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. A Penalty Block structure on customer usage, based on customer class, was put in place in May 2015. The Penalties were NOT part of the current rate structure, which remained at a Uniform-based volumetric rate. As of the first billing cycle in May 2016, the Penalties were discontinued due to the fact that YLWD customers achieved the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction through February 2016. The Board of Directors retains the ability to apply Penalties in conjunction with SWRCB future mandates.", "Implementation" -> "Watering is prohibited between the hours of 9am and 6pm. Watering is limited to 15 minutes per station per day. Water is prohibited when it is raining, or there is a forecasted chance of rain of 50 percent or higher. No runoff. No washing down of hard or paved surfaces. Re-circulation of water is required for water fountains. Washing of vehicles is limited to use of a hand-held hose with an automatic shut-off nozzle. Education and communication regarding these restrictions have been communicated to our customers in the following ways: • 0 Water Waster Hotline and 10 Website Applications for customers to notify the District of water waste they observe in the community. Additionally, the City of Yorba Linda forwarded 0 calls they received from residents of water waste at locations throughout the City. • Regular specialized training regarding Conservation and the Conservation Restrictions for Operations Field staff and Customer Service Staff. • Field staff assigned to Conservation Education and Investigation of Water Waste in the Community. • 0 Water Conservation Ordinance First Violations have been issued. 0 Water Conservation Ordinance Second Violations have been issued- resulting in potentially $0 in fines. • Participation in MWDOC’s Turf Removal Rebate Program • Partnered with the City of Yorba Linda to identify and educate customers with a history of irrigation runoff to decrease usage and pollutants entered into the stormwater system. • Implementation of a Leak Detection Program within the District. Approximately 4 leaks found this month in YLWD-maintained pipe, which have been repaired, and 4 leaks on customer-maintained pipe. The customers were notified of the leaks and the District will be confirming they have been repaired. Additionally, due to the loss of revenue related to the Emergency Mandate of 36%, the District has raised its base fee effective on October 1, 2015 to cover the cost of providing water service. For a 1 inch meter, this amounts to approximately a $25 increase per billing period. We are encouraging customers to continue to decrease their usage to offset the increased base fee, and to help in meeting the State Emergency Mandate. As of the first billing period in August 2016, the base fee was lowered by approximately $9 in assumption of the District’s self-certification of 0% conservation being approved and the associated increase in consumption. The vast majority of the conservation efforts remain in effect, even with the 0% conservation standard and the District has voluntarily asked for 10% conservation from the public.", "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.4683734776286*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.11985367995*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[5.180385986446*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[170.362920306034, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[74., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 10, "FollowUps" -> 10, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. A Penalty Block structure on customer usage, based on customer class, was put in place in May 2015. The Penalties were NOT part of the current rate structure, which remained at a Uniform-based volumetric rate. As of the first billing cycle in May 2016, the Penalties were discontinued due to the fact that YLWD customers achieved the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction through February 2016. The Board of Directors retains the ability to apply Penalties in conjunction with SWRCB future mandates."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 0", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 5, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1603.48, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2107.4, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[109.41, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[71796., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[157.53, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. A Penalty Block structure on customer usage, based on customer class, was put in place in May 2015. The Penalties were NOT part of the current rate structure, which remained at a Uniform-based volumetric rate. As of the first billing cycle in May 2016, the Penalties were discontinued due to the fact that YLWD customers achieved the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction through February 2016. The Board of Directors retains the ability to apply Penalties in conjunction with SWRCB future mandates.", "Implementation" -> "Watering is prohibited between the hours of 9am and 6pm. Watering is limited to 15 minutes per station per day. Water is prohibited when it is raining, or there is a forecasted chance of rain of 50 percent or higher. No runoff. No washing down of hard or paved surfaces. Re-circulation of water is required for water fountains. Washing of vehicles is limited to use of a hand-held hose with an automatic shut-off nozzle. Education and communication regarding these restrictions have been communicated to our customers in the following ways: • 0 Water Waster Hotline and 6 Website Applications for customers to notify the District of water waste they observe in the community. Additionally, the City of Yorba Linda forwarded 0 calls they received from residents of water waste at locations throughout the City. • Regular specialized training regarding Conservation and the Conservation Restrictions for Operations Field staff and Customer Service Staff. • Field staff assigned to Conservation Education and Investigation of Water Waste in the Community. • 0 Water Conservation Ordinance First Violations have been issued. 0 Water Conservation Ordinance Second Violations have been issued- resulting in potentially $0 in fines. • Participation in MWDOC’s Turf Removal Rebate Program • Partnered with the City of Yorba Linda to identify and educate customers with a history of irrigation runoff to decrease usage and pollutants entered into the stormwater system. • Implementation of a Leak Detection Program within the District. Approximately 8 leaks found this month in YLWD-maintained pipe, which have been repaired, and 4 leaks on customer-maintained pipe. The customers were notified of the leaks and the District will be confirming they have been repaired. Additionally, due to the loss of revenue related to the Emergency Mandate of 36%, the District has raised its base fee effective on October 1, 2015 to cover the cost of providing water service. For a 1 inch meter, this amounts to approximately a $25 increase per billing period. We are encouraging customers to continue to decrease their usage to offset the increased base fee, and to help in meeting the State Emergency Mandate. As of the first billing period in August 2016, the base fee was lowered by approximately $9 in assumption of the District’s self-certification of 0% conservation being approved and the associated increase in consumption. The vast majority of the conservation efforts remain in effect, even with the 0% conservation standard and the District has voluntarily asked for 10% conservation from the public.", "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.2249624616596*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.866992972598*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[3.5651404628070004*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[173.72125240278, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[74., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 6, "FollowUps" -> 6, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. A Penalty Block structure on customer usage, based on customer class, was put in place in May 2015. The Penalties were NOT part of the current rate structure, which remained at a Uniform-based volumetric rate. As of the first billing cycle in May 2016, the Penalties were discontinued due to the fact that YLWD customers achieved the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction through February 2016. The Board of Directors retains the ability to apply Penalties in conjunction with SWRCB future mandates."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 4, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1467.46, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1791.2, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[117.8, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[79176., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[148.97, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. A Penalty Block structure on customer usage, based on customer class, was put in place in May 2015. The Penalties were NOT part of the current rate structure, which remained at a Uniform-based volumetric rate. As of the first billing cycle in May 2016, the Penalties were discontinued due to the fact that YLWD customers achieved the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction through February 2016. The Board of Directors retains the ability to apply Penalties in conjunction with SWRCB future mandates.", "Implementation" -> "Watering is prohibited between the hours of 9am and 6pm. Watering is limited to 15 minutes per station per day. Water is prohibited when it is raining, or there is a forecasted chance of rain of 50 percent or higher. No runoff. No washing down of hard or paved surfaces. Re-circulation of water is required for water fountains. Washing of vehicles is limited to use of a hand-held hose with an automatic shut-off nozzle. Stage 1 restrictions include irrigation limited to three times per week, with no irrigation on Sunday. Education and communication regarding these restrictions have been communicated to our customers in the following ways: • 0 Water Waster Hotline and 4 Website Applications for customers to notify the District of water waste they observe in the community. Additionally, the City of Yorba Linda forwarded 0 calls they received from residents of water waste at locations throughout the City. • Regular specialized training regarding Conservation and the Conservation Restrictions for Operations Field staff and Customer Service Staff. • Field staff assigned to Conservation Education and Investigation of Water Waste in the Community. • 0 Water Conservation Ordinance First Violations have been issued. 0 Water Conservation Ordinance Second Violations have been issued- resulting in potentially $0 in fines. • Participation in MWDOC’s Turf Removal Rebate Program • Partnered with the City of Yorba Linda to identify and educate customers with a history of irrigation runoff to decrease usage and pollutants entered into the stormwater system. • Implementation of a Leak Detection Program within the District. Approximately 7 leaks found this month in YLWD-maintained pipe, which have been repaired, and 6 leaks on customer-maintained pipe. The customers were notified of the leaks and the District will be confirming they have been repaired. Additionally, due to the loss of revenue related to the Emergency Mandate of 36%, the District has raised its base fee effective on October 1, 2015 to cover the cost of providing water service. For a 1 inch meter, this amounts to approximately a $25 increase per billing period. We are encouraging customers to continue to decrease their usage to offset the increased base fee, and to help in meeting the State Emergency Mandate. As of the first billing period in August 2016, the base fee was lowered by approximately $9 in assumption of the District’s self-certification of 0% conservation being approved and the associated increase in consumption. The vast majority of the conservation efforts remain in effect, even with the 0% conservation standard and the District has voluntarily asked for 10% conservation from the public.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.7817393506542*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.836650760424*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[3.8385298100600004*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[148.971368406424, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[74., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 4, "FollowUps" -> 4, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. A Penalty Block structure on customer usage, based on customer class, was put in place in May 2015. The Penalties were NOT part of the current rate structure, which remained at a Uniform-based volumetric rate. As of the first billing cycle in May 2016, the Penalties were discontinued due to the fact that YLWD customers achieved the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction through February 2016. The Board of Directors retains the ability to apply Penalties in conjunction with SWRCB future mandates."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 3, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1154.29, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1546.1, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[89.21, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[79176., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[113.4, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. A Penalty Block structure on customer usage, based on customer class, was put in place in May 2015. The Penalties were NOT part of the current rate structure, which remained at a Uniform-based volumetric rate. As of the first billing cycle in May 2016, the Penalties were discontinued due to the fact that YLWD customers achieved the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction through February 2016. The Board of Directors retains the ability to apply Penalties in conjunction with SWRCB future mandates.", "Implementation" -> "Watering is prohibited between the hours of 9am and 6pm. Watering is limited to 15 minutes per station per day. Water is prohibited when it is raining, or there is a forecasted chance of rain of 50 percent or higher. No runoff. No washing down of hard or paved surfaces. Re-circulation of water is required for water fountains. Washing of vehicles is limited to use of a hand-held hose with an automatic shut-off nozzle. Stage 1 restrictions include irrigation limited to three times per week, with no irrigation on Sunday. Education and communication regarding these restrictions have been communicated to our customers in the following ways: • 5 Water Waster Hotline and 7 Website Applications for customers to notify the District of water waste they observe in the community. Additionally, the City of Yorba Linda forwarded 0 calls they received from residents of water waste at locations throughout the City. • Regular specialized training regarding Conservation and the Conservation Restrictions for Operations Field staff and Customer Service Staff. • Field staff assigned to Conservation Education and Investigation of Water Waste in the Community. • 0 Water Conservation Ordinance First Violations have been issued. 0 Water Conservation Ordinance Second Violations have been issued- resulting in potentially $0 in fines. • Participation in MWDOC’s Turf Removal Rebate Program • Partnered with the City of Yorba Linda to identify and educate customers with a history of irrigation runoff to decrease usage and pollutants entered into the stormwater system. • Implementation of a Leak Detection Program within the District. Approximately 17 leaks found this month in YLWD-maintained pipe, which have been repaired, and 6 leaks on customer-maintained pipe. The customers were notified of the leaks and the District will be confirming they have been repaired. Additionally, due to the loss of revenue related to the Emergency Mandate of 36%, the District has raised its base fee effective on October 1, 2015 to cover the cost of providing water service. For a 1 inch meter, this amounts to approximately a $25 increase per billing period. We are encouraging customers to continue to decrease their usage to offset the increased base fee, and to help in meeting the State Emergency Mandate. As of the first billing period in August 2016, the base fee was lowered by approximately $9 in assumption of the District’s self-certification of 0% conservation being approved and the associated increase in consumption. The vast majority of the conservation efforts remain in effect, even with the 0% conservation standard and the District has voluntarily asked for 10% conservation from the public.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.7612704367183*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.037988912847*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[2.9069205802670002*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[113.399471132159, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[74., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 12, "FollowUps" -> 12, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. A Penalty Block structure on customer usage, based on customer class, was put in place in May 2015. The Penalties were NOT part of the current rate structure, which remained at a Uniform-based volumetric rate. As of the first billing cycle in May 2016, the Penalties were discontinued due to the fact that YLWD customers achieved the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction through February 2016. The Board of Directors retains the ability to apply Penalties in conjunction with SWRCB future mandates."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 2, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[582.34, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1254.9, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[79176., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[63.34, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. A Penalty Block structure on customer usage, based on customer class, was put in place in May 2015. The Penalties were NOT part of the current rate structure, which remained at a Uniform-based volumetric rate. As of the first billing cycle in May 2016, the Penalties were discontinued due to the fact that YLWD customers achieved the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction through February 2016. The Board of Directors retains the ability to apply Penalties in conjunction with SWRCB future mandates.", "Implementation" -> "Watering is prohibited between the hours of 9am and 6pm. Watering is limited to 15 minutes per station per day. Water is prohibited when it is raining, or there is a forecasted chance of rain of 50 percent or higher. No runoff. No washing down of hard or paved surfaces. Re-circulation of water is required for water fountains. Washing of vehicles is limited to use of a hand-held hose with an automatic shut-off nozzle. Stage 1 restrictions include irrigation limited to three times per week, with no irrigation on Sunday. Education and communication regarding these restrictions have been communicated to our customers in the following ways: • 2 Water Waster Hotline and 0 Website Applications for customers to notify the District of water waste they observe in the community. Additionally, the City of Yorba Linda forwarded 0 calls they received from residents of water waste at locations throughout the City. • Regular specialized training regarding Conservation and the Conservation Restrictions for Operations Field staff and Customer Service Staff. • Field staff assigned to Conservation Education and Investigation of Water Waste in the Community. • 0 Water Conservation Ordinance First Violations have been issued. 0 Water Conservation Ordinance Second Violations have been issued- resulting in potentially $0 in fines. • Participation in MWDOC’s Turf Removal Rebate Program • Partnered with the City of Yorba Linda to identify and educate customers with a history of irrigation runoff to decrease usage and pollutants entered into the stormwater system. • Implementation of a Leak Detection Program within the District. Approximately 17 leaks found this month in YLWD-maintained pipe, which have been repaired, and 6 leaks on customer-maintained pipe. The customers were notified of the leaks and the District will be confirming they have been repaired. Additionally, due to the loss of revenue related to the Emergency Mandate of 36%, the District has raised its base fee effective on October 1, 2015 to cover the cost of providing water service. For a 1 inch meter, this amounts to approximately a $25 increase per billing period. We are encouraging customers to continue to decrease their usage to offset the increased base fee, and to help in meeting the State Emergency Mandate. As of the first billing period in August, the base fee was lowered by approximately $9 in assumption of the District’s self-certification of 0% conservation being approved and the associated increase in consumption. The vast majority of the conservation efforts remain in effect, even with the 0% conservation standard and the District has voluntarily asked for 10% conservation from the public.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.8975631999918*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.089109557423*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[63.3397551924975, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[74., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 2, "FollowUps" -> 2, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. A Penalty Block structure on customer usage, based on customer class, was put in place in May 2015. The Penalties were NOT part of the current rate structure, which remained at a Uniform-based volumetric rate. As of the first billing cycle in May 2016, the Penalties were discontinued due to the fact that YLWD customers achieved the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction through February 2016. The Board of Directors retains the ability to apply Penalties in conjunction with SWRCB future mandates."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 1, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[632.64, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1155.6, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[68.25, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[79176., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[62.15, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. A Penalty Block structure on customer usage, based on customer class, was put in place in May 2015. The Penalties were NOT part of the current rate structure, which remained at a Uniform-based volumetric rate. As of the first billing cycle in May 2016, the Penalties were discontinued due to the fact that YLWD customers achieved the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction through February 2016. The Board of Directors retains the ability to apply Penalties in conjunction with SWRCB future mandates.", "Implementation" -> "Watering is prohibited between the hours of 9am and 6pm. Watering is limited to 15 minutes per station per day. Water is prohibited when it is raining, or there is a forecasted chance of rain of 50 percent or higher. No runoff. No washing down of hard or paved surfaces. Re-circulation of water is required for water fountains. Washing of vehicles is limited to use of a hand-held hose with an automatic shut-off nozzle. Stage 1 restrictions include irrigation limited to three times per week, with no irrigation on Sunday. Education and communication regarding these restrictions have been communicated to our customers in the following ways: • 2 Water Waster Hotline and 0 Website Applications for customers to notify the District of water waste they observe in the community. Additionally, the City of Yorba Linda forwarded 0 calls they received from residents of water waste at locations throughout the City. • Regular specialized training regarding Conservation and the Conservation Restrictions for Operations Field staff and Customer Service Staff. • Field staff assigned to Conservation Education and Investigation of Water Waste in the Community. • 0 Water Conservation Ordinance First Violations have been issued. 0 Water Conservation Ordinance Second Violations have been issued- resulting in potentially $0 in fines. • Participation in MWDOC’s Turf Removal Rebate Program • Partnered with the City of Yorba Linda to identify and educate customers with a history of irrigation runoff to decrease usage and pollutants entered into the stormwater system. • Implementation of a Leak Detection Program within the District. Approximately 14 leaks found this month in YLWD-maintained pipe, which have been repaired, and 2 leaks on customer-maintained pipe. The customers were notified of the leaks and the District will be confirming they have been repaired. Additionally, due to the loss of revenue related to the Emergency Mandate of 36%, the District has raised its base fee effective on October 1, 2015 to cover the cost of providing water service. For a 1 inch meter, this amounts to approximately a $25 increase per billing period. We are encouraging customers to continue to decrease their usage to offset the increased base fee, and to help in meeting the State Emergency Mandate. As of the first billing period in August, the base fee was lowered by approximately $9 in assumption of the District’s self-certification of 0% conservation being approved and the associated increase in consumption. The vast majority of the conservation efforts remain in effect, even with the 0% conservation standard and the District has voluntarily asked for 10% conservation from the public.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.0614664677728*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.765539090412*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[2.2239359892750002*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[62.1516615556307, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[74., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 2, "FollowUps" -> 2, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. A Penalty Block structure on customer usage, based on customer class, was put in place in May 2015. The Penalties were NOT part of the current rate structure, which remained at a Uniform-based volumetric rate. As of the first billing cycle in May 2016, the Penalties were discontinued due to the fact that YLWD customers achieved the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction through February 2016. The Board of Directors retains the ability to apply Penalties in conjunction with SWRCB future mandates."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 12, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1270.85, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1437.7, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[94.24, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[78539., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[95.65, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. A Penalty Block structure on customer usage, based on customer class, was put in place in May 2015. The Penalties were NOT part of the current rate structure, which remained at a Uniform-based volumetric rate. As of the first billing cycle in May 2016, the Penalties were discontinued due to the fact that YLWD customers achieved the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction through February 2016. The Board of Directors retains the ability to apply Penalties in conjunction with SWRCB future mandates.", "Implementation" -> "Watering is prohibited between the hours of 9am and 6pm. Watering is limited to 15 minutes per station per day. Water is prohibited when it is raining, or there is a forecasted chance of rain of 50 percent or higher. No runoff. No washing down of hard or paved surfaces. Re-circulation of water is required for water fountains. Washing of vehicles is limited to use of a hand-held hose with an automatic shut-off nozzle. Stage 1 restrictions include irrigation limited to three times per week, with no irrigation on Sunday. Education and communication regarding these restrictions have been communicated to our customers in the following ways: • 2 Water Waster Hotline and 0 Website Applications for customers to notify the District of water waste they observe in the community. Additionally, the City of Yorba Linda forwarded 0 calls they received from residents of water waste at locations throughout the City. • Regular specialized training regarding Conservation and the Conservation Restrictions for Operations Field staff and Customer Service Staff. • Field staff assigned to Conservation Education and Investigation of Water Waste in the Community. • 0 Water Conservation Ordinance First Violations have been issued. 0 Water Conservation Ordinance Second Violations have been issued- resulting in potentially $0 in fines. • Participation in MWDOC’s Turf Removal Rebate Program • Partnered with the City of Yorba Linda to identify and educate customers with a history of irrigation runoff to decrease usage and pollutants entered into the stormwater system. • Implementation of a Leak Detection Program within the District. Approximately 16 leaks found this month in YLWD-maintained pipe, which have been repaired, and 7 leaks on customer-maintained pipe. The customers were notified of the leaks and the District will be confirming they have been repaired. Additionally, due to the loss of revenue related to the Emergency Mandate of 36%, the District has raised its base fee effective on October 1, 2015 to cover the cost of providing water service. For a 1 inch meter, this amounts to approximately a $25 increase per billing period. We are encouraging customers to continue to decrease their usage to offset the increased base fee, and to help in meeting the State Emergency Mandate. As of the first billing period in August, the base fee was lowered by approximately $9 in assumption of the District’s self-certification of 0% conservation being approved and the associated increase in consumption. The vast majority of the conservation efforts remain in effect, even with the 0% conservation standard and the District has voluntarily asked for 10% conservation from the public.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.1410828600295*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.684765965979*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[3.070823848048*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[125.863144894188, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[74., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 2, "FollowUps" -> 2, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. A Penalty Block structure on customer usage, based on customer class, was put in place in May 2015. The Penalties were NOT part of the current rate structure, which remained at a Uniform-based volumetric rate. As of the first billing cycle in May 2016, the Penalties were discontinued due to the fact that YLWD customers achieved the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction through February 2016. The Board of Directors retains the ability to apply Penalties in conjunction with SWRCB future mandates."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 11, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1270.85, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1584.3, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[146.46, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[78539., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[125.86, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. A Penalty Block structure on customer usage, based on customer class, was put in place in May 2015. The Penalties were NOT part of the current rate structure, which remained at a Uniform-based volumetric rate. As of the first billing cycle in May 2016, the Penalties were discontinued due to the fact that YLWD customers achieved the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction through February 2016. The Board of Directors retains the ability to apply Penalties in conjunction with SWRCB future mandates.", "Implementation" -> "Watering is prohibited between the hours of 9am and 6pm. Watering is limited to 15 minutes per station per day. Water is prohibited when it is raining, or there is a forecasted chance of rain of 50 percent or higher. No runoff. No washing down of hard or paved surfaces. Re-circulation of water is required for water fountains. Washing of vehicles is limited to use of a hand-held hose with an automatic shut-off nozzle. Stage 1 restrictions include irrigation limited to three times per week, with no irrigation on Sunday. Education and communication regarding these restrictions have been communicated to our customers in the following ways: • 2 Water Waster Hotline and 0 Website Applications for customers to notify the District of water waste they observe in the community. Additionally, the City of Yorba Linda forwarded 0 calls they received from residents of water waste at locations throughout the City. • Regular specialized training regarding Conservation and the Conservation Restrictions for Operations Field staff and Customer Service Staff. • Field staff assigned to Conservation Education and Investigation of Water Waste in the Community. • 0 Water Conservation Ordinance First Violations have been issued. 0 Water Conservation Ordinance Second Violations have been issued- resulting in potentially $0 in fines. • Participation in MWDOC’s Turf Removal Rebate Program • Partnered with the City of Yorba Linda to identify and educate customers with a history of irrigation runoff to decrease usage and pollutants entered into the stormwater system. • Implementation of a Leak Detection Program within the District. Approximately 9 leaks found this month in YLWD-maintained pipe, which have been repaired, and 6 leaks on customer-maintained pipe. The customers were notified of the leaks and the District will be confirming they have been repaired. Additionally, due to the loss of revenue related to the Emergency Mandate of 36%, the District has raised its base fee effective on October 1, 2015 to cover the cost of providing water service. For a 1 inch meter, this amounts to approximately a $25 increase per billing period. We are encouraging customers to continue to decrease their usage to offset the increased base fee, and to help in meeting the State Emergency Mandate. As of the first billing period in August, the base fee was lowered by approximately $9 in assumption of the District’s self-certification of 0% conservation being approved and the associated increase in consumption. The vast majority of the conservation efforts remain in effect, even with the 0% conservation standard and the District has voluntarily asked for 10% conservation from the public.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.1410828600295*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.162464157961*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[4.772419999842001*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[130.058583057327, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[74., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 2, "FollowUps" -> 2, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. A Penalty Block structure on customer usage, based on customer class, was put in place in May 2015. The Penalties were NOT part of the current rate structure, which remained at a Uniform-based volumetric rate. As of the first billing cycle in May 2016, the Penalties were discontinued due to the fact that YLWD customers achieved the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction through February 2016. The Board of Directors retains the ability to apply Penalties in conjunction with SWRCB future mandates."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 10, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1456.45, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1953.5, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[118.71, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[78539., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[144.24, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. A Penalty Block structure on customer usage, based on customer class, was put in place in May 2015. The Penalties were NOT part of the current rate structure, which remained at a Uniform-based volumetric rate. As of the first billing cycle in May 2016, the Penalties were discontinued due to the fact that YLWD customers achieved the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction through February 2016. The Board of Directors retains the ability to apply Penalties in conjunction with SWRCB future mandates.", "Implementation" -> "Watering is prohibited between the hours of 9am and 6pm. Watering is limited to 15 minutes per station per day. Water is prohibited when it is raining, or there is a forecasted chance of rain of 50 percent or higher. No runoff. No washing down of hard or paved surfaces. Re-circulation of water is required for water fountains. Washing of vehicles is limited to use of a hand-held hose with an automatic shut-off nozzle. Stage 1 restrictions include irrigation limited to three times per week, with no irrigation on Sunday. Education and communication regarding these restrictions have been communicated to our customers in the following ways: • 0 Water Waster Hotline and 13 Website Applications for customers to notify the District of water waste they observe in the community. Additionally, the City of Yorba Linda forwarded 1 call they received from residents of water waste at locations throughout the City. • Regular specialized training regarding Conservation and the Conservation Restrictions for Operations Field staff and Customer Service Staff. • Field staff assigned to Conservation Education and Investigation of Water Waste in the Community. • 0 Water Conservation Ordinance First Violations have been issued. 0 Water Conservation Ordinance Second Violations have been issued- resulting in potentially $0 in fines. • Participation in MWDOC’s Turf Removal Rebate Program • Partnered with the City of Yorba Linda to identify and educate customers with a history of irrigation runoff to decrease usage and pollutants entered into the stormwater system. • Implementation of a Leak Detection Program within the District. Approximately 7 leaks found this month in YLWD-maintained pipe, which have been repaired, and 2 leak on customer-maintained pipe. The customer was notified of the leak and it has been repaired. Additionally, due to the loss of revenue related to the Emergency Mandate of 36%, the District has raised its base fee effective on October 1, 2015 to cover the cost of providing water service. For a 1 inch meter, this amounts to approximately a $25 increase per billing period. We are encouraging customers to continue to decrease their usage to offset the increased base fee, and to help in meeting the State Emergency Mandate. As of the first billing period in August, the base fee was lowered by approximately $9 in assumption of the District’s self-certification of 0% conservation being approved and the associated increase in consumption. The vast majority of the conservation efforts remain in effect, even with the 0% conservation standard and the District has voluntarily asked for 10% conservation from the public.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.7458631085415*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.365507626445*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[3.8681822899170004*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[144.244700303844, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[74., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 13, "FollowUps" -> 13, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. A Penalty Block structure on customer usage, based on customer class, was put in place in May 2015. The Penalties were NOT part of the current rate structure, which remained at a Uniform-based volumetric rate. As of the first billing cycle in May 2016, the Penalties were discontinued due to the fact that YLWD customers achieved the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction through February 2016. The Board of Directors retains the ability to apply Penalties in conjunction with SWRCB future mandates."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 9, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1649.09, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2236.5, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[157.14, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[78539., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[168.77, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. A Penalty Block structure on customer usage, based on customer class, was put in place in May 2015. The Penalties were NOT part of the current rate structure, which remained at a Uniform-based volumetric rate. As of the first billing cycle in May 2016, the Penalties were discontinued due to the fact that YLWD customers achieved the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction through February 2016. The Board of Directors retains the ability to apply Penalties in conjunction with SWRCB future mandates.", "Implementation" -> "Watering is prohibited between the hours of 9am and 6pm. Watering is limited to 15 minutes per station per day. Water is prohibited when it is raining, or there is a forecasted chance of rain of 50 percent or higher. No runoff. No washing down of hard or paved surfaces. Re-circulation of water is required for water fountains. Washing of vehicles is limited to use of a hand-held hose with an automatic shut-off nozzle. Stage 1 restrictions include irrigation limited to three times per week, with no irrigation on Sunday. Education and communication regarding these restrictions have been communicated to our customers in the following ways: • 0 Water Waster Hotline and 15 Website Applications for customers to notify the District of water waste they observe in the community. Additionally, the City of Yorba Linda forwarded 1 call they received from residents of water waste at locations throughout the City. • Regular specialized training regarding Conservation and the Conservation Restrictions for Operations Field staff and Customer Service Staff. • Field staff assigned to Conservation Education and Investigation of Water Waste in the Community. • 0 Water Conservation Ordinance First Violations have been issued. 0 Water Conservation Ordinance Second Violations have been issued- resulting in potentially $0 in fines. • Participation in MWDOC’s Turf Removal Rebate Program • Partnered with the City of Yorba Linda to identify and educate customers with a history of irrigation runoff to decrease usage and pollutants entered into the stormwater system. • Implementation of a Leak Detection Program within the District. Approximately 5 leaks found this month in YLWD-maintained pipe, which have been repaired, and 1 leak on customer-maintained pipe. The customer was notified of the leak and it has been repaired. Additionally, due to the loss of revenue related to the Emergency Mandate of 36%, the District has raised its base fee effective on October 1, 2015 to cover the cost of providing water service. For a 1 inch meter, this amounts to approximately a $25 increase per billing period. We are encouraging customers to continue to decrease their usage to offset the increased base fee, and to help in meeting the State Emergency Mandate. As of the first billing period in August, the base fee was lowered by approximately $9 in assumption of the District’s self-certification of 0% conservation being approved and the associated increase in consumption. The vast majority of the conservation efforts remain in effect, even with the 0% conservation standard and the District has voluntarily asked for 10% conservation from the public.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.3735832975143*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.287667164855*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[5.120429323878*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[168.76760336311, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[74., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 15, "FollowUps" -> 15, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. A Penalty Block structure on customer usage, based on customer class, was put in place in May 2015. The Penalties were NOT part of the current rate structure, which remained at a Uniform-based volumetric rate. As of the first billing cycle in May 2016, the Penalties were discontinued due to the fact that YLWD customers achieved the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction through February 2016. The Board of Directors retains the ability to apply Penalties in conjunction with SWRCB future mandates."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 8, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1793.74, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2355.9, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[148.93, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[71796., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[177.65, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. A Penalty Block structure on customer usage, based on customer class, was put in place in May 2015. The Penalties were NOT part of the current rate structure, which remained at a Uniform-based volumetric rate. As of the first billing cycle in May 2016, the Penalties were discontinued due to the fact that YLWD customers achieved the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction through February 2016. The Board of Directors retains the ability to apply Penalties in conjunction with SWRCB future mandates.", "Implementation" -> "Watering is prohibited between the hours of 9am and 6pm. Watering is limited to 15 minutes per station per day. Water is prohibited when it is raining, or there is a forecasted chance of rain of 50 percent or higher. No runoff. No washing down of hard or paved surfaces. Re-circulation of water is required for water fountains. Washing of vehicles is limited to use of a hand-held hose with an automatic shut-off nozzle. Stage 1 restrictions include irrigation limited to three times per week, with no irrigation on Sunday. Education and communication regarding these restrictions have been communicated to our customers in the following ways: • 0 Water Waster Hotline and 15 Website Applications for customers to notify the District of water waste they observe in the community. Additionally, the City of Yorba Linda forwarded 1 call they received from residents of water waste at locations throughout the City. • Regular specialized training regarding Conservation and the Conservation Restrictions for Operations Field staff and Customer Service Staff. • Field staff assigned to Conservation Education and Investigation of Water Waste in the Community. • 0 Water Conservation Ordinance First Violations have been issued. 0 Water Conservation Ordinance Second Violations have been issued- resulting in potentially $0 in fines. • Participation in MWDOC’s Turf Removal Rebate Program • Partnered with the City of Yorba Linda to identify and educate customers with a history of irrigation runoff to decrease usage and pollutants entered into the stormwater system. • Implementation of a Leak Detection Program within the District. Approximately 5 leaks found this month in YLWD-maintained pipe, which have been repaired, and 1 leak on customer-maintained pipe. The customer was notified of the leak and it has been repaired. Additionally, due to the loss of revenue related to the Emergency Mandate of 36%, the District has raised its base fee effective on October 1, 2015 to cover the cost of providing water service. For a 1 inch meter, this amounts to approximately a $25 increase per billing period. We are encouraging customers to continue to decrease their usage to offset the increased base fee, and to help in meeting the State Emergency Mandate. As of the first billing period in August, the base fee was lowered by approximately $9 in assumption of the District’s self-certification of 0% conservation being approved and the associated increase in consumption. The vast majority of the conservation efforts remain in effect, even with the 0% conservation standard.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.8449273866698*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.676733768693*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[4.852905302311*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[194.334047998705, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[74., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 15, "FollowUps" -> 15, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. A Penalty Block structure on customer usage, based on customer class, was put in place in May 2015. The Penalties were NOT part of the current rate structure, which remained at a Uniform-based volumetric rate. As of the first billing cycle in May 2016, the Penalties were discontinued due to the fact that YLWD customers achieved the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction through February 2016. The Board of Directors retains the ability to apply Penalties in conjunction with SWRCB future mandates."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 7, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1707.64, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2348.8, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[187.77, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[78539., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[169.12, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. A Penalty Block structure on customer usage, based on customer class, was put in place in May 2015. The Penalties were NOT part of the current rate structure, which remained at a Uniform-based volumetric rate. As of the first billing cycle in May 2016, the Penalties were discontinued due to the fact that YLWD customers achieved the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction through February 2016. The Board of Directors retains the ability to apply Penalties in conjunction with SWRCB future mandates.", "Implementation" -> "Watering is prohibited between the hours of 9am and 6pm. Watering is limited to 15 minutes per station per day. Water is prohibited when it is raining, or there is a forecasted chance of rain of 50 percent or higher. No runoff. No washing down of hard or paved surfaces. Re-circulation of water is required for water fountains. Washing of vehicles is limited to use of a hand-held hose with an automatic shut-off nozzle. Stage 1 restrictions include irrigation limited to three times per week, with no irrigation on Sunday. Education and communication regarding these restrictions have been communicated to our customers in the following ways: • 5 Water Waster Hotline and 0 Website Applications for customers to notify the District of water waste they observe in the community. Additionally, the City of Yorba Linda forwarded 1 call they received from residents of water waste at locations throughout the City. • Regular specialized training regarding Conservation and the Conservation Restrictions for Operations Field staff and Customer Service Staff. • Field staff assigned to Conservation Education and Investigation of Water Waste in the Community. • 0 Water Conservation Ordinance First Violations have been issued. 0 Water Conservation Ordinance Second Violations have been issued- resulting in potentially $0 in fines. • Participation in MWDOC’s Turf Removal Rebate Program • Partnered with the City of Yorba Linda to identify and educate customers with a history of irrigation runoff to decrease usage and pollutants entered into the stormwater system. • Implementation of a Leak Detection Program within the District. Approximately 2leaks found this month in YLWD-maintained pipe, which have been repaired, and 7 leaks on customer-maintained pipe. The customers were notified of the leaks and they have been repaired. Additionally, due to the loss of revenue related to the Emergency Mandate of 36%, the District has raised its base fee effective on October 1, 2015 to cover the cost of providing water service. For a 1 inch meter, this amounts to approximately a $25 increase per billing period. We are encouraging customers to continue to decrease their usage to offset the increased base fee, and to help in meeting the State Emergency Mandate.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.5643693080228*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.653598317376*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[6.118512244779001*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[169.122194395177, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[74., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 5, "FollowUps" -> 5, "Warnings" -> 5, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. A Penalty Block structure on customer usage, based on customer class, was put in place in May 2015. The Penalties were NOT part of the current rate structure, which remained at a Uniform-based volumetric rate. As of the first billing cycle in May 2016, the Penalties were discontinued due to the fact that YLWD customers achieved the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction through February 2016. The Board of Directors retains the ability to apply Penalties in conjunction with SWRCB future mandates."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 6, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1458.72, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2185., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[146.6, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[78539., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[149.29, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. A Penalty Block structure on customer usage, based on customer class, was put in place in May 2015. The Penalties were NOT part of the current rate structure, which remained at a Uniform-based volumetric rate. As of the first billing cycle in May 2016, the Penalties were discontinued due to the fact that YLWD customers achieved the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction through February 2016. The Board of Directors retains the ability to apply Penalties in conjunction with SWRCB future mandates.", "Implementation" -> "Watering is prohibited between the hours of 9am and 6pm. Watering is limited to 15 minutes per station per day. Water is prohibited when it is raining, or there is a forecasted chance of rain of 50 percent or higher. No runoff. No washing down of hard or paved surfaces. Re-circulation of water is required for water fountains. Washing of vehicles is limited to use of a hand-held house with an automatic shut-off nozzle. Stage 3 restrictions include irrigation limited to one time per week, with no irrigation on Sunday. Education and communication regarding these restrictions have been communicated to our customers in the following ways: • 10 Water Waster Hotline and 0 Website Applications for customers to notify the District of water waste they observe in the community. Additionally, the City of Yorba Linda forwarded 1 call they received from residents of water waste at locations throughout the City. • Regular specialized training regarding Conservation and the Conservation Restrictions for Operations Field staff and Customer Service Staff. • Field staff assigned to Conservation Education and Investigation of Water Waste in the Community. • 10 Water Conservation Ordinance First Violations have been issued. 0 Water Conservation Ordinance Second Violations have been issued- resulting in potentially $0 in fines. • Participation in MWDOC’s Turf Removal Rebate Program • Partnered with the City of Yorba Linda to identify and educate customers with a history of irrigation runoff to decrease usage and pollutants entered into the stormwater system. • Implementation of a Leak Detection Program within the District. Approximately 36 leaks found this month in YLWD-maintained pipe, which have been repaired, and 14 leaks on customer-maintained pipe. The customers were notified of the leaks and they have been repaired. Additionally, due to the loss of revenue related to the Emergency Mandate of 36%, the District has raised its base fee effective on October 1, 2015 to cover the cost of providing water service. For a 1 inch meter, this amounts to approximately a $25 increase per billing period. We are encouraging customers to continue to decrease their usage to offset the increased base fee, and to help in meeting the State Emergency Mandate.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.7532599359344*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.11985367995*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[4.77698191982*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[149.285168412782, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[74., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 15, "FollowUps" -> 15, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. A Penalty Block structure on customer usage, based on customer class, was put in place in May 2015. The Penalties were NOT part of the current rate structure, which remained at a Uniform-based volumetric rate. As of the first billing cycle in May 2016, the Penalties were discontinued due to the fact that YLWD customers achieved the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction through February 2016. The Board of Directors retains the ability to apply Penalties in conjunction with SWRCB future mandates."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 5, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1348.31, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2107.4, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[106.46, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[78539., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[133.53, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. A Penalty Block structure on customer usage, based on customer class, was put in place in May 2015. The Penalties were NOT part of the current rate structure, which remained at a Uniform-based volumetric rate. As of the first billing cycle in May 2016, the Penalties were discontinued due to the fact that YLWD customers achieved the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction through February 2016. The Board of Directors retains the ability to apply Penalties in conjunction with SWRCB future mandates.", "Implementation" -> "Watering is prohibited between the hours of 9am and 6pm. Watering is limited to 15 minutes per station per day. Water is prohibited when it is raining, or there is a forecasted chance of rain of 50 percent or higher. No runoff. No washing down of hard or paved surfaces. Re-circulation of water is required for water fountains. Washing of vehicles is limited to use of a hand-held house with an automatic shut-off nozzle. Stage 3 restrictions include irrigation limited to one time per week, with no irrigation on Sunday. Education and communication regarding these restrictions have been communicated to our customers in the following ways: • 20 Water Waster Hotline and 0 Website Applications for customers to notify the District of water waste they observe in the community. Additionally, the City of Yorba Linda forwarded 1 call they received from residents of water waste at locations throughout the City. • Regular specialized training regarding Conservation and the Conservation Restrictions for Operations Field staff and Customer Service Staff. • Field staff assigned to Conservation Education and Investigation of Water Waste in the Community. • 10 Water Conservation Ordinance First Violations have been issued. 0 Water Conservation Ordinance Second Violations have been issued- resulting in potentially $0 in fines. • Participation in MWDOC’s Turf Removal Rebate Program • Partnered with the City of Yorba Linda to identify and educate customers with a history of irrigation runoff to decrease usage and pollutants entered into the stormwater system. • Implementation of a Leak Detection Program within the District. Approximately 11 leaks found this month in YLWD-maintained pipe, which have been repaired, and 5 leaks on customer-maintained pipe. The customers were notified of the leaks and they have been repaired. Additionally, due to the loss of revenue related to the Emergency Mandate of 36%, the District has raised its base fee effective on October 1, 2015 to cover the cost of providing water service. For a 1 inch meter, this amounts to approximately a $25 increase per billing period. We are encouraging customers to continue to decrease their usage to offset the increased base fee, and to help in meeting the State Emergency Mandate.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.28, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.3934873753837*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.866992972598*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[3.469014291842*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[133.534671198239, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[74., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[1, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 30, "FollowUps" -> 30, "Warnings" -> 30, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. A Penalty Block structure on customer usage, based on customer class, was put in place in May 2015. The Penalties were NOT part of the current rate structure, which remained at a Uniform-based volumetric rate. As of the first billing cycle in May 2016, the Penalties were discontinued due to the fact that YLWD customers achieved the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction through February 2016. The Board of Directors retains the ability to apply Penalties in conjunction with SWRCB future mandates."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 4, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1146.21, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1791.2, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[98.05, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[78539., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[117.3, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. Additionally, a Penalty Block structure was put into place on customer usage, based on customer class, in May 2015. Beginning with the billing period primarily of June 2015 usage, YLWD will assess penalties of $10 to $160 based on usage blocks above 18 units per billing period for the Residential Class. The Commercial Class will receive penalties from $25 to $400 based on usage blocks above 50 units per billing period, and the Irrigation Class will receive penalties from $65 to $1,000 per billing period based on usage blocks above 115 units. These blocks are based on the average “monthly” usage of each customer class in 2013, minus the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction. These Penalties are NOT part of the current rate structure, which remains at a Uniform-based volumetric rate.", "Implementation" -> "Watering is prohibited between the hours of 9am and 6pm. Watering is limited to 15 minutes per station per day. Water is prohibited when it is raining, or there is a forecasted chance of rain of 50 percent or higher. No runoff. No washing down of hard or paved surfaces. Re-circulation of water is required for water fountains. Washing of vehicles is limited to use of a hand-held house with an automatic shut-off nozzle. Stage 3 restrictions include irrigation limited to one time per week, with no irrigation on Sunday. Education and communication regarding these restrictions have been communicated to our customers in the following ways: • 24 Water Waster Hotline and 0 Website Applications for customers to notify the District of water waste they observe in the community. Additionally, the City of Yorba Linda forwarded 1 call they received from residents of water waste at locations throughout the City. • Regular specialized training regarding Conservation and the Conservation Restrictions for Operations Field staff and Customer Service Staff. • Field staff assigned to Conservation Education and Investigation of Water Waste in the Community. • 15 Water Conservation Ordinance First Violations have been issued. 1 Water Conservation Ordinance Second Violations have been issued- resulting in potentially $100 in fines. • Participation in MWDOC’s Turf Removal Rebate Program • Partnered with the City of Yorba Linda to identify and educate customers with a history of irrigation runoff to decrease usage and pollutants entered into the stormwater system. • Implementation of a Leak Detection Program within the District. Approximately 6 leaks found this month in YLWD-maintained pipe, which have been repaired, and 9 leaks on customer-maintained pipe. The customers were notified of the leaks and they have been repaired. Additionally, due to the loss of revenue related to the Emergency Mandate of 36%, the District has raised its base fee effective on October 1, 2015 to cover the cost of providing water service. For a 1 inch meter, this amounts to approximately a $25 increase per billing period. We are encouraging customers to continue to decrease their usage to offset the increased base fee, and to help in meeting the State Emergency Mandate.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.28, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.7349416414167*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.836650760424*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[3.194973241735*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[117.30294565538, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[74., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[1, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 24, "FollowUps" -> 24, "Warnings" -> 24, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 1, "EnforcementComments" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. Additionally, a Penalty Block structure was put into place on customer usage, based on customer class, in May 2015. Beginning with the billing period primarily of June 2015 usage, YLWD will assess penalties of $10 to $160 based on usage blocks above 18 units per billing period for the Residential Class. The Commercial Class will receive penalties from $25 to $400 based on usage blocks above 50 units per billing period, and the Irrigation Class will receive penalties from $65 to $1,000 per billing period based on usage blocks above 115 units. These blocks are based on the average “monthly” usage of each customer class in 2013, minus the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction. These Penalties are NOT part of the current rate structure, which remains at a Uniform-based volumetric rate."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 3, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[903.03, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1546.1, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[109.86, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[78539., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[89.43, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. Additionally, a Penalty Block structure was put into place on customer usage, based on customer class, in May 2015. Beginning with the billing period primarily of June 2015 usage, YLWD will assess penalties of $10 to $160 based on usage blocks above 18 units per billing period for the Residential Class. The Commercial Class will receive penalties from $25 to $400 based on usage blocks above 50 units per billing period, and the Irrigation Class will receive penalties from $65 to $1,000 per billing period based on usage blocks above 115 units. These blocks are based on the average “monthly” usage of each customer class in 2013, minus the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction. These Penalties are NOT part of the current rate structure, which remains at a Uniform-based volumetric rate.", "Implementation" -> "Watering is prohibited between the hours of 9am and 6pm. Watering is limited to 15 minutes per station per day. Water is prohibited when it is raining, or there is a forecasted chance of rain of 50 percent or higher. No runoff. No washing down of hard or paved surfaces. Re-circulation of water is required for water fountains. Washing of vehicles is limited to use of a hand-held house with an automatic shut-off nozzle. Stage 3 restrictions include irrigation limited to one time per week, with no irrigation on Sunday. Education and communication regarding these restrictions have been communicated to our customers in the following ways: • 28 Water Waster Hotline and 0 Website Applications for customers to notify the District of water waste they observe in the community. Additionally, the City of Yorba Linda forwarded 1 call they received from residents of water waste at locations throughout the City. • Regular specialized training regarding Conservation and the Conservation Restrictions for Operations Field staff and Customer Service Staff. • Field staff assigned to Conservation Education and Investigation of Water Waste in the Community. • 21 Water Conservation Ordinance First Violations have been issued. 7 Water Conservation Ordinance Second Violations have been issued- resulting in potentially $700 in fines. • Participation in MWDOC’s Turf Removal Rebate Program • Partnered with the City of Yorba Linda to identify and educate customers with a history of irrigation runoff to decrease usage and pollutants entered into the stormwater system. • Implementation of a Leak Detection Program within the District. Approximately 5 leaks found this month in YLWD-maintained pipe, which have been repaired, and 7 leaks on customer-maintained pipe. The customers were notified of the leaks and they have been repaired. Additionally, due to the loss of revenue related to the Emergency Mandate of 36%, the District has raised its base fee effective on October 1, 2015 to cover the cost of providing water service. For a 1 inch meter, this amounts to approximately a $25 increase per billing period. We are encouraging customers to continue to decrease their usage to offset the increased base fee, and to help in meeting the State Emergency Mandate.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.28, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.9425361412381*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.037988912847*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[3.5798037770220004*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[89.4347843835216, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[74., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[1, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 50, "FollowUps" -> 50, "Warnings" -> 28, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 28, "EnforcementComments" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. Additionally, a Penalty Block structure was put into place on customer usage, based on customer class, in May 2015. Beginning with the billing period primarily of June 2015 usage, YLWD will assess penalties of $10 to $160 based on usage blocks above 18 units per billing period for the Residential Class. The Commercial Class will receive penalties from $25 to $400 based on usage blocks above 50 units per billing period, and the Irrigation Class will receive penalties from $65 to $1,000 per billing period based on usage blocks above 115 units. These blocks are based on the average “monthly” usage of each customer class in 2013, minus the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction. These Penalties are NOT part of the current rate structure, which remains at a Uniform-based volumetric rate."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 2, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[964.97, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1254.9, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[89.95, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[78539., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[102.16, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. Additionally, a Penalty Block structure was put into place on customer usage, based on customer class, in May 2015. Beginning with the billing period primarily of June 2015 usage, YLWD will assess penalties of $10 to $160 based on usage blocks above 18 units per billing period for the Residential Class. The Commercial Class will receive penalties from $25 to $400 based on usage blocks above 50 units per billing period, and the Irrigation Class will receive penalties from $65 to $1,000 per billing period based on usage blocks above 115 units. These blocks are based on the average “monthly” usage of each customer class in 2013, minus the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction. These Penalties are NOT part of the current rate structure, which remains at a Uniform-based volumetric rate.", "Implementation" -> "Watering is prohibited between the hours of 9am and 6pm. Watering is limited to 15 minutes per station per day. Water is prohibited when it is raining, or there is a forecasted chance of rain of 50 percent or higher. No runoff. No washing down of hard or paved surfaces. Re-circulation of water is required for water fountains. Washing of vehicles is limited to use of a hand-held house with an automatic shut-off nozzle. Stage 3 restrictions include irrigation limited to one time per week, with no irrigation on Sunday. Education and communication regarding these restrictions have been communicated to our customers in the following ways: • 5 Water Waster Hotline and 0 Website Applications for customers to notify the District of water waste they observe in the community. Additionally, the City of Yorba Linda forwarded 1 call they received from residents of water waste at locations throughout the City. • Regular specialized training regarding Conservation and the Conservation Restrictions for Operations Field staff and Customer Service Staff. • Field staff assigned to Conservation Education and Investigation of Water Waste in the Community. • 29 Water Conservation Ordinance First Violations have been issued. 3 Water Conservation Ordinance Second Violations have been issued- resulting in potentially $300 in fines. • Participation in MWDOC’s Turf Removal Rebate Program • Partnered with the City of Yorba Linda to identify and educate customers with a history of irrigation runoff to decrease usage and pollutants entered into the stormwater system. • Implementation of a Leak Detection Program within the District. Approximately 7 leaks found this month in YLWD-maintained pipe, which have been repaired, and 8 leaks on customer-maintained pipe. The customers were notified of the leaks and they have been repaired. Additionally, due to the loss of revenue related to the Emergency Mandate of 36%, the District has raised its base fee effective on October 1, 2015 to cover the cost of providing water service. For a 1 inch meter, this amounts to approximately a $25 increase per billing period. We are encouraging customers to continue to decrease their usage to offset the increased base fee, and to help in meeting the State Emergency Mandate.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.36, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.03594201460046*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.089109557423*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[2.829963462214483*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[102.160213888475, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[74., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[1, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 42, "FollowUps" -> 42, "Warnings" -> 32, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 32, "EnforcementComments" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. Additionally, a Penalty Block structure was put into place on customer usage, based on customer class, in May 2015. Beginning with the billing period primarily of June 2015 usage, YLWD will assess penalties of $10 to $160 based on usage blocks above 18 units per billing period for the Residential Class. The Commercial Class will receive penalties from $25 to $400 based on usage blocks above 50 units per billing period, and the Irrigation Class will receive penalties from $65 to $1,000 per billing period based on usage blocks above 115 units. These blocks are based on the average “monthly” usage of each customer class in 2013, minus the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction. These Penalties are NOT part of the current rate structure, which remains at a Uniform-based volumetric rate."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 1, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[793.87, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1155.6, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[75.1, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[78539., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[78.62, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. Additionally, a Penalty Block structure was put into place on customer usage, based on customer class, in May 2015. Beginning with the billing period primarily of June 2015 usage, YLWD will assess penalties of $10 to $160 based on usage blocks above 18 units per billing period for the Residential Class. The Commercial Class will receive penalties from $25 to $400 based on usage blocks above 50 units per billing period, and the Irrigation Class will receive penalties from $65 to $1,000 per billing period based on usage blocks above 115 units. These blocks are based on the average “monthly” usage of each customer class in 2013, minus the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction. These Penalties are NOT part of the current rate structure, which remains at a Uniform-based volumetric rate.", "Implementation" -> "Watering is prohibited between the hours of 9am and 6pm. Watering is limited to 15 minutes per station per day. Water is prohibited when it is raining, or there is a forecasted chance of rain of 50 percent or higher. No runoff. No washing down of hard or paved surfaces. Re-circulation of water is required for water fountains. Washing of vehicles is limited to use of a hand-held house with an automatic shut-off nozzle. Stage 3 restrictions include irrigation limited to one time per week, with no irrigation on Sunday. Education and communication regarding these restrictions have been communicated to our customers in the following ways: • 13 Water Waster Hotline and 0 Website Applications for customers to notify the District of water waste they observe in the community. Additionally, the City of Yorba Linda forwarded 1 call they received from residents of water waste at locations throughout the City. • Regular specialized training regarding Conservation and the Conservation Restrictions for Operations Field staff and Customer Service Staff. • Field staff assigned to Conservation Education and Investigation of Water Waste in the Community. • 75 Water Conservation Ordinance First Violations have been issued. 7 Water Conservation Ordinance Second Violations have been issued- resulting in potentially $700 in fines. • Participation in MWDOC’s Turf Removal Rebate Program • Partnered with the City of Yorba Linda to identify and educate customers with a history of irrigation runoff to decrease usage and pollutants entered into the stormwater system. • Implementation of a Leak Detection Program within the District. Approximately 15 leaks found this month in YLWD-maintained pipe, which have been repaired, and 1 leak on customer-maintained pipe. The customer was notified of the leak and it has been repaired. Additionally, due to the loss of revenue related to the Emergency Mandate of 36%, the District has raised its base fee effective on October 1, 2015 to cover the cost of providing water service. For a 1 inch meter, this amounts to approximately a $25 increase per billing period. We are encouraging customers to continue to decrease their usage to offset the increased base fee, and to help in meeting the State Emergency Mandate.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.36, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.5868367235249*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.765539090412*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[2.44714421677*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[78.6237359540062, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[74., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[1, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 13, "FollowUps" -> 97, "Warnings" -> 97, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 5, "EnforcementComments" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. Additionally, a Penalty Block structure was put into place on customer usage, based on customer class, in May 2015. Beginning with the billing period primarily of June 2015 usage, YLWD will assess penalties of $10 to $160 based on usage blocks above 18 units per billing period for the Residential Class. The Commercial Class will receive penalties from $25 to $400 based on usage blocks above 50 units per billing period, and the Irrigation Class will receive penalties from $65 to $1,000 per billing period based on usage blocks above 115 units. These blocks are based on the average “monthly” usage of each customer class in 2013, minus the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction. These Penalties are NOT part of the current rate structure, which remains at a Uniform-based volumetric rate."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 12, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1003.83, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1437.7, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[120., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[73990., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[107.7, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. Additionally, a Penalty Block structure was put into place on customer usage, based on customer class, in May 2015. Beginning with the billing period primarily of June 2015 usage, YLWD will assess penalties of $10 to $160 based on usage blocks above 18 units per billing period for the Residential Class. The Commercial Class will receive penalties from $25 to $400 based on usage blocks above 50 units per billing period, and the Irrigation Class will receive penalties from $65 to $1,000 per billing period based on usage blocks above 115 units. These blocks are based on the average “monthly” usage of each customer class in 2013, minus the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction. These are not part of our rate structure.", "Implementation" -> "Watering is prohibited between the hours of 9am and 6pm. Watering is limited to 15 minutes per station per day. Water is prohibited when it is raining, or there is a forecasted chance of rain of 50 percent or higher. No runoff. No washing down of hard or paved surfaces. Re-circulation of water is required for water fountains. Washing of vehicles is limited to use of a hand-held house with an automatic shut-off nozzle. Stage 3 restrictions include irrigation limited to one time per week, with no irrigation on Sunday. Education and communication regarding these restrictions have been communicated to our customers in the following ways: • 10 Water Waster Hotline and 3 Website Applications for customers to notify the District of water waste they observe in the community. Additionally, the City of Yorba Linda forwarded 1 call they received from residents of water waste at locations throughout the City. • Regular specialized training regarding Conservation and the Conservation Restrictions for Operations Field staff and Customer Service Staff. • Field staff assigned to Conservation Education and Investigation of Water Waste in the Community. • 94 Water Conservation Ordinance First Violations have been issued. 13 Water Conservation Ordinance Second Violations have been issued- resulting in potentially $1,300 in fines. • Participation in MWDOC’s Turf Removal Rebate Program • Partnered with the City of Yorba Linda to identify and educate customers with a history of irrigation runoff to decrease usage and pollutants entered into the stormwater system. • Implementation of a Leak Detection Program within the District. Approximately 5 leaks found this month in YLWD-maintained pipe, which have been repaired. Additionally, due to the loss of revenue related to the Emergency Mandate of 36%, the District has raised its base fee effective on October 1, 2015 to cover the cost of providing water service. For a 1 inch meter, this amounts to approximately a $25 increase per billing period. We are encouraging customers to continue to decrease their usage to offset the increased base fee, and to help in meeting the State Emergency Mandate.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.36, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.2709943796541*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.684765965979*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[3.910217124*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[105.530208569773, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[74., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[1, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 121, "FollowUps" -> 130, "Warnings" -> 121, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 13, "EnforcementComments" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. Additionally, a Penalty Block structure was put into place on customer usage, based on customer class, in May 2015. Beginning with the billing period primarily of June 2015 usage, YLWD will assess penalties of $10 to $160 based on usage blocks above 18 units per billing period for the Residential Class. The Commercial Class will receive penalties from $25 to $400 based on usage blocks above 50 units per billing period, and the Irrigation Class will receive penalties from $65 to $1,000 per billing period based on usage blocks above 115 units. These blocks are based on the average “monthly” usage of each customer class in 2013, minus the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction. These are not part of our rate structure."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 11, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1173.51, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1584.3, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[101.51, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[73990., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[130.1, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. Additionally, a Penalty Block structure was put into place on customer usage, based on customer class, in May 2015. Beginning with the billing period primarily of June 2015 usage, YLWD will assess penalties of $10 to $160 based on usage blocks above 18 units per billing period for the Residential Class. The Commercial Class will receive penalties from $25 to $400 based on usage blocks above 50 units per billing period, and the Irrigation Class will receive penalties from $65 to $1,000 per billing period based on usage blocks above 115 units. These blocks are based on the average “monthly” usage of each customer class in 2013, minus the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction.", "Implementation" -> "Watering is prohibited between the hours of 9am and 6pm. Watering is limited to 15 minutes per station per day. Water is prohibited when it is raining, or there is a forecasted chance of rain of 50 percent or higher. No runoff. No washing down of hard or paved surfaces. Re-circulation of water is required for water fountains. Washing of vehicles is limited to use of a hand-held house with an automatic shut-off nozzle. Stage 3 restrictions include irrigation limited to one time per week, with no irrigation on Sunday. Education and communication regarding these restrictions have been communicated to our customers in the following ways: • 6 Water Waster Hotline and 10 Website Applications for customers to notify the District of water waste they observe in the community. Additionally, the City of Yorba Linda forwarded 1 call they received from residents of water waste at locations throughout the City. • Regular specialized training regarding Conservation and the Conservation Restrictions for Operations Field staff and Customer Service Staff. • Field staff assigned to Conservation Education and Investigation of Water Waste in the Community. • 53 Water Conservation Ordinance First Violations have been issued. 9 Water Conservation Ordinance Second Violations have been issued- resulting in potentially $900 in fines. • Participation in MWDOC’s Turf Removal Rebate Program • Partnered with the City of Yorba Linda to identify and educate customers with a history of irrigation runoff to decrease usage and pollutants entered into the stormwater system. • Implementation of a Leak Detection Program within the District. Approximately 5 leaks found this month in YLWD-maintained pipe, which have been repaired. Additionally, due to the loss of revenue related to the Emergency Mandate of 36%, the District has raised its base fee effective on October 1, 2015 to cover the cost of providing water service. For a 1 inch meter, this amounts to approximately a $25 increase per billing period. We are encouraging customers to continue to decrease their usage to offset the increased base fee, and to help in meeting the State Emergency Mandate.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.36, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.8238990809877*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.162464157961*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[3.3077178354770005*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[127.480529798211, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[74., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[1, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 16, "FollowUps" -> 81, "Warnings" -> 62, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 9, "EnforcementComments" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. Additionally, a Penalty Block structure was put into place on customer usage, based on customer class, in May 2015. Beginning with the billing period primarily of June 2015 usage, YLWD will assess penalties of $10 to $160 based on usage blocks above 18 units per billing period for the Residential Class. The Commercial Class will receive penalties from $25 to $400 based on usage blocks above 50 units per billing period, and the Irrigation Class will receive penalties from $65 to $1,000 per billing period based on usage blocks above 115 units. These blocks are based on the average “monthly” usage of each customer class in 2013, minus the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 10, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1264.98, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1953.5, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[111.83, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[72500., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[135.72, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. Additionally, a Penalty Block structure was put into place on customer usage, based on customer class, in May 2015. Beginning with the billing period primarily of June 2015 usage, YLWD will assess penalties of $10 to $160 based on usage blocks above 18 units per billing period for the Residential Class. The Commercial Class will receive penalties from $25 to $400 based on usage blocks above 50 units per billing period, and the Irrigation Class will receive penalties from $65 to $1,000 per billing period based on usage blocks above 115 units. These blocks are based on the average “monthly” usage of each customer class in 2013, minus the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction.", "Implementation" -> "Watering is prohibited between the hours of 9am and 6pm. Watering is limited to 15 minutes per station per day. Water is prohibited when it is raining, or there is a forecasted chance of rain of 50 percent or higher. No runoff. No washing down of hard or paved surfaces. Re-circulation of water is required for water fountains. Washing of vehicles is limited to use of a hand-held house with an automatic shut-off nozzle. Stage 3 restrictions include irrigation limited to two times per week, with no irrigation on Sunday. Education and communication regarding these restrictions have been communicated to our customers in the following ways: • 9 Water Waster Hotline and 17 Website Applications for customers to notify the District of water waste they observe in the community. Additionally, the City of Yorba Linda forwarded 1 call they received from residents of water waste at locations throughout the City. • Regular specialized training regarding Conservation and the Conservation Restrictions for Operations Field staff and Customer Service Staff. • Field staff assigned to Conservation Education and Investigation of Water Waste in the Community. • 123 Water Conservation Ordinance First Violations have been issued. 13 Water Conservation Ordinance Second Violations have been issued- resulting in potentially $1,300 in fines. • Participation in MWDOC’s Turf Removal Rebate Program • Partnered with the City of Yorba Linda to identify and educate customers with a history of irrigation runoff to decrease usage and pollutants entered into the stormwater system. • Implementation of a Leak Detection Program within the District. Approximately 8 leaks found this month in YLWD-maintained pipe, which have been repaired, and notified customers of approximately 22 leaks found on the customer-maintained side of the pipe. We are following up with the customers to ensure these leaks are also fixed as soon as possible. Additionally, due to the loss of revenue related to the Emergency Mandate of 36%, the District has raised its base fee effective on October 1, 2015 to cover the cost of providing water service. For a 1 inch meter, this amounts to approximately a $25 increase per billing period. We are encouraging customers to continue to decrease their usage to offset the increased base fee, and to help in meeting the State Emergency Mandate.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.36, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.1219553812646*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.365507626445*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[3.6439965081410006*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[135.717329572227, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[74., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 159, "FollowUps" -> 159, "Warnings" -> 159, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 13, "EnforcementComments" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. Additionally, a Penalty Block structure was put into place on customer usage, based on customer class, in May 2015. Beginning with the billing period primarily of June 2015 usage, YLWD will assess penalties of $10 to $160 based on usage blocks above 18 units per billing period for the Residential Class. The Commercial Class will receive penalties from $25 to $400 based on usage blocks above 50 units per billing period, and the Irrigation Class will receive penalties from $65 to $1,000 per billing period based on usage blocks above 115 units. These blocks are based on the average “monthly” usage of each customer class in 2013, minus the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 9, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1259.22, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2236.5, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[145.5, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[72500., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[139.6, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. Additionally, a Penalty Block structure was put into place on customer usage, based on customer class, in May 2015. Beginning with the billing period primarily of June 2015 usage, YLWD will assess penalties of $10 to $160 based on usage blocks above 18 units per billing period for the Residential Class. The Commercial Class will receive penalties from $25 to $400 based on usage blocks above 50 units per billing period, and the Irrigation Class will receive penalties from $65 to $1,000 per billing period based on usage blocks above 115 units. These blocks are based on the average “monthly” usage of each customer class in 2013, minus the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction.", "Implementation" -> "Watering is prohibited between the hours of 9am and 6pm. Watering is limited to 15 minutes per station per day. Water is prohibited when it is raining, or there is a forecasted chance of rain of 50 percent or higher. No runoff. No washing down of hard or paved surfaces. Re-circulation of water is required for water fountains. Washing of vehicles is limited to use of a hand-held house with an automatic shut-off nozzle. Stage 3 restrictions include irrigation limited to two times per week, with no irrigation on Sunday. Education and communication regarding these restrictions have been communicated to our customers in the following ways: • 11 Water Waster Hotline and 25 Website Applications for customers to notify the District of water waste they observe in the community. Additionally, the City of Yorba Linda forwarded 1 calls they received from residents of water waste at locations throughout the City. • Regular specialized training regarding Conservation and the Conservation Restrictions for Operations Field staff and Customer Service Staff. • Field staff assigned to Conservation Education and Investigation of Water Waste in the Community. • 69 Water Conservation Ordinance First Violations have been issued. 2 Water Conservation Ordinance Second Violations have been issued- resulting in $200 in fines. • Participation in MWDOC’s Turf Removal Rebate Program • Partnered with the City of Yorba Linda to identify and educate customers with a history of irrigation runoff to decrease usage and pollutants entered into the stormwater system. • Implementation of a Leak Detection Program within the District. Approximately 52 leaks found thus far in YLWD-maintained pipe, which have been repaired, and notified customers of approximately 42 leaks found on the customer-maintained side of the pipe. We are following up with the customers to ensure these leaks are also fixed as soon as possible.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.36, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.1031863390694*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.287667164855*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[4.741138262850001*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[139.602661651097, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[74., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 119, "FollowUps" -> 119, "Warnings" -> 119, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 2, "EnforcementComments" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. Additionally, a Penalty Block structure was put into place on customer usage, based on customer class, in May 2015. Beginning with the billing period primarily of June 2015 usage, YLWD will assess penalties of $10 to $160 based on usage blocks above 18 units per billing period for the Residential Class. The Commercial Class will receive penalties from $25 to $400 based on usage blocks above 50 units per billing period, and the Irrigation Class will receive penalties from $65 to $1,000 per billing period based on usage blocks above 115 units. These blocks are based on the average “monthly” usage of each customer class in 2013, minus the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 8, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1379.97, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2355.9, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[122.9, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[72500., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[148.05, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. Additionally, a Penalty Block structure was put into place on customer usage, based on customer class, in May 2015. Beginning with the billing period primarily of June 2015 usage, YLWD will assess penalties of $10 to $160 based on usage blocks above 18 units per billing period for the Residential Class. The Commercial Class will receive penalties from $25 to $400 based on usage blocks above 50 units per billing period, and the Irrigation Class will receive penalties from $65 to $1,000 per billing period based on usage blocks above 115 units. These blocks are based on the average “monthly” usage of each customer class in 2013, minus the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction.", "Implementation" -> "Watering is prohibited between the hours of 9am and 6pm. Watering is limited to 15 minutes per station per day. Water is prohibited when it is raining, or there is a forecasted chance of rain of 50 percent or higher. No runoff. No washing down of hard or paved surfaces. Re-circulation of water is required for water fountains. Washing of vehicles is limited to use of a hand-held house with an automatic shut-off nozzle. Stage 3 restrictions include irrigation limited to two times per week, with no irrigation on Sunday. Education and communication regarding these restrictions have been communicated to our customers in the following ways: • 14 Water Waster Hotline and 62 Website Applications for customers to notify the District of water waste they observe in the community. Additionally, the City of Yorba Linda forwarded several calls they received from residents of water waste at locations throughout the City. • Regular specialized training regarding Conservation and the Conservation Restrictions for Operations Field staff and Customer Service Staff. • Field staff assigned to Conservation Education and Investigation of Water Waste in the Community. • 136 Water Conservation Ordinance First Violations have been issued. 4 Water Conservation Ordinance Second Violations have been issued- resulting in $400 in fines. • Participation in MWDOC’s Turf Removal Rebate Program (approximately 550,000 sq ft of turf removed) • Partnered with the City of Yorba Linda to identify and educate customers with a history of irrigation runoff to decrease usage and pollutants entered into the stormwater system. • Implementation of a Leak Detection program within the District. Approximately 45 leaks found thus far in YLWD-maintained pipe, which have been repaired, and notified customers of approximately 35 leaks found on the customer-maintained side of the pipe. We are following up with the customers to ensure these leaks are also fixed as soon as possible.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.36, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.4966519371719*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.676733768693*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[4.00471403783*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[148.054390812334, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[74., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 76, "FollowUps" -> 218, "Warnings" -> 142, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 4, "EnforcementComments" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. Additionally, a Penalty Block structure was put into place on customer usage, based on customer class, in May 2015. Beginning with the billing period primarily of June 2015 usage, YLWD will assess penalties of $10 to $160 based on usage blocks above 18 units per billing period for the Residential Class. The Commercial Class will receive penalties from $25 to $400 based on usage blocks above 50 units per billing period, and the Irrigation Class will receive penalties from $65 to $1,000 per billing period based on usage blocks above 115 units. These blocks are based on the average “monthly” usage of each customer class in 2013, minus the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 7, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1329.94, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2348.8, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[145.43, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[72500., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[143., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. Additionally, a Penalty Block structure was put into place on customer usage, based on customer class, in May 2015. Beginning with the billing period primarily of June 2015 usage, YLWD will assess penalties of $10 to $160 based on usage blocks above 18 units per billing period for the Residential Class. The Commercial Class will receive penalties from $25 to $400 based on usage blocks above 50 units per billing period, and the Irrigation Class will receive penalties from $65 to $1,000 per billing period based on usage blocks above 115 units. These blocks are based on the average “monthly” usage of each customer class in 2013, minus the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction.", "Implementation" -> "Watering is prohibited between the hours of 9am and 6pm. Watering is limited to 15 minutes per station per day. Water is prohibited when it is raining, or there is a forecasted chance of rain of 50 percent or higher. No runoff. No washing down of hard or paved surfaces. Re-circulation of water is required for water fountains. Washing of vehicles is limited to use of a hand-held house with an automatic shut-off nozzle. Stage 3 restrictions include irrigation limited to two times per week, with no irrigation on Sunday. Education and communication regarding these restrictions have been communicated to our customers in the following ways: • 46 Water Waster Hotline and 52 Website Applications for customers to notify the District of water waste they observe in the community. Additionally, the City of Yorba Linda forwarded 2 calls they received from residents of water waste at locations throughout the City. • Regular specialized training regarding Conservation and the Conservation Restrictions for Operations Field staff and Customer Service Staff. • Field staff assigned to Conservation Education and Investigation of Water Waste in the Community. • 270 Water Conservation Ordinance First Violations have been issued. 4 Water Conservation Ordinance Second Violations have been issued- resulting in $800 in fines. • Participation in MWDOC’s Turf Removal Rebate Program (68 customer pre-inspections/102,000 sq ft of turf removed) • Partnered with the City of Yorba Linda to identify and educate customers with a history of irrigation runoff to decrease usage and pollutants entered into the stormwater system.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.36, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.3336284682438*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.653598317376*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[4.7388573028610006*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[142.686766028939, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[74., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 100, "FollowUps" -> 374, "Warnings" -> 274, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 4, "EnforcementComments" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. Additionally, a Penalty Block structure was put into place on customer usage, based on customer class, in May 2015. Beginning with the billing period primarily of June 2015 usage, YLWD will assess penalties of $10 to $160 based on usage blocks above 18 units per billing period for the Residential Class. The Commercial Class will receive penalties from $25 to $400 based on usage blocks above 50 units per billing period, and the Irrigation Class will receive penalties from $65 to $1,000 per billing period based on usage blocks above 115 units. These blocks are based on the average “monthly” usage of each customer class in 2013, minus the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 6, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1357.8, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2185., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[141.56, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "YLWD's Total Potable Production for the month of June 2015 was 1357.8 acre-feet. Approximately 372.3 acre-feet was from Indirect Potable Reuse. Therefore, our adjusted Total Potable Production-IPR is 985.5 acre-feet and our adjusted GCPD-IPR is 109.26.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[72500., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[150.53, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. Additionally, a Penalty Block structure was put into place on customer usage, based on customer class, in May 2015. Beginning with the billing period primarily of June 2015 usage, YLWD will assess penalties of $10 to $160 based on usage blocks above 18 units per billing period for the Residential Class. The Commercial Class will receive penalties from $25 to $400 based on usage blocks above 50 units per billing period, and the Irrigation Class will receive penalties from $65 to $1,000 per billing period based on usage blocks above 115 units. These blocks are based on the average “monthly” usage of each customer class in 2013, minus the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction.", "Implementation" -> "Watering is prohibited between the hours of 9am and 6pm. Watering is limited to 15 minutes per station per day. Water is prohibited when it is raining, or there is a forecasted chance of rain of 50 percent or higher. No runoff. No washing down of hard or paved surfaces. Re-circulation of water is required for water fountains. Washing of vehicles is limited to use of a hand-held house with an automatic shut-off nozzle. Stage 3 restrictions include irrigation limited to two times per week, with no irrigation on Sunday. Education and communication regarding these restrictions have been communicated to our customers in the following ways: • 36 Water Waster Hotline and 45 Website Applications for customers to notify the District of water waste they observe in the community. Additionally, the City of Yorba Linda forwarded 7 calls they received from residents of water waste at locations throughout the City. • Regular specialized training regarding Conservation and the Conservation Restrictions for Operations Field staff and Customer Service Staff. • Field staff assigned to Conservation Education and Investigation of Water Waste in the Community. • 132 Water Conservation Ordinance First Violations have been issued. 2 Water Conservation Ordinance Second Violations have been issued- resulting in $200 in fines. • Participation in MWDOC’s Turf Removal Rebate Program (161 customer pre-inspections/240,000 sq ft of turf removed) • Partnered with the City of Yorba Linda to identify and educate customers with a history of irrigation runoff to decrease usage and pollutants entered into the stormwater system.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.36, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.424410675806*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.11985367995*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[4.6127528006120004*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[150.531673567652, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[74., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 88, "FollowUps" -> 238, "Warnings" -> 134, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 2, "EnforcementComments" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. Additionally, a Penalty Block structure was put into place on customer usage, based on customer class, in May 2015. Beginning with the billing period primarily of June 2015 usage, YLWD will assess penalties of $10 to $160 based on usage blocks above 18 units per billing period for the Residential Class. The Commercial Class will receive penalties from $25 to $400 based on usage blocks above 50 units per billing period, and the Irrigation Class will receive penalties from $65 to $1,000 per billing period based on usage blocks above 115 units. These blocks are based on the average “monthly” usage of each customer class in 2013, minus the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 5, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1223.25, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1893.17, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[114.06, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "YLWD's Total Potable Production for the month of May 2015 was 1223.25 acre-feet. Approximately 336 acre-feet was from Indirect Potable Reuse. Therefore, our adjusted Total Potable Production-IPR is 887.25 acre-feet and our adjusted R-GPCD-IPR is 99.69.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[73500., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[131.24, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. Additionally, a Penalty Block structure was put into place on customer usage, based on customer class, in May 2015. Beginning with the billing period primarily of June 2015 usage, YLWD will assess penalties of $10 to $160 based on usage blocks above 18 units per billing period for the Residential Class. The Commercial Class will receive penalties from $25 to $400 based on usage blocks above 50 units per billing period, and the Irrigation Class will receive penalties from $65 to $1,000 per billing period based on usage blocks above 115 units. These blocks are based on the average “monthly” usage of each customer class in 2013, minus the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction.", "Implementation" -> "Watering is prohibited between the hours of 9am and 6pm. Watering is limited to 15 minutes per station per day. Water is prohibited when it is raining, or there is a forecasted chance of rain of 50 percent or higher. No runoff. No washing down of hard or paved surfaces. Re-circulation of water is required for water fountains. Washing of vehicles is limited to use of a hand-held house with an automatic shut-off nozzle. Stage 3 restrictions include irrigation limited to two times per week, with no irrigation on Sunday. Education and communication regarding these restrictions have been communicated to our customers in the following ways: • 25 Water Waster Hotline and 75 Website Applications for customers to notify the District of water waste they observe in the community • Regular specialized training regarding Conservation and the Conservation Restrictions for Operations Field staff and Customer Service Staff. • Field staff assigned to Conservation Education and Investigation of Water Waste in the Community. • 8 Water Conservation Ordinance First Violations have been issued. • Participation in MWDOC’s Turf Removal Rebate Program (17 customer pre-inspections/21,000 sq ft of turf removed) • Development and Board Approval of a supplemental conservation ordinance to impose block penalties on usage. • Direct Mailing of a Penalty Block Explanation Letter to every customer (approx. 25,000), explaining the correlation of usage to penalization- “use more, pay more”", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.9859775807775*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.1689214605359*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[3.7166613763620004*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[129.454615307235, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[74., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 100, "FollowUps" -> 166, "Warnings" -> 66, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 8, "EnforcementComments" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device. Additionally, a Penalty Block structure was put into place on customer usage, based on customer class, in May 2015. Beginning with the billing period primarily of June 2015 usage, YLWD will assess penalties of $10 to $160 based on usage blocks above 18 units per billing period for the Residential Class. The Commercial Class will receive penalties from $25 to $400 based on usage blocks above 50 units per billing period, and the Irrigation Class will receive penalties from $65 to $1,000 per billing period based on usage blocks above 115 units. These blocks are based on the average “monthly” usage of each customer class in 2013, minus the SWRCB’s mandatory 36% reduction."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 4, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1422.24, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1588.61, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[72500., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[152.59, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device.", "Implementation" -> "Watering is prohibited between the hours of 9am and 6pm. Watering is limited to 15 minutes per station per day. Water is prohibited when it is raining, or there is a forecasted chance of rain of 50 percent or higher. No runoff. No washing down of hard or paved surfaces. Re-circulation of water is required for water fountains. Washing of vehicles is limited to use of a hand-held house with an automatic shut-off nozzle. Stage 1 restrictions include irrigation limited to three times per week, with no irrigation on Sunday. Education and communication regarding these restrictions have been communicated to our customers in the following ways: • 5 Water Waster Hotline and 50 Website Applications for customers to notify the District of water waste they observe in the community • Regular specialized training regarding Conservation and the Conservation Restrictions for Operations Field staff and Customer Service Staff. • Field staff assigned to Conservation Education and Investigation of Water Waste in the Community. • 22 Water Conservation Ordinance First Violations have been issued. • 1 Water Conservation Ordinance Second Violation has been issued, resulting in $100 in fines. • Participation in MWDOC’s Turf Removal Rebate Program (20 customer pre-inspections/64,000 sq ft of turf removed)", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.6343893353648*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.1765083544647*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[157.675775088274, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[74., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 55, "FollowUps" -> 78, "Warnings" -> 23, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 1, "EnforcementComments" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 3, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[860.6, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[882.5, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "YLWD's Residential Consumption for the month of March 2015 was 860.6 acre-feet. Approximately 245.62 acre-feet was from Indirect Potable Reuse. Therefore, our adjusted Residential Consumption-IPR is 615.0 acre-feet and our adjusted GCPD-IPR is 89.29.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[73990., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[124.95, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device.", "Implementation" -> "Watering is prohibited between the hours of 9am and 6pm. Watering is limited to 15 minutes per station per day. Water is prohibited when it is raining, or there is a forecasted chance of rain of 50 percent or higher. No runoff. No washing down of hard or paved surfaces. Re-circulation of water is required for water fountains. Washing of vehicles is limited to use of a hand-held house with an automatic shut-off nozzle. Stage 1 restrictions include irrigation limited to three times per week, with no irrigation on Sunday. Education and communication regarding these restrictions have been communicated to our customers in the following ways: • Direct Mailing of an informational tri-fold and Drought Explanation Letter to every customer (approx. 25,000) • Direct Mailing of a customer-specific usage letter to all Home Owners Associations (large irrigation users) • Establishment of a Water Waster Hotline and Website Application for customers to notify the District of water waste they observe in the community (82 website notices and 62 hotline calls) • Specialized training regarding Conservation and the Conservation Restrictions for Operations Field staff and Customer Service Staff. • Field staff now assigned to Conservation Education and Investigation of Water Waste in the Community. • Thus far, 15 Water Conservation Ordinance First Violations have been issued. • Participation in MWDOC’s Turf Removal Rebate Program (150 customers/175,000 sq ft of turf removed)", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.804277380762*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.875638843275*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[122.2605225973, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[100., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 23, "FollowUps" -> 23, "Warnings" -> 23, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 2, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1248.1, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1254.9, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "YLWD's Total Monthly Production for the month of February 2015 was 1,248.1 acre-feet. Approximately 297.5 acre-feet was from Indirect Potable Reuse. Therefore, our adjusted Total Monthly Water Production-IPR is 950.6 acre-feet and our adjusted GCPD-IPR is 114.60.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[72399., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[150.47, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device.", "Implementation" -> "Watering is prohibited between the hours of 9am and 6pm. Watering is limited to 15 minutes per station per day. Water is prohibited when it is raining, or there is a forecasted chance of rain of 50 percent or higher. No runoff. No washing down of hard or paved surfaces. Re-circulation of water is required for water fountains. Washing of vehicles is limited to use of a hand-held house with an automatic shut-off nozzle. Stage 1 restrictions include irrigation limited to three times per week, with no irrigation on Sunday. Education and communication regarding these restrictions have been communicated to our customers in the following ways: • Direct Mailing of an informational tri-fold and Drought Explanation Letter to every customer (approx. 25,000) • Direct Mailing of a customer-specific usage letter to all Home Owners Associations (large irrigation users) • Establishment of a Water Waster Hotline and Website Application for customers to notify the District of water waste they observe in the community (72 website notices and 58 hotline calls) • Specialized training regarding Conservation and the Conservation Restrictions for Operations Field staff and Customer Service Staff. • Field staff now assigned to Conservation Education and Investigation of Water Waste in the Community. • Thus far, 6 Water Conservation Ordinance First Violations have been issued. • Participation in MWDOC’s Turf Removal Rebate Program (135 customers/140,000 sq ft of turf removed) • Thus far, 6 Water Conservation Ordinance First Violations have been issued. • Participation in MWDOC’s Turf Removal Rebate Program (135 customers/140,000 sq ft of turf removed)", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.066951660387*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.089109557423*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[150.46645007381, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[75., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 1, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1228.3, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1155.6, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "YLWD's Total Monthly Production for the month of December 2014 was 862.2 acre-feet. Approximately 269.2 acre-feet was from Indirect Potable Reuse. Therefore, our adjusted Total Monthly Water Production-IPR is 593 acre-feet and our adjusted GCPD-IPR is 65.43. Unfortunately, we did not have access to this data prior to submitting December 2014's report. YLWD's Total Monthly Production for the month of January 2015 was 1,228.3 acre-feet. Approximately 300.9 acre-feet was from Indirect Potable Reuse. Therefore, our adjusted Total Monthly Water Production-IPR is 927.4 acre-feet and our adjusted GCPD-IPR is 107.72.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[72399., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[142.67, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device.", "Implementation" -> "Watering is prohibited between the hours of 9am and 6pm. Watering is limited to 15 minutes per station per day. Water is prohibited when it is raining, or there is a forecasted chance of rain of 50 percent or higher. No runoff. No washing down of hard or paved surfaces. Re-circulation of water is required for water fountains. Washing of vehicles is limited to use of a hand-held house with an automatic shut-off nozzle. Stage 1 restrictions include irrigation limited to three times per week, with no irrigation on Sunday. Education and communication regarding these restrictions have been communicated to our customers in the following ways: • Direct Mailing of an informational tri-fold and Drought Explanation Letter to every customer (approx. 25,000) • Direct Mailing of a customer-specific usage letter to all Home Owners Associations (large irrigation users) • Establishment of a Water Waster Hotline and Website Application for customers to notify the District of water waste they observe in the community (69 website notices and 55 hotline calls) • Specialized training regarding Conservation and the Conservation Restrictions for Operations Field staff and Customer Service Staff. • Field staff now assigned to Conservation Education and Investigation of Water Waste in the Community. • Thus far, 5 Water Conservation Ordinance First Violations have been issued. • Participation in MWDOC’s Turf Removal Rebate Program (129 customers/135,000 sq ft of turf removed)", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.002433077841*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.765539090412*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[142.66577653999, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[80., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 12, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[862.2, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1437.7, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "YLWD's Total Monthly Production for the month of November 2014 was 1,520.3 acre-feet. Approximately 254.4 acre-feet was from Indirect Potable Reuse. Therefore, our adjusted Total Monthly Water Production-IPR is 1,265.9 acre-feet and our adjusted GCPD-IPR is 140.54. Unfortunately, we did not have access to this data prior to submitting November 2014's report.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[72399., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[95.14, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device.", "Implementation" -> "Watering is prohibited between the hours of 9am and 6pm. Watering is limited to 15 minutes per station per day. Water is prohibited when it is raining, or there is a forecasted chance of rain of 50 percent or higher. No runoff. No washing down of hard or paved surfaces. Re-circulation of water is required for water fountains. Washing of vehicles is limited to use of a hand-held house with an automatic shut-off nozzle. Stage 1 restrictions include irrigation limited to three times per week, with no irrigation on Sunday. Education and communication regarding these restrictions have been communicated to our customers in the following ways: • Direct Mailing of an informational tri-fold and Drought Explanation Letter to every customer (approx. 25,000) • Direct Mailing of a customer-specific usage letter to all Home Owners Associations (large irrigation users) • Establishment of a Water Waster Hotline and Website Application for customers to notify the District of water waste they observe in the community (67 website notices and 53 hotline calls) • Specialized training regarding Conservation and the Conservation Restrictions for Operations Field staff and Customer Service Staff. • Field staff now assigned to Conservation Education and Investigation of Water Waste in the Community. • Thus far, 5 Water Conservation Ordinance First Violations have been issued. • Participation in MWDOC’s Turf Removal Rebate Program (115 customers/120,000 sq ft of turf removed)", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.809491003594*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.684765965979*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[95.1364576293577, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[76., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 11, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1520.3, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1584.3, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "YLWD's Total Monthly Production for the month of October 2014 was 1,922.8 acre-feet. Approximately 264.8 acre-feet was from Indirect Potable Reuse. Therefore, our adjusted Total Monthly Water Production-IPR is 1658.0 acre-feet and our adjusted GCPD-IPR is 173.32. Unfortunately, we did not have access to this data prior to submitting October 2014's report.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[72399., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[168.78, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device.", "Implementation" -> "Watering is prohibited between the hours of 9am and 6pm. Watering is limited to 15 minutes per station per day. Water is prohibited when it is raining, or there is a forecasted chance of rain of 50 percent or higher. No runoff. No washing down of hard or paved surfaces. Re-circulation of water is required for water fountains. Washing of vehicles is limited to use of a hand-held house with an automatic shut-off nozzle. Stage 1 restrictions include irrigation limited to three times per week, with no irrigation on Sunday. Education and communication regarding these restrictions have been communicated to our customers in the following ways: • Direct Mailing of an informational tri-fold and Drought Explanation Letter to every customer (approx. 25,000) • Direct Mailing of a customer-specific usage letter to all Home Owners Associations (large irrigation users) • Establishment of a Water Waster Hotline and Website Application for customers to notify the District of water waste they observe in the community (55 website notices and 52 hotline calls) • Specialized training regarding Conservation and the Conservation Restrictions for Operations Field staff and Customer Service Staff. • Field staff now assigned to Conservation Education and Investigation of Water Waste in the Community. • Thus far, 5 Water Conservation Ordinance First Violations have been issued. • Participation in MWDOC’s Turf Removal Rebate Program (105 customers/102,000 sq ft of turf removed)", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.953919244681*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.162464157961*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[168.782268680688, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[74., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 10, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1922.8, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1953.5, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "YLWD's Total Monthly Production for the month of September 2014 was 2,077.3 acre-feet. Approximately 316.0 was from Indirect Potable Reuse. Therefore, our adjusted Total Monthly Water Production-IPR is 1,761.3 acre-feet and our adjusted GCPD-IPR is 187.61. Unfortunately, we did not have access to this data prior to submitting September 2014's report.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[72399., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[201., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device.", "Implementation" -> "Watering is prohibited between the hours of 9am and 6pm. Watering is limited to 15 minutes per station per day. Water is prohibited when it is raining, or there is a forecasted chance of rain of 50 percent or higher. No runoff. No washing down of hard or paved surfaces. Re-circulation of water is required for water fountains. Washing of vehicles is limited to use of a hand-held house with an automatic shut-off nozzle. Stage 1 restrictions include irrigation limited to three times per week, with no irrigation on Sunday. Education and communication regarding these restrictions have been communicated to our customers in the following ways: • Direct Mailing of an informational tri-fold and Drought Explanation Letter to every customer (approx. 25,000) • Direct Mailing of a customer-specific usage letter to all Home Owners Associations (large irrigation users) • Establishment of a Water Waster Hotline and Website Application for customers to notify the District of water waste they observe in the community (128 website notices and 120 hotline calls) • Specialized training regarding Conservation and the Conservation Restrictions for Operations Field staff and Customer Service Staff. • Field staff now assigned to Conservation Education and Investigation of Water Waste in the Community. • Thus far, 4 Water Conservation Ordinance First Violations have been issued. • Participation in MWDOC’s Turf Removal Rebate Program (75 customers/78,000 sq ft of turf removed)", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.265471238356*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.365507626445*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[200.998110899603, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[72., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 9, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2077.3, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2236.5, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[72399., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[221.27, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device.", "Implementation" -> "Watering is prohibited between the hours of 9am and 6pm. Watering is limited to 15 minutes per station per day. Water is prohibited when it is raining, or there is a forecasted chance of rain of 50 percent or higher. No runoff. No washing down of hard or paved surfaces. Re-circulation of water is required for water fountains. Washing of vehicles is limited to use of a hand-held house with an automatic shut-off nozzle. Stage 1 restrictions include irrigation limited to three times per week, with no irrigation on Sunday. Education and communication regarding these restrictions have been communicated to our customers in the following ways: • Direct Mailing of an informational tri-fold and Drought Explanation Letter to every customer (approx. 25,000) • Direct Mailing of a customer-specific usage letter to all Home Owners Associations (large irrigation users) • Establishment of a Water Waster Hotline and Website Application for customers to notify the District of water waste they observe in the community (59 website notices and 62 hotline calls) • Specialized training regarding Conservation and the Conservation Restrictions for Operations Field staff and Customer Service Staff. • Field staff now assigned to Conservation Education and Investigation of Water Waste in the Community. • Participation in MWDOC’s Turf Removal Rebate Program (63 customers/72,500 sq ft of turf removed)", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.768911693071*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.287667164855*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[221.270427403712, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[71., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 8, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2227.9, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2355.9, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[73990., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "EnforcementActions" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device.", "Implementation" -> "Watering is prohibited between the hours of 9am and 6pm. Watering is limited to 15 minutes per station per day. Water is prohibited when it is raining, or there is a forecasted chance of rain of 50 percent or higher. No runoff. No washing down of hard or paved surfaces. Re-circulation of water is required for water fountains. Washing of vehicles is limited to use of a hand-held house with an automatic shut-off nozzle. Stage 1 restrictions include irrigation limited to three times per week, with no irrigation on Sunday. Education and communication regarding these restrictions have been communicated to our customers in the following ways: • Direct Mailing of an informational tri-fold and Drought Explanation Letter to every customer (approx. 25,000) • Direct Mailing of a customer-specific usage letter to all Home Owners Associations (large irrigation users) • Establishment of a Water Waster Hotline and Website Application for customers to notify the District of water waste they observe in the community (35 website notices and 40 hotline calls) • Specialized training regarding Conservation and the Conservation Restrictions for Operations Field staff and Customer Service Staff. • Field staff now assigned to Conservation Education and Investigation of Water Waste in the Community. • Participation in MWDOC’s Turf Removal Rebate Program (36 customers/50,000 sq ft of turf removed)", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.259643942133*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.676733768693*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[212.058361907194, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[67., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "On the first violation, YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address. A second violation within 12 calendar months is punishable by a penalty of $100. A third violation within 12 calendar months of the first or second violations is punishable by a penalty of $250. A fourth and any subsequent violations within 12 calendar months of the first violation are punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the District may opt to install a water flow restrictor device."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "Permanent Restrictions Only", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 7, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2352.1, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2348.8, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[73990., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> "The State's Emergency Regulations regarding outdoor water use, including prohibitions on washing down hard or paved surfaces, runoff caused by over irrigation, using a hose without an automatic shut-off nozzle and using potable water in fountains without water recirculation are part of YLWD's Permanent Water Use Restrictions and have been in effect since July 1, 2009.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.664351414467*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.653598317376*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[227.221593233504, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[68., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Yorba Linda Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3010037", "StageInvoked" -> "Permanent Restrictions Only", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 6, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2298.3, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2185., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[73990., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> "The State's Emergency Regulations regarding outdoor water use, including prohibitions on washing down hard or paved surfaces, runoff caused by over irrigation, using a hose without an automatic shut-off nozzle and using potable water in fountains without water recirculation are part of YLWD's Permanent Water Use Restrictions and have been in effect since July 1, 2009.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.489043346741*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.11985367995*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[226.051225044667, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[67., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2018, 4, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4314., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4945., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1143., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "Same note as previous month: CII usage and R-GPCD, as reported above, are estimates based on the meter reads that took place during the reporting period; but most of these reads include days prior to the reporting period (for example, the meter reads taken on May 15 typically cover the period April 15 through May 15).", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[492100., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[57., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.405723056078*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.611335306515*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[3.7244818106100005*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[57.1316015475716, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[60., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 120, "FollowUps" -> 85, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2018, 3, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3840., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4735., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1216., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "Same note as previous month: CII usage and R-GPCD, as reported above, are estimates based on the meter reads that took place during the reporting period; but most of these reads include days prior to the reporting period (for example, the meter reads taken on May 15 typically cover the period April 15 through May 15).", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[491835., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[59., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.25126947968*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.542906506845*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[3.9623533523200005*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[58.2677268552101, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[71., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 81, "FollowUps" -> 44, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2018, 2, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3739., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4022., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1109., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "Same note as previous month: CII usage and R-GPCD, as reported above, are estimates based on the meter reads that took place during the reporting period; but most of these reads include days prior to the reporting period (for example, the meter reads taken on May 15 typically cover the period April 15 through May 15).", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[491571., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[57., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.218358485553*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.310574439394*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[3.6136923254300004*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[57.536595905885, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[65., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 82, "FollowUps" -> 47, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2018, 1, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3983., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4337., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1191., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "Same note as previous month: CII usage and R-GPCD, as reported above, are estimates based on the meter reads that took place during the reporting period; but most of these reads include days prior to the reporting period (for example, the meter reads taken on May 15 typically cover the period April 15 through May 15).", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[491306., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[63., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.297866233741*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.413217638899*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[3.8808904955700004*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[63.0591179407105, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[74., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 163, "FollowUps" -> 123, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 12, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4325., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4525., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1482., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "Same note as previous month: CII usage and R-GPCD, as reported above, are estimates based on the meter reads that took place during the reporting period; but most of these reads include days prior to the reporting period (for example, the meter reads taken on May 15 typically cover the period April 15 through May 15).", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[491042., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[63., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.409307421775*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.474477707175*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[4.82911814814*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[62.9555928404915, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[68., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 93, "FollowUps" -> 59, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 11, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4247., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4715., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1263., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "Same note as previous month: CII usage and R-GPCD, as reported above, are estimates based on the meter reads that took place during the reporting period; but most of these reads include days prior to the reporting period (for example, the meter reads taken on May 15 typically cover the period April 15 through May 15).", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[490777., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[63., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.383891010469*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.536389478305*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[4.1155035230100006*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[62.9754434983866, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[67., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 205, "FollowUps" -> 106, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 10, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4659., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5324., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1251., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "Same note as previous month: CII usage and R-GPCD, as reported above, are estimates based on the meter reads that took place during the reporting period; but most of these reads include days prior to the reporting period (for example, the meter reads taken on May 15 typically cover the period April 15 through May 15).", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[490513., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[62., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.518141798393*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.734832997348*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[4.0764013517700005*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[61.9001656793194, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[62., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 276, "FollowUps" -> 144, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 9, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4606., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5463., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1482., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "Same note as previous month: CII usage and R-GPCD, as reported above, are estimates based on the meter reads that took place during the reporting period; but most of these reads include days prior to the reporting period (for example, the meter reads taken on May 15 typically cover the period April 15 through May 15).", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[490248., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[69., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.500871672762*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.780126345701*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[4.82911814814*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[69.3929560466104, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[68., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 237, "FollowUps" -> 126, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 8, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4972., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5648., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1648., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "Same note as previous month: CII usage and R-GPCD, as reported above, are estimates based on the meter reads that took place during the reporting period; but most of these reads include days prior to the reporting period (for example, the meter reads taken on May 15 typically cover the period April 15 through May 15).", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[489984., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[72., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.620133295044*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.840408859696*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[5.370031516960001*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[71.4631174052477, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[67., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 217, "FollowUps" -> 142, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 7, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4910., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5598., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1238., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "Same note as previous month: CII usage and R-GPCD, as reported above, are estimates based on the meter reads that took place during the reporting period; but most of these reads include days prior to the reporting period (for example, the meter reads taken on May 15 typically cover the period April 15 through May 15).", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[489719., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[66., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.59993050657*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.824116288346*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[4.0340406662600005*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[66.3946400822157, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[63., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 178, "FollowUps" -> 130, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 6, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4609., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5417., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1495., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "Same note as previous month: CII usage and R-GPCD, as reported above, are estimates based on the meter reads that took place during the reporting period; but most of these reads include days prior to the reporting period (for example, the meter reads taken on May 15 typically cover the period April 15 through May 15).", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[489455., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[72., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.501849227043*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.765137180059*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[4.87147883365*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[71.5962624367988, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[70., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 129, "FollowUps" -> 102, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 5, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4575., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5313., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1431., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "Same note as previous month: CII usage and R-GPCD, as reported above, are estimates based on the meter reads that took place during the reporting period; but most of these reads include days prior to the reporting period (for example, the meter reads taken on May 15 typically cover the period April 15 through May 15).", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[489190., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[65., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.490770278525*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.731248631651*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[4.6629339203700006*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[64.8806805605909, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[66., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 134, "FollowUps" -> 105, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 4, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4270., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4945., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1125., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "Same note as previous month: CII usage and R-GPCD, as reported above, are estimates based on the meter reads that took place during the reporting period; but most of these reads include days prior to the reporting period (for example, the meter reads taken on May 15 typically cover the period April 15 through May 15).", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[488926., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[67., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.39138559329*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.611335306515*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[3.66582855375*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[66.4019991643589, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[70., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 106, "FollowUps" -> 85, "Warnings" -> 1, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 3, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3948., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4735., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1167., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "Same note as previous month: CII usage and R-GPCD, as reported above, are estimates based on the meter reads that took place during the reporting period; but most of these reads include days prior to the reporting period (for example, the meter reads taken on May 15 typically cover the period April 15 through May 15).", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[488661., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[59., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.286461433796*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.542906506845*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[3.80268615309*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[58.5971493344941, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[69., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 94, "FollowUps" -> 65, "Warnings" -> 2, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 2, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3230., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4022., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[968., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "Same note as previous month: CII usage and R-GPCD, as reported above, are estimates based on the meter reads that took place during the reporting period; but most of these reads include days prior to the reporting period (for example, the meter reads taken on May 15 typically cover the period April 15 through May 15).", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[488397., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[48., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.05250010921*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.310574439394*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[3.15424181336*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[48.4877107296421, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[63., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 40, "FollowUps" -> 31, "Warnings" -> 2, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 1, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3598., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4337., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[932., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "Same note as previous month: CII usage and R-GPCD, as reported above, are estimates based on the meter reads that took place during the reporting period; but most of these reads include days prior to the reporting period (for example, the meter reads taken on May 15 typically cover the period April 15 through May 15).", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[488132., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[55., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.172413434346*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.413217638899*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[3.0369352996400005*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[55.0098121519259, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[71., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 126, "FollowUps" -> 96, "Warnings" -> 6, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 12, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3863., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4525., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1243., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "Same note as previous month: CII usage and R-GPCD, as reported above, are estimates based on the meter reads that took place during the reporting period; but most of these reads include days prior to the reporting period (for example, the meter reads taken on May 15 typically cover the period April 15 through May 15).", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[487868., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[60., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.258764062501*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.474477707175*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[4.0503332376100004*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[60.7579579051744, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[73., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 186, "FollowUps" -> 134, "Warnings" -> 5, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 11, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4125., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4715., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1256., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "Same note as previous month: CII usage and R-GPCD, as reported above, are estimates based on the meter reads that took place during the reporting period; but most of these reads include days prior to the reporting period (for example, the meter reads taken on May 15 typically cover the period April 15 through May 15).", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[487603., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[59., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.344137136375*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.536389478305*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[4.0926939231200004*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[58.807935094739, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[64., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 363, "FollowUps" -> 303, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 10, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4572., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5324., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1577., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "Same note as previous month: CII usage and R-GPCD, as reported above, are estimates based on the meter reads that took place during the reporting period; but most of these reads include days prior to the reporting period (for example, the meter reads taken on May 15 typically cover the period April 15 through May 15).", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[487339., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[65., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.489792724244*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.734832997348*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[5.1386770037900007*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[64.0982752853962, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[65., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 351, "FollowUps" -> 261, "Warnings" -> 29, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 9, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4660., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5463., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1806., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "Same note as previous month: CII usage and R-GPCD, as reported above, are estimates based on the meter reads that took place during the reporting period; but most of these reads include days prior to the reporting period (for example, the meter reads taken on May 15 typically cover the period April 15 through May 15).", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[487074., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[67., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.51846764982*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.780126345701*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[5.884876771620001*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[66.5072997727108, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[64., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 342, "FollowUps" -> 255, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 8, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4907., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5648., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1243., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "Same note as previous month: CII usage and R-GPCD, as reported above, are estimates based on the meter reads that took place during the reporting period; but most of these reads include days prior to the reporting period (for example, the meter reads taken on May 15 typically cover the period April 15 through May 15).", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[486810., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[73., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.598952952289*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.840408859696*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[4.0503332376100004*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[73.1077791547083, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[69., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 391, "FollowUps" -> 285, "Warnings" -> 10, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 7, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4904., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5598., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1125., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "Same note as previous month: CII usage and R-GPCD, as reported above, are estimates based on the meter reads that took place during the reporting period; but most of these reads include days prior to the reporting period (for example, the meter reads taken on May 15 typically cover the period April 15 through May 15).", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[478306., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[65., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.597975398008*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.824116288346*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[3.66582855375*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[65.7404089125345, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[61., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 320, "FollowUps" -> 242, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 6, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4565., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5417., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1467., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "Same note as previous month: CII usage and R-GPCD, as reported above, are estimates based on the meter reads that took place during the reporting period; but most of these reads include days prior to the reporting period (for example, the meter reads taken on May 15 typically cover the period April 15 through May 15).", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[486281., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[69., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.487511764255*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.765137180059*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[4.7802404340900004*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[69.3363164983072, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[68., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 385, "FollowUps" -> 290, "Warnings" -> 2, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 5, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4414., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5313., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1111., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "Same note as previous month: CII usage and R-GPCD, as reported above, are estimates based on the meter reads that took place during the reporting period; but most of these reads include days prior to the reporting period (for example, the meter reads taken on May 15 typically cover the period April 15 through May 15).", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[486016., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[56., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> "Have made extensive use of social media with regards to conservation messaging. Have mailed post cards to over 72,000 individual multi-family dwelling units with conservation tips specific to multi-family tenants.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.09, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.438308198778*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.731248631651*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[3.62020935397*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[56.3237687966081, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[59., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 453, "FollowUps" -> 334, "Warnings" -> 2, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "3rd level", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 4, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4126., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4945., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1176., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "Same note as previous month: CII usage and R-GPCD, as reported above, are estimates based on the meters reads that took place during the reporting period; but most of these reads include days prior to the reporting period (for example, the meter reads taken on Dec 15th typically cover the period Nov 16th thru Dec 15th).", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[485752., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[58., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> "Same note as previous month: Have made extensive use of social media with regards to conservation generally, but an emphasis this time of year on don't water when it is raining, reinforcing the State's prohibition against irrigating in the rain or for 48 hours afterwards. Have sent roughly 140,000 bill inserts in the last few months promoting conservation.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.09, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.344462987802*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.611335306515*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[3.83201278152*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[58.1237395704845, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[63., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 570, "FollowUps" -> 444, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "3rd level", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 3, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3991., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4735., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1175., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "Same note as previous month: CII usage and R-GPCD, as reported above, are estimates based on the meters reads that took place during the reporting period; but most of these reads include days prior to the reporting period (for example, the meter reads taken on Dec 15th typically cover the period Nov 16th thru Dec 15th).", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[485487., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[61., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> "Same note as previous month: Have made extensive use of social media with regards to conservation generally, but an emphasis this time of year on don't water when it is raining, reinforcing the State's prohibition against irrigating in the rain or for 48 hours afterwards. Have sent roughly 140,000 bill inserts in the last few months promoting conservation.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.09, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.300473045157*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.542906506845*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[3.82875426725*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[59.6226324095007, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[69., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 654, "FollowUps" -> 438, "Warnings" -> 1, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "3rd level", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 2, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3846., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4022., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1119., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "Same note as previous month: CII usage and R-GPCD, as reported above, are estimates based on the meters reads that took place during the reporting period; but most of these reads include days prior to the reporting period (for example, the meter reads taken on Dec 15th typically cover the period Nov 16th thru Dec 15th).", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[485223., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[54., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> "Same note as previous month: Have made extensive use of social media with regards to conservation generally, but an emphasis this time of year on don't water when it is raining, reinforcing the State's prohibition against irrigating in the rain or for 48 hours afterwards.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.16, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.21000994726814*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.310574439394*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[3.5205437623324144*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[53.4368415848326, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[60., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 637, "FollowUps" -> 429, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "3rd level", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 1, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3771., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4337., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1119., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "Please note that CII usage and R-GPCD, as reported above, are estimates based on the meters reads that took place during the reporting period; but most of these reads include days prior to the reporting period (for example, the meter reads taken on Dec 15th typically cover the period Nov 16th thru Dec 15th).", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[484958., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[55., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> "Have made extensive use of social media with regards to conservation generally, but an emphasis this time of year on don't water when it is raining, reinforcing the State's prohibition against irrigating in the rain or for 48 hours afterwards.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.16, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.228785731217*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.413217638899*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[3.64627746813*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[53.9453820745381, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[66., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 456, "FollowUps" -> 344, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "3rd level", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 12, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4080., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4525., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1253., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "Please note that CII usage and R-GPCD, as reported above, are estimates based on the meters reads that took place during the reporting period; but most of these reads include days prior to the reporting period (for example, the meter reads taken on Dec 15th typically cover the period Nov 16th thru Dec 15th).", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[484694., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[66., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.16, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.32947382216*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.474477707175*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[4.08291838031*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[64.5911940301543, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[73., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 795, "FollowUps" -> 504, "Warnings" -> 3, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "3rd level", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 11, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4169., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4715., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1109., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[484429., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[53., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> "Launched major conservation initiative Mission H2O Long Beach, that uses traditional and social media to promote conservation, and includes additions to our website:", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.16, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.358474599163*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.536389478305*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[3.6136923254300004*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[52.3465616585905, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[56., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 866, "FollowUps" -> 627, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "3rd level", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 10, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4457., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5324., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1427., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[484165., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[67., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> "Launched major conservation initiative Mission H2O Long Beach, that uses traditional and social media to promote conservation, and includes additions to our website:", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.16, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.452319810139*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.734832997348*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[4.6498998632900006*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[65.7985144956595, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[68., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 1408, "FollowUps" -> 941, "Warnings" -> 6, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 2, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "3rd level", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 9, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4445., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5463., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1462., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[483900., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[69., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.16, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.448409593015*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.780126345701*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[4.7639478627400005*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[67.8458719604739, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[68., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 1678, "FollowUps" -> 1232, "Warnings" -> 29, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 2, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "3rd level", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 8, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4645., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5648., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1238., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[483636., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[60., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.16, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.513579878415*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.840408859696*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[4.0340406662600005*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[58.5535222224379, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[58., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 1726, "FollowUps" -> 1290, "Warnings" -> 35, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 2, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "3rd stage", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 7, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4538., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5598., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1427., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[483371., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[69., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> "Instituted pilot project: using smart meters for the enforcement of water-use prohibitions.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.16, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.478713775726*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.824116288346*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[4.6498998632900006*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[68.0911900403584, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[69., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 2260, "FollowUps" -> 1758, "Warnings" -> 14, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "3rd level (although called \"Stage 2')", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 6, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4368., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5417., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1366., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[483107., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[69., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "Continue to monitor selected customers' compliance with water-waste prohibitions using smart-meters.", "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.16, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.423319033136*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.765137180059*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[4.45113049282*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[67.7620853395376, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[69., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 2138, "FollowUps" -> 1745, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "Continue to monitor selected customers' compliance with water-waste prohibitions using smart-meters."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "Level 3 (Stage 2)", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 5, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4273., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5313., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1287., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[482842., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[59., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.392363147571*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.731248631651*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[4.19370786549*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[57.6736550495193, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[62., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 1465, "FollowUps" -> 1194, "Warnings" -> 9, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 3, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "Level 3 (Stage 2)", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 4, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4647., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4945., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[482578., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[65., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.514231581269*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.611335306515*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[63.801863089082, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[61., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 1766, "FollowUps" -> 1478, "Warnings" -> 15, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 2, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "2nd level (Stage 1)", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 3, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4613., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4735., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[482313., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[59., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> "Initially, we included non-revenue water when determining the percent residential use; when we determined this was incorrect we resubmitted corrected PRU and R-GPCD without non-revenue water. A spreadsheet detailing both sets of calculations is available upon request.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.503152632751*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.542906506845*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[58.3096472017656, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[58., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 493, "FollowUps" -> 396, "Warnings" -> 13, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 4, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "2nd level (Stage 1)", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 2, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3966., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4022., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[482049., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[66., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> "Initially, we included non-revenue water when determining the percent residential use; when we determined this was incorrect we resubmitted corrected PRU and R-GPCD without non-revenue water. A spreadsheet detailing both sets of calculations is available upon request.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.292326759482*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.310574439394*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[64.1501863364913, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[67., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 240, "FollowUps" -> 145, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "2nd level (Stage 1)", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 1, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4189., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4337., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[481784., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[60., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> "Initially, we included non-revenue water when determining the percent residential use; when we determined this was incorrect we resubmitted corrected PRU and R-GPCD without non-revenue water. A spreadsheet detailing both sets of calculations is available upon request.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.364991627703*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.413217638899*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[59.4058586291213, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[65., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 128, "FollowUps" -> 109, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "2nd level (Stage 1)", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 12, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3996., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4525., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[481607., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[63., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> "Initially, we included non-revenue water when determining the percent residential use; when we determined this was incorrect we resubmitted corrected PRU and R-GPCD without non-revenue water. A spreadsheet detailing both sets of calculations is available upon request.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.302102302292*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.474477707175*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[61.9225697560339, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[71., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 132, "FollowUps" -> 110, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "2nd level (Stage 1)", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 11, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4471., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4715., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[481430., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[67., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> "Initially, we included non-revenue water when determining the percent residential use; when we determined this was incorrect we resubmitted corrected PRU and R-GPCD without non-revenue water. A spreadsheet detailing both sets of calculations is available upon request.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.456881730117*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.536389478305*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[65.5666884473375, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[65., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 221, "FollowUps" -> 178, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "1st level (Imminent Shortage)", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 10, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4955., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5324., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[481253., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[67., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> "Initially, we included non-revenue water when determining the percent residential use; when we determined this was incorrect we resubmitted corrected PRU and R-GPCD without non-revenue water. A spreadsheet detailing both sets of calculations is available upon request.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.614593820785*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.734832997348*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[66.017333293128, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[61., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 543, "FollowUps" -> 418, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "1st level (Imminent Shortage)", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 9, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5113., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5463., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "The original estimate of R-GPCD used the metered water use numbers as they come to the Water Department from the City's billing system in a monthly extract of the City's billing data; although we can get this data relatively quickly, it is not as accurate as the data eventually produced by our Finance Division. The original estimate of R-GPCD also included non-revenue water, allocating the non-revenue water to each customer class in proportion to that classes metered water use. And the original estimate of R-GPCD used the population estimate provided by the Calif Dept of Finance in early 2014. These revised estimates exclude non-revenue water, use the more refined metered water use numbers as determined by the Water Dept's finance section, and use the population estimate of the Calif Dept of Finance for calendar year 2014, as revised in early 2015, and prorated for the months in question. Data submitted for the month of Sept 2014 included a population estimate of 471,868 and residential metered use of 1,428,999 HCF; and proportionate share of metered demand of 71% ; and this percent of the total water into the system resulted in a R-GPCD reported at 82 R-GPCD. The revised data includes the revised Calif DoF estimate of 472,055 (prorated throughout the year); uses just metered residential use as determined by the Water Department's Finance Division, 1,504,332 HCF; resulting in 79 R-GPCD.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[481076., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[79., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.666078346251*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.780126345701*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[78.4999511823967, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[68., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 1042, "FollowUps" -> 825, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "1st level (Imminent Shortage)", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 8, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5264., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5648., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "The original estimate of R-GPCD used the metered water use numbers as they come to the Water Department from the City's billing system in a monthly extract of the City's billing data; although we can get this data relatively quickly, it is not as accurate as the data eventually produced by our Finance Division. The original estimate of R-GPCD also included non-revenue water, allocating the non-revenue water to each customer class in proportion to that classes metered water use. And the original estimate of R-GPCD used the population estimate provided by the Calif Dept of Finance in early 2014. These revised estimates exclude non-revenue water, use the more refined metered water use numbers as determined by the Water Dept's finance section, and use the population estimate of the Calif Dept of Finance for calendar year 2014, as revised in early 2015, and prorated for the months in question. Data submitted for the month of Aug 2014 included a population estimate of 471,000 and residential metered use of 1,385,680 HCF; and proportionate share of metered demand of 70% ; and this percent of the total water into the system resulted in a R-GPCD reported at 81 R-GPCD. The revised data includes the revised Calif DoF estimate of 471,875 (prorated throughout the year); uses just metered residential use as determined by the Water Department's Finance Division, 1,460,900 HCF; resulting in the R-GPCD of 75 R-GPCD.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[480899., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[75., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.715281911728*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.840408859696*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[73.6376489158793, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[64., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 905, "FollowUps" -> 722, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "1st level (Imminent Shortage)", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 7, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5359., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5598., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "The original estimate of R-GPCD used the metered water use numbers as they come to the Water Department from the City's billing system in a monthly extract of the City's billing data; although we can get this data relatively quickly, it is not as accurate as the data eventually produced by our Finance Division. The original estimate of R-GPCD also included non-revenue water, allocating the non-revenue water to each customer class in proportion to that classes metered water use. And the original estimate of R-GPCD used the population estimate provided by the Calif Dept of Finance in early 2014. These revised estimates exclude non-revenue water, use the more refined metered water use numbers as determined by the Water Dept's finance section, and use the population estimate of the Calif Dept of Finance for calendar year 2014, as revised in early 2015, and prorated for the months in question. Data submitted for the month of July 2014 included a population estimate of 471,000 and residential metered use of 1,465,702 HCF; and proportionate share of metered demand of 71% ; and this percent of the total water into the system resulted in a R-GPCD reported at 88 R-GPCD. The revised data includes the revised Calif DoF estimate of 471,694 (prorated throughout the year); uses just metered residential use as determined by the Water Department's Finance Division, 1,631,583 HCF; resulting in 83 R-GPCD.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[480722., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[83., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.746237797293*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.824116288346*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[82.0249043478486, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[70., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 904, "FollowUps" -> 715, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Long Beach", "PWSID" -> "CA1910065", "StageInvoked" -> "1st level (Imminent Shortage)", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 6, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5190., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5417., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[480545., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[76., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> "Initially, we included non-revenue water when determining the percent residential use; when we determined this was incorrect we resubmitted corrected PRU and R-GPCD without non-revenue water. A spreadsheet detailing both sets of calculations is available upon request.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.69116890613*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.765137180059*^9, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[75.0778178889386, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[64., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 273, "FollowUps" -> 219, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2018, 4, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.68531*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.2468*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[40986., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[76., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.68531*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.2468*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[76.7557702630167, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[56., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2018, 3, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.26513*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.86188*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[39993., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[66., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.26513*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.86188*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[66.3289059456373, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[65., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2018, 2, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.29407*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.23565*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[39993., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[76., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.29407*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.23565*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[76.2710438612472, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[66., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2018, 1, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.25788*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.21426*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[39993., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[74., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.25788*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.21426*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[74.0655743787421, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[73., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 12, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.41429*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.2411*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[39993., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[78., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.41429*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.2411*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[78.7121697910037, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[69., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 11, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.61346*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.80075*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[39993., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[107., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.61346*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.80075*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[107.582826994724, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[80., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 10, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.23304*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.34625*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[39993., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[122., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.23304*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.34625*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[122.478465989613, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[68., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 9, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.57787*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.8598*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[39993., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[146., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.57787*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.8598*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[150.402070362313, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[70., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 8, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.01932*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.24811*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[39993., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[146., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.01932*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.24811*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[146.121700329816, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[60., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 7, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.12218*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.37551*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[39993., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[143., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.12218*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.37551*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[143.544684835975, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[57., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 6, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.75057*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.21727*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[39993., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[132., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.75057*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.21727*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[132.967485976713, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[58., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 5, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.37551*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.00515*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[39993., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[90., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.37551*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.00515*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[91.9713207875894, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[48., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 4, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.51778*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.2468*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[37168., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[78., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.51778*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.2468*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[78.948952503946, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[58., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 3, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.35364*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.86188*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[37168., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[61., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.35364*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.86188*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[61.0907752766862, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[52., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 2, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.03673*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.23565*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[37168., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[69., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.24, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.03673*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.23565*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[69.7327001721911, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[70., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 1, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.13848*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.21426*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[37168., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[68., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.24, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.13848*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.21426*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[68.1778984350048, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[69., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 12, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.20428*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.2411*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[37168., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[72., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.24, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.20428*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.2411*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[72.118332801022, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[69., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 11, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.43138*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.80075*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[37168., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[83., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.24, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.43138*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.80075*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[83.4406837422873, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[65., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 10, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.0041*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.34625*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[37168., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[120., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.24, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.0041*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.34625*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[120.015570105398, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[69., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 9, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.30852*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.85852*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[37168., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[142., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.24, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.30852*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.85852*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[142.85396039604, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[69., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 8, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.60144*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.24811*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[37168., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[144., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.24, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.60144*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.24811*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[144.498354463777, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[64., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 7, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.71946*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.37551*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[37168., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[136., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.24, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.71946*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.37551*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[136.892540235791, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[58., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 6, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.37304*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.21727*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[37168., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[124., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.24, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.37304*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.21727*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[123.436217534797, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[58., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 5, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.93619*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.00515*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[37168., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[87., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.24, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.93619*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.00515*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[87.3816880285504, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[52., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 4, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.58425*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.2468*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[37168., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[75., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.24, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.58425*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.2468*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[73.8816544697948, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[52., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 3, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.18438*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.86188*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[37168., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[63., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.24, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.18438*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.86188*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[62.7032445530668, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[61., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[1, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 2, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.08753*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.23565*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[37168., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.28, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.05002896551724*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.23565*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[66.5913763415322, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[66., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[1, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 1, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.1413*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.21426*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[37168., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.28, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.1413*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.21426*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[64.3846423562412, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[65., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[1, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 12, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.1998*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.2411*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[37168., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.28, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.1998*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.2411*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[67.6848277394359, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[65., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 11, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.29662*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.80075*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[37168., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.28, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.29662*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.80075*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[96.516232601521, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[83., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 10, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.83481*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.34625*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[37168., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[114., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.28, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.83481*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.34625*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[114.654923416605, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[72., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 212, "FollowUps" -> 212, "Warnings" -> 212, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 212, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 9, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.16686*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.8598*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[37168., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[134., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.28, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.16686*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.8598*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[134.087871287129, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[69., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 218, "FollowUps" -> 218, "Warnings" -> 218, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 218, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 8, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.44793*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.24811*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[37168., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[136., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.28, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.44793*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.24811*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[135.971560690431, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[64., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 273, "FollowUps" -> 273, "Warnings" -> 273, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 273, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 7, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.43944*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.37551*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[37168., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[133., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.28, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.43944*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.37551*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[133.38279199589, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[63., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 221, "Warnings" -> 221, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 221, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 6, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.37081*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.21727*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[37168., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[127., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.28, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.37081*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.21727*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[127.572643133879, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[60., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 119, "Warnings" -> 119, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 119, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 5, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.94652*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.00515*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[37168., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[106., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.94652*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.00515*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[106.431095774374, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[63., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 4, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.87216*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.2468*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[37168., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[104., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.87216*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.2468*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[104.09843593055, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[62., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 3, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.66417*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.86188*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[37168., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[72., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.66417*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.86188*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[69.3278991293239, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[48., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 2, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.17939*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.23565*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[37168., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[78., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.17939*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.23565*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[78.1950583451202, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[69., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 1, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.27196*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.21426*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[37168., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[69., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.27196*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.21426*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[69.5477552664102, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[63., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 12, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.2737*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.2411*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[37168., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[75., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.2737*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.2411*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[75.1701081749129, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[68., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 11, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.48411*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.80075*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[37168., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.48411*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.80075*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[118.458342301621, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[89., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 10, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.27812*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.34625*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[37168., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[132., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.27812*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.34625*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[132.470908030494, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[67., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 9, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.52715*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.8598*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> "The number of 100 was automatically pre populated in the reporting tool itself as the percentage of residentail use. That is incorrect. The correct percentage for the City of Los Banos is 70%", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[37168., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.52715*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.8598*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[158.649465490027, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[70., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 8, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.91669*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.24811*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> "The number of 100 was automatically pre populated in the monitoring tool itself as the percentage of residential use. That was incorrect. The correct percentage for the City of Los Banos should of read 66%.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[37168., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[167., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.91669*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.24811*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[167.071865496508, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[66., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 7, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.11181*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.37551*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[37168., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[170., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.11181*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.37551*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[170.146388499299, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[63., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Los Banos", "PWSID" -> "CA2410005", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 6, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.00808*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.21727*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[37168., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[169., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.00808*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.21727*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[169.957167455876, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[63., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2018, 4, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.20770588*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.124505*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.40588105*^8, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[72879., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[102.12, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.20770588*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.124505*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.40588105*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[102.134108614553, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[53.07, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 14, "FollowUps" -> 14, "Warnings" -> 14, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 7, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2018, 3, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.3481*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.8238*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.3038*^8, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[72879., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[74.17, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.3481*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.8238*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.3038*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[74.1717291896555, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[50.05, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 4, "FollowUps" -> 4, "Warnings" -> 4, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2018, 2, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.3359*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.7837*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.1726*^8, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[72879., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[82.7, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.3359*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.7837*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.1726*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[82.7022388381525, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[50.59, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[1, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 13, "FollowUps" -> 13, "Warnings" -> 13, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 4, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2018, 1, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.417*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.4036*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.3238999999999999*^8, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[72879., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[70.62, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.417*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.4036*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.3238999999999999*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[70.6162667328834, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[46.69, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[1, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 77, "FollowUps" -> 77, "Warnings" -> 77, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 21, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 12, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.7066*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.6359*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.3128*^8, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[72050., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[84.42, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.7066*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.6359*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.3128*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[84.4193064851917, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[50.87, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[1, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 170, "FollowUps" -> 170, "Warnings" -> 170, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 42, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 11, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.2012*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.2189*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.5118*^8, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[72050., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[97.17, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.2012*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.2189*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.5118*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[97.1825121443442, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[50., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[1, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 402, "FollowUps" -> 402, "Warnings" -> 402, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 29, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 10, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.8769*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.3818*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.639*^8, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[72050., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[136.85, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.8769*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.3818*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.639*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[136.848321729981, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[52.01, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 222, "FollowUps" -> 222, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 48, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 9, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.1657*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[7.4522*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.5597*^8, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[72050., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[164.33, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.1657*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.4522*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.5597*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[164.333091371733, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[57.61, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 274, "FollowUps" -> 274, "Warnings" -> 274, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 68, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 8, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.9882*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[8.0881*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.6868*^8, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[72050., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[175.47, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.9882*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[8.0881*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.6868*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[175.522383649347, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[56.1, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 396, "FollowUps" -> 396, "Warnings" -> 396, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 88, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 7, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[7.2814*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[9.2717*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.6998*^8, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[72050., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[183., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.2814*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[9.2717*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.6998*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[183.049678762508, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[56.15, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 458, "FollowUps" -> 458, "Warnings" -> 458, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 86, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 6, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.4737*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[7.4814*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.7336*^8, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[72050., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[166.84, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.4737*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.4814*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.7336*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[166.851643303262, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[55.71, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 390, "FollowUps" -> 390, "Warnings" -> 390, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 53, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 5, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.0384*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[7.6565*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.3757*^8, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[72050., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[126.25, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.0384*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.6565*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.3757*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[126.253399297083, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[46.7, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 260, "FollowUps" -> 260, "Warnings" -> 260, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 260, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 4, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.0889*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.1245*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.3475*^8, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[72050., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[92.11, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.16, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.0889*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.1245*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.3475*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[92.1066578764747, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[48.69, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 105, "FollowUps" -> 105, "Warnings" -> 105, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 16, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 3, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.7077*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.8238*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.368*^8, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[72050., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[77.35, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.16, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.7077*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.8238*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.368*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[77.3561460455329, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[46.6, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 58, "FollowUps" -> 58, "Warnings" -> 58, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 9, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 2, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.7457*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.7837*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.1767*^8, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[72050., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[61.65, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.16, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.7457*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.7837*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.1767*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[61.6537176563894, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[45.3, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 89, "FollowUps" -> 89, "Warnings" -> 89, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 21, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 1, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.981*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.4036*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.2428*^8, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[72050., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[63.92, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.16, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.981*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.4036*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.2428*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[63.9295739965526, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[47.9, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[1, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 113, "FollowUps" -> 113, "Warnings" -> 113, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 27, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 12, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.2449*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.6359*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.2166*^8, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[72050., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[69.25, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.16, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.2449*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.6359*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.2166*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[76.0249902621387, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[52.33, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[1, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 109, "FollowUps" -> 109, "Warnings" -> 109, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 108, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 11, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.6663*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.2189*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.3338999999999999*^8, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[72050., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[85.44, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.16, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.6663*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.2189*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.3338999999999999*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[85.436748091603, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[50.37, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[1, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 367, "FollowUps" -> 367, "Warnings" -> 88, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 10, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.1764*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.3818*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.5149*^8, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[72050., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[124.56, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.16, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.1764*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.3818*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.5149*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[124.569183586667, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[53.75, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 206, "FollowUps" -> 206, "Warnings" -> 206, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 25, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 9, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.0072*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[7.4522*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.4753*^8, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[72050., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[154.69, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.16, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.0072*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.4522*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.4753*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[154.689221374046, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[55.66, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 209, "FollowUps" -> 209, "Warnings" -> 209, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 48, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 8, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.8218*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[8.0881*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.4895*^8, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[72050., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[163.49, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.16, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.8218*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[8.0881*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.4895*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[163.493521076313, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[53.53, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 132, "FollowUps" -> 132, "Warnings" -> 132, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 39, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 7, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.9914*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[9.2717*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.747*^8, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[72050., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[174.47, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.16, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.9914*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[9.2717*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.747*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[174.475895323588, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[55.74, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 275, "FollowUps" -> 275, "Warnings" -> 268, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 62, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 6, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.4973*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[7.4813*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.3642*^8, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[72050., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[167.8, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.16, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.4973*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.4813*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.3642*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[167.790555632662, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[55.82, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 228, "FollowUps" -> 228, "Warnings" -> 227, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 227, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 5, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.3678*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[7.6565*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.2911000000000001*^8, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[72050., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[133.04, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.29, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.3678*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.6565*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.2911000000000001*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[133.044439569296, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[55.36, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 160, "FollowUps" -> 158, "Warnings" -> 158, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 158, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 4, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.15878977*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.124505*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.3294*^8, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[71181., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[98.98, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.29, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.15878977*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.124505*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.3294*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[98.9728982506568, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[50.82, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 119, "FollowUps" -> 119, "Warnings" -> 119, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 9, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 3, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.2254*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.8238*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.2035*^8, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[71181., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[71.03, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.29, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.2254*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.8238*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.2035*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[71.0385473470403, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[48.6, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 37, "FollowUps" -> 37, "Warnings" -> 37, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 3, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 2, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.9994*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.2246*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.1439*^8, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[71181., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[68.26, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.32, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.8959724137931*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.2246*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.104455172413793*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[68.2629915286383, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[46.98, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[1, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 76, "FollowUps" -> 76, "Warnings" -> 76, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 5, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 1, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.8871*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.4036*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.1229*^8, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[71181., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[63.11, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.32, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.8871*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.4036*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.1229*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[63.1034799518356, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[48.23, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[1, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 46, "FollowUps" -> 46, "Warnings" -> 46, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 4, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 12, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.09397427*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.635907*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.141939*^8, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[71181., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[67.99, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.32, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.09397427*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.635907*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.141939*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[67.9896965764695, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[48.49, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[1, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 186, "FollowUps" -> 186, "Warnings" -> 186, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 67, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 11, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.4932*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.2189*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.2724*^8, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[71181., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[82.58, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.32, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.4932*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.2189*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.2724*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[82.5766875992189, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[50.48, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[1, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 219, "FollowUps" -> 219, "Warnings" -> 218, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 9, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 10, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.1031*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.3818*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.4622*^8, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[71181., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[120.68, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.32, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.1031*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.3818*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.4622*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[120.673629380077, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[52.18, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 474, "FollowUps" -> 474, "Warnings" -> 463, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 147, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 9, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.494*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[7.4522*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.3517*^8, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[71181., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[142.82, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.32, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.494*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.4522*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.3517*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[142.815236275598, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[55.51, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 677, "FollowUps" -> 677, "Warnings" -> 659, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 88, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 8, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.9621*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[8.0881*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.4894*^8, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[71181., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[164.62, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.32, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.9621*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[8.0881*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.4894*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[164.628361319689, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[60.93, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 696, "FollowUps" -> 696, "Warnings" -> 682, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 121, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 7, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.029*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[9.272*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.474*^8, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[71181., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[154.95, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.32, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.029*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[9.272*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.474*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[154.972888288874, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[56.72, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 722, "FollowUps" -> 722, "Warnings" -> 703, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 39, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 6, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.042774*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[7.481345*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.3391830300000001*^8, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[71181., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[152.79, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.32, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.042774*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.481345*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.3391830300000001*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[152.779238027002, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[53.99, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 392, "FollowUps" -> 392, "Warnings" -> 352, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 5, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 5, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.7628*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[7.6565*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.6848*^8, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "The above percentage is based on billed residential accounts. The remaining 37.89% of potable application is utilized for landscaping and CII (Commercial, Industrial, Institutional) accounts.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[71181., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[134.06, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.7628*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.6565*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.6848*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[134.059654374967, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[62.11, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 196, "FollowUps" -> 196, "Warnings" -> 195, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 4, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 4, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.9777*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.1245*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "The above percentage is based on billed residential accounts. The remaining 46.09% of potable application is utilized for landscaping and CII (Commercial, Industrial, Institutional) accounts.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[71181., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[125.77, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.9777*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.1245*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[125.664529860496, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[53.91, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 121, "FollowUps" -> 111, "Warnings" -> 111, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 1, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 3, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[473000000, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.824*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "The above percentage is based on billed residential accounts. The remaining 49.13% of potable application is utilized for landscaping and CII (Commercial, Industrial, Institutional) accounts.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[71181., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[109.04, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.73*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.824*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[109.042826306948, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[50.87, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 88, "FollowUps" -> 88, "Warnings" -> 88, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 2, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.948*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.784*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "The above percentage is based on billed residential accounts. The remaining 47.49% of potable application is utilized for landscaping and CII (Commercial, Industrial, Institutional) accounts.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[71181., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[77.67, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "Responded to a total of 10 water wasting incidences in the month of February.", "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.948*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.784*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[77.6689405479392, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[52.51, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "Responded to a total of 10 water wasting incidences in the month of February."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 1, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.983*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.404*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "The above percentage is based on billed residential accounts. The remaining 44.35% of potable application is utilized for landscaping and CII (Commercial, Industrial, Institutional) accounts.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[71181., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[75.23, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "Responded to a total of 6 water wasting incidences in the month of January.", "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.983*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.404*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[75.2302739359135, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[55.65, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "Responded to a total of 6 water wasting incidences in the month of January."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 12, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[301000000, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.636*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "The above percentage is based on billed residential accounts. The remaining 47.1 percent of potable application is utilized for landscaping and CII (Commercial, Industrial, Institutional) accounts.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[71181., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[72.1, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "Responded to a total of 7 water wasting incidences in the month of December.", "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.01*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.636*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[72.1599774495822, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[52.9, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "Responded to a total of 7 water wasting incidences in the month of December."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 11, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[413000000, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.219*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "The above percentage is based on billed residential accounts. The remaining 48.67 percent of potable application is utilized for landscaping and CII (Commercial, Industrial, Institutional) accounts.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[71181., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[99.28, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "Responded to a total of 4 water wasting incidences in the month of November.", "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.13*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.219*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[99.2741040446187, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[51.33, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "Responded to a total of 4 water wasting incidences in the month of November."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 10, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.016*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.382*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "The above percentage is based on billed residential accounts. The remaining 45.17 percent of potable application is utilized for landscaping and CII (Commercial, Industrial, Institutional) accounts.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[70132., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[151.73, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "Responded to a total of 38 water wasting incidences in the month of October.", "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.016*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.382*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[151.721859056562, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[54.83, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "Responded to a total of 38 water wasting incidences in the month of October."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 9, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[7.084*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[7.452*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "The above percentage is based on billed residential accounts. The remaining 47.52 percent of potable application is utilized for landscaping and CII (Commercial, Industrial, Institutional) accounts.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[71181., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[174.08, "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "Responded to a total of 26 water wasting incidences in the month of August", "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.084*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.452*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[174.095296965951, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[52.48, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "Responded to a total of 26 water wasting incidences in the month of August"|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 8, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[7.04959441*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[8.088051*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> "The above percentage is based on billed residential accounts. The remaining 60.3 percent of potable application is utilized for landscaping and CII (Commercial, Industrial, Institutional) accounts.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[71181., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "EnforcementActions" -> "The City of Turlock responded to a total of 46 residential water wasting incidences.", "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.04959441*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[8.088051*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[190.727222096237, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[59.7, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "The City of Turlock responded to a total of 46 residential water wasting incidences."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 7, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[796000000, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[927000000, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[36000000, "Gallons"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[71181., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.96*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[9.27*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[216.440505372265, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[60., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Turlock", "PWSID" -> "CA5010019", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 6, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[791000000, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[748000000, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[33000000, "Gallons"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[71181., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.91*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.48*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[237.067007581611, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[64., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Joaquin River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2018, 4, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2054.032, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2116.689, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[451., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[131265., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[132., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.69309258303664*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.89726131165203*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.4695899357700002*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[132.571825817204, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[78., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[4, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 24, "FollowUps" -> 24, "Warnings" -> 6, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2018, 3, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1369.429, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1847.095, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[342.36, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[131265., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[82., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.46230393825183*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.01878541554565*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.1155849454772002*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[82.2450510402835, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[75., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[4, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 21, "FollowUps" -> 21, "Warnings" -> 3, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2018, 2, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1587.254, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1250.921, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[365., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[132926., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[107., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.17208980911458*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.07614392914267*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.18935770855*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[107.001241104563, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[77., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[4, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 22, "FollowUps" -> 22, "Warnings" -> 3, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2018, 1, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1780.986, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1366.351, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[427.437, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[132926., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[141., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.80336829567022*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.45227423132877*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.39280956402599*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[107.034083594155, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[76., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[4, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 19, "FollowUps" -> 19, "Warnings" -> 4, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Level 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 12, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2034.213, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1686., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[508.553, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[130396., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[123., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.62851208871951*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.49385505922*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.65712720755131*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[122.984775570486, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[75., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[4, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 15, "FollowUps" -> 15, "Warnings" -> 8, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 11, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2043.08, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1859.816, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[510.88, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[118731., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[186., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.6574053347516*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.06023697557432*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.6647097702576002*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[140.178330317095, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[75., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[4, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 35, "FollowUps" -> 35, "Warnings" -> 9, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Level 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 10, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2572.739, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2317.743, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[694.649, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[118731., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[166., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[8.38330674448553*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.55239863969261*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[2.2635236791412303*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[166.269426156727, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[73., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[4, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 51, "FollowUps" -> 51, "Warnings" -> 8, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Level 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 9, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2580.77, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2714.206, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[645.19, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[118731., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[177., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[8.4094758725879*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[8.84427898271962*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[2.1023608218613005*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[177.069928506201, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[75., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[4, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 29, "FollowUps" -> 39, "Warnings" -> 7, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 8, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2864.214, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2961.995, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[716.05, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[118731., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[190., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[9.33308219133378*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[9.65170297516865*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[2.3332591430335*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[190.178113211196, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[75., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[4, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 22, "FollowUps" -> 29, "Warnings" -> 8, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Level 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 7, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3070.127, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3023.4, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[736.827, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[118731., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[206., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.00040526402123*^9, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[9.851792043918*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[2.4009612940212902*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[206.56833124706, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[76., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[4, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 24, "FollowUps" -> 24, "Warnings" -> 6, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Level 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 6, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2546.408, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2811.871, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[636.598, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[118731., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[175., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[8.29750680524216*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[9.16252177889917*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[2.07436366725346*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[174.712307763814, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[75., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[4, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 36, "FollowUps" -> 43, "Warnings" -> 23, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Level 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 5, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2338.328, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2713.416, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[584.828, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[118731., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[155., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.61947515594056*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[8.84170475644632*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.90567038349556*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[155.260328700617, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[75., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[4, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 36, "FollowUps" -> 36, "Warnings" -> 13, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Level 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 4, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2070.118, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2116.689, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[469.198, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[118731., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[146., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.74550904358386*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.89726131165203*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.52888837845546*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[145.821000512631, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[77., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 14, "FollowUps" -> 14, "Warnings" -> 6, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Level 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 3, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1585.124, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1847.095, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[301.274, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[118731., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[114., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.16514917371948*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.01878541554565*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[9.8170562817998*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[113.669007569911, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[81., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[4, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 33, "FollowUps" -> 42, "Warnings" -> 11, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Level 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 2, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[953.423, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1250.921, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[257.423, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[118731., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[68., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.10674245084621*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.07614392914267*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[8.388165189262101*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[68.2190951790703, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[73., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[4, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 9, "FollowUps" -> 9, "Warnings" -> 5, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Level 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 1, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[990.016, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1366.351, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[198., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[118731., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[70., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.22598126352832*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.45227423132877*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[6.4518582546000004*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[70.1174330051764, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[80., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[4, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 30, "FollowUps" -> 30, "Warnings" -> 6, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Level 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 12, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1323.239, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1686.876, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[317.58, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[118731., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[89., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.31179316412053*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.49670951772052*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.0348389618666*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[89.0319104294474, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[76., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[4, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 56, "FollowUps" -> 56, "Warnings" -> 9, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Level 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 11, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1705., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1849.761, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[443.3, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[118731., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[115., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.55576683035*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.02747261458947*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.444499375891*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[115.422466316267, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[74., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[4, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 102, "FollowUps" -> 102, "Warnings" -> 10, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Level 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 10, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1953.802, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2326.021, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[488.51, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[118731., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[130., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.36649169775454*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.57937262081967*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.5918168060377002*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[129.728567051296, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[75., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[4, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 124, "FollowUps" -> 124, "Warnings" -> 3, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Level 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 9, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2409.914, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2748.802, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[626.584, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[118731., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[163., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.85273915847278*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[8.95701054240454*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[2.04173290535368*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[163.142649554311, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[74., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[4, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 83, "FollowUps" -> 375, "Warnings" -> 8, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Level 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 8, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2671.485, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3006.107, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[667.865, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[118731., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[177., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[8.70507199459095*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[9.79544255664689*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[2.1762476329335502*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[177.381290913323, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[75., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[4, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 62, "FollowUps" -> 163, "Warnings" -> 27, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Level 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 7, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2698.698, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3066.803, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[647.98, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[118731., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[182., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[8.79374594342046*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[9.99322133877881*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[2.1114520766746002*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[181.577355724951, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[76., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 60, "FollowUps" -> 141, "Warnings" -> 29, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Level 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 6, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2187.115, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2854.249, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[524.915, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[118731., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[152., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.12674543763105*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[9.30061109663323*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.71044301803705*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[152.061565853332, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[76., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 73, "FollowUps" -> 138, "Warnings" -> 19, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Level 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 5, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2005.116, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2751.73, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[481.236, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[118731., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[135., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.23, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.53369909900532*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[8.9665514721871*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.56811437323772*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[134.910857458594, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[76., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 159, "FollowUps" -> 209, "Warnings" -> 52, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Level 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 4, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1767.478, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2128.064, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[424.208, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[118731., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[103., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.23, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.75935228491106*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.93432691147328*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.38228782144816*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[122.885843813113, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[76., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 179, "FollowUps" -> 187, "Warnings" -> 77, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Level 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 3, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1448.951, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1840.977, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[319.951, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[118731., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[99., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.23, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.72142751003077*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.99884982524179*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.0425648992007701*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[100.055763294256, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[78., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 89, "FollowUps" -> 164, "Warnings" -> 38, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Level 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 2, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1417.229, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1220.088, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[297.619, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[118731., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[106., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.28, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.45881744034549*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.97567415865576*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[9.363545254706083*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[105.955773310886, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[79., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 93, "FollowUps" -> 154, "Warnings" -> 61, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Level 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 1, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1189.271, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1348.84, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[261.641, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[118731., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[82., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "Staff is completing the process for issuing penalties/fines.", "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.28, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.87525652439717*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.3952143879468*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[8.525609321170701*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[82.1238383276752, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[78., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 78, "FollowUps" -> 163, "Warnings" -> 30, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "Staff is completing the process for issuing penalties/fines."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Level 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 12, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1385.491, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1668.761, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[346.361, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[118731., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[92., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.28, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.51464219445657*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.43768153171947*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.1286222610714701*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[91.9938469161498, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[75., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 106, "FollowUps" -> 198, "Warnings" -> 92, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Level 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 11, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1697.973, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1849.761, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[441.463, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[118731., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[115., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> "Additional measures are being considered in January including, but not limited to, penalties and additional irrigation restrictions.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.28, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.53286925057471*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.02747261458947*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.4385134851770103*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[114.946763283537, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[74., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 115, "FollowUps" -> 219, "Warnings" -> 104, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Level 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 10, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1861.902, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2326.019, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[465.462, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[118731., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[124., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.28, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.06703423634154*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.57936610379113*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.51671456914274*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[123.6265898233, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[75., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 227, "FollowUps" -> 257, "Warnings" -> 95, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Level 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 9, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1899.173, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2748.802, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[493.173, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[118731., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[129., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.28, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.18848232169871*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[8.95701054240454*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.60701125807871*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[128.567291273468, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[74., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 211, "FollowUps" -> 368, "Warnings" -> 201, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Level 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 8, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2354.694, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3006.107, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[659.304, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[118731., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[150., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.28, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.67280400048338*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[9.79544255664689*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[2.14835149226808*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[150.09311860962, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[72., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 161, "FollowUps" -> 742, "Warnings" -> 178, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Level 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 7, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2097.311, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3066.804, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[671.256, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[118731., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[126., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.28, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.83411782212797*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[9.99322459729308*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[2.18729725482312*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[126.259933176324, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[68., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 169, "FollowUps" -> 284, "Warnings" -> 193, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Level 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 6, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2193.12, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2854.249, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[811.45, "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "JCSD had a new water supply beginning in April which went unreported in April, May, and June. The April and May reports have already been re-submitted. For this report, June, the difference was an increase in water production of 199 AF which has been added to the previously reported production amount. Nothing else (except CII production) has been changed on this report.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[118731., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[126., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.28, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.1463128158224*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[9.30061109663323*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[2.6441214043915004*^8, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[126.39712386173, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[63., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Level 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 5, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1753.769, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2751.73, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "JCSD had a new water supply beginning in April which went unreported in April, May, and June. Staff has already re-submitted the April report. For May 2015, the difference was 206 AF which has been added to the previously reported production amount. Nothing else is changed on this report.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[118731., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[107., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.71468131278363*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[8.9665514721871*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[107.131031785342, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[69., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[3, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Level 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 4, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1939.684, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2128.064, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "JCSD had a new water supply beginning in April that was accidently omitted from the 2015 production number. The difference is 53 AF. Staff will be re-filing the report for May and June also. July includes the new water supply and is already correct. Nothing else is changed on this report.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[118731., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[99., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.32048799329068*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.93432691147328*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[99.3695349499508, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[56., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[4, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Level 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 3, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1758.608, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1840.977, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[118731., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[90., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.73044926333616*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.99884982524179*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[90.3006436271901, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[58., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[4, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 40, "FollowUps" -> 40, "Warnings" -> 6, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Level 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 2, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1315.773, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1220.088, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[118731., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[83., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.28746509658071*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.97567415865576*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[88.9871978506242, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[69., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Level 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 1, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1299.669, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1348.84, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[118731., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[82., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.23498998277663*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.3952143879468*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[79.3918018561306, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[69., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Level 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 12, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1012.968, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1668.761, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "JCSD implemented a new utility billing system in 03/2014. Usage errors were discovered for August (re-filed already) and December in a system review. This report is being re-filed to correct the error.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[118731., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[61., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.30077068305336*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.43768153171947*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[61.8783357474872, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[69., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[4, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Level 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 11, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1735.656, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1849.761, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[118731., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[106., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.65565984381112*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.02747261458947*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[106.383115203091, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[67., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Level 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 10, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2240.288, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2326.021, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "Re-filing of drought report using updated population numbers", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[118731., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[115., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.30001041690976*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.57937262081967*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[115.033849675579, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[58., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[4, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Level 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 9, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2506.362, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2748.802, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "Re-filing of drought report using updated population numbers", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[118731., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[149., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[8.16701634278574*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[8.95701054240454*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[149.036073780527, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[65., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[4, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Level 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 8, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2729.602, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3006.107, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "JCSD implemented a new utility billing system in 03/2014.Usage errors were discovered for August and December in a system review. This report is being re-filed to correct the error.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[118731., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[159., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[8.89444706842054*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[9.79544255664689*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[159.491326833891, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[66., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[4, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Level 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 7, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3019.297, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3066.804, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "Re-filing of drought report using updated population numbers.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[118731., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[9.83842235986819*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[9.99322459729308*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[157.707248570902, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[59., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[4, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Jurupa Community Service District", "PWSID" -> "CA3310021", "StageInvoked" -> "Level 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 6, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2884.2, "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2854.249, "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "Re-filing of drought report using updated population numbers from the 2010 Census.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[118731., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[9.398206857534*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[9.30061109663323*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[166.226464872876, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[63., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "South Coast", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[4, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Normal", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2018, 4, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.479*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.255*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.756*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16776., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[59., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.479*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.255*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.756*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[58.6662851692895, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[65.92, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Normal", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2018, 3, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.883*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.838*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.262*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16776., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[29., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.883*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.838*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.262*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[32.9865014536896, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[29.16, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Normal", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2018, 2, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.38*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.563*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.582*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16776., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[69., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.38*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.563*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.582*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[69.0016349887594, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[74., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Normal", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2018, 1, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.839*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.051*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.374*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16776., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[44., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.839*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.051*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.374*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[44.2249469287923, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[59.91, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Normal", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 12, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.645*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.588*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[14000000, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16740., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[65., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.645*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.588*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.4*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[65.3418506956488, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[73., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Normal", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 11, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.721*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.799*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[2.186*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16740., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[42., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.721*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.799*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[2.186*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[42.1499402628435, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[37., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Normal", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 10, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.75*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.872*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[2.702*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "Residential customers are billed bi-monthly (60 days) and production is reported monthly (30 days).", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16740., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[83., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.75*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.872*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[2.702*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[83.2466181061394, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[64., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Normal", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 9, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.556*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.604000000000001*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[2.797*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "Production is 30 days Consumption is 60 days", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16740., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[63., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.556*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.604*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[2.797*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[63.0609318996416, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[57., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Normal", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 8, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[7.007*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[8.456*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[2.687*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "Production Monthly Residential Consumption 60 day billing cycle", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16740., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[84., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.007*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[8.456*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[2.687*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[83.715651135006, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[62., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Normal", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 7, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[7.267*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[7.561*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[3.125*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16740., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[45., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.267*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.561*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[3.125*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[44.8113462057271, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[32., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "normal", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 6, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.39*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.955*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[2.171*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16704., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[74., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.39*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.955*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[2.171*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[73.9583333333333, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[58., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Normal", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 5, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.725*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[8.328*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[2.219*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16740., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[35., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.725*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[8.328*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[2.219*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[35.3027324931591, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[32., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Normal", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 4, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.133*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.255*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.451*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16740., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[62., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.133*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.255*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.451*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[60.0774591796097, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[73., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 3, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.422*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.838*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.38*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16740., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[29., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.422*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.838*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.38*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[28.972135506995, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[34., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 2, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2.84*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.563*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.025*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16740., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[58., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.84*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.563*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.025*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[58.1669226830517, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[96., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 1, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.555*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.051*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.175*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16740., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[38., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.555*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.051*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.175*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[37.6777662157475, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[55., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 12, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.378*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.588*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.331*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16704., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[60., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.378*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.588*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.331*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[60.0277314299839, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[71., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 11, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.897*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.799*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.49*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16704., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[37., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.897*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.799*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.49*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[36.5499281609195, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[47., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 10, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.929*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.872*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[2.661*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16704., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[73., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.929*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.872*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[2.661*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[72.133968298109, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[63., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 9, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.767*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.604000000000001*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[2.791*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16704., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[45., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.767*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.604*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[2.791*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[44.8820641762452, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[39., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 8, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.897*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[8.456*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[2.795*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "Production is monthly and residential customers are billed bi-monthly, so production and consumption figures do not cover the same time periods.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16704., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[81., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.897*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[8.456*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[2.795*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[81.2471032628847, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[61., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 1, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 7, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.124*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[7.561*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[2.734*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16704., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[43., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.124*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.561*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[2.734*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[42.5750834260289, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[36., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 6, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.723*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.955*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16704., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[82., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.723*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.955*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[81.8372844827586, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[61., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 5, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.453*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[8.328*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[2.625*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16704., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[39., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.08, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.453*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[8.328*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[2.625*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[38.6314655172414, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[31., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 4, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.358*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.255*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.24*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16704., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[51., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.08, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.358*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.255*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.24*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[51.3094667943806, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[59., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 3, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.92*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.838*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.472*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16704., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[32., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.08, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.92*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.838*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.472*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[31.7945865776789, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[42., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 28, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 2, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.975*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.563*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.288*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "District contacted wholesaler regarding source water metering.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16704., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[60., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.08, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.83793103448276*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.563*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.2435862068965519*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[59.9020263575109, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[73., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 1, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.794*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.051*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.276*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16668., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[35., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "Contact was made with 28 customers for high bill or possible leaks notifications.", "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.08, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.794*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.051*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.276*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[35.2446642978239, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[48., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "Contact was made with 28 customers for high bill or possible leaks notifications."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 12, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.818*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.588*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.181*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16668., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[55., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.08, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.818*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.588*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.181*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[55.4181471933858, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[75., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 15, "FollowUps" -> 15, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 11, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.124*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.799*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.972*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16668., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[39., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.08, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.124*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.799*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.972*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[38.76249900008, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[47., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 10, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 10, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.66*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.872*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[2.067*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16668., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[74., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "The 43 contacts include high bill notifications and possible leak notifications.", "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.08, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.66*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.872*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[2.067*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[74.4869442702648, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[68., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 5, "FollowUps" -> 43, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "The 43 contacts include high bill notifications and possible leak notifications."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 9, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.907*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.604000000000001*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[2.75*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16668., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[45., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.08, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.907*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.604*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[2.75*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[44.8896088312935, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[38., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 25, "FollowUps" -> 25, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 8, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[62000000, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[8.456*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[2.926*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "I made a typographical mistake on the production for August 2013. I reported 82.86 MG but it should have been 84.56 MG.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16668., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[76., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "The District followed up on 6 potential leaks and 29 customers with high consumption.", "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.08, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.2*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[8.456*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[2.926*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[75.5939524838013, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[63., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 5, "FollowUps" -> 5, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "The District followed up on 6 potential leaks and 29 customers with high consumption."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Water Shortage Emergency Warning - Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 7, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.733*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[7.561*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[2.419*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16668., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[36., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.08, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.733*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.561*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[2.419*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[35.5047725214241, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[32., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 6, "FollowUps" -> 20, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2 Water Shortage Emergency Warning", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 6, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.687*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.955*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[2.064*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "Residential customers are billed bi-monthly in two cycles, with more residential customers in one of the cycles. The monthly production number does not correlate directly with the RGPCD reported. The District is in the process of moving more CII customers to monthly billing, so that should be considered when reviewing CII consumption reported.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16668., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[66., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "2- Contacts regarding leaks 40-High bill notifications 12-Follow-ups on Water Waste Complaints", "Implementation" -> "In June, Coastside CWD adopted a new Ordinance (2015-01) implementing more restrictions on outdoor irrigation. The District also performed a rate study and a cost of service analysis and adjusted the residential tiers to reflect current consumption.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.08, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.687*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.955*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[2.064*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[68.6934645228382, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[60.4, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 12, "FollowUps" -> 54, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "2- Contacts regarding leaks 40-High bill notifications 12-Follow-ups on Water Waste Complaints"|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2- Water Shortage Emergency Warning", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 5, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.419*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[56000000, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[1.994*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16668., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[39., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.419*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.6*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.994*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[39.3915209363896, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[46.06, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 8, "FollowUps" -> 18, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 4, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.888*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.255*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16668., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[73., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.888*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.255*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[73.5780657547396, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[75.27, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 3, "FollowUps" -> 24, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2 - Water Shortage Emergency Warning", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 3, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.889*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.838*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16668., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[39., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.889*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.838*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[38.4528515138144, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[40.64, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2-Water Shortage Emergency Warning", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 2, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.033*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.563*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "Production is reported monthly and Residential billing is bi-monthly.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16668., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[74., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.033*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.563*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[73.6556575473962, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[68.3, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2 - Water Shortage Emergency Warning", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 1, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.378*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.051*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "Residential customers are billed on a bi-monthly basis.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16668., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[37., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.378*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.051*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[37.1052315814735, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[35.65, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2-Water Shortage Emergency Warning", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 12, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[3.911*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.11*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "Residential customers have their meters read every other month. Residential GPCD was calculated using SWRCB's Guidance. December was a wet month with over 10 inches of rain in Half Moon Bay.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16652., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[44., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.911*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.11*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[57.580218979799, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[76., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2-Water Shortage Emergency Warning", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 11, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[4.637*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.799*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "Residential customers have their meters read every other month. Residential GPCD was calculated using SWRCB's guidance.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16652., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[39., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.637*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.799*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[41.7697573865001, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[45., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2-Water Shortage Emergency Warning", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 10, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[5.713*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.872*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "Residential customers have their meters read bi-monthly. Residential GPCD was calculated using SWRCB's guidance. Coastside CWD's alternate calculation estimated Residential GPCD at 59. Agricultural use of production was 11%.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16652., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[82., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.713*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.872*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[79.683540870805, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[72., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2 - Water Shortage Emergency Warning", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 9, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.023*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[7.188*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "Residential customers are not billed monthly. Residential GPCD was calculated using DWR's instructions. Percentage agricultural use of production was 10%.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16652., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[58., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.023*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.188*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[48.2264392665546, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[40., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2 - Water Shortage Emergency Warning", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 8, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[7.489*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[8.456*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "Residential monthly percentage should not be used because residential customers are billed bi-monthly and production data is monthly.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16652., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.489*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[8.456*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[87.0456324145893, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[60., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 7, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[7.476*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[7.561*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "Reporting percentage residential use on a monthly basis does not reflect actual residential use, since production data is monthly and residential data is bi-monthly. This percentage should not be used. Note: this is the second report submitted for July 2014. The first report did not have the correct production for July 2013.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16652., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.476*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.561*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[49.9643557298164, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[34.5, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Coastside County Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA4110011", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 6, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.783*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[6.955*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "MG", "Qualification" -> "Reporting percentage residential use on a monthly basis does not reflect actual residential use, since production data is monthly and residential use is bi-monthly. This percentage should not be used.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[16652., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.783*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.955*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[93.0089478741292, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[68.5, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1 Normal Wate Supply", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2018, 4, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[665., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1030., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[33., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[65093., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[100., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.16691198955*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.3562696981*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.0753097091*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[105.416680240707, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[95., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 15, "FollowUps" -> 14, "Warnings" -> 11, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1 Normal Water Supply", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2018, 3, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[544., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[820., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[27., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[65093., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[79., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.77263176288*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.6719817014*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[8.797988529000001*^6, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[83.45380652575, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[95., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 22, "FollowUps" -> 14, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1 Normal Water Supply", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2018, 2, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[526., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[606., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[65093., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[85., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.71397850602*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.97465964762*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[89.3380888398687, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[95., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 16, "FollowUps" -> 12, "Warnings" -> 10, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1 Normal Water Supply", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2018, 1, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[531., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[603., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[27., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[65093., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[77., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.73027107737*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.96488410481*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[8.797988529000001*^6, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[81.4595060021567, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[95., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 14, "FollowUps" -> 10, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1 Normal Water Supply", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 12, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[574., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[701., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[29., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[65093., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[84., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.87038719098*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.28421850327*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[9.449691383000001*^6, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[88.056038503273, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[95., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 20, "FollowUps" -> 14, "Warnings" -> 11, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1 Normal Water Supply", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 11, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[632., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[912., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[32., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[65093., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[95., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.05938101864*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.97176501424*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.0427245664*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[100.185476559589, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[95., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 27, "FollowUps" -> 21, "Warnings" -> 18, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1 Normal Water Supply", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 10, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1129., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1297., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[56., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[65093., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[170., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.67886261083*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.22629300819*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.8247679912*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[173.197330087448, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[95., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 30, "FollowUps" -> 19, "Warnings" -> 18, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1 Normal Water Supply", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 9, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1442., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1510., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[72., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[65093., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[217., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.69877757734*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.9203565477*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[2.3461302744000003*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[228.58774873248, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[95., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 38, "FollowUps" -> 32, "Warnings" -> 25, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 1, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1 Normal Water Supply", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 8, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1571., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1924., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[76., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[65093., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[229., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.11912591817*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.26938145548*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[2.4764708452000003*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[241.00354788962, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[95., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 47, "FollowUps" -> 35, "Warnings" -> 35, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1 Normal Water supply", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 7, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1651., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2059., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[83., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[65093., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[241., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.37980705977*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.70928088193*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[2.7045668441000003*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[253.276166496348, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[95., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 71, "FollowUps" -> 70, "Warnings" -> 34, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1 Normal Water Supply", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 6, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1413., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1817., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[71., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[65093., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[213., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.60428066351*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.92072042859*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[2.3135451317*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[223.990630346043, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[95., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 73, "FollowUps" -> 68, "Warnings" -> 15, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1 Normal Water Supply", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 5, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1139., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1603., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[57., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[65093., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[166., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.71144775353*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.22339837481*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.8573531339*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[174.731407413289, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[95., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 46, "FollowUps" -> 28, "Warnings" -> 28, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1 Normal Water Supply", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 4, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[576., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1030., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[29., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[65093., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[87., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.87690421952*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.3562696981*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[9.449691383000001*^6, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[91.3082824340559, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[95., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 40, "FollowUps" -> 28, "Warnings" -> 2, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 1, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1 Normal Water Supply", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 3, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[547., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[820., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[26., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[65093., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[80., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.78240730569*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.6719817014*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[8.472137102*^6, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[83.9140297235023, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[95., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 39, "FollowUps" -> 43, "Warnings" -> 36, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2 Water Alert", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 2, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[444., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[606., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[22., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[65093., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[72., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.44678033588*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.97465964762*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[7.168731394*^6, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[75.4108582602694, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[95., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 30, "FollowUps" -> 24, "Warnings" -> 21, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2 Water Alert", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 1, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[482., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[603., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[25., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[65093., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[75., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.57060387814*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.96488410481*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[8.146285675000001*^6, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[73.9425271055358, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[95., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 35, "FollowUps" -> 24, "Warnings" -> 20, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2 Water Alert", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 12, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[519., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[701., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[26., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[65093., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[76., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.69116890613*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.28421850327*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[8.472137102*^6, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[79.6186132111475, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[95., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 34, "FollowUps" -> 27, "Warnings" -> 21, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2 Water Alert", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 11, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[562., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[912., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[28., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "12/23/16- WB staff edited PRU from 534 to 95%", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[65093., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[85., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.83128501974*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.97176501424*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[9.123839956*^6, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[89.0889839026726, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[95., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 38, "FollowUps" -> 32, "Warnings" -> 28, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2 Water Alert", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 10, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[841., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1297., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[42., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "11/21/16 - WB staff corrected PRU and non-revenue water per supplier update.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[65093., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[123., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.74041050107*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.22629300819*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.3685759934*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[129.015903103227, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[95., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 105, "FollowUps" -> 84, "Warnings" -> 65, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2 Water Alert", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 9, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1258., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1510., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[63., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "10/24/16 - WB staff edited units to AF.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[65093., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[189., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.09921095166*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.9203565477*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[2.0528639901*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[199.419825177157, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[95., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 93, "FollowUps" -> 71, "Warnings" -> 71, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2 Water Alert", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 8, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1580., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1924., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[79., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[65093., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[242., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.1484525466*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.26938145548*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[2.5742262733000003*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[242.384217482877, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[95., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 71, "FollowUps" -> 55, "Warnings" -> 37, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 1, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2 Water Alert", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 7, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1545., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2059., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[77., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[65093., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[237., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.03440454715*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.70928088193*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[2.5090559879*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[237.014946842433, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[95., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 87, "FollowUps" -> 87, "Warnings" -> 58, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 2 Water Alert", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 6, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1344., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1817., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[67., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[65093., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[213., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.37944317888*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.92072042859*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[2.1832045609*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[213.052659012797, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[95., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 67, "FollowUps" -> 44, "Warnings" -> 43, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 4 Water Warning", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 5, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[979., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1603., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[49., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "7/12/16 - WB staff corrected percent residential use and 2013 production", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[65093., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[155., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.29, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.19008547033*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.22339837481*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.5966719923*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[147.024356090363, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[93., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 89, "FollowUps" -> 39, "Warnings" -> 26, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 4 Water Crisis", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 4, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[678., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1030., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[34., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[65093., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[107., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "CHWD Board of Directors adopted new Water Conservation Enforcement Measures. This includes a progressive penalty for customers that repeat violation of Water Enforcement Regulations", "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.29, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.20927267506*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.3562696981*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.1078948518000001*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[107.47745744842, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[95., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 24, "FollowUps" -> 13, "Warnings" -> 11, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "CHWD Board of Directors adopted new Water Conservation Enforcement Measures. This includes a progressive penalty for customers that repeat violation of Water Enforcement Regulations"|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 4 Water Crisis", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 3, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[518., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[820., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[26., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[67333., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[77., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.29, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.68791039186*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.6719817014*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[8.472137102*^6, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[76.8215974368605, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[95., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 31, "FollowUps" -> 19, "Warnings" -> 6, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 4 Water Crisis", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 2, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[485., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[606., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[24., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[67333., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[77., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.32, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.52588357884828*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.97465964762*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[7.550764101517242*^6, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[76.8880786488615, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[95., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 47, "FollowUps" -> 31, "Warnings" -> 11, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 4 Water Crisis", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2016, 1, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[540., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[603., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[27., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[67333., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[78., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.32, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.7595977058*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.96488410481*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[8.797988529000001*^6, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[80.0842907642947, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[95., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 53, "FollowUps" -> 27, "Warnings" -> 7, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 4 Water Crisis", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 12, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[520., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[701., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[13., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[67333., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[77., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "CHWD is developing an increasing 3 step monetary penalty policy for Water Demand Management. The policy will be used as an enforcement tool for repeat violators of water efficiency regulations.", "Implementation" -> "Data loggers are being used as an enforcement tool for repeat violations of our Stage 4 water regulations. CHWD is developing an increasing 3 step monetary penalty policy for Water Demand Management. The policy will be used as an enforcement tool for repeat violators of water efficiency regulations.", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.32, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.6944274204*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.28421850327*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[4.236068551*^6, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[77.1182059211727, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[95., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 81, "FollowUps" -> 58, "Warnings" -> 22, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "CHWD is developing an increasing 3 step monetary penalty policy for Water Demand Management. The policy will be used as an enforcement tool for repeat violators of water efficiency regulations."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 4 Water Crisis", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 11, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[537., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[889., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[26., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[67333., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[89., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> "In March 2015 CHWD implemented a 3 Tier Drought Rate Structure", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.32, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.74982216299*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.89681918603*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[8.472137102*^6, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[82.2940239724207, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[95., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 175, "FollowUps" -> 131, "Warnings" -> 84, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 4 Water Crisis", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 10, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[919., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1297., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[46., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[67333., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[141., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "CHWD has a disconnect/reconnect fee assed if there is non compliance to the Stage 4 water regulations", "Implementation" -> "CHWD is using a night patrol company to enforce the Stage 4 water restrictions", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.32, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.99457461413*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.22629300819*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.4989165642*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[136.291598541457, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[95., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 209, "FollowUps" -> 163, "Warnings" -> 163, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "CHWD has a disconnect/reconnect fee assed if there is non compliance to the Stage 4 water regulations"|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 4 Water Crisis", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 9, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1070., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1510., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[54., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[67333., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[160., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.32, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.4866102689*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.9203565477*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.7595977058000002*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[163.975057077263, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[95., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 168, "FollowUps" -> 157, "Warnings" -> 111, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 4 Water Crisis", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 8, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1188., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1924., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[59., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[67333., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[172., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "CHWD has hired a private security company for night time water waste monitoring. Resulting in 108 incident reports for the month of August", "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.32, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.87111495276*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.26938145548*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.9225234193*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[176.185439681448, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[95., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 238, "FollowUps" -> 184, "Warnings" -> 101, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "CHWD has hired a private security company for night time water waste monitoring. Resulting in 108 incident reports for the month of August"|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 4 Water Crisis", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 7, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1185., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2059., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[59., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[67333., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[176., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "Hired a private night time water waste monitoring", "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.32, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.86133940995*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.70928088193*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.9225234193*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[175.74052695498, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[95., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 243, "FollowUps" -> 187, "Warnings" -> 111, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "Hired a private night time water waste monitoring"|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 4 Water Crisis", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 6, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1065., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1817., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[53., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[67333., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[163., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> "Respond to all Stage 4 complaints. Issue warnings if violation is observed.", "Implementation" -> "CHWD Board of Directors Approved a Drought Response Plan. This includes an increased budget for additional programs", "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0.32, "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.47031769755*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.92072042859*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.7270125631*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[163.20881849279, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[95., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 227, "FollowUps" -> 187, "Warnings" -> 95, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> "Respond to all Stage 4 complaints. Issue warnings if violation is observed."|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 4 Water Crisis", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 5, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[869., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1603., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[43., "Acres"*"Feet"], "AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Quantity[0., "Acres"*"Feet"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[67333., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[129., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.83164890063*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.22339837481*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[1.4011611361000001*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[128.876386433652, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[95., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 42, "FollowUps" -> 28, "Warnings" -> 16, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 4 Water Crisis Long Term", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 4, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[761., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1030., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "based on connection classification", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[67333., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[117., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.47972935947*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.3562696981*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[116.62151255682, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[95., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[2, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 22, "FollowUps" -> 18, "Warnings" -> 12, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3 Water Warning", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 3, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[726., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[820., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "based on customer classification per connection", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[67333., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[108., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.36568136002*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.6719817014*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[107.66887980533, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[95., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3 Water Warning", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 2, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[511., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[606., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[67333., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[84., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.66510079197*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.97465964762*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[83.9031249998144, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[95., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3 Water Warning", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2015, 1, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[570., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[602., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "based on connection classification", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[67333., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[85., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.8573531339*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.96162559054*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[84.5334180289778, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[95., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 12, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[563., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[701., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[67333., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[84., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.83454353401*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.28421850327*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[83.4952883338851, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[95., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 11, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[682., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[912., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "based on connection classification and monthly/historical use", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[67333., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[98., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.22230673214*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[2.97176501424*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[104.514942922143, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[95., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 10, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1031., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1297., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "based on connection classification and monthly/historical use", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[67333., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[153., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[3.35952821237*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.22629300819*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[152.901673662941, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[95., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 9, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1275., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1509., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "Total SF/MF connections vs Total Connections", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[67333., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[195., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.15460569425*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.91709803343*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[195.390839040664, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[95., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3 Water Warningate", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 8, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1477., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1924., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "based on connection classification and historical use", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[67333., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[4.81282557679*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.26938145548*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[193.682218061297, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[84., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3 Water Warning", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 7, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1622., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[2059., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "Based on customer classification or category", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[67475., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.28531014594*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[6.70928088193*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[214.775538086938, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[85., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "Citrus Heights Water District", "PWSID" -> "CA3410006", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 3 Water Warning", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> True, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2014, 6, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1548., "Acres"*"Feet"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1816., "Acres"*"Feet"], "CIIReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "AF", "Qualification" -> "Based on use by category", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[67475., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Quantity[0., "Percent"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.04418008996*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[5.91746191432*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[211.809464071434, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[85., "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "Sacramento River", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Burlingame", "PWSID" -> "CA4110003", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2018, 3, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[8.2407477*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.08745548*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[2.995575*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> "The calculation of CII water use is revised since February 2017 to include water use by sub-metered irrigation accounts, where are primarily associated with CII water users. The City bills customers on a bi-monthly basis. The estimated volume of Cll and percent residential use is based upon the average of the previous two months of billing data. Total monthly production is based upon SFPUC meter data for each month. Because the meter readings do not necessarily occur on the first and last day of the month and because the meter reading dates from 2013 do not necessarily correspond with the same meter reading dates as during 2016, the monthly production values have been interpolated to account for the variation in water meter reading dates from SFPUC. Therefore, the percent residential water use is the ratio of the adjusted monthly water production over the two-month average of billed residential water use.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[31109., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[51., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> "Reduced allowed outdoor irrigation days,Restricted allowed outdoor irrigation times,Instituted new prohibitions on specific water uses,Increased leak detection and repair actions,Increased conservation personnel,Increased conservation program budget,Increased conservation program scope (e.g., offered audits to a broader segment of customers)", "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[8.2407477*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.08745548*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[2.995575*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[51.0144494737028, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[59.7, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Burlingame", "PWSID" -> "CA4110003", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2018, 2, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[7.908279*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[9.0907847*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[2.995575*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> "The calculation of CII water use is revised since February 2017 to include water use by sub-metered irrigation accounts, where are primarily associated with CII water users. The City bills customers on a bi-monthly basis. The estimated volume of Cll and percent residential use is based upon the average of the previous two months of billing data. Total monthly production is based upon SFPUC meter data for each month. Because the meter readings do not necessarily occur on the first and last day of the month and because the meter reading dates from 2013 do not necessarily correspond with the same meter reading dates as during 2016, the monthly production values have been interpolated to account for the variation in water meter reading dates from SFPUC. Therefore, the percent residential water use is the ratio of the adjusted monthly water production over the two-month average of billed residential water use.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[31109., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[54., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[7.908279*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[9.0907847*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[2.995575*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[54.2016155522288, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[59.7, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Burlingame", "PWSID" -> "CA4110003", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2018, 1, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[8.4065894*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[9.3317724*^7, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[3.17347*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> "The City bills customers on a bi-monthly basis. The estimated volume of Cll and percent residential use is based upon the average of the previous two months of billing data. Total monthly production is based upon SFPUC meter data for each month. Because the meter readings do not necessarily occur on the first and last day of the month and because the meter reading dates from 2013 do not necessarily correspond with the same meter reading dates as during 2016, the monthly production values have been interpolated to account for the variation in water meter reading dates from SFPUC. Therefore, the percent residential water use is the ratio of the adjusted monthly water production over the two-month average of billed residential water use.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[31109., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[55., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[8.4065894*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[9.3317724*^7, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[3.17347*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[54.569053913451, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[62.6, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Burlingame", "PWSID" -> "CA4110003", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 12, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[8.6560532*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.08348134*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[3.41975*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> "The City bills customers on a bi-monthly basis. The estimated volume of Cll and percent residential use is based upon the average of the previous two months of billing data. Total monthly production is based upon SFPUC meter data for each month. Because the meter readings do not necessarily occur on the first and last day of the month and because the meter reading dates from 2013 do not necessarily correspond with the same meter reading dates as during 2016, the monthly production values have been interpolated to account for the variation in water meter reading dates from SFPUC. Therefore, the percent residential water use is the ratio of the adjusted monthly water production over the two-month average of billed residential water use.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[31109., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[62., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[8.6560532*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.08348134*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[3.41975*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[61.5738469543613, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[68.6, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Quantity[7, "Days"/"Weeks"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Burlingame", "PWSID" -> "CA4110003", "StageInvoked" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "MandatoryRestrictions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 11, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[9.3047531*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.1606506*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReported" -> Quantity[4.50634*^7, "Gallons"], "AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "2013AgricultureReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "RecycledReported" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Units" -> "G", "Qualification" -> "The City bills customers on a bi-monthly basis. The estimated volume of Cll and percent residential use is based upon the average of the previous two months of billing data. Total monthly production is based upon SFPUC meter data for each month. Because the meter readings do not necessarily occur on the first and last day of the month and because the meter reading dates from 2013 do not necessarily correspond with the same meter reading dates as during 2016, the monthly production values have been interpolated to account for the variation in water meter reading dates from SFPUC. Therefore, the percent residential water use is the ratio of the adjusted monthly water production over the two-month average of billed residential water use.", "PopulationServed" -> Quantity[31109., "People"], "RGPCDReported" -> Quantity[68., "Gallons"/("Days"*"People")], "EnforcementActions" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Implementation" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "ConservationStandard" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "AgCert" -> False, "ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[9.3047531*^7, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionCalculated" -> Quantity[1.1606506*^8, "Gallons"], "CIICalculated" -> Quantity[4.50634*^7, "Gallons"], "RGPCDCalculated" -> Quantity[68.3945763455377, "Gallons"], "PercentResidentialUse" -> Quantity[68.6, "Percent"], "CommentsCorrections" -> "No Correction", "HydrologicRegion" -> "San Francisco Bay", "WateringDaysPerWeek" -> Missing["NotAvailable"], "Complaints" -> 0, "FollowUps" -> 0, "Warnings" -> 0, "PenaltiesRate" -> 0, "PenaltiesOther" -> 0, "EnforcementComments" -> Missing["NotAvailable"]|>, <|"SupplierName" -> "City of Burlingame", "PWSID" -> "CA4110003", "StageInvoked" -> "Stage 1", "MandatoryRestrictions" -> False, "ReportingMonth" -> DateObject[{2017, 10, 15}, "Day", "Gregorian", "America/Chicago"], "ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.20068644*^8, "Gallons"], "2013ProductionReported" -> Quantity[1.32572552*^8, "Gallons"], "CIIReport