Some drafts for graphs showing spacial networks from causal networks.
Borrowing QuadraticCurve procedure from Universe-97\TimeNetworks.nb:
QuadraticCurve::usage="QuadraticCurve[{{a,b},{c,d},{e,f}}] creates a list of graphics objects for the quadratic curve beginning at {a,b}, passing through {c,d} and ending at {e,f}. If Arrows->True, it then draws an arrow pointing towards {e,f} if Up->True and towards {a,b} if Up->False. CurveThickness is the absolute thickness of the curve (this probably only affects things if Ribbon->False). The arrow is controlled by the following options: ArrowLength is the length of the two line segments that make up the arrow (currently this is a coordinate length, not an absolute length); ArrowAngle is the angle these lines make with the tangent to the curve; ArrowLocation is the value of the parameter t where the arrow is to be drawn (t=0 at {a,b}, .5 at {c,d} and 1 at {e,f}); ArrowThickness is the absolute point size of the arrow. If Ribbon->True, the edges are drawn as ribbons, and the arrows as triangles. RibbonWidth is the coordinate width of the ribbon; RibbonPointCount is the number of edges used on each side of the polygon that is drawn to produce the ribbon; RibbonColor is the ribbon color. A box is drawn around the ribbon, but there are options Front and Back which control whether the front of the box (the end at {e,f}) and the back of the box (the end at {a,b}) are drawn.";
QuadraticCurve[{{a_,b_},{c_,d_},{e_,f_}},opts___?OptionQ]:=Module[{coefs,fx,fy,unittangent,unitnormal,arrowvector,loc,arrows,arrowlength,arrowthickness,arrowangle,arrowlocation,ribbon,ribbonwidth,ribbonpointcount,ribboncolor,up,curvethickness,front,back},{arrows,arrowlength,arrowthickness,arrowangle,arrowlocation,ribbon,ribbonwidth,ribbonpointcount,ribboncolor,up,curvethickness,front,back}={Arrows,ArrowLength,ArrowThickness,ArrowAngle,ArrowLocation,Ribbon,RibbonWidth,RibbonPointCount,RibbonColor,Up,CurveThickness,Front,Back}/.{opts}/.Options[QuadraticCurve]; If[ribbon,arrowlength+=ribbonwidth/(2Sin[arrowangle])]; coefs={2#〚3〛-4#〚2〛+2#〚1〛,-#〚3〛+4#〚2〛-3#〚1〛,#〚1〛}&/@{{a,c,e},{b,d,f}}; {fx,fy}=Function[t,{t^2,t,1}.#]&/@coefs; loc=If[up,arrowlocation,1-arrowlocation]; unittangent[t_]:=(#/Sqrt[#.#])&[(2t#〚1〛+#〚2〛)&/@coefs]; unitnormal[t_]:={-#〚2〛,#〚1〛}&@unittangent[t]; arrowvector=-arrowlength(unittangent[loc]); {AbsoluteThickness[curvethickness],If[ribbon,With[{L1=Table[{fx[t],fy[t]}+ribbonwidth*unitnormal[t],{t,0,1,1/ribbonpointcount}],L2=Table[{fx[t],fy[t]}-ribbonwidth*unitnormal[t],{t,1,0,-1/ribbonpointcount}]},{ribboncolor,Polygon[Join[L1,L2]],Sequence@@GrayStyle,Line[L1],Line[L2],If[back,Line[{{fx[0],fy[0]}-ribbonwidth*unitnormal[0],{fx[0],fy[0]}+ribbonwidth*unitnormal[0]}],{}],If[front,Line[{{fx[1],fy[1]}-ribbonwidth*unitnormal[1],{fx[1],fy[1]}+ribbonwidth*unitnormal[1]}],{}]}],Cases[ParametricPlot[{fx[t],fy[t]},{t,0,1},DisplayFunction->Identity],_Line,Infinity]],If[arrows,{AbsoluteThickness[arrowthickness],If[ribbon,EdgedPolygon[Flatten[{{{fx[loc],fy[loc]}},#,{{fx[loc],fy[loc]}}},1],ribboncolor,GrayStyle],Line[{{fx[loc],fy[loc]},#}]&/@#]&@({fx[loc]+{Cos[#],-Sin[#]}.arrowvector,fy[loc]+{Sin[#],Cos[#]}.arrowvector}&/@If[up,{arrowangle,-arrowangle},{Pi+arrowangle,Pi-arrowangle}])},{}]}]
Parameters in the following function: w=width, h=height, psize=pointsize, whisk=size of 'whiskers', off=width of bubbles, step1=gap between 1st and 2nd graph, step2=gap between 2nd and 3rd graph, thickness=line thickness, angle=arrow angle, len=arrow length.
This definition of a spatial graph by squeezing together layers in the causal network might not work for more complicated cases. A perhaps more general procedure might be to define two points as spatial nearest neighbors if they have a common point one link into the future (however, this is probably too simple). With this definition, I can make the following (very naive) picture of a disturbance traveling along the network:
Parameters in the following graph: w=width, h=height, psize=pointsize, whisk=size of 'whiskers', off=width of particle diamonds, step1=gap between 1st and 2nd graph, step2=gap between each line in particle graph. Line thickness and dashing is easily adjusted too.
Parameters in Graph3D: w=width, h=height, psize=point size, whisk=whisker size, step1=gap between graphs, angle=arrow angle, len=arrow length, viewpoint=viewpoint.
After some experimenting, this seems like a decent set of parameters: