Scope (11) 
Additional options can be passed to mmdc with the third argument of MermaidJS. For example, if the PNG images are with too low resolution then the mmdc"--scale" option can be used:
The first argument can be a Graph object -- the corresponding mermaid-js graph is produced. Here is a random graph that has both directed and undirected edges (some edges have tags):
Here is the corresponding mermaid-js image:
Here is a left-to-right version:
Mermaid has a different type of diagrams: Flowchart, Sequence Diagram, Class Diagram, State Diagram, Entity Relationship Diagram, User Journey, Gantt, Pie Chart, Requirement Diagram, and others.
Sequence Diagram:
Here is Graphics expression of a Class Diagram obtained via a PDF file additionally tweaked to have large image size:
State diagram:
Entity Relationship Diagram:
User Journey -- PNG image is obtained and cropped:
Gantt chart: