EntityStore[<|"Types" -> <|"eecummingspoem" -> <|"Entities" -> <|"amores-i" -> <|"Title" -> "Amores I", "FirstLine" -> "consider O", "Book" -> "Tulips and Chimneys", "Text" -> "consider O\nwoman this\nmy body.\nfor it has\n\nlain\nwith empty arms\nupon the giddy hills\nto dream of you,\n\napprove these\nfirm unsated\neyes\nwhich have beheld\n\nnight\[CloseCurlyQuote]s speechless carnival\nthe painting\nof the dark\nwith meteors\n\nstreaming from playful\nimmortal hands\nthe bursting\nof the wafted stars\n\n(in time to come you shall\nremember of this night amazing\nesctasies slowly,\nin the glutted\n\nheart fleet\nflowerterrible\nmemories\nshall\n\nrise,slowly\nreturn upon the\n red elected lips\n\nscaleless visions)", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/amores-i/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/amores-i.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/amores-i.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Amores I"|>, "amores-ii" -> <|"Title" -> "Amores II", "FirstLine" -> "there is a", "Book" -> "Tulips and Chimneys", "Text" -> "there is a\nmoon sole\nin the blue\nnight\n\n amorous of waters\ntremulous,\nblinded with silence the\nundulous heaven yearns where\n\nin tense starlessness\nanoint with ardor\nthe yellow lover\n\nstands in the dumb dark\nsvelte\nand\nurgent\n\n (again\nlove i slowly\ngather\nof thy languorous mouth the\n\nthrilling\nflower)", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/amores-ii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/amores-ii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/amores-ii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Amores II"|>, "amores-iii" -> <|"Title" -> "Amores III", "FirstLine" -> "as is the sea marvelous", "Book" -> "Tulips and Chimneys", "Text" -> "as is the sea marvelous\nfrom god\[CloseCurlyQuote]s\nhands which sent her forth\nto sleep upon the world\n\nand the earth withers\nthe moon crumbles\none by one\nstars flutter into dust\n\nbut the sea\ndoes not change\nand she goes forth out of hands and\nshe returns into hands\n\nand is with sleep....\n\nlove,\n the breaking\n\nof your\n soul\n upon\nmy lips", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/amores-iii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/amores-iii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/amores-iii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Amores III"|>, "amores-iv" -> <|"Title" -> "Amores IV", "FirstLine" -> "if i believe", "Book" -> "Tulips and Chimneys", "Text" -> "if i believe\nin death be sure\nof this\nit is\n\nbecause you have loved me,\nmoon and sunset\nstars and flowers\ngold crescendo and silver muting\n\nof seatides\ni trusted not,\n one night\nwhen in my fingers\n\ndrooped your shining body\nwhen my heart\nsang between your perfect\nbreasts\n\ndarkness and beauty of stars\nwas on my mouth petals danced\nagainst my eyes\nand down\n\nthe singing reaches of\nmy soul\nspoke\nthe green-\n\ngreeting pale-\ndeparting irrevocable\nsea\ni knew thee death.\n\n and when\ni have offered up each fragrant\nnight,when all my days\nshall have before a certain\n\nface become\nwhite\nperfume\nonly,\n\n from the ashes\nthen\nthou wilt rise and thou\nwilt come to her and brush\n\nthe mischief from her eyes and fold\nher\nmouth the new\nflower with\n\nthy unimaginable\nwings, where dwells the breath\nof all persisting stars", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/amores-iv/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/amores-iv.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/amores-iv.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Amores IV"|>, "amores-v" -> <|"Title" -> "Amores V", "FirstLine" -> "the glory is fallen out of", "Book" -> "Tulips and Chimneys", "Text" -> "the glory is fallen out of\nthe sky the last immortal\nleaf\nis\n\ndead and the gold\nyear\na formal spasm\nin the\n\ndust\nthis is the passing of all shining things\ntherefore we also\nblandly\n\ninto receptive\nearth,O let\nus\ndescend\n\ntake\nshimmering wind\nthese fragile splendors from\nus crumple them hide\n\nthem in they breath drive\nthem in nothingness\nfor we\nwould sleep\n\nthis is the passing of all shining things\nno lingering no backward-\nwondering be unto\nus O\n\nsoul,but straight\nglad feet fearruining\nand glorygirded\nfaces\n\nlead us\ninto the\nserious\nsteep\n\ndarkness", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/amores-v/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/amores-v.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/amores-v.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Amores V"|>, "amores-vi" -> <|"Title" -> "Amores VI", "FirstLine" -> "i like", "Book" -> "Tulips and Chimneys", "Text" -> "i like\nto think that on\nthe flower you gave me when we\nloved\n\n the far-\ndeparted mouth sweetly-saluted\nlingers.\n if one marvel\n\nseeing the hunger of my\nlips for a dead thing,\ni shall instruct\nhim silently with becoming\n\nsteps to seek\nyour face and i\nentreat,by certain foolish perfect\nhours\n\n dead too,\nif that he come receive\nhim as your lover sumptuously\nbeing\n\nkind\n because i trust him to\nyour grace,and for\nin his own land\n\nhe is called death.", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/amores-vi/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/amores-vi.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/amores-vi.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Amores VI"|>, "amores-vii" -> <|"Title" -> "Amores VII", "FirstLine" -> "O Distinct", "Book" -> "Tulips and Chimneys", "Text" -> "O Distinct\nLady of my unkempt adoration\nif i have made\na fragile certain\n\nsong under the window of your soul\nit is not like any songs\n(the singers the others\nthey have been faithful\n\nto many things and which\ndie\ni have been sometimes true\nto Nothing and which lives\n\nthey were fond of the handsome\nmoon never spoke ill of the\npretty stars and to\nthe serene the complicated\n\nand the obvious\nthey were faithful\nand which I despise,\nfrankly\n\nadmitting i have been true\nonly to the noise of worms.\nin the eligible day\nunder the unaccountable sun)\n\nDistinct Lady\nswiftly take\nmy fragile certain song\nthat we may watch together\n\nhow behind the doomed\nexact smile of life\[CloseCurlyQuote]s\nplacid obscure palpable\ncarnival where to a normal\n\nmelody of probable violins dance\nthe square virtues and the oblong sins\nperfectly\ngesticulate the accurate\n\nstrenuous lips of incorruptible\nNothing under the ample\nsun,under the insufficient\nday under the noise of worms", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/amores-vii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/amores-vii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/amores-vii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Amores VII"|>, "amores-viii" -> <|"Title" -> "Amores VIII", "FirstLine" -> "your little voice\n Over the wires came leaping", "Book" -> "Tulips and Chimneys", "Text" -> "your little voice\n Over the wires came leaping\nand i felt suddenly\ndizzy\n With the jostling and shouting of merry flowers\nwee skipping high-heeled flames\ncourtesied before my eyes\n or twinkling over to my side\nLooked up\nwith impertinently exquisite faces\nfloating hands were laid upon me\nI was whirled and tossed into delicious dancing\nup\nUp\nwith the pale important\n stars and the Humorous\n moon\ndear girl\nHow i was crazy how i cried when i heard\n over time\nand tide and death\nleaping\nSweetly\n your voice", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/amores-viii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/amores-viii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/amores-viii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Amores VIII"|>, "chansons-innocentes-i" -> <|"Title" -> "Chansons Innocentes I", "FirstLine" -> "why did you go", "Book" -> "XLI Poems", "Text" -> "why did you go\nlittle fourpaws?\nyou forgot to shut\nyour big eyes\n\nwhere did you go?\nlike little kittens\nare all the leaves\nwhich open in the rain.\n\nlittle kittens who\nare called spring,\nis what we stroke\nmaybe asleep?\n\ndo you know?or maybe did\nsomething go away\nevery so quietly\nwhen we weren\[CloseCurlyQuote]t looking.", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/chansons-innocentes-i/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/chansons-innocentes-i.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/chansons-innocentes-i.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Chansons Innocentes I"|>, "chansons-innocentes-ii" -> <|"Title" -> "Chansons Innocentes II", "FirstLine" -> "little tree", "Book" -> "XLI Poems", "Text" -> "little tree\nlittle silent Christmas tree\nyou are so little\nyou are more like a flower\n\nwho found you in the green forest\nand were you very sorry to come away?\nsee i will comfort you\nbecause you smell so sweetly\n\ni will kiss your cool bark\nand hug you safe and tight\njust as your mother would,\nonly don\[CloseCurlyQuote]t be afraid\n\nlook the spangles\nthat sleep all the year in a dark box\ndreaming of being taken out and allowed to shine,\nthe balls the chains red and gold the fluffy threads,\n\nput up your little arms\nand i\[CloseCurlyQuote]ll give them all to you to hold\nevery finger shall have its ring\nand there won\[CloseCurlyQuote]t be a single place dark or unhappy\n\nthen when you\[CloseCurlyQuote]re quite dressed\nyou\[CloseCurlyQuote]ll stand in the window for everyone to see\nand how they\[CloseCurlyQuote]ll stare!\noh but you\[CloseCurlyQuote]ll be very proud\n\nand my little sister and i will take hands\nand looking up at our beautiful tree\nwe\[CloseCurlyQuote]ll dance and sing\n\[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote]Noel Noel\[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote]", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/chansons-innocentes-ii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/chansons-innocentes-ii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/chansons-innocentes-ii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Chansons Innocentes II"|>, "chansons-innocentes-iii" -> <|"Title" -> "Chansons Innocentes III", "FirstLine" -> "Tumbling-hair\n picker of buttercups\n violets", "Book" -> "Tulips and Chimneys", "Text" -> "Tumbling-hair\n picker of buttercups\n violets\ndandelions\nAnd the big bullying daisies\n through the field wonderful\nwith eyes a little sorry\nAnother comes\n also picking flowers", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/chansons-innocentes-iii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/chansons-innocentes-iii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/chansons-innocentes-iii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Chansons Innocentes III"|>, "epithalamion" -> <|"Title" -> "Epithalamion", "FirstLine" -> "Thou aged unreluctant earth who dost", "Book" -> "Tulips and Chimneys", "Text" -> "1.\n\nThou aged unreluctant earth who dost\nwith quivering continual thighs invite\nthe thrilling rain the slender paramour\nto toy with thy extraordinary lust,\n(the sinuous rain which rising from thy bed\nsteals to his wife the sky and hour by hour\nwholly renews her pale flesh with delight)\n--immortally whence are the high gods fled?\n\nSpeak elm eloquent pandar with thy nod\nsignificant to the ecstatic earth\nin token of his coming whom her soul\nburns to embrace--and didst thou know the god\nfrom but the imprint of whose cloven feet\nthe shrieking dryad sought her leafy goal,\nat the mere echo of whose shining mirth\nthe furious hearts of mountains ceased to beat?\n\nWind beautifully who wanderest\nover smooth pages of forgotten joy\nproving the peaceful theorems of the flowers\n--didst e'er depart upon more exquisite quest?\nand did they fortunate fingers sometime dwell\n(within a greener shadow of secret bowers)\namong the curves of that delicious boy\nwhose serious grace one goddess loved too well?\n\nChryselephantine Zeus Olympian\nsceptred colossus of the Pheidian soul\nwhose eagle frights creation,in whose palm\nNike presents the crown sweetest to man,\nwhose lilied robe the sun\[CloseCurlyQuote]s white hands emboss,\nbetwixt whose absolute feet anoint with calm\nof intent stars circling the acerb pole\npoises,smiling,the diadumenos\n\nin whose young chiseled eyes the people saw\ntheir once again victorious Pantarkes\n(whose grace the prince of artists made him bold\nto imitate between the feet of awe),\nthunderer whose omnipotent brow showers\nits curls of unendured eternal gold\nover the infinite breast in bright degrees,\nwhose pillow is the graces and the hours,\n\nfather of gods and men whose subtle throne\ntwain sphinxes bear each with a writhing youth\ncaught to her brazen breasts,whose foot-stool tells\nhow fought the looser of the warlike zone\nof her that brought forth tall Hippolytus,\nlord on whose pedestal the deep expels\n(over Selene\[CloseCurlyQuote]s car closing uncouth)\nof Helios the sweet wheels tremulous--\n\nare there no kings in Argos,that the song\nis silent,of the steep unspeaking tower\nwithin whose brightening strictness Danæ\nsaw the night severed and the glowing throng\ndescend,felt on her flesh the amorous strain\nof gradual hands and yielding to that fee\nher eager body's unimmortal flower\nknew in the darkness a more burning rain?\n\n2.\n\nAnd still the mad magnificent herald Spring\nassembles beauty from forgetfulness\nwith the wild trump of April:witchery\nof sound and odour drives the wingless thing\nman forth into bright air,for now the red\nleaps in the maple\[CloseCurlyQuote]s cheek,and suddenly\nby shining hordes in sweet unserious dress\nascends the golden crocus from the dead.\n\nOn dappled dawn forth rides the pungent sun\nwith hooded day preening upon his hand\nfollowed by gay untimid final flowers\n(which dressed in various tremulous armor stun\nthe eyes of the ragged earth who sees them pass)\nwhile hunted from his kingdom winter cowers,\nseeing green armies steadily expand\nhearing the spear-song of the marching grass.\n\nA silver sudden parody of snow\ntickles the air to golden tears,and hark!\nthe flicker\[CloseCurlyQuote]s laughing yet,while on the hills\nthe pines deepen to whispers primeval and throw\nbackward their foreheads to the barbarous bright\nsky,and suddenly from the valley thrills\nthe unimaginable upward lark\nand drowns the earth and passes into light\n\n(slowly in life\[CloseCurlyQuote]s serene perpetual round\na pale world gathers comfort to her soul,\nhope richly scattered by the abundant sun\ninvades the new mosaic of the ground\n--let but the incurious curtaining dusk be drawn\nsurpassing nets are sedulously spun\nto snare the brutal dew,--the authentic scroll\nof fairie hands and vanishing with dawn).\n\nSpring,that omits no mention of desire\nin every curved and curling thing,yet holds\ncontinous intercourse--through skies and trees\nthe lilac\[CloseCurlyQuote]s smoke the poppy\[CloseCurlyQuote]s pompous fire\nthe pansy\[CloseCurlyQuote]s purple patience and the grave\nfrailty of daisies--by what rare unease\nrevealed of teasingly transparent folds--\nwith man\[CloseCurlyQuote]s poor soul superlatively brave.\n\nSurely from robes of particoloured peace\nwith mouth flower-faint and undiscovered eyes\nand dim slow perfect body amorous\n(whiter than lilies which are born and cease\nfor being whiter than this world)exhales\nthe hovering high perfume curious\nof that one month for whom the whole year dies,\nrisen at length from palpitating veils.\n\nO still miraculous May!O shining girl\nof time untarnished!O small intimate\ngently primeval hands,frivolous feet\ndivine!O singular and breathless pearl!\nO indefinable frail ultimate pose!\nO visible beatitude sweet sweet\nintolerable!silence immaculate\nof god\[CloseCurlyQuote]s evasive audible great rose!\n\n3.\n\nLover,lead forth thy love unto that bed\nprepared by whitest hands of waiting years,\ncurtained with wordless worship absolute,\nunto the certain altar at whose head\nstands the clear candle whose expecting breath\nexults upon the tongue of flame half-mute,\n(haste e\[CloseCurlyQuote]er some thrush with silver several tears\ncomplete the perfumed paraphrase of death).\n\nNow is the time when all occasional things\nclose into silence,only one tree,one\nsvelte translation of eternity\nunto the pale meaning of heaven clings,\n(whose million leaves in winsome indolence\nsimmer upon thinking twilight momently)\nas down the oblivious west\[CloseCurlyQuote]s numerous dun\nmagnificence conquers magnificence.\n\nIn heaven\[CloseCurlyQuote]s intolerable athanor\ninimitably tortured the base day\nutters at length her soft intrinsic hour,\nand from those tenuous fires which more and more\nsink and are lost the divine alchemist,\nthe magus of creation,lifts a flower--\nwhence is the world\[CloseCurlyQuote]s insufferable clay\nclothed with incognizable amethyst.\n\nLady at whose imperishable smile\nthe amazed doves flicker upon sunny wings\nas if in terror of eternity,\n(or seeming that they would mistrust a while\nthe moving of beauteous dead mouths throughout\nthat very proud transparent company\nof quivering ghosts-of-love which scarcely sings\ndrifting in slow diaphanous faint rout),\n\nqueen in the inconceivable embrace\nof whose tremendous hair that blossom stands\nwhereof is most desire,yet less than those\ntwain perfect roses whose ambrosial grace,\ngoddess,thy crippled thunder-forging groom\nof the loud lord of skipping mænads knows,--\nhaving Discordia\[CloseCurlyQuote]s apple in thy hands,\nwhich the scared shepherd gave thee for his doom--\n\nO thou within the chancel of whose charms\nthe tall boy god of everlasting war\nreceived the shuddering sacrament of sleep,\nbetwixt whose cool incorrigible arms\nimpaled upon delicious mystery,\nwith gaunt limbs reeking of the whispered deep,\ndeliberate groping ocean fondled o\[CloseCurlyQuote]er\nthe warm long flower of unchastity,\n\nimperial Cytherea,from frail foam\nsprung with irrevocable nakedness\nto strike the young world into smoking song--\nas the first star perfects the sensual dome\nof darkness,and the sweet strong final bird\ntranscends the sight,O thou to whom belong\nthe hearts of lovers!--I beseech thee bless\nthy suppliant singer and his wandering word.", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/epithalamion/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/epithalamion.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/epithalamion.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Epithalamion"|>, "impressions-i" -> <|"Title" -> "Impressions I", "FirstLine" -> "the sky a silver", "Book" -> "Tulips and Chimneys", "Text" -> "the sky a silver\ndissonance by the correct\nfingers of April\nresolved\n\n into a\nclutter of trite jewels\n\nnow like a moth with stumbling\n\nwings flutters and flops along the\ngrass collides with trees and\nhouses and finally,\nbutts into the river", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/impressions-i/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/impressions-i.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/impressions-i.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Impressions I"|>, "impressions-ii" -> <|"Title" -> "Impressions II", "FirstLine" -> "writhe and", "Book" -> "Tulips and Chimneys", "Text" -> "writhe and\ngape of tortured\n\n perspective\n rasp and graze of splintered\n\nnormality\n crackle and\n sag\n of planes clamors of\n collision\n collapse As\n\npeacefully,\nlifted\ninto the awful beauty\n of sunset\n\n the young city\nputting off dimension with a blush\nenters\nthe becoming garden of her agony", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/impressions-ii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/impressions-ii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/impressions-ii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Impressions II"|>, "impressions-iii" -> <|"Title" -> "Impressions III", "FirstLine" -> "i was considering how", "Book" -> "Tulips and Chimneys", "Text" -> "i was considering how\nwithing night\[CloseCurlyQuote]s loose\nsack a star\[CloseCurlyQuote]s\nnibbling in-\n\nfin\n-i-\ntes-\ni\n-mal-\nly devours\n\ndarkness the\nhungry star\nwhich\nwill e\n\n-ven\ntu-\nal\n-ly jiggle\nthe bait of\ndawn and be jerked\n\ninto\n\neternity. when over my head a\nshooting\nstar\nBur s\n\n (t\n into a stale shriek\nlike an alarm-clock)", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/impressions-iii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/impressions-iii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/impressions-iii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Impressions III"|>, "impressions-iv" -> <|"Title" -> "Impressions IV", "FirstLine" -> "the hours rise up putting off stars and it is", "Book" -> "Tulips and Chimneys", "Text" -> "the hours rise up putting off stars and it is\ndawn\ninto the street of the sky light walks scattering poems\n\non earth a candle is\nextinguished the city\nwakes\nwith a song upon her\nmouth having death in her eyes\n\nand it is dawn\nthe world\ngoes forth to murder dreams....\n\ni see in the street where strong\nmen are digging bread\nand i see the brutal faces of\npeople contented hideous hopeless cruel happy\n\nand it is day,\n\nin the mirror\ni see a frail\nman\ndreaming\ndreams\ndreams in the mirror\n\nand it\nis dusk on earth\n\na candle is lighted\nand it is dark.\nthe people are in their houses\nthe frail main is in his bed\nthe city\n\nsleeps with death upon her mouth having a song in her eyes\nthe hours descend,\nputting on stars....\n\nin the street of the sky night walks scattering poems", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/impressions-iv/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/impressions-iv.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/impressions-iv.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Impressions IV"|>, "impressions-v" -> <|"Title" -> "Impressions V", "FirstLine" -> "stinging", "Book" -> "Tulips and Chimneys", "Text" -> "stinging\ngold swarms\nupon the spires\nsilver\n\n chants the litanies the\ngreat bells are ringing with rose\nthe lewd fat bells\n and a tall\n\nwind\nis dragging\nthe\nsea\n\nwith\ndream\n\n-S", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/impressions-v/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/impressions-v.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/impressions-v.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Impressions V"|>, "la-guerre-i" -> <|"Title" -> "La Guerre I", "FirstLine" -> "earth like a tipsy", "Book" -> "XLI Poems", "Text" -> "earth like a tipsy\nbiddy with an old mop punching\nunderneath\nconventions exposes\n\nhidden obscenities\nnudging\ninto neglected sentiments brings\nto light dusty\n\nheroisms\nand\nfinally colliding with the most \nexpensive furniture upsets\n\na\ncrucifix which smashes into several\npieces and is hurriedly picked up and \nthrown on the ash-heap\n\nwhere\nlies\n what was once the discobolus of\none\n\nMyron", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/la-guerre-i/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/la-guerre-i.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/la-guerre-i.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "La Guerre I"|>, "la-guerre-ii" -> <|"Title" -> "La Guerre II", "FirstLine" -> "Humanity i love you", "Book" -> "XLI Poems", "Text" -> "Humanity i love you\nbecause you would rather black the boots of\nsuccess than enquire whose soul dangles from his\nwatch-chain which would be embarassing for both\n\nparties and because you\nunflinchingly applaud all\nsongs containing the words country home and\nmother when sung at the old howard\n\nHumanity i love you because\nwhen you\[CloseCurlyQuote]re hard up you pawn your\nintelligence to buy a drink and when\nyou\[CloseCurlyQuote]re flush pride keeps\n\nyou from the pawn shop and \nbecause you are continually committing\nnuisances but more\nespecially in your own house\n\nHumanity i love you because you \nare perpetually putting the secret of\nlife in your pants and forgetting\nit\[CloseCurlyQuote]s there and sitting down\n\non it\nand because you are\nforever making poems in the lap \nof death Humanity\n\ni hate you", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/la-guerre-ii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/la-guerre-ii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/la-guerre-ii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "La Guerre II"|>, "of-nicolette" -> <|"Title" -> "Of Nicolette", "FirstLine" -> "dreaming in marble all the castle lay", "Book" -> "Tulips and Chimneys", "Text" -> "dreaming in marble all the castle lay\nlike some gigantic ghost-flower born of night\nblossoming in white towers to the moon,\nsoft sighed the passionate darkness to the tune\nof tiny troubadours,and(phantom-white)\ndumb-blooming boughs let fall their glorious snows,\nand the unearthly sweetness of a rose\nswam upward from the troubled heart of May;\n\na Winged Passion woke one by one\nthere fell upon the night,like angel's tears,\nthe syllables of that mysterious prayer,\nand as an opening lily drowsy-fair\n(when from her couch of poppy petals peers\nthe sleepy morning)gently draws apart\nher curtains,and lays bare her trembling heart,\nwith beads of dew made jewels by the sun,\n\nso one high shining tower(which as a glass\nturned light to flame and blazed with snowy fire)\nunfolding,gave the moon a nymphlike face,\na form whose snowy symmetry of grace\nhaunted the limbs of as music haunts the lyre,\na creature of white hands,who letting fall\na thread of lustre from the castle wall\ngilded,a drop of radiance,to the grass--\n\nshunning the sudden moonbeam's treacherous snare\nshe sought the harbouring dark,and(catching up\nher delicate silk)all white,with shining feet,\nwent forth into the dew:right wildly beat\nher heart at every kiss of daisy-cup,\nand from her cheek beauteous colour went\nwith every bough that reverently bent\nto touch the yellow wonder of her hair.", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/of-nicolette/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/of-nicolette.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/of-nicolette.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Of Nicolette"|>, "orientale-i" -> <|"Title" -> "Orientale I", "FirstLine" -> "i spoke to thee", "Book" -> "Tulips and Chimneys", "Text" -> "i spoke to thee\nwith a smile and thou didst not\nanswer\nthey mouth is as\na chord of crimson music\n Come hither\nO thou,is life not a smile?\n\ni spoke to thee with\na song and thou\ndidst not listen\nthine eyes are as a vase\nof divine silence\n Come hither\nO thou,is life not a song?\n\ni spoke\nto thee with a soul and\nthou didst not wonder\nthey face is as a dream locked\nin white fragrance\n Come hither\nO thou,is life not love?\n\ni speak to\nthee with a sword\nand thou art silent\nthy breast is as a tomb\nsofter than flowers\n Come hither\nO thou,is love not death?", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/orientale-i/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/orientale-i.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/orientale-i.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Orientale I"|>, "orientale-ii" -> <|"Title" -> "Orientale II", "FirstLine" -> "lean candles hunger in", "Book" -> "Tulips and Chimneys", "Text" -> "lean candles hunger in\nthe silence a\nbrown god\nsmiles between greentwittering\n\nsmokes from broken eyes\na sound\nof strangling breasts and bestial\ngrovelling\n\nhands rasps the purple\ndark-\nness\na\n\nworshipper\nprostrate within twitching shadow\nlolls\n\nsobbing\n\nwith lust", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/orientale-ii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/orientale-ii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/orientale-ii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Orientale II"|>, "orientale-iii" -> <|"Title" -> "Orientale III", "FirstLine" -> "my love", "Book" -> "Tulips and Chimneys", "Text" -> "my love\nthy hair is one kingdom\n the king whereof is darkness\nthy forehead is a flight of flowers\n\nthey head is a quick forest\n filled with sleeping birds\nthy breasts are swarms of white bees\n upon the bough of thy body\nthy body to me is April\nin whose armpits is the approach of spring\n\nthy thighs are white horses yoked to a chariot\n of kings\nthey are the striking of a good minstrel\nbetween them is always a pleasant song\n\nmy love\nthy head is a casket\n of the cool jewel of thy mind\nthe hair of thy head is one warrior\n innocent of defeat\nthy hair upon thy shoulders is an army\n with victory and with trumpets\nthy legs are the trees of dreaming\nwhose fruit is the very eatage of forgetfulness\n\nthy lips are satraps in scarlet\n in whose kiss is the combining of kings\nthy wrists\nare holy\n which are the keepers of the keys of thy blood\nthy feet upon thy ankles are flowers in vases\n of silver\n\nin thy beauty is the dilemma of flutes\n\n thy eyes are the betrayal\nof hells comprehended through incense", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/orientale-iii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/orientale-iii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/orientale-iii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Orientale III"|>, "orientale-iv" -> <|"Title" -> "Orientale IV", "FirstLine" -> "listen", "Book" -> "Tulips and Chimneys", "Text" -> "listen\nbeloved\ni dreamed\n it appeared that you thought to\n escape me and become a great\n lily atilt on\n insolent\n waters but i was aware of\n fragrance and i came riding upon\n a horse of porphyry into the\n water i rode down the red\n horse shrieking from splintering\n foam caught you clutched you upon my\n mouth\nlisten\nbeloved\n i dreamed in my dream you had\n desire to thwart me and became\n a little bird and hid\n in a tree of tall marble\n from a great way i distinguished\n singing and i came\n riding upon a scarlet sunset\n trampling the night easily\n from the shocked impossible\n tower i caught\n you strained you\n broke you upon my blood\nlisten\n beloved i dreamed\n i thought you would have deceived\n me and become a star in the kingdom\n of heaven\n through day and space i saw you close\n your eyes and i came riding\n upon a thousand crimson years arched with agony\n i reined them in tottering before\n the throne and as\n they shied at the automaton moon from\n the transplendent hand of sombre god\n i picked you\nas an apple is picked by the little peasants for their girls", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/orientale-iv/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/orientale-iv.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/orientale-iv.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Orientale IV"|>, "orientale-v" -> <|"Title" -> "Orientale V", "FirstLine" -> "unto thee i", "Book" -> "Tulips and Chimneys", "Text" -> "unto thee i\nburn incense\nthe bowl crackles\nupon the gloom arise purple pencils\n\nfluent spires of frangrance\nthe bowl\nseethes\na flutter of stars\n\na turbulence of forms\ndelightful with indefinable flowering,\nthe air is\ndeep with desirable flowers\n\ni think\nthou lovest incense\nfor in the ambigious faint aspirings\nthe indolent frail ascensions,\n\nof thy smile rises the immaculate\nsorrow\nof thy low\nhair flutter the level litanies\n\nunto thee i burn\nincense,over the dim smoke\nstraining my lips are vague with\nectasy my palpitating breasts inhale the\n\nslow\nsupple\nflower\nof thy beauty,my heart discovers thee\n\nunto\nwhom i\nburn\nolbanum", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/orientale-v/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/orientale-v.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/orientale-v.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Orientale V"|>, "orientale-vi" -> <|"Title" -> "Orientale VI", "FirstLine" -> "the emperor", "Book" -> "Tulips and Chimneys", "Text" -> "1.\n \nthe emperor\nsleeps in a palace of porphyry\nwhich was a million years building\nhe takes the air in howdah\nof jasper beneath saffron\numbrellas\nupon an elephant\ntwelve feet high\nbehind whose ear\nsits always a crowned\nking twir-\nling an\nankus of\nebony\nthe fountains of the emperor\[CloseCurlyQuote]s\npalace run sunlight and\nmoonlight and the emperor\[CloseCurlyQuote]s\nelephant is a thousand years old\n\nthe harem of\nthe emperor\nis carpeted with\ngold cloth\nfrom the\nceiling(one\ndiamond timid\nwith nesting incense)\nfifty\nmarble\npillars\nslipped from immeasurable\nheight,fall,fifty,silent\n \nin the incense is tangled a cool moon\nthere are thrice-three-hundred\ndoors carven of chalcendony and\nbefore every door a naked\neunuch watches\non their heads turbans of a hundred\ncolours\nin their hands scimitars like windy torches\neach\nis\nblacker than oblivion\n\nthe ladies\nof the emperor\[CloseCurlyQuote]s\nharem are queens\nof all the earth and the rings\nupon their hands are from mines\na mile deep\nbut the body of\nthe queen of queens is\nmore transparent\nthan water,she is softer than birds\n\n2.\n\nwhen the emperor is very\namorous he reclines upon\nthe couch of couches and\nbeckons with\nthe little\nfinger of his left\nhand\nthen the\nthrice-three-hundredth\ndoor is opened by the tallest\neunuch and the queen\nof queens comes\nforth\nankles\nmusical with large pearls\nkingdoms in her ears\nat the feet of\nthe emperor a cithern-\nplayer squats with\nquiveringgold\nbody\nbehind\nthe emperor ten\nelected warriors with\nbodies of lazy jade\nand twitching\neyelids\nfinger\ntheir\nunquiet\nspears\n\nthe queen of queens is dancing\n\nher subtle\nbody weaving\ninsinuating upon the gold cloth\nincessantly creates patterns of sudden\nlust\nher\nstealing body ex-\npending gathering pouring upon itself stiffenS\nto a\nwhite thorn\nof desire\n\nthe taut neck of the citharede wags\nin the dust the ghastly warriors\namber with lust breathe\ntogether the emperor,exerting\nhimself amoung his pillows throws\njewels at the queen of queens and\nwhite money upon her nakedness\nhe\nnods\n and all\ndepart through the bruised air aflutter with pearls\n\n3.\n\nthey are\nalone\nhe beckons,she rises she\nstands\na moment\nin the passion of the fifty\npillars\nlistening\n\nwhile the queens of all the\nearth writhe upon deep rugs", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/orientale-vi/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/orientale-vi.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/orientale-vi.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Orientale VI"|>, "portraits-i" -> <|"Title" -> "Portraits I", "FirstLine" -> "conversation with my friend is particularly", "Book" -> "XLI Poems", "Text" -> "conversation with my friend is particularly\n\nto enjoy the composed sudden body atop which always quiv-\ners the electric Distinct face haughtily vital clinched\nin a swoon of synopsis\n\ndespite a sadistic modesty his mind is seen frequently\nfingering the exact beads of a faultless languor when\ninvisibly consult with some delicious image the a little\nstrolling lips and eyes inwardly crisping\n\nfor my friend,feeling is the sacred and agonizing prox-\nimity to its desire of a doomed impetuous acute sentience\nwhose whitehot lips however suddenly approached may never\nquite taste the wine which their nearness evaporates\n\nto think is the slippery contours of a vase inexpressibly\nfragile it is for the brain irrevocably frigid to touch a\nmerest shape which however slenderly by it caressed\nwill explode and spill the immediate imperceptible content\n\nmy friend\[CloseCurlyQuote]s being,out of the spontaneous clumsy trivial\nacrobatic edgeless gesture of existence,continually whit-\ntles keen careful futile flowers\n\n(isolating with perpetually meticulous concupiscence the\nbright large undeniable disease of Life, himself occasion-\nally contrives an unreal precise intrinsic fragment of\nactuality),\n\nan orchid whose velocity is sculptural", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/portraits-i/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/portraits-i.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/portraits-i.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Portraits I"|>, "portraits-ii" -> <|"Title" -> "Portraits II", "FirstLine" -> "one April dusk the", "Book" -> "XLI Poems", "Text" -> "one April dusk the\nsallow street-lamps were turning\nsnowy against a west of robin\[CloseCurlyQuote]s egg blue when\ni entered a mad street whose\n\nmouth dripped with slavver of\nspring\nchased two flights of squirrel-stairs into\na mid-victorian attic which is known as\nO \[CapitalPi]AP\[CapitalTheta]EN\[CapitalOmega]N\n and having ordered\nyaoorti from\nNicho\[CloseCurlyQuote]\nsettled my feet on the \n\nceiling inhaling six divine inches\nof Haremina in\nthe thick of the snick-\ner of cards and smack of back-\n\ngammon boards i was aware of an entirely\ndirty circle of habitués their\nfaces like cigarettebutts, chewed\nwith disdain, lead by a Jumpy\n\nTramp who played each\ncard as if it were a thunderbolt red-\nhot peeling\noff huge slabs of a fuzzy\n\nlanguage with the aid of an exclamatory\ntooth-pick\nAnd who may that\nbe i said exhaling into\n\neternity as Nicho\[CloseCurlyQuote] laid\nbefore me bread\nmore downy than street-lamps\nupon an almostclean\n\nplate\n\[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote]Achilles\[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote] \nsaid\nNicho\[CloseCurlyQuote]\n\n\[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote]and did you perhaps wish also shishkabob?\[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote]", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/portraits-ii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/portraits-ii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/portraits-ii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Portraits II"|>, "portraits-iii" -> <|"Title" -> "Portraits III", "FirstLine" -> "Picasso", "Book" -> "XLI Poems", "Text" -> "Picasso\nyou give us Things\nwhich\nbulge:grunting lungs pumped full of sharp thick mind\n\nyou make us shrill\npresents always\nshut in the sumptuous screech of\nsimplicity\n\n(out of the\nblack unbunged\nSomething gushes vaguely a squeak of planes\nor\n\nbetween squeals of\nNothing grabbed with circular shrieking tightness\nsolid screams whisper.)\nLumberman of The Distinct\n\nyour brain\[CloseCurlyQuote]s\naxe only chops hugest inherent\nTrees of Ego,from\nwhose living and biggest\n\nbodies lopped\nof every\nprettiness\n\nyou hew form truly", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/portraits-iii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/portraits-iii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/portraits-iii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Portraits III"|>, "portraits-iv" -> <|"Title" -> "Portraits IV", "FirstLine" -> "the skinny voice", "Book" -> "XLI Poems", "Text" -> "the skinny voice\n\nof the leatherfaced\nwoman with the crimson\nnose and coquettishly-\ncocked bonnet\n\nhaving ceased the\n\ncaptain\nannounces that as three\ndimes seven nickels and ten\npennies have been deposited upon\n\nthe drum there is need\n\nof just twenty five cents\ndear friends\nto make it an even\ndollar whereupon\n\nthe Divine Average who was\n\nattracted by the inspired\nsister\[CloseCurlyQuote]s howling moves\noff\nwill anyone tell him why he should\n\nblow two bits for the coming of Christ Jesus\n\n?\n??\n???\n!\n\nnix, kid", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/portraits-iv/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/portraits-iv.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/portraits-iv.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Portraits IV"|>, "portraits-ix" -> <|"Title" -> "Portraits IX", "FirstLine" -> "at the ferocious phenomenon of 5 o\[CloseCurlyQuote]clock i find myself gently decompos-", "Book" -> "XLI Poems", "Text" -> "at the ferocious phenomenon of 5 o\[CloseCurlyQuote]clock i find myself gently decompos-\ning in the mouth of New York. Between its supple financial teeth delir-\nlously sprouting from complacent gums,a morsel prettily wanders buoy-\ned on the murderous saliva of industry. the morsel is i.\n\nVast cheeks enclose me.\n\na gigantic uvula with imperceptible gesticulations threatens the tub-\nular downward blackness occasionally from which detatching itself bumps\nclumsily into the throat A meticulous vulgarity:\n\na sodden fastidious normal explosion;a square murmur,a winsome flatu-\nlence--\n\nIn the soft midst of the tongue sits the Woolworth building a serene\npastile-shaped insipid kinesis of frail swooping lozenge. a ruglike\nsentience whose papillæ expertly drink the docile perpendicular taste\nof this squirming cube of undiminished silence,supports while devour-\ning the firm tumult of exquisitely insecure sharp algebraic music.\nFor the first time in sorting from this vast nonchalant inward walk of\nvolume the flat minute gallop of careful hugeness i am conjugated by\nthe sensual mysticism of entire vertical being ,i am skilfully con-\nstrued by a delicately experimenting colossus whose irrefutable spiral\nantics involve me with the soothings of plastic hypnotism .i am ac-\ncurately parsed by this gorgeous rush of upward lips....\n\ncleverly\n\nperching on the sudden extremity of one immense tooth myself surveys\nsafely the complete important profane frantic inconsequential gastro-\nnomic mystery of mysteries\n ,life.\n\nFar below myself the lunging leer of horizontal large distinct ecstasy\nwags and.rages Laughters jostle grins nudge smiles push--. deep into\nthe edgeless gloaming gladness hammers incessant putrid spikes of mad-\nness (at\n\nMyself\[CloseCurlyQuote]s height these various innocent ferocities are superceded by\nthe sole prostituted ferocity of silence,it is) still 5 o\[CloseCurlyQuote]clock\n\nI stare only always into the tremendous canyon the\n,tremendous canyon always only exhales a climbing dark exact walloping\nhuman noise of digestible millions whose rich slovenly obscene proces-\nsion always floats through the thin amorous enormous only lips of\nthe evening\n\n And it is 5 o\[CloseCurlyQuote]clock\n\n in the oblong air, from which a singular ribbon of common sunset\nis hanging,\n\nsnow speaks slowly", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/portraits-ix/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/portraits-ix.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/portraits-ix.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Portraits IX"|>, "portraits-v" -> <|"Title" -> "Portraits V", "FirstLine" -> "as usual i did not find him in cafes, the more dissolute", "Book" -> "XLI Poems", "Text" -> "as usual i did not find him in cafes, the more dissolute atmosphere\nof a street superimposing a numbing imperfectness upon such peregri-\nnations as twilight spontaneously by inevitable tiredness of flang-\ning shop-girls impersonally affords furnished a soft first clue to\nhis innumerable whereabouts violet logic of annihilation demon-\nstrating from woolworthian pinnacle a capable millennium of faces\nmeshing with my curiously instant appreciation exposed his hiber-\nnative contours,\naimiable immensity impeccably extending the courtesy of five o\[CloseCurlyQuote]clock\nbecame the omen of his presence it was spring by the way in the\nsoiled canary-cage of largest existence\n\n(when he would extemporise the innovation of muscularity upon the\nmost crimson assistance of my comforter a click of deciding glory\ninflicted to the negative silence that primeval exposure whose elec-\ntric solidity remembers some accurately profuse scratchings in a\nrecently discovered cave, the carouse of geometrical putrescence\nwhereto my invariably commendable room has been forever subject his\nEarliest word wheeled out on the sunny dump of oblivion)\n\na tiny dust finely arising at the integration of my soul i coughed\n\n,naturally", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/portraits-v/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/portraits-v.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/portraits-v.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Portraits V"|>, "portraits-vi" -> <|"Title" -> "Portraits VI", "FirstLine" -> "it\[CloseCurlyQuote]s just like a coffin\[CloseCurlyQuote]s", "Book" -> "XLI Poems", "Text" -> "it\[CloseCurlyQuote]s just like a coffin\[CloseCurlyQuote]s\ninside when you die,\npretentious and\nshiny and\nnot too wide\n dear god\n\nthere\[CloseCurlyQuote]s a portrait\nover the door very notable of\nthe sultan\[CloseCurlyQuote]s nose pullable and rosy\nflanked by the scrumptious magdalene\nof whoisit and madame\nsomething by gainsborough\n just the playthings\n for dust n\[CloseCurlyQuote]es-ce pas\n\n effendi drifts between\n tables like an old leaf\n between toadstools\nhe is the cheerfulest of men\n his peaked head smoulders\n like a new turd in April\n his legs are brittle and small\n his feet large and fragile\nhis queer hands twitter before him,like foolish\n butterflies\nhe is the most courteous of men\n\nshould you remark the walls have been repapered\n\nhe will nod\n like buddha\n or answer modestly\ni am dying\n\nso let us come in together and\ndrink coffee covered with froth\nhalf-mud\nand not too\nsweet?", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/portraits-vi/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/portraits-vi.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/portraits-vi.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Portraits VI"|>, "portraits-vii" -> <|"Title" -> "Portraits VII", "FirstLine" -> "my mind is", "Book" -> "XLI Poems", "Text" -> "my mind is\na big hunk of irrevocable nothing which touch and taste and smell\nand hearing and sight keep hitting and chipping with sharp fatal\ntools\nin an agony of sensual chisels i perform squirms of chrome and ex-\necute strides of cobalt\nnevertheless i\nfeel that i cleverly am being altered that i slightly am becoming\nsomething a little different,in fact\nmyself\nHereupon helpless i utter lilac shrieks and scarlet bellowings.", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/portraits-vii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/portraits-vii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/portraits-vii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Portraits VII"|>, "portraits-viii" -> <|"Title" -> "Portraits VIII", "FirstLine" -> "5", "Book" -> "XLI Poems", "Text" -> "5\nderbies-with-men-in-them smoke Helmar\ncigarettes 2\nplay backgammon,3 watch\n\na has gold\nteeth b pink\nsuspenders c\nreads Atlantis\n\nx and y play b\ncries \[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote]effendi\[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote] \[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote]Uh\[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote] \[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote]coffee\[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote]\n\[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote]uh\[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote] enter\npaperboy,c\n\nbuys Bawstinamereekin,exit\npaperboy a finishes\nHelmar lights\nanother\n\n x and y\nplay,effendi approaches,sets\ndown coffee withdraws\na and c discuss news in\n\nturkish x and y play b spits\nx and\ny\nplay,b starts armenian record\n\n pho\nnographisrunn\ningd o w, n phonograph\n stopS.\n\nb swears in persian at phonograph\nx wins exeunt ax:by;c,\nGoo dnightef fendi\n....\n\nfive men in derbies", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/portraits-viii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/portraits-viii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/portraits-viii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Portraits VIII"|>, "portraits-x" -> <|"Title" -> "Portraits X", "FirstLine" -> "here is little Effie\[CloseCurlyQuote]s head", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "here is little Effie\[CloseCurlyQuote]s head\nwhose brains are made of gingerbread\nwhen the judgment day comes\nGod will find six crumbs\n\nstooping by the coffinlid\nwaiting for something to rise\nas the other somethings did--\nyou imagine His surprise\n\nbellowing through the general noise\nWhere is Effie who was dead?\n--to God in a tiny voice.\ni am may the first crumb said\n\nwhereupon its fellow five\ncrumbs chuckled as if they were alive\nand number two took up the song,\nmight i\[CloseCurlyQuote]m called and did no wrong\n\ncried the third crumb,i am should\nand this is my little sister could\nwith our big brother who is would\ndon\[CloseCurlyQuote]t punish us for we were good;\n\nand the last crumb with some shame\nwhispered unto God,my name\nis must and with the other i\[CloseCurlyQuote]ve\nbeen Effie who isn\[CloseCurlyQuote]t alive\n\njust imagine it I say\nGod amid a monstrous din\nwatch your step and follow me\nstooping by Effie\[CloseCurlyQuote]s little,in\n\n(want a match or can you see?)\nwhich the six subjunctive crumbs\ntwitch like mutilated thumbs:\npicture His peering biggest whey\n\ncoloured face on which a frown\npuzzles,but I know the way--\n(nervously Whose eyes approve\nthe blessed while His ears are crammed\n\nwith the strenuous music of\nthe innumerable capering damned)\n--staring wildly up and down\nand here we are now judgment day\n\ncross the threshold have no dread\nlift the sheet back in this way.\nhere is little Effie\[CloseCurlyQuote]s head\nwhose brains are made of gingerbread", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/portraits-x/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/portraits-x.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/portraits-x.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Portraits X"|>, "post-impressions-i" -> <|"Title" -> "Post Impressions I", "FirstLine" -> "windows go orange in the slowly.", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "windows go orange in the slowly.\ntown, night\nfeatherly swifts\nthe\n Dark on us\nall;\n stories told returned\n\n gather\n\n the\n\nAgain:who\ndanc ing\ngoes utter ly\n\nchurning\nwitty,twitters\n\n upon Our\n\n(ta-te-ta\nin a parenthesis!said the moon\n\n )", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/post-impressions-i/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/post-impressions-i.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/post-impressions-i.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Post Impressions I"|>, "post-impressions-ii" -> <|"Title" -> "Post Impressions II", "FirstLine" -> "riverly is a flower", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "riverly is a flower\ngone softly by tomb\nrosily gods whiten\nbefall saith rain\n\nanguish\nand dream-send is\nhushed\nin\n\nmoan-loll where\nnight gathers\nmorte carved smiles\n\ncloud-gloss is at moon-cease\nsoon\nverbal mist-flowers close\nghosts on prowl gorge\n\nsly slim gods stare", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/post-impressions-ii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/post-impressions-ii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/post-impressions-ii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Post Impressions II"|>, "post-impressions-iii" -> <|"Title" -> "Post Impressions III", "FirstLine" -> "this wind is a Lady with", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "this wind is a Lady with\nbright slender eyes(who\n\nmoves)at sunset\nand who--touches--the\nhills without any reason\n\n(i have spoken with this\nindubitable and green person \[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote]Are\nYou the wind?\[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote] \[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote]Yes\[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote] \[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote]why do you touch flowers\nas if they were unalive,as\n\nif They were ideas?\[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote] \[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote]because,sir\nthings which in my mind blossom will\nstumble beneath a clumsiest disguise,appear\ncapable of fragility and indecision\n\n--do not suppose these\nwithout any reason and otherwise\nroses and mountains\ndifferent from the i am who wanders\n\nimminently across the renewed world\[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote]\nto me said the)wind being A lady in a green\ndress,who;touches:the fields\n(at sunset)", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/post-impressions-iii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/post-impressions-iii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/post-impressions-iii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Post Impressions III"|>, "post-impressions-iv" -> <|"Title" -> "Post Impressions IV", "FirstLine" -> "Take for example this:", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "Take for example this:\n\nif to the colour of midnight\nto a more than darkness(which\nis myself and Paris and all\nthings)the bright\nrain\noccurs deeply, beautifully\n\nand i(being at a window\nin this midnight)\n for no reason feel\ndeeply completely conscious of the rain or rather\nSomebody who uses roofs and streets skilfully to make a\npossible and beautiful sound:\n\nif a(perhaps)clock strikes,in the alive\ncoolness,very faintly and\nfinally through altogether delicate gestures of rain\n\na colour comes,which is morning,O do not wonder that\n\n(just at the edge of day)i surely\nmake a millionth poem which will not wholly\nmiss you;or if i certainly create,lady,\none of the thousand selves who are your smile.", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/post-impressions-iv/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/post-impressions-iv.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/post-impressions-iv.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Post Impressions IV"|>, "post-impressions-v" -> <|"Title" -> "Post Impressions V", "FirstLine" -> "Paris;this April sunset completely utters;", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "Paris;this April sunset completely utters;\nutters serenely silently a cathedral\n\nbefore whose upward lean magnficent face\nthe streets turn young with rain,\n\nspiral acres of bloated rose\ncoiled within cobalt miles of sky\nyield to and heed\nthe mauve\n of twilight(who slenderly descends,\ndaintily carrying in her eyes the dangerous first stars)\npeople move love hurry in a gently\n\narriving gloom and\nsee!(the new moon\nfills abruptly with sudden silver\nthese torn pockets of lame and begging colour)while\nthere and here the lithe indolent prostitute\nNight,argues\n\nwith certain houses", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/post-impressions-v/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/post-impressions-v.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/post-impressions-v.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Post Impressions V"|>, "post-impressions-vi" -> <|"Title" -> "Post Impressions VI", "FirstLine" -> "I remark this beach has been used too. much Too. originally", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "I remark this beach has been used too. much Too. originally\nspontaneous twurls-of-excrement inanely codified with superb\nsunlight, jolts of delapidation bath-houses whose opened\nwithins ejaculate. obscenity the tide Did dl es a,fad ed\nexplosion of, pink!stocking\n\nw h e e saysthesea-brE aking-b Re akin g(brea )K ing\n\nmy Nose puts on sharp robes of uncouth odour,for an onion!for\none--onion for. putrescence is Cubical sliced-nicelybits\nOf, shivers ofcrin Ging stink.dull, globular glows and\nflatchatte ringarom a .s\n\n--w hee e;\n\nseasays.Break snice-Ly in-twin K les Of,CleaN\n\na booming smell waddles toward,me,dressed like a Plum grinning\nsoftly,New focus-of disintegrat i o n ? my\n\nmind laughsin- to Slivers of (unthinking.c\[CloseCurlyQuote]est\n\nl\[CloseCurlyQuote]heure\n\n exquise)i remind Me of HerThe delicate-swill tints of\n\nhair Whose(the lit-tle m-oo-n\[CloseCurlyQuote]s o u t ) flesh stalks\nthe Momentinmyarms\n\nyour expression\n my love\n when most passionate.,\n\n my,love\nis thatofa fly.pre cisel Yhalf\n\n(squashe)d\n\n with,its,little,solemn, entrails", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/post-impressions-vi/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/post-impressions-vi.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/post-impressions-vi.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Post Impressions VI"|>, "puella-mea" -> <|"Title" -> "Puella Mea", "FirstLine" -> "Harun Omar and Master Hafiz", "Book" -> "Tulips and Chimneys", "Text" -> "Harun Omar and Master Hafiz\nkeep your dead beautiful ladies.\nMine is a little lovelier\nthan any of your ladies were.\n\nIn her perfectest array\nmy lady,moving in the day,\nis a little stranger thing\nthan crisp Sheba with her king\nin the morning wandering.\n Through the young and awkward hours\nmy lady perfectly moving,\nthrough the new world scarce astir\nmy fragile lady wandering\nin whose perishable poise\nis the mystery of Spring\n(with her beauty more than snow\ndexterous and fugitive\nmy very frail lady drifting\ndistinctly,moving like a myth\nin the uncertain morning,with\nApril feet like sudden flowers\nand all her body filled with May)\n--moving in the unskilful day\nmy lady utterly alive,\nto me is a more curious thing\n(a thing more nimble and complete)\nthan ever to Judea\[CloseCurlyQuote]s king\nwere the shapely sharp cunning\nand withal delirious feet\nof the Princess Salomé\ncarefully dancing in the noise\nof Herod\[CloseCurlyQuote]s silence,long ago.\n\nIf she a little turn her head\ni know that i am wholly dead:\nnor ever did on such a throat\nthe lips of Tristam slowly dote,\nLa beale Isoud whose leman was.\nAnd if my lady look at me\n(with her eyes which like two elves\nincredibly amuse themselves)\nwith a look of færie,\nperhaps a little suddenly\n(as sometimes the improbably\nbeauty of my lady will)\n--at her glace my spirit shies\nrearing(as in the miracle\nof a lady who had eyes\nwhich the king\[CloseCurlyQuote]s horses might not kill.)\n But should my lady smile,it were\na flower of so pure surprise\n(it were so very new a flower,\na flower so frail,a flower so glad)\nas trembling used to yield with dew\nwhen the world was young and new\n(a flower such as the world had\nin Springtime when the world was mad\nand Launcelot spoke to Guenever,\na flower which most heavy hung\nwith silence when the world was young\nand Diarmid looked in Grania\[CloseCurlyQuote]s eyes.)\n But should my lady\[CloseCurlyQuote]s beauty play\nat not speaking(sometimes as\nit will)the silence of her face\ndoth immediately make\nin my heart so great a noise,\nas in the sharp and thirsty blood\nof Paris would not all the Troys\nof Helen\[CloseCurlyQuote]s beauty:never did\nLord Jason(in impossible things\nvictorious impossibly)\nso wholly burn,to undertake\nMedea\[CloseCurlyQuote]s rescuing eyes;nor he\nwhen swooned the white egyptian day\nwho with Egypt\[CloseCurlyQuote]s body lay.\n\nLove as those ladies were\nmine is a little lovelier.\nAnd if she speak in her frail way,\nit is wholly to bewitch\nmy smallest thought with a most swift\nradiance wherein slowly drift\nmurmurous things divinely bright;\nit is foolingly to smite\nmy spirit with the lithe free twitch\nof scintillant space,with the cool writhe\nof gloom truly which syncopate\nsome sunbeam\[CloseCurlyQuote]s skilful fingerings;\nit is utterly to lull\nwith foliate inscrutable\nsweetness my soul obedient;\nit is to stroke my being with\nnumbing forests frolicsome,\nfleetly mystical,aroam\nwith keen creatures of idiom\n(beings alert and innocent\nvery deftly upon which\nindolent miracles impinge)\n--it is distinctly to confute\nmy reason with the deep caress\nof every most shy thing and mute,\nit is to quell me with the twinge\nof all living intense things.\n Never my soul so fortunate\nis(past the luck of all dead men\nand loving)-as invisibly when\nupon her palpable solitude\na furtive occult fragrance steals,\na gesture of immaculate\nperfume--whereby (with fear aglow)\nmy soul is wont wholly to know\nthe poignant instantaneous fern\nwhose scrupulous enchanted fronds\ntoward all things intrinsic yearn,\nthe immanent subliminal\nfern of her delicious voice\n(of her voice which always dwells\nbesides the vivid magical\nimpetuous and utter ponds\nof dream;and very secret food\nits leaves inimitable find\nbeyond the white authentic springs,\nbeyond the sweet instinctive wells,\nwhich make to flourish the minute\nspontaneous meadow of her mind)\n--the vocal fern,always which feels\nthe keen ecstatic actual tread\n(and thereto perfectly responds)\nof all things exquisite and dead,\nall living things and beautiful.\n(Caliph and king their ladies had\nto love them and to make them glad\nwhen the world was young and mad,\nin the city of Bagdad--\nmine is a little lovelier\nthan any of those ladies were.)\n\nHer body is most beauteous,\nbeing for all things amorous\nfashioned very curiously\nof roses and of ivory.\nThe immaculate crisp head\nis such as only certain dead\nand careful painters love to use\nfor their youngest angels(whose\npraising bodies in a row\nbetween slow glories fleetly go.)\nUpon a keen and lovely throad\nthe strangeness of her face doth float,\nwhich in eyes and lips consists\n--always upon the mouth there trysts\ncurvingly a fragile smile\nwhich like a flower lieth(while\nwithing the eyes is dimly hear\na wistful and precarious bird.)\nSpringing from fragrant shoulders small,\nardent,and perfectly withal\nsmooth to stroke and sweet to see\nas a supple and young tree,\nher slim lascivious arms alight\nin skilful wrists which hint at flight\n--my lady\[CloseCurlyQuote]s very singular\nand slenderest hands moreover are\n(which as lilies smile and quail)\nof all things perfect the most frail.\n\n(Whose rideth in the tale\nof Chaucer knoweth many a pair\nof companions blithe and fair;\nwho to walk with Master Gower\nin Confessio doth prefer\nshall not lack for beauty there,\nnor he that will amaying go\nwith my log Boccaccio--\nwhose knocketh at the door\nof Marie and of Maleore\nfindeth of ladies goodly store\nwhose beauty did in nothing err.\nIf to me there shall appear\nthan a rose more sweetly known,\nmore silently than a flower,\nmy lady naked in her hair--\ni for those ladies nothing care\nnor any lady dead and gone.)\n\nEach tapering breast is firm and smooth\nthan in a lovely fashion doth\nfrom my lady\[CloseCurlyQuote]s body grow;\nas morning may a lily known,\nher petaled flesh doth entertain\nthe adriot blood\[CloseCurlyQuote]s mysterious skein\n(but like some passionate earlier\nflower, the snow will oft utter,\nwhereof the year has perfect bliss--\nfor each breast a blossom is,\nwhich being a little while caressed\nits fragrance makes the lover blest.)\nHer waist is a most tiny hinge\nof flesh,a winsome thing and strange;\napt in my hand warmly to lie\nit is a throbbing neck whereby\nto grasp the belly\[CloseCurlyQuote]s ample vase\n(that urgent urn which doth amass\nfor whoso drinks,a dizzier wine\nthan should the grapes of heaven combine\nwith earth\[CloseCurlyQuote]s madness)--\[CloseCurlyQuote]tis a gate\nunto a palace intricate\n(whereof the luscious pillars rise\nwhich are her lage and shapely thighs)\nin whose dome the trembling bliss\nof a kingdom wholly is.\n Beneath her thighs such legs are seen\nas were the pride of the world\[CloseCurlyQuote]s queen:\neach is a verb,miraculous\ninflected oral devious,\nbeneath the body\[CloseCurlyQuote]s breathing noun\n(moreover the delicious frown\nof the grave great sensual knees\nwell might any monarch please.)\nEach ankle is divinely shy;\nas if for fear you would espy\nthe little distinct food(if whose\nvery minuteness doth abuse\nreason,why then the artificer\ndid most exquistiely err.)\n\nWhen the world was like a song\nheard behind a golden door,\npoet and sage and caliph had\nto love them and to make them glad\nladies with lithe eyes and long\n(when the world was like a flower\nOmar Hafiz and Harun\nloved their ladies in the moon)\n--fashioned very curiously\nof roses and of ivory\nif naked she appear to me\nmy flesh is an enchanted tree;\nwith her lips\[CloseCurlyQuote] most frail parting\nmy body hears the cry of Spring,\nand with their frailest syllable\nits leaves go crisp with miracle.\n\nLove!--maker of my lady,\nin that alway beyond this\npoem or any poem she\nof whose body words are afraid\nperfectly beautiful is.\nforgive these words which i have made.\nAnd never boast your dead beauties,\nyou greatest lovers in the world!\nwho with Grania strangely fled,\nwho with Egypt went to bed,\nwhom white-thighed Semiramis\nput up her mouth to wholly kiss--\nnever boast your dead beauties,\nmine being unto me sweeter\n(of whose shy delicious glance\nthings which never more shall be,\nperfect things of færie,\nare intense inhabitants;\nin whose warm superlative\nbody do distinctly live\nall sweet cities passed away--\nin her flesh at break of day\nare the smells of Nineveh,\nin her eyes when day is gone\nare the cries of Babylon.)\nDiarmuid Paris and Solomon,\nOmar Harun and Master Hafiz,\nto me your ladies are all one--\nkeep your dead beautiful ladies.\n\nEater of all things lovely--Time!\nupon whose watering lips the world\npoises a moment(futile,proud,\na costly morsel of sweet tears)\ngesticulates,and disappears--\nof all dainties which do crowd\ngaily upon oblivion\nsweeter than any there is one;\nto touch it is the fear of rhyme--\nin life\[CloseCurlyQuote]s very fragile hour\n(when the world was like a tale\nmade of laughter and of dew,\nwas a flight,a flower,a flame,\nwas a tendril fleety curled\nupon frailness)used to stroll\n(very slowly)one or two\nladies like flowers made,\nsoftly used to wholly move\nslender ladies made of dream\n(in the lazy world and new\nsweetly used to laugh and love\nladies with crisp eyes and frail,\nin the city of Bagdad.)\n\nKeep your dead beautiful ladies\nHarun Omar and Master Hafiz.", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/puella-mea/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/puella-mea.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/puella-mea.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Puella Mea"|>, "songs-i" -> <|"Title" -> "Songs I", "FirstLine" -> "the\n sky\n was", "Book" -> "XLI Poems", "Text" -> "the\n sky\n was\ncan dy lu\nminous\n edible\nspry\n pinks shy\nlemons\ngreens coo l choc\nolate\ns.\n\n un der,\n a lo\nco\nmo\n tive s pout\n ing\n vi\n o\n lets", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/songs-i/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/songs-i.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/songs-i.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Songs I"|>, "songs-ii" -> <|"Title" -> "Songs II", "FirstLine" -> "of my", "Book" -> "XLI Poems", "Text" -> "of my\nsoul a street is:\nprettinesses Pic-\nabian tricktrickclickflick-er\ngarnished\nof stark Picasso\nthrottling trees\n\nhither\nmy soul\nrepairs herself with\nprisms of sharp mind\nand Matisse rhythms\nto juggle Kandinsky gold-fish\n\naway from the gripping gigantic\nmuscles of Cézanne\[CloseCurlyQuote]s\nlogic,\n oho.\n a street\nthere is\n\nwhere strange birds purr", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/songs-ii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/songs-ii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/songs-ii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Songs II"|>, "songs-iii" -> <|"Title" -> "Songs III", "FirstLine" -> "when life is quite through with", "Book" -> "XLI Poems", "Text" -> "when life is quite through with\nand leaves say alas,\nmuch is to do\nfor the swallow,that closes\na flight in the blue;\n\nwhen love \[CloseCurlyQuote]s had his tears out,\nperhaps shall pass\na million years\n(while a bee dozes\non the poppies,the dears;\n\nwhen all\[CloseCurlyQuote]s done and said,and\nunder the grass\nlies her head\nby oaks and roses\ndeliberated.)", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/songs-iii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/songs-iii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/songs-iii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Songs III"|>, "songs-iv" -> <|"Title" -> "Songs IV", "FirstLine" -> "into the smiting", "Book" -> "XLI Poems", "Text" -> "into the smiting\nsky tense\nwith\nblend\n\ning\nthe\ntree leaps\n a stiffened exquisite\n\ni\nwait the sweet\nannihilation of swift\nflesh\n\ni make me stern against\nyour charming strength\n\n\nO haste\n annihilator\ndrawing into you my enchanting\nleaves", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/songs-iv/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/songs-iv.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/songs-iv.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Songs IV"|>, "songs-v" -> <|"Title" -> "Songs V", "FirstLine" -> "Where\[CloseCurlyQuote]s Madge then,", "Book" -> "XLI Poems", "Text" -> "Where\[CloseCurlyQuote]s Madge then,\nMadge and her men?\nburied with\nAlice in her hair,\n(but if you ask the rain\nhe\[CloseCurlyQuote]ll not tell where.)\n\nbeauty makes terms\nwith time and his worms,\nwhen loveliness\nsays sweetly Yes\nto wind and cold;\nand how much earth\nis Madge worth?\nInquire of the flower that sways in the autumn\nshe will never guess.\nbut i know", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/songs-v/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/songs-v.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/songs-v.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Songs V"|>, "songs-vi" -> <|"Title" -> "Songs VI", "FirstLine" -> "after five", "Book" -> "XLI Poems", "Text" -> "after five\ntimes the poem\nof thy remembrance\nsurprises with refrain\n\nof unreasoning summer\nthat by responding\nways cloaked with renewal\nmy body turns toward\n\nthee\nagain for the stars have been\nfinished in the nobler trees and\nthe language of leaves repeats\n\neventual perfection\nwhile east deserves of dawn.\ni lie at length,breathing\nwith shut eyes\n\nthe sweet earth where thou liest", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/songs-vi/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/songs-vi.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/songs-vi.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Songs VI"|>, "sonnets-actualities-i" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Actualities I", "FirstLine" -> "when my love comes to see me it\[CloseCurlyQuote]s", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "when my love comes to see me it\[CloseCurlyQuote]s\njust a little like music,a\nlittle more like curving colour(say\norange)\n against silence,or darkness....\n\nthe coming of my love emits\na wonderful smell in my mind,\n\nyou should see when i turn to find\nher how my least heart-beat becomes less.\nAnd then all her beauty is a vise\n\nwhose stilling lips murder suddenly me,\n\nbut of my corpose the tool her smile makes something\nsuddenly luminous and precise\n\n--and then we are I and She....\n\nwhat is that the hurdy-gurdy\[CloseCurlyQuote]s playing", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-i/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-i.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-i.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Actualities I"|>, "sonnets-actualities-ii" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Actualities II", "FirstLine" -> "it is funny,you will be dead some day.", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "it is funny,you will be dead some day.\nBy you the mouth hair eyes,and i mean\nthe unique and nervously obscene\n\nneed;it\[CloseCurlyQuote]s funny. They will all be dead\n\nknead of lustfulhunched deeplytoplay\nlips and stare the gross fuzzy-pash\n--dash--and the dark gold delicately smash....\ngrass,and the stars,of my shoulder in stead.\n\nIt is a funny,thing. And you will be\n\nand i and all the days and nights that matter\nknocked by sun moon jabbed jerked with ecstasy\n....tremble(not knowing how much better\n\nthan me will you like the rain\[CloseCurlyQuote]s face and\n\nthe rich improbable hands of the Wind)", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-ii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-ii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-ii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Actualities II"|>, "sonnets-actualities-iii" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Actualities III", "FirstLine" -> "i have loved,let us see if that\[CloseCurlyQuote]s all.", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "i have loved,let us see if that\[CloseCurlyQuote]s all.\nBit into you as teeth, in the stone\nof a musical fruit. My lips pleasantly groan\non your taste. Jumped the quick wall\n\nof your smile into stupid gardens\nif this were not enough(not really enough\npulled one before one the vague tough\n\nexquisite\n\n flower,whom hardens\nrichly,darkness. On the whole\npossibly have i loved....?you)\n sheath before sheath\n\nstripped to the Odour. (and here\[CloseCurlyQuote]s what WhoEver will know\nHad you as bite teeth;\ni stood with you as a foal\n\nstands but as the trees,lay,which grow", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-iii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-iii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-iii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Actualities III"|>, "sonnets-actualities-iv" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Actualities IV", "FirstLine" -> "utterly and amusingly i am pash", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "utterly and amusingly i am pash\npossibly because\n .dusk and if it\nperhaps drea-mingly Is(not-\nquite trees hugging with the rash,\ncoherant light\n )only to trace with\nstiffening slow shrill eyes beyond a fit-\nand-cling of stuffs the alert willing myth\nof body,which will make oddly to strut\nmy indolent priceless smile,\n until\nthis very frail enormous star(do you see\nit?)and this shall dance upon the nude\nand final silence and shall the\n(i do but touch you)timid lewd\nmoon plunge skilfully into the hill.", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-iv/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-iv.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-iv.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Actualities IV"|>, "sonnets-actualities-v" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Actualities V", "FirstLine" -> "before the fragile gradual throne of night", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "before the fragile gradual throne of night\nslowly when several stars are opening\none beyond one immaculate curving\ncool treasures of silence\n (slenderly wholly\nrising,herself uprearing wholly slowly,\nlean in the hips and her sails filled with dream--\nwhen on a green brief gesture of twilight\ntrembles the imagined galleon of Spring)\n\nsomewhere unspeaking sits my life;the grim\nclenched mind of me somewhere begins again,\nshares the year\[CloseCurlyQuote]s perfect agony. Waiting\n\n(always)upon a fragile instant when\n\nherself me(slowly, wholly me)will press\nin the young lips unearthly slenderness", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-v/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-v.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-v.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Actualities V"|>, "sonnets-realities-i" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Realities I", "FirstLine" -> "O It\[CloseCurlyQuote]s Nice To Get Up In,the slipshod mucous kiss", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "O It\[CloseCurlyQuote]s Nice To Get Up In,the slipshod mucous kiss\nof her riant belly\[CloseCurlyQuote]s fooling bore\n--When The Sun Begins To(with a phrasing crease\nof hot subliminal lips,as if a score\nof youngest angels suddenly should stretch neat necks\njust to see how always squirms\nthe skilful mystery of Hell)me suddenly\n\ngrips in the chuckles of supreme sex.\n\nIn The Good Old Summer Time.\nMy gorgeous bullet in the tickling intuitive flight\naches,just,simply,into,her. Thirsty\nstirring. (Must be summer. Hush. Worms.)\nBut It\[CloseCurlyQuote]s Nicer To Lie In Bed\n --eh? I\[CloseCurlyQuote]m\n\nnot. Again. Hush. God. Please hold. Tight", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-i/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-i.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-i.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Realities I"|>, "sonnets-realities-ii" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Realities II", "FirstLine" -> "my strength becoming wistful in a glib", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "my strength becoming wistful in a glib\n\ngirl i consider her a leaf\n thinks\nof the sky, my mind takes to nib\n-bling,of her posture. (As an eye winks).\n\nand almost i refrain from jumbling her\nflesh whose casual mouth\[CloseCurlyQuote]s coy rooting\ndies also. (my loveFist in her knuckling\n\nthighs,\n with a sharp indecent stir\nunclenches\n\n into fingers....she too is tired.\nNot of me. The eyes which biggish loll\n\nthe hands\[CloseCurlyQuote] will tumbling into shall\n\n--and Love \[CloseCurlyQuote]s a coach with gilt hopeless wheels mired\nwhere sits rigidly her body\[CloseCurlyQuote]s doll\ngay exactly perishing sexual,", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-ii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-ii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-ii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Realities II"|>, "sonnets-realities-iii" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Realities III", "FirstLine" -> "i have loved,let us see if that\[CloseCurlyQuote]s all.", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "i have loved,let us see if that\[CloseCurlyQuote]s all.\nBit into you as teeth, in the stone\nof a musical fruit. My lips pleasantly groan\non your taste. Jumped the quick wall\n\nof your smile into stupid gardens\nif this were not enough(not really enough\npulled one before one the vague tough\n\nexquisite\n\n flowers,whom hardens\nrichly, darkness. On the whole\npossibly have i loved....?you)\n sheath before sheath\n\nstripped to the Odour. (and here\[CloseCurlyQuote]s what WhoEver will know\nHad you as bite teeth;\ni stood with you as a foal\n\nstands but as the trees,lay,which grow", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-iii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-iii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-iii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Realities III"|>, "sonnets-realities-iv" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Realities IV", "FirstLine" -> "light cursed falling in a singular block", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "light cursed falling in a singular block\nher,rain-warm-naked\n exquisitely hashed\n\n(little careful hunks-of-lilac laughter splashed\nfrom the world prettily upward,mock\nus....)\n and there was a clock. tac-tic. tac-toc.\n\nTime and lilacs....minutes and love....do you?and\nalways\n (i simply understand\nthe gnashing petals of sex which lock\nme seriously.\n\n Dumb for a while.my\n\ngod--a patter of kisses,the chewed stump\n\nof a mouth,huge dropping of a flesh from\nhinging thighs\n ....merci....i want to die\nnous sommes heureux\n\n My soul a limp lump\n\nof lymph\n she kissed\n and i\n\n ....chéri....nous sommes", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-iv/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-iv.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-iv.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Realities IV"|>, "sonnets-realities-v" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Realities V", "FirstLine" -> "the bed is not very big", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "the bed is not very big\n\na sufficient pillow shoveling\nher small manure-shaped head\n\none sheet on which distinctly wags\n\nat times the weary twig\nof a neckless nudity\n(very occasionally budding\n\na flabby algebraic odour\n\njigs\n et tout en face\nalways wiggles the perfectly dead\nfinger of thitherhithering gas.\n\nclothed with a luminous fur\n\npoilu\n\n a Jesus sags\nin frolicsome wooden agony).", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-v/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-v.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-v.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Realities V"|>, "sonnets-realities-vi" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Realities VI", "FirstLine" -> "the poem her belly marched through me as", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "the poem her belly marched through me as\none army. From her nostrils to her feet\n\nshe smelled of silence. The inspired cleat\n\nof her glad leg pulled into a sole mass\nmy separate lusts\n her hair was like a gas\nevil to feel. Unwieldy....\n\n the bloodbeat\nin her fierce laziness tried to repeat\na trick of syncopation Europe has\n\n--. One day i felt a mountain touch me where\ni stood (maybe nine miles off). It was spring\n\nsun-stirring. sweetly to the mangling air\nmuchness of buds mattered. a valley spilled\nits tickling river in my eyes,\n the killed\n\nworld wriggled like a twitched string.", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-vi/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-vi.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-vi.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Realities VI"|>, "sonnets-unrealities-i" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Unrealities I", "FirstLine" -> "it may not always be so;and i say", "Book" -> "Tulips and Chimneys", "Text" -> "it may not always be so;and i say\nthat if your lips,which i have loved,should touch\nanother\[CloseCurlyQuote]s,and your dear strong fingers clutch\nhis heart,as mine in time not far away;\nif on another\[CloseCurlyQuote]s face your sweet hair lay\nin such silence as i know,or such\ngreat writhing words as,uttering overmuch,\nstand helplessly before the spirit at bay;\n\nif this should be,i say if this should be--\nyou of my heart,send me a little word;\nthat i may go unto him,and take his hands,\nsaying, Accept all happiness from me.\nThen shall i turn my face,and hear one bird\nsing terribly afar in the lost lands.", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/sonnets-unrealities-i/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/sonnets-unrealities-i.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/sonnets-unrealities-i.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Unrealities I"|>, "sonnets-unrealities-ii" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Unrealities II", "FirstLine" -> "god gloats upon Her stunning flesh. Upon", "Book" -> "Tulips and Chimneys", "Text" -> "god gloats upon Her stunning flesh. Upon\nthe reachings of Her green body among\nunseen things,things obscene (Whose fingers young\n\nthe caving ages curiously con)\n\n--but the lunge of Her hunger softly flung\nover the gasping shores\n leaves his smile wan,\nand his blood stopped hears in the frail anon\n\nthe shovings and the lovings of Her tongue.\n\ngod Is The Sea. All terrors of his being\nquake before this its hideous Work most old\nWhose battening gesture prophecies a freeing\n\nof ghostly chaos\n in this dangerous night\nthrough moaned space god worships God--\n\n (behold!\nwhere chaste stars writhe captured in brightening fright)", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/sonnets-unrealities-ii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/sonnets-unrealities-ii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/sonnets-unrealities-ii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Unrealities II"|>, "sonnets-unrealities-iii" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Unrealities II", "FirstLine" -> "it is at moments after i have dreamed", "Book" -> "Tulips and Chimneys", "Text" -> "it is at moments after i have dreamed\nof the rare entertainment of your eyes,\nwhen(being fool to fancy)i have deemed\n\nwith your peculiar mouth my heart made wise;\nat moments when the glassy darkness holds\n\nthe genuine apparition of your smile\n(it was through tears always)and silence moulds\nsuch strangeness as was mine a little while;\n\nmoments when my once more illustrious arms\nare filled with a fascination,when my breast\nwears the intolerant brightness of your charms:\n\none pierced moment whiter than the rest\n\n--turning from the tremendous lie of sleep\ni watch the roses of the day grow deep.", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/sonnets-unrealities-iii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/sonnets-unrealities-iii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/sonnets-unrealities-iii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Unrealities II"|>, "sonnets-unrealities-iv" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Unrealities IV", "FirstLine" -> "when citied day with the sonorous homes", "Book" -> "Tulips and Chimneys", "Text" -> "when citied day with the sonorous homes\nof light swiftly sink in the sorrowful hour,\nthey counted petals O tremendous flower\non whose huge heart prospecting darkness roams\n\ntorture my spirit with the exquisite froms\nand whithers of existence,\n as by shores\nsoundless,the unspeaking watcher who adores\n\nperceived sails whose might brightness dumbs\n\nthe utterance of his soul--so even i\nwholly chained to a grave astonishment\nfeel in my being the delirious smart\n\nof thrilled ecstasy,where sea and sky\nmarry--\n\n to know the white ship of thy heart\n\non frailer ports of costlier commerce bent", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/sonnets-unrealities-iv/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/sonnets-unrealities-iv.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/sonnets-unrealities-iv.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Unrealities IV"|>, "sonnets-unrealities-v" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Unrealities V", "FirstLine" -> "a wind has blown the rain away and blown", "Book" -> "Tulips and Chimneys", "Text" -> "a wind has blown the rain away and blown\nthe sky away and all the leaves away,\nand the trees stand. I think i too have known\nautumn too long\n\n (and what have you to say,\nwind wind wind--did you love somebody\nand have you the petal of somewhere in your heart\npinched from dumb summer?\n O crazy daddy\nof death dance cruelly for us and start\n\nthe last leaf whirling in the final brain\nof air!)Let us as we have seen see\ndoom\[CloseCurlyQuote]s integration.........a wind has blown the rain\n\naway and the leaves and the sky and the\ntrees stand:\n the trees stand. The trees,\nsuddenly wait against the moon\[CloseCurlyQuote]s face.", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/sonnets-unrealities-v/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/sonnets-unrealities-v.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/sonnets-unrealities-v.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Unrealities V"|>, "sonnets-unrealities-vi" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Unrealities VI", "FirstLine" -> "a connotation of infinity", "Book" -> "Tulips and Chimneys", "Text" -> "a connotation of infinity\nsharpens the temporal splendor of this night\n\nwhen souls which have forgot frivolity\nin lowliness,noting the fatal flight\nof worlds whereto this earth\[CloseCurlyQuote]s a hurled dream\n\ndown eager avenues of lifelessness\n\nconsider for how much themselves shall gleam,\nin the poised radiance of perpetualness.\nWhen what\[CloseCurlyQuote]s in velvet beyond doomed thought\n\nis like a woman amorous to be known;\nand man,whose here is always worse than naught,\nfeels the tremendous yonder for his own--\n\non such a night the sea through her blind miles\n\nof crumbling silence seriously smiles", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/sonnets-unrealities-vi/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/sonnets-unrealities-vi.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/tulips-and-chimneys/poem/sonnets-unrealities-vi.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Unrealities VI"|>, "and-seven-poems-i" -> <|"Title" -> "&:Seven Poems I", "FirstLine" -> "i will be", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> " i will be\nM o ving in the Street of her\n\nbodyfee l inga ro undMe the traffic of\nlovely;muscles-sinke x p i r i n g S\n uddenl\nY totouch\n the curvedship of\n Her-\n....kIss her:hands\n will play on,mE as\ndea d tunes OR s-cra p-y lea Ves flut te rin g\nfrom Hideous trees or\n\n Maybe Mandolins\n l oo k-\n pigeons fly ingand\n\nwhee(:are,SpRiN,k,LiNg an in-stant with sunLight\nthen)l-\ning all go BlacK wh-eel-ing\n\noh\n ver\n mYveRylitTle\n\nstreet\nwhere\nyou will come,\n at twi li ght\n s(oon & there\[CloseCurlyQuote]s\n a m oo\n)n.", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/and-seven-poems-i/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/and-seven-poems-i.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/and-seven-poems-i.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "&:Seven Poems I"|>, "and-seven-poems-ii" -> <|"Title" -> "&:Seven Poems II", "FirstLine" -> "i\[CloseCurlyQuote]ll tell you a dream i had once i was away up in the sky Blue,everything:", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "i\[CloseCurlyQuote]ll tell you a dream i had once i was away up in the sky Blue,everything:\na bar the bar was made of brass hangIng from strings (or)someThing i was\nlying on the bar it was cOOl i didn\[CloseCurlyQuote]t have anything on and I was hot all\nHot and the bar was\n\n COOl\nO My lover,\n\n there\[CloseCurlyQuote]s just room for me in You\nmy stomach goes into your Little Stomach My legs are in your legs Your\narms\n under me around; my head fits(my head)in your Brain--my,head\[CloseCurlyQuote]s\nbig\nshe(said laughing\n )with your head.all big", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/and-seven-poems-ii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/and-seven-poems-ii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/and-seven-poems-ii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "&:Seven Poems II"|>, "and-seven-poems-iii" -> <|"Title" -> "&:Seven Poems III", "FirstLine" -> "Spring is like a perhaps hand", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "Spring is like a perhaps hand\n(which comes carefully\nout of Nowhere)arranging\na window,into which people look(while\npeople stare arranging and changing placing\ncarefully there a strange\nthing and a known thing here)and\n\nchanging everything carefully\n\nspring is like a perhaps\nHand in a window\n(carefully to\nand fro moving New and\nOld things,while\npeople stare carefully\nmoving a perhaps\nfraction of flower here placing\nan inch of air there)and\n\nwithout breaking anything.", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/and-seven-poems-iii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/and-seven-poems-iii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/and-seven-poems-iii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "&:Seven Poems III"|>, "and-seven-poems-iv" -> <|"Title" -> "&:Seven Poems IV", "FirstLine" -> "Who\n threw the silver dollar up into the tree?\n I didn\[CloseCurlyQuote]t", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "Who\n threw the silver dollar up into the tree?\n I didn\[CloseCurlyQuote]t said the little\nlady who sews and grows every day paler-paler she sits sewing and grow-\ning and that\[CloseCurlyQuote]s the truth,\nwho threw\n\n the ripe melon into the tree?you\n got me said the smoke who\nruns the elevator but I bet two bits come seven come eleven mm make\nthe world safe for democracy it never fails and that\[CloseCurlyQuote]s a fact;\n\nwho threw the\n\nbunch of violets\n into the tree?I dunno said the silver dog, with ripe\neyes and wagged his tail that\[CloseCurlyQuote]s the god\[CloseCurlyQuote]s own\n\nand the moon kissed the little lady on her paler-paler face and said\nnever mind,you\[CloseCurlyQuote]ll find\n But the moon creeped into the pink hand of the\nsmoke that shook the ivories\n and she said said She Win and you won\[CloseCurlyQuote]t be\n\nsorry And The Moon came!along-along to the waggy silver dog\nand the moon came\nand the Moon said into his Ripe Eyes\n and the moon\n Smiled", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/and-seven-poems-iv/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/and-seven-poems-iv.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/and-seven-poems-iv.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "&:Seven Poems IV"|>, "and-seven-poems-v" -> <|"Title" -> "&:Seven Poems V", "FirstLine" -> "gee i like to think of dead it means nearer because deeper firmer", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "gee i like to think of dead it means nearer because deeper firmer\nsince darker than little round water at one end of the well it\[CloseCurlyQuote]s\ntoo cool to be crooked and it\[CloseCurlyQuote]s too firm to be hard but it\[CloseCurlyQuote]s sharp\nand thick and it loves, every old thing falls in rosebugs and\njackknives and kittens and pennies they all sit there looking at\neach other having the fastest time because they\[CloseCurlyQuote]ve never met before\n\ndead\[CloseCurlyQuote]s more even than how many ways of sitting on your head your\nunnatural hair has in the morning\n\ndead\[CloseCurlyQuote]s clever too like POF goes the alarm off and the little striker\nhaving the best time tickling away everybody\[CloseCurlyQuote]s brain so everybody\njust puts out their finger and they stuff the poor thing all full\nof fingers\n\ndead has a smile like the nicest man you\[CloseCurlyQuote]ve never met who maybe winks\nat you in a streetcar and you pretend you don\[CloseCurlyQuote]t but really you do\nsee and you are My how glad he winked and hope he\[CloseCurlyQuote]ll do it again\n\nor if it talks about you somewhere behind your back it makes your neck\nfeel pleasant and stoopid and if dead says may i have this one and\nwas never introduced you say Yes because you know you want it to dance\nwith you and it wants to and it can dance and Whocares\n\ndead\[CloseCurlyQuote]s fine like hands do you see that water flowerpots in windows but\nthey live higher in their house that you so that\[CloseCurlyQuote]s all you see but you\ndon\[CloseCurlyQuote]t want to\n\ndead\[CloseCurlyQuote]s happy like the way underclothes All so differently solemn and\ninti and sitting on one string\n\ndead never says my dear,Time for your musiclesson and you like music and\nto have somebody play who can but you know you never can and why have to?\n\ndead\[CloseCurlyQuote]s nice like a dance where you danced simple hours and you take all\nyour prickly-clothes off and squeeze-into-largeness without one word and\nyou lie still as anything in largeness and this largeness begins to give\nyou,the dance all over again and you,feel all again all over the way men\n\nyou liked made you feel when they touched you(but that\[CloseCurlyQuote]s not all)because\nlargeness tells you so you can feel what you made,men feel when,you touched,\nthem\n\ndead\[CloseCurlyQuote]s sorry like a thistlefluff-thing which goes landing away all by\nhimself on somebody\[CloseCurlyQuote]s roof or something where who-ever-heard-of-growing\nand nobody expects you to anyway\n\ndead says comes with me he says(andwhyevernot)into the round well and\nsee the kitten and the penny and the jackknife and the rosebug\n and you\nsay Sure you say (like that) sure i\[CloseCurlyQuote]ll come with you you say for i\nlike kittens i do and jackknives i do and pennies i do and rosebugs i do", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/and-seven-poems-v/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/and-seven-poems-v.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/and-seven-poems-v.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "&:Seven Poems V"|>, "and-seven-poems-vi" -> <|"Title" -> "&:Seven Poems VI", "FirstLine" -> "(one!)", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> " (one!)\nthe wisti-twisti barber\n-pole is climbing\n\npeople high,up-in\n\ntenements talk.in sawdust Voices\n a:whispering drunkard passes", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/and-seven-poems-vi/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/and-seven-poems-vi.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/and-seven-poems-vi.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "&:Seven Poems VI"|>, "and-seven-poems-vii" -> <|"Title" -> "&:Seven Poems VII", "FirstLine" -> "who knows if the moon\[CloseCurlyQuote]s", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "who knows if the moon\[CloseCurlyQuote]s\na balloon,coming out of a keen city\nin the sky--filled with pretty people?\n(and if you and i should\n\nget into it,if they\nshould take me and take you into their balloon.\nwhy then\nwe\[CloseCurlyQuote]d go up higher with all the pretty people\n\nthan houses and steeples and clouds:\ngo sailing\naway and away sailing into a keen\ncity which nobody\[CloseCurlyQuote]s ever visited,where\n\nalways\n it\[CloseCurlyQuote]s\n Spring)and everyone\[CloseCurlyQuote]s\nin love and flowers pick themselves", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/and-seven-poems-vii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/and-seven-poems-vii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/and-seven-poems-vii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "&:Seven Poems VII"|>, "portraits-xi" -> <|"Title" -> "Portraits XI", "FirstLine" -> "her", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "her\nflesh\nCame\nat\n\nmeassandca V\n ingint\n oA\nchute\n\n i had cement for her,\n merrily\nwe became each\nother humped to tumbling\n\ngarble when\na\nminute\npulled the sluice\n\n emerging.\n\n\nconcrete", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/portraits-xi/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/portraits-xi.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/portraits-xi.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Portraits XI"|>, "portraits-xii" -> <|"Title" -> "Portraits XII", "FirstLine" -> "little ladies more", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "little ladies more\nthan dead exactly dance\nin my head,precisely\ndance where danced la guerre.\n\nMimi à\nla voix fragile\nqui chatouille Des\nItaliens\n\nthe putain with the ivory throat\nMarie Louise Lallemand\nn\[CloseCurlyQuote]est-ce pas que je suis belle\nchéri? les anglais m\[CloseCurlyQuote]aiment\ntous,les américains\naussi....\[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote]bon dos,bon cul de Paris\[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote](Marie\nVierge\nPriez\nPour\nNous)\n\nwith the\nlong lips of\nLucienne which dangle\nthe old men and hot \nmen se promènent\ndoucement le soir(ladies\n\naccurately dead les anglais\nsont gentils et les américains\naussi,ils payent bien les américains dance\n\nexactly in my brain voulez-\nvous coucher avec\nmoi? Non? pourquoi?)\n\nladies skilfully\ndead precisely dance\n\nwhere has danced la\nguerre j\[CloseCurlyQuote]m\[CloseCurlyQuote]appelle\nManon,cinq rue Henri Monnier\nvoulez-vous coucher avec moi?\nte terai Mimi\nte ferai Minette,\ndead exactly dance\nsi vous voulez\nchatouiller\nmon lézard ladies suddenly\nj\[CloseCurlyQuote]m\[CloseCurlyQuote]en fous des négres\n\n (in the twilight of Paris\nMarie Louise with queenly\nlegs cinq rue Henri\nMonnier a little love\nbegs,Mimi with the body\nlike une boîte á joujoux,want nice sleep?\ntoutes les petites femmes exactes\nqui dansent toujours in my\nhead dis-donc, Paris\n\nta gorge mystérieuse\npourquoi se proméne-t-elle,pourquoi\néclate ta voix\nfragile couleur de pivoine?)\n with the\n\nlong lips of Lucienne which\ndangle the old men and hot men\nprecisely dance in my head\nladies carefully dead", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/portraits-xii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/portraits-xii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/portraits-xii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Portraits XII"|>, "post-impressions-ix" -> <|"Title" -> "Post Impressions IX", "FirstLine" -> "of this sunset(which is so", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "of this sunset(which is so\nfilled with fear people bells)i\nsay your eyes can take \nday away more softly horribly suddenly;\n\n(of these two most\nearly stars wincing upon a single\ncolour,i know only that your hands\nmove more simply upon the evening\n\nand à propos such light and shape as means\nthe moon,i somehow feel\nyour smile slightly is a more\nminute adventure)\n\nlady. The clumsy dark threatens(and i do\nnot speak nor think nor am aware\nof anything\n save that these houses bulge\nlike memories in one crooked street\n\nof a mind peacefully and skilfully which is disappearing", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/post-impressions-ix/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/post-impressions-ix.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/post-impressions-ix.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Post Impressions IX"|>, "post-impressions-vii" -> <|"Title" -> "Post Impressions VII", "FirstLine" -> "my smallheaded pearshaped", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "my smallheaded pearshaped\n\nlady in gluey twilight\nmoving,suddenly\n\nis three animals. The\nminute waiste continually\n\nwith an African gesture\n\nutters a frivolous intense half of\nGirl which(like some\n\nfloating snake upon itself always and\nslowly which upward certainly is pouring)emits\na pose\n :to twitter wickedly\n\nwhereas the big and firm legs moving solemnly\nlike careful and furious and beautiful elephants\n\n(mingled in whispering thickly smooth thighs\nthinkingly)\nremind me of Woman and\n\nhow between\nher hips India is.", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/post-impressions-vii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/post-impressions-vii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/post-impressions-vii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Post Impressions VII"|>, "post-impressions-viii" -> <|"Title" -> "Post Impressions VIII", "FirstLine" -> "i was sitting in mcsorley\[CloseCurlyQuote]s outside it was New York and beauti-", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "i was sitting in mcsorley\[CloseCurlyQuote]s outside it was New York and beauti-\nfully snowing.\n\nInside snug and evil. the slobbering walls filthily push witless\ncreases of screaming warmth chuck pillows are noise funnily swallows\nswallowing revolvingly pompous a the swallowed mottle with smooth or\na but of rapidly goes gobs the and of flecks of and a chatter sobbings\nintersect with which distinct disks of graceful oath,upsoarings the\nbreak on ceiling-flatness\n\nthe Bar.tinking lucious jigs dint of ripe silver with warmlyish\nwetflat splurging smells waltz the glush of squirting taps plus slush\nof foam knocked off and a faint piddle-of-drops she says I ploc spittle\nwhat the lands thaz me kid in no sir hopping sawdust you kiddo he\[CloseCurlyQuote]s a\npalping wreaths of badly Yep cigars who jim him why gluey grins topple\ntogether eyes pout gestures stickily point made glints squinting who\[CloseCurlyQuote]s\na wink bum-nothing and money fuzzily mouths take big wobbly foot-steps\nevery goggle cent of it get out ears dribbles soft right old feller\nbelch the chap hic summore eh chuckles skulch....\n\nand i aws sitting in the din thinking drinking the ale,which never\nlets you grow old blinking at the low ceiling my being pleasantly was\npunctuated by the always retchings of a worthless lamp.\n\nwhen With a minute terrif iceffort one dirty squeal of soiling light \nyanKing from bushy obscurity a bald greenish foetal head established\nIt suddenly upon the huge neck around whose unwashed sonorous muscle\nthe filth of a collar hung gently.\n\n(spattered)by this instant of semiluminous nausea A vast wordless\nnondescript genie of trunk trickled firmly in to one exactly-mutilated\nghost of a chair,\n\na;domeshaped interval of complete plasticity,shoulders,sprouted the\nextraordinary arms through an angle of ridiculous velocity commenting\nupon an unclean table,and,whose distended immense Both paws slowly\nloved a dinted mug\n\ngone Darkness it was so near to me,i ask of shadow won't you have a\ndrink?\n\n(the eternal perpetual question)\n\nInside snugandevil. i was sitting in mcsorley\[CloseCurlyQuote]s It,did not answer.\n\noutside.(it was New York and beautifully,snowing....", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/post-impressions-viii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/post-impressions-viii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/post-impressions-viii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Post Impressions VIII"|>, "post-impressions-x" -> <|"Title" -> "Post Impressions X", "FirstLine" -> "SNO", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> " a white idea(Listen\n\n drenches:earth\[CloseCurlyQuote]s ugly)mind.\n\:201aRinsing with exact death\n\n the annual brain\n clotted with loosely voices\n look\n look. Skillfully\n\n.fingered by(a parenthesis\n the)pond on whoseswooning edge\n\n black trees think\n\n(hear little knives of flower\n stropping sof a. Thick silence)\n\n blacktreesthink\n\n tiny\:201aangels sharpen:themselves\n\n(on\n air)\n don't speak\n A white idea\:201a\n\n drenching. earth\[CloseCurlyQuote]s brain detaches\n clottingsand from a a nnual(ugliness\n of)rinsed mind slowly:\n\n from!the:A wending putrescense. a.of,loosely\n\n\n;voices", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/post-impressions-x/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/post-impressions-x.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/post-impressions-x.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Post Impressions X"|>, "post-impressions-xi" -> <|"Title" -> "Post Impressions XI", "FirstLine" -> "my eyes are fond of the east side", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "my eyes are fond of the east side\nas i lie asleep my eyes go into Allen street the dark long cool tunnel\nof raving colour,on either side the windows are packed with hardslippery\ngreens and helplessbaby blues and stic-ky chromes and prettylemons and\nvirginal pinks and wealthy vermilion and breathless-scarlet,dark colours\nlike \[CloseCurlyQuote]cellos keen fiddling colours colours cOOler than harps colours\np r i c k i n glike piccolos thumPing colours like a bangofpiano colours\nwhich,are,the,flowery pluckings of a harpsichord colours of Pure percus-\nsion colours-like-trumpets they(writhe they,struggleinweird chords of\nhumorous,fury heapingandsqueezing tum-bling-scratchingcrowd ingworming\neach by screeching Each)on either side the street's DarkcOOllinGBody\nwindows,are. clenched. fistsoftint.\n TUMTITUMTIDDLE\nif sometimes my eyes stay at home\nthen my mouth will go out into the East side,my mouth goes to the peddlers,\nto the peddlers of smooth,fruits of eager colours of the little,huddling\nnuts and the bad candies my,mouth loves melons slitted with bright knives,\nit stains itself, with currants and cherries it (swallow s bun chesofnew\ngrapes likeGree n A r e b u b b l e s asc end-ing inthecarts my,mouth\nis,fond of tiny plums of tangerines and apples it will,Gorge indistinct\npalishflesh of laZilytas tingg OO seberries,it,loves these better than,\ncubesandovalsof sweetness but it swallow) s greedily sugaredellipses it\ndoes not disdain picKles,once,it,ate a scarlet pepper and my eyes were\nbuttoned with pain\n THE BLACK CAT WITH\nis there anything my ears love it\[CloseCurlyQuote]s\nto go into the east Side in a. dark street a hurDygurdY with thequeer\nhopping ghosts of children. my,ears know the fuZZy tune that\[CloseCurlyQuote]s played\nby the Funny hand of the paralyticwhose dod d e rin g partner whEEl\nshi min chb yi nch along the whirlingPeaceful furious street people\ndrop,coppers into,the littletin-cup His wrappedupbody Queerly Has,my,\nears,go into Hassan\[CloseCurlyQuote]s place the kanoonchir p ing the bigtwittering\nzither-and the mealy,ladies dancing thicklyfoolish,with,the,tam,bou,\nrine,s And the violin spitting squeakysongs into the cuspidor-col our-\nedRoom and,my ears bend to the little silent handorgan propping the\ncurve of the tiny motheaten old manwhose Beard rests.onthetopwhose\nsilly,Hand revolves,perfectly,slowlywith,the handle ofa crankin It\nThe L\[CloseCurlyQuote]s roar tortures-pleasantly myears it is,like the,Jab:of a dark\ntool. With a cleverjeRk in itlike the motionofa Sharp Knife-sN ap-\npingof fadeadf ish\[CloseCurlyQuote] shead Or,the whipping of a blackSnake cu tSudden ly\nin 2 that,writhes...A.lit.tleora basket of RipeBlackbeRRies emptied\nsuddenl (y down the squirming sPine of the)unsuspecting street;\n THE YELLOW EYES AND\n--;i Like to\nLie On My Couch at Christopher Street For my stomach goes out into The\neast side my sex sitting upright on the stomach like A billiken with\nhisknees huggedtogether it,goes out into the rapid hard women and\nintotheslow hot women my Stomach ruBSiTSElf kew-re-ous-ly a mong\nThem(among their stomachs andtheir sexes )stomachsofold pe o plelLike\nhideous vegetables weazEned with-being-put-too-long in windows and\nnever sold and couldn't-be-given-away because Who?wanted them,stom-\nachslikEDead fishe s s olemnandputrid vast,stomachs bLurting and\ncHuckling like uninteresting-landscapes made interesting by earTHQuake\nempty stomachsClenche Dtothe beautiful-curveofhunger, cHuBbY stomachs\nwhich have not,known other stomachs and their Sexis a Lone ly,flower\nwhose secretloveliness hur.ts itse;l.f to no-thing signifi-cant\nstomachs:Who carry-tadpole!s,stomachs of little,girls smoothanduseless\ni,like,best,the,stomachs,of the young (girls silky and lewd)like corn\ns l e n derl y tottering in sun-light\n THE\n\nnobody(knows and WhoEver would)?dance lewd dollies pretty and putrid\ndollies of-love-and-of-death dollies of perfect life,\n\ndollies of anyway\n VIOLIN", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/post-impressions-xi/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/post-impressions-xi.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/post-impressions-xi.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Post Impressions XI"|>, "post-impressions-xii" -> <|"Title" -> "Post Impressions XII", "FirstLine" -> "suppose", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "suppose\nLife is an old man carrying flowers on his head.\n\nyoung death sits in a café\nsmiling,a piece of money held between\nhis thumb and first finger\n\n(i say \[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote]will he buy flowers\[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote] to you\nand \[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote]Death is young\nlife wears velour trousers\nlife totters,life has a beard\[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote] i\n\nsay to you who are silent.--\[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote]Do you see\nLife?he is there and here,\nor that,or this\nor nothing or an old man 3 thirds\nasleep,on his head\nflowers,always crying\nto nobody something about les\nroses les bluets\n yes,\n will He buy?\nLes belles bottes--oh hear\npas chères\[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote])\n\nand my love slowly answered I think so. But\nI think I see someone else\n\nthere is a lady,whose name is Afterwards\nshe is sitting beside young death,is slender;\nlikes flowers.", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/post-impressions-xii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/post-impressions-xii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/post-impressions-xii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Post Impressions XII"|>, "post-impressions-xiii" -> <|"Title" -> "Post Impressions XIII", "FirstLine" -> "the dress was a suspicious madder, importing the cruelty of roses.", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "the dress was a suspicious madder,importing the cruelty of roses.\nThe exciting simplicity of her hipless body,pausing to invent im-\nperceptible bulgings of the pretended breasts,forked in surpris-\nable unliving eyes chopped by a swollen inanity of picture hat.\n the arms hung ugly., the hands sharp and impertinently dead.\n expression began with the early cessation of her skirt. flesh-\nless melody of the,keenly lascivious legs. painful ankles large\nacute brutal feet propped on irrelevantly ferocious heels.\n Her gasping slippery body moved with the hideous spontaneity\nof a solemn mechanism. beneath her drab tempo of hasteful futility\nlived brilliantly the enormous rhythm of absurdity.\n skin like the poisonous fragility of ice newly formed upon an old\npool. Her nose was small,exact,stupid. mouth normal,large,unclever.\nhair genuinely artificial,unpleasantly tremendous.\n under flat lusts of light her nice concupiscence appeared rounded.\n if she were alive,death was amusing", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/post-impressions-xiii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/post-impressions-xiii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/post-impressions-xiii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Post Impressions XIII"|>, "post-impressions-xiv" -> <|"Title" -> "Post Impressions XIV", "FirstLine" -> "inthe,exquisite;", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "inthe,exquisite;\n\nmorning sure lyHer eye s exactly sit,ata little roundtable\namong otherlittle roundtables Her,eyes count slow(ly\n\nobstre peroustimidi ties surElyfl)oat iNg,the\n\nofpieces ofof sunl\[DotlessI]gh tof fa l l in gof throughof treesOf.\n\n(Fields Elysian\n\nthe like,a)slEEping neck a breathing a ,lies\n(slo wlythe wom an pa)ris her\nflesh:wakes\n in little streets\n\nwhile exactlygir lisHlegs;play;ing;nake;D\nand\n\nchairs wait under the trees\n\nFields slowly Elysian in\na firmcool-Ness taxis, s.QuirM\n\nand, b etw ee nch air st ott er s thesillyold\nWomanSellingBalloonS\n\nIn theex qui site\n\nmorning,\n her sureLyeye s sit-ex actly her sitsat a surely!little,\nroundtable amongother;littleexactly round. tables,\n\nHer\n .eyes", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/post-impressions-xiv/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/post-impressions-xiv.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/post-impressions-xiv.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Post Impressions XIV"|>, "sonnets-actualities-ix" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Actualities IX", "FirstLine" -> "let\[CloseCurlyQuote]s live suddenly without thinking", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "let\[CloseCurlyQuote]s live suddenly without thinking\n\nunder honest trees,\n a stream\ndoes,the brain of cleverly-crinkling\n-water pursues the angry dream\nof the shore. By midnight,\n a moon\nscratches the skin of the organised hills\n\nan edged nothing begins to prune\n\nlet\[CloseCurlyQuote]s live like the light that kills\nand let\[CloseCurlyQuote]s as silence,\n because Whirl\[CloseCurlyQuote]s after all:\n(after me)love,and after you\nI occasionally feel vague how\nvague i don\[CloseCurlyQuote]t know tenuous Now-\nspears and The Then-arrows making do\nour mouths something red,something tall", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-ix/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-ix.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-ix.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Actualities IX"|>, "sonnets-actualities-vi" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Actualities VI", "FirstLine" -> "when i have thought of you somewhat too", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "when i have thought of you somewhat too\nmuch and am become perfectly and\nsimply Lustful....sense a gradual stir\nof beginning muscle,and what it will do\nto me before shutting....understand\ni love you....feel your suddenly body reach\nfor me with a speed of white speech\n\n(the simple instant of perfect hunger\nYes)\n how beautifully swims\nthe fooling world in my huge blood,\ncracking brains A swiftlyenormous light\n--and furiously puzzling through,prismatic,whims\nthe chattering self perceives with hysterical fright\n\na comic tadpole wriggling in delicious mud", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-vi/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-vi.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-vi.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Actualities VI"|>, "sonnets-actualities-vii" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Actualities VII", "FirstLine" -> "autumn is:that between there and here", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "autumn is:that between there and here\ngladness flays hideously hills.\nIt was in the spring of this very year\n\n(a spring of wines women and window-sills)\ni met that hideous gladness,per the face\n--pinxit,who knows? Who knows? Some \[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote]allemand\[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote]....?\nof Goethe,since exempt from heaven\[CloseCurlyQuote]s grace,\n\nin an engraving belonging to my friend.\nWhom i salute,by what is dear to us;\nand by a gestured city stilled in the framing\ntwilight of Spring....and the dream of dreaming\n--and i fall back,quietly amorous\nof,through the autumn indisputably roaming\n\ndeath\[CloseCurlyQuote]s big rotten particular kiss.", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-vii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-vii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-vii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Actualities VII"|>, "sonnets-actualities-viii" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Actualities VIII", "FirstLine" -> "fabulous against ,a,fathoming jelly", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "fabulous against ,a,fathoming jelly\nof vital futile light as she\ndoes not stand-ing.unsits\n\n her(wrist\nperforms a thundering trivial)it.y\n\nprotuberant through the room\[CloseCurlyQuote]s skilfull of thing\nsilent spits discrete lumps of noise....\nfurniture\n\n unsolemnly :bur sting\nthe skinfull of Ludicrous,solidity which a. ,kissed\nwith is nearness.(peers:body of\n\n aching toys\nin unsmooth sexual luminosity spree.\n\n--dear)the uncouthly Her.thuglike stare the\npollenizing vacancy\nwhen,Thy patters?hands....is swig\n\nit does who eye sO neatly big", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-viii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-viii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-viii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Actualities VIII"|>, "sonnets-actualities-x" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Actualities X", "FirstLine" -> "if i should sleep with a lady called death", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "if i should sleep with a lady called death\nget another man with firmer lips\nto take your new mouth in his teeth\n(hips pumping pleasure into hips).\n\nSeeing how the limp huddling string\nof your smile over his body squirms\nkissingly,i will bring you every spring\nhandfuls of little normal worms.\n\nDress deftly your flesh in stupid stuffs,\nphrase the immense weapon of your hair.\nUnderstanding why his eye laughs.\ni will bring you every year\n\nsomething which is worth the whole,\nan inch of nothing for your soul.", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-x/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-x.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-x.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Actualities X"|>, "sonnets-actualities-xi" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Actualities XI", "FirstLine" -> "my naked lady framed", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "my naked lady framed\nin twilight is an accident\n\nwhose niceness betters easily the intent\nof genius--\n painting wholly feels ashamed\nbefore this music, and poetry cannot\ngo near because perfectly fearful.\n\nmeanwhile these speak her wonderful\nBut i(having in my arms caught\n\nthe picture)hurry it slowly\n\nto my mouth,taste the accurate demure\nferocious\n rhythm of\n precise\nlaziness. Eat the price\n\nof an imaginable gesture\n\nexact warm unholy", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-xi/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-xi.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-xi.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Actualities XI"|>, "sonnets-actualities-xii" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Actualities XII", "FirstLine" -> "i have found what you are like", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "i have found what you are like\nthe rain.\n\n (Who feathers frightened fields\nwith the superior dust-of-sleep. wields\n\neasily the pale club of the wind\nand swirled justly souls of flower strike\n\nthe air in utterable coolness\n\ndeeds of green thrilling light\n with thinned\n\nnewfragile yellows\n\n lurch and.press\n\n--in the woods\n which\n stutter\n and\n\n sing\nAnd the coolness of your smile is\nstirringofbirds between my arms;but\ni should rather than anything\nhave(almost when hugeness will shut\nquietly)almost,\n your kiss", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-xii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-xii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-xii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Actualities XII"|>, "sonnets-actualities-xiii" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Actualities XIII", "FirstLine" -> "upon the room\[CloseCurlyQuote]s\n silence,i will sew", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "upon the room\[CloseCurlyQuote]s\n silence,i will sew\n\na nagging button of candlelight\n(halfstoopingto exactly kiss the trite\n\nworm of her nakedness\n until it go\n\nrapidly to bed:i will get in with\nit,wisely,pester skilfully,teasing\nits lips,absurd eyes,the hair). Creasing\nits smoothness--and leave the bed agrin with\n\nmemories\n (this white woman and i who\n\nlove to feel what it will do\nin my bullying fingers)\nas for the candle,it\[CloseCurlyQuote]ll\n\nturn into a little curse\n\nof wax. Something,distinct and. Amusing,brittle", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-xiii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-xiii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-xiii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Actualities XIII"|>, "sonnets-actualities-xiv" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Actualities XIV", "FirstLine" -> "the ivory performing rose", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "the ivory performing rose\n\nof you, worn upon my mind\nall night, quitting only in the unkind\n\ndawn its muscle amorous\n\npricks with minute odour these gross\ndays\n when i think of you and do not live:\nand the empty twilight cannot grieve\nnor the autumns, as i grieve,faint for your face\n\nO stay with me slighty. or until\n\nwith neat obscure obvious hands\n\nTime stuff the sincere stomach of each mill\n\nof the ingenious gods.(i am punished.\nThey have stolen into recent lands\nthe flower\n with their enormous fingers unwished", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-xiv/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-xiv.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-xiv.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Actualities XIV"|>, "sonnets-actualities-xix" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Actualities XIX", "FirstLine" -> "the mind is its own beautiful prisoner.", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "the mind is it own beautiful prisoner.\nMine looked long at the sticky moon\nopening in dusk her new wings\n\nthen decently hanged himself,one afternoon.\n\nThe last thing he saw was you\nnaked amid unnaked things,\n\nyour flesh,a succinct wandlike animal,\na little strolling with the futile purr\nof blood;your sex squeaked like a billiard-cue\nchalking itself,as not to make an error,\nwith twists spontaneously methodical.\nHe suddenly tasted worms windows and roses\n\nhe laughed,and closed his eyes as a girl closes\nher left hand upon a mirror.", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-xix/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-xix.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-xix.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Actualities XIX"|>, "sonnets-actualities-xv" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Actualities XV", "FirstLine" -> "(the phonograph\[CloseCurlyQuote]s voice like a keen spider skipping", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "(the phonograph\[CloseCurlyQuote]s voice like a keen spider skipping\n\nquickly over patriotic swill.\nThe,negress,in the,rocker by the,curb,tipping\n\nand tipping,the flocks of pigeons. An the skil-\n\nful loneliness,and the rather fat\nman in bluishsuspenders half-reading the\nEvening Something\n in the normal window. and a cat.\n\nA cat waiting for god knows makes me\n\nwonder if i\[CloseCurlyQuote]m alive(eye pries,\n\nnot open. Tail stirs.) And the, fire-escapes--\nthe night. makes me wonder if,if i am\nthe face of a baby smeared with beautiful jam\n\nor\n\n my invincible Nearness rapes\n\nlaughter from your preferable,eyes", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-xv/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-xv.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-xv.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Actualities XV"|>, "sonnets-actualities-xvi" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Actualities XVI", "FirstLine" -> "a blue woman with sticking out breasts hanging", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> " a blue woman with sticking out breasts hanging\nclothes. On the line, not so old\nfor the mother of twelve undershirts(we are told\nby is it Bishop Taylor who need hanging\n\nthat marriage is a sure cure for masturbation).\n\n A dirty wind,twitches the,clothes which are clean\n--this is twilight,\n a little puppy hopping between\n\nskipping\n children\n (It is the consummation\nof day,the hour)she says to me you big fool\nshe says i says to her i says Sally\ni says\n the\n\n mmmoon,begins to,drool\n\nsoftly,in the hot alley,\n\na nigger\[CloseCurlyQuote]s voice feels curiously cool\n(suddenly-Lights go!on,by schedule", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-xvi/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-xvi.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-xvi.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Actualities XVI"|>, "sonnets-actualities-xvii" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Actualities XVII", "FirstLine" -> "(let us tremble)a personal radiance sits", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "(let us tremble)a personal radiance sits\nhideously upon the trafficking hum\nof dusk\n each street takes of shadowy\nlight the drollsnowing delirium\n\n(we do not speak!)\n tumbled hushingly bits\nof downward flower flowing without or cease\n\nor time;a naming stealth of ectasy\nmeans,like a girl lasciviously frail,\n peace\n\n(dreaming is better)\n\n murdering coolness slowly\nin peopling places seeks play:withs of star\nlink clauses of warmth\n (after dream who knows?)\na blackish cat and a bluish cat are\n\neyeing,as with almost melancholy\ndelicacy night gargles windows.", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-xvii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-xvii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-xvii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Actualities XVII"|>, "sonnets-actualities-xviii" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Actualities XVIII", "FirstLine" -> "--G O N splashes-sink", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> " --G O N splashes-sink\nwhich is east eight,a star of three annoys\n\nme,but the stink of perfumed noise\nfiercely mounts from the fireman\[CloseCurlyQuote]s ball,i think\n\nand also i think of you,getting mandolin-clink\nmixed with your hair;feeling your knees\namoung the supercilious chimneys,\n\nmy nerves sumptuously wink\n....and little-dusk has his toys to play with\nwindows-and-whispers,\n (will BigMorning get away with\nthem?)\[CloseCurlyQuote]m\[CloseCurlyQuote]en doute,)\n chérie,j\[CloseCurlyQuote]m\[CloseCurlyQuote]em doute.\n\nthe accurate key to a palace\n\n--You.--in this window sits a Face\n(it is twilight)a Face playing on a flute", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-xviii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-xviii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-xviii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Actualities XVIII"|>, "sonnets-actualities-xx" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Actualities XX", "FirstLine" -> "my sonnet is A light goes on in", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "my sonnet is A light goes on in\nthe toiletwindow,that\[CloseCurlyQuote]s straightacross from\nmy window,night air bothered with a rustling din\n\nsort of sublimated tom-tom\nwhich quite outdoes the mandolin-\n\nman\[CloseCurlyQuote]s tiny racket. The horses sleep upstairs.\nAnd you can see their ears. Ears win-\n\nk,funny stable. In the morning they go out in pairs:\namazingly,one pair is white\n(but you know that)they look at each other. Nudge.\n\n(if they love each other,who cares?)\nThey pull the morning out of the night.\n\nI am living with a mouse who shares\n\nmy meals with him,which is fair as i judge.", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-xx/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-xx.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-xx.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Actualities XX"|>, "sonnets-actualities-xxi" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Actualities XXI", "FirstLine" -> "when you went away it was morning", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "when you went away it was morning\n(this,big horses;light feeling up\nstreets;heels taking derbies (where?) a pup\nhurriedly hunched over swill;one butting\n\ntrolley imposingly empty;snickering\nshop doors unlocked by white-grub\nfaces) clothes in delicate hubbub\n\nas you stood thinking of anything,\n\nmaybe the world....But i have wondered since\nisn\[CloseCurlyQuote]t it odd of you really to lie\na sharp agreeable flower between my\n\namused legs\n kissing with little dints\n\nof april,making the obscene shy\nbreasts tickle,laughing when i wilt and wince", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-xxi/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-xxi.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-xxi.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Actualities XXI"|>, "sonnets-actualities-xxii" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Actualities XXII", "FirstLine" -> "you asked me to come:it was raining a little,", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "you asked me to come:it was raining a little,\nand the spring;a clumsy brightness of air\nwonderfully stumbled above the square,\nlittle amorous-tadpole people wiggled\n\nbattered by stuttering pearl,\n leaves jiggled\nto the jigging fragrance of newness\n--and then. My crazy fingers liked your dress\n....your kiss,your kiss was a distinct brittle\n\nflower,and the flesh crisp set\nmy love-tooth on edge. So until light\neach having each we promised to forget--\n\nwherefore is there nothing left to guess:\nthe cheap intelligent thighs,the electric trite\nthighs;the hair stupidly priceless.", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-xxii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-xxii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-xxii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Actualities XXII"|>, "sonnets-actualities-xxiii" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Actualities XXIII", "FirstLine" -> "and this day it was Spring....us", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "and this day it was Spring....us\ndrew lewdly the murmurous minute clumsy\nsmelloftheworld. We intricately\nalive,cleaving the luminous stammer of bodies\n(eagerly just not each other touch)seeking,some\nstreet which easily tickles a brittle fuss\nof fragile huge humanity....\n Numb\nthoughts kicking in the rivers of our blood,miss\nby how terrible inches speech--it\nmade you a little dizzy did the world\[CloseCurlyQuote]s smell\n(but i was thinking why the girl-and-bird\nof you move....moves...and also,i'll admit--)\n\ntill,at the corner of Nothing and Something,we heard\na handorgan in twilight playing like hell", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-xxiii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-xxiii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-xxiii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Actualities XXIII"|>, "sonnets-actualities-xxiv" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Actualities XXIV", "FirstLine" -> "i like my body when it is with your", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "i like my body when it is with your\nbody. It is so quite new a thing.\nMuscles better and nerves more.\ni like your body. i like what it does,\ni like its hows. i like to feel the spine\nof your body and its bones,and the trembling\n-firm-smooth ness and which i will\nagain and again and again\nkiss, i like kissing this and that of you,\ni like,slowly stroking the,shocking fuzz\nof your electric fur,and what-is-it comes\nover parting flesh....And eyes big love-crumbs,\n\nand possibly i like the thrill\n\nof under me you so quite new", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-xxiv/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-xxiv.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-actualities-xxiv.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Actualities XXIV"|>, "sonnets-realities-ix" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Realities IX", "FirstLine" -> "irreproachable ladies firmly lewd", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "irreproachable ladies firmly lewd\non dangerous slabs of tilting din whose\nmouths distinctly walk\n your smiles accuse\n\nthe dusk with an untimid svelte subdued\nmagic\n while in your eyes there lives\na green egyptian noise. ladies with whom time\n\nfeeds especially his immense lips\n\nOn whose deep nakedness death most believes,\nperpetual girls marching to love\n\nwhose bodies kiss me with the square crime\nof life....Cecile,the oval shove\nof hiding pleasure. Alice,stinging quips\nof flesh. Lorette, cut the comedy\nkid....\n\n Fran Mag Glad Dorothy", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-ix/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-ix.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-ix.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Realities IX"|>, "sonnets-realities-vii" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Realities VII", "FirstLine" -> "an amiable putrescence carpenters", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "an amiable putrescence carpenters\n\nthe village of her mind bodily which\n\nravelling,to a proud continual stitch\nof the unmitigated systole\n purrs\nagainst my mind,the eyes\[CloseCurlyQuote] shuddering burrs\nof light stick on my brain harder than can twitch\nits terrors;\n the,month\[CloseCurlyQuote]s,swallowed,muscle(itch\nof groping mucous)in my mouth occurs\n\nhomelessly. While grips Hips simply. well\nfussed flesh does surely to mesh. New\nand eager. wittily peels the. ploop.--OOc h get:breath\nonce,all over,kid how,funny Do tell\n....sweat,succeeds breathings stopped\n to\n\nhear,in darkness,water the lips of death", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-vii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-vii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-vii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Realities VII"|>, "sonnets-realities-viii" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Realities VIII", "FirstLine" -> "her careful distinct sex whose sharp lips comb", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "her careful distinct sex whose sharp lips comb\n\nmy mumbling gropeofstrength(staggered by the lug\nof love)\n sincerely greets,with an occult shrug\nasking Through her Muteness will slowly roam\nmy dumbNess?\n\n her other,wet,warm\n\nlips limp,across my brusing smile;\nas rapidly upon the jiggled norm\n\nof agony my grunting eyes pin tailored flames\nHer being at this instant commits\n\nas impenetrable transparency.\nthe harsh erecting breasts and uttering tits\npunish my hug\n presto!\n\n the bright rile\nof jovial hair extremely frames\n\nthe face in a hoop of grim ecstasy", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-viii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-viii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-viii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Realities VIII"|>, "sonnets-realities-x" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Realities X", "FirstLine" -> "nearer:breath of my breath:take not thy tingling", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "nearer:breath of my breath:take not thy tingling\nlimbs from me:make my pain their crazy meal\nletting thy tigers of smooth sweetness steal\nslowly in dumb blossoms of new mingling:\ndeeper:blood of my blood:with upwardcringing\nswiftness plunge these leopards of white dream\nin the glad flesh of my fear:more neatly ream\nthis pith of darkness:carve an evilfringing\nflower of madness on gritted lips\nand on sprawled eyes squirming with light insane\nchisel the killing flame that dizzily grips.\n\nQuerying greys between mouthed houses curl\n\nthirstily. Dead stars stink. dawn. Inane,\n\nthe poetic carcass of a girl", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-x/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-x.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-x.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Realities X"|>, "sonnets-realities-xi" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Realities XI", "FirstLine" -> "god pity me whom(god distinctly has)", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "god pity me whom(god distinctly has)\nthe weightless svelte drifting sexual feather\nof your shall i say body?follows\ntruly through a dribbling moan of jazz\n\nwhose arched occasional steep youth swallows\ncurvingly the keenness of my hips;\nor,your first twitch of crisp boy flesh dips\nmy height in a firm fragile stinging weather,\n\n(breathless with sharp necessary lips)kid\n\nfemale cracksman of the nifty,ruffian-rogue,\nlaughing body with wise breasts half-grown,\nlisping flesh quick to thread the fattish drone\nof I Want a Doll,\n wispish-agile feet with slid\nsteps parting the tousle of saxophonic brogue.", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-xi/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-xi.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-xi.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Realities XI"|>, "sonnets-realities-xii" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Realities XII", "FirstLine" -> "even a pencil has fear to", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "even a pencil has fear to\ndo the posed body luckily made\na pen is dreadfully afraid\nof her of this of the smile\[CloseCurlyQuote]s two\neyes....too,since the world\[CloseCurlyQuote]s but\na piece of eminent fragility.\nWell and when--Does susceptibility\nimply perspicuity,or?\n shut\nup.\n Seeing\n seeing her is not\nto something or to nothing as much as\nbeing by her seen,which has got\nnothing on something as i think\n\n,did you ever hear a jazz\nBand?\n\n or unnoise men don\[CloseCurlyQuote]t make soup who drink.", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-xii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-xii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-xii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Realities XII"|>, "sonnets-realities-xiii" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Realities XIII", "FirstLine" -> "unnoticed woman from whose kind large flesh", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "unnoticed woman from whose kind large flesh\n\ni turn to the cruel-littleness of cold\n(when battling street-lamps fail upon the gold\ndawn,where teeth of slowturning streets mesh\n\nin a frieze of smoking Face Bluish-old\n\nand choked pat of going soles on flat\npavements with icy cries of this and that\nstumbling in gloom,bad laughters,smiled unbold)\n\nalso,tomorrow the daily papers will feature\nPeace and Good Will,and Mary with one lung\nextended to the pumping Child,and \[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote]\[CloseCurlyQuote]Twas\n\nthe night before Christmas when all through the house not a creature\nwas stirring,not even a mouse. The stockings were hung\nby the chimney with care in hopes that Saint Nicholas\[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote]", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-xiii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-xiii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-xiii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Realities XIII"|>, "sonnets-realities-xiv" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Realities XIV", "FirstLine" -> "she sits dropping on a caret of clenched arms", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "she sits dropping on a caret of clenched arms\na delicately elephantine face\n(It is necessary to find Hassan\[CloseCurlyQuote]s Place\nby tiny streets shrugging with colour)\nthe mouth who sits between her cheeks\nutters a thud of scarlet. always. More\ninteresting,as i think,her charms\nen repos....a fattish leg leaks\nobscenely from the dress. one nipple tries.\nplayfully to peek into the belly\nwhose deep squirm nibbles. another couches,\nweary,upon a flabby mattress of jelly....\nthan when to the kanoon she totters,slouches,\nwith giggling hips and frozen eyes", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-xiv/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-xiv.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-xiv.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Realities XIV"|>, "sonnets-realities-xix" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Realities XIX", "FirstLine" -> "in making Marjorie god hurried", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "in making Marjorie god hurried\na boy\[CloseCurlyQuote]s body on unsuspicious\nlegs of girl. his left hand quarried\nthe quartzlike face. his right slapped\nthe amusing big vital vicious\nvegetable of her mouth.\nUpon the whole he suddenly clapped\na tiny sunset of vermouth\n-colour. Hair. he put between\nher lips a moist mistake,whose fragrance hurls\nme into tears,as the dusty new-\nness of her obsolete gaze begins to. lean....\na little against me,when for two\ndollars i fill her hips with boys and girls", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-xix/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-xix.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-xix.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Realities XIX"|>, "sonnets-realities-xv" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Realities XV", "FirstLine" -> "of this wilting wall the colour drub", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "of this wilting wall the colour drub\nsouring sunbeams,of a foetal fragrance\nto rickety unclosed blinds inslants\nperegrinate,a cigar-stub\ndisintegrates,above,underdrawers club\nthe faintly sweating air with pinkness,\none pale dog behind a slopcaked shrub\npainstakingly utters a slippery mess,\na star sleepily,feebly,scratches the sore\nof morning. But i am interested more\nintricately in the delicate scorn\nwith which in a putrid window every day\nalmost leans a lady whose still-born\nsmile involves the comedy of decay,", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-xv/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-xv.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-xv.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Realities XV"|>, "sonnets-realities-xvi" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Realities XVI", "FirstLine" -> "it started when Bill\[CloseCurlyQuote]s chip let on to", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "it started when Bill\[CloseCurlyQuote]s chip let on to\nthe bulls he\[CloseCurlyQuote]d bumped a bloke back in fifteen.\nThen she came toward him on her knees across the locked\nroom. he knocked her cold and beat it for Chicago.\n\nEddie was waiting for him,and they cleaned up a few\ntimes--before she got the info\nfrom a broad that knew Eddie to Topeka,went clean\ndaffy,and which was very silly hocked\n\nthe diamond he gave her. Bill was put wise\nthat she coming with his kid inside her.\nHe laughed. She came. he gave her a shove\nand asked Eddie did he care to ride her?\n....she exactly lay, looking hunks of love\n\nin The Chair he kept talking about eyes", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-xvi/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-xvi.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-xvi.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Realities XVI"|>, "sonnets-realities-xvii" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Realities XVII", "FirstLine" -> "whereas by dark really released,the modern", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "whereas by dark really released,the modern\nflame of her indomitable body\nuses a careful fierceness. Her lips study\nmy head gripping for a decision:burn\nthe terrific fingers which grapple and joke\non my passionate anatomy\nof yes! Large legs pinch,toes choke--\nhair-thin strands of magic agony\n....by day this lady in her limousine\n\noozes in fashionable traffic,just\na halfsmile (for society\[CloseCurlyQuote]s sweet sake)\nin the not too frail lips almost discussed;\nbetween her and ourselves a nearly-opaque\nperfume disinterestedly obscene.", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-xvii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-xvii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-xvii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Realities XVII"|>, "sonnets-realities-xviii" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Realities XVIII", "FirstLine" -> "my girl\[CloseCurlyQuote]s tall with hard long eyes", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "my girl\[CloseCurlyQuote]s tall with hard long eyes\nas she stands,with her long hard hands keeping\nsilence on her dress,good for sleeping\nis her long hard body filled with surprise\nlike a white shocking wire,when she smiles\na hard long smile it sometimes makes\ngaily go clean through me tickling aches,\nand the weak noise of her eyes easily files\nmy impatience to an edge--my girl\[CloseCurlyQuote]s tall\nand taut,with thin legs just like a vine\nthat\[CloseCurlyQuote]s spent all of its life on a garden-wall,\nand is going to die. When we grimly go to bed\nwith these legs she begins to heave and twine\nabout me,and to kiss my face and head.", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-xviii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-xviii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-xviii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Realities XVIII"|>, "sonnets-realities-xx" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Realities XX", "FirstLine" -> "Dick Mid\[CloseCurlyQuote]s large bluish face without eyebrows", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "Dick Mid\[CloseCurlyQuote]s large bluish face without eyebrows\n\nsits in the kitchen nights and chews a two-bit\ncigar\n waiting for the bulls to pull his joint.\nJimmie was a dude. Dark hair and nice hands.\n\nwith a little eye that rolled and made its point\n\nJimmie\[CloseCurlyQuote]s sister worked for Dick. And had some rows\nover percent. The gang got shot up twice,it\noperated in the hundred ands\n\nAll the chips would kid Jimmie to give them a kiss\nbut Jimmie lived regular. stewed three times a week.\nand slept twice a week with a big toothless girl\nin Yonkers.\n Dick Mid\[CloseCurlyQuote]s green large three teeth leak\n\nsmoke:remembering,two pink big lips curl....\n\nhow Jimmie was framed and got his", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-xx/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-xx.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-xx.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Realities XX"|>, "sonnets-realities-xxi" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Realities XXI", "FirstLine" -> "twentyseven bums give a prostitute the once", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "twentyseven bums give a prostitute the once\n-over. fiftythree(and one would see if it could)\n\neyes say the breasts look very good:\nfirmlysquirmy with a slight jounce,\n\nthirteen pants have a hunch\n\nadmit in threedimensional distress\nthese hips were made for Horizontal Business\n(set on big legs nice to pinch\n\nassiduously which justgraze\neach other). As the lady lazily struts\n (her\nthickish flesh superior to the genuine daze\nof unmarketable excitation,\n\nwhose careless movements carefully scatter\n\npink propaganda of annihilation", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-xxi/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-xxi.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-xxi.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Realities XXI"|>, "sonnets-realities-xxii" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets--Realities XXII", "FirstLine" -> "life boosts herself rapidly at me", "Book" -> "&", "Text" -> "life boosts herself rapidly at me\n\nthrough sagging debris of exploded day\nthe hulking perpendicular mammal\n a\ngrim epitome of chuckling flesh.\nWeak thirsty fists of idiot futures bash\n\nthe bragging breasts,\n puppy-faces to mouth\nher ugly nipples squirming in pretty wrath,\ngums skidding on slippery udders\n\n she\nlifts an impertinent puerperal face\nand with astute fatuous swallowed eyes\nsmiles,\n one grin very distinctly wobbles\nfrom the thinning lips me hugely which embrace.\nas in the hairy notching of clenched thighs\n\na friendless dingy female frenzy bubbles", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-xxii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-xxii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/and/poem/sonnets-realities-xxii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets--Realities XXII"|>, "songs-ix" -> <|"Title" -> "Songs IX", "FirstLine" -> "Lady of Silence", "Book" -> "XLI Poems", "Text" -> "Lady of Silence\nfrom the winsome cage of\nthy body\nrose\n through the sensible\nnight\na\nquick bird\n\n(tenderly upon\nthe dark\[CloseCurlyQuote]s prodigious face\nthy\nvoice\n scattering perfume-gifted\nwings\nsuddenly escorts\nwith feet\nsun-sheer\n\nthe smarting beauty of dawn)", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/songs-ix/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/songs-ix.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/songs-ix.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Songs IX"|>, "songs-vii" -> <|"Title" -> "Songs VII", "FirstLine" -> "between green\n mountains", "Book" -> "XLI Poems", "Text" -> "between green\n mountains\nsings the flinger\nof\n\nfire beyond red rivers\nof fair perpetual\nfeet the\nsinuous\n\n riot\n\nthe\nflashing\nbacchant.\n\npartedpetaled\nmouth,face\ndelirious. indivisible\ngrace\n\n of dancing", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/songs-vii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/songs-vii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/songs-vii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Songs VII"|>, "songs-viii" -> <|"Title" -> "Songs VIII", "FirstLine" -> "in the rain-", "Book" -> "XLI Poems", "Text" -> "in the rain-\ndarkness, the sunset\nbeing sheathed i sit and\nthink of you\n\nthe holy\ncity which is your face\nyour little cheeks the streets\nof smiles\n\nyour eyes half-\nthrush\nhalf-angel and your drowsy\nlips where float flowers of kiss\n\nand\nthere is the sweet shy pirouette\nyour hair\nand then\n\nyour dancesong\nsoul. rarely-beloved\na single star is\nuttered,and i\n\nthink\n of you", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/songs-viii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/songs-viii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/songs-viii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Songs VIII"|>, "songs-x" -> <|"Title" -> "Songs X", "FirstLine" -> "the hills", "Book" -> "XLI Poems", "Text" -> "the hills\nlike poets put on\npurple thought against\nthe\n\nmagnificent clamor of\n day\ntortured\nin gold,which presently\n\ncrumpled\ncollapses\nexhaling a red soul into the dark\n\nso\nduneyed master\nenter\nthe sweet gates\n\n of my heart and\ntake\nthe\nrose,\n\nwhich perfect\nis\nWith killing hands", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/songs-x/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/songs-x.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/songs-x.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Songs X"|>, "songs-xi" -> <|"Title" -> "Songs XI", "FirstLine" -> "i will wade out\n till my thighs are steeped in burning flowers", "Book" -> "XLI Poems", "Text" -> "i will wade out\n till my thighs are steeped in burning flowers\nI will take the sun in my mouth\nand leap into the ripe air\n Alive\n with closed eyes\nto dash against darkness\n in the sleeping curves of my body\nShall enter fingers of smooth mastery\nwith chasteness of sea-girls\n Will i complete the mystery\n of my flesh\nI will rise\n After a thousand years\nlipping\nflowers\n And set my teeth in the silver of the moon", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/songs-xi/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/songs-xi.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/songs-xi.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Songs XI"|>, "songs-xii" -> <|"Title" -> "Songs XII", "FirstLine" -> "cruelly,love", "Book" -> "XLI Poems", "Text" -> "cruelly,love\nwalk the autumn long;\nthe last flower in whose hair,\nthy lips are cold with songs\n\nfor which is\nfirst to wither,to pass?\nshallowness of sunlight\nfalls and,cruelly,\nacross the grass\nComes the \nmoon\n\nlove,walk the\nautumn\nlove,for the last\nflower in the hair withers;\nthy hair is acold with \ndreams,\nlove thou art frail\n\n--walk the longness of autumn\nsmile dustily to the people,\nfor winter\nwho crookedly care.", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/songs-xii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/songs-xii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/songs-xii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Songs XII"|>, "sonnets-i" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets I", "FirstLine" -> "if learned darkness from our searched world", "Book" -> "XLI Poems", "Text" -> "if learned darkness from our searched world\n\nwrestest the rare unwisdom of thy eyes,\nif thy two hands flowers of silence curled\n\nupon a wish,to rapture should surprise\nmy soul slowly which on thy beauty dreams\n(proud through the cold perfect night whisperless\n\nto mark,how that asleep whitely she seems\n\nwhose lips the whole of life almost do guess)\n\nif god should send the morning;and before\nmy doubting window leaves softly to stir,\nof thoughtful trees whom night hath pondered o\[CloseCurlyQuote]er\n--and frailties of dimension to occur\n\nabout us\n and birds known,scarcely to sing\n\n(heart,could we bear the marvel of this thing?)", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-i/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-i.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-i.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets I"|>, "sonnets-ii" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets II", "FirstLine" -> "O Thou to whom the musical white spring", "Book" -> "XLI Poems", "Text" -> "O Thou to whom the musical white spring\n\noffers her lily inextinguishable,\ntaught by thy tremulous grace bravely to fling\n\nImplacable death\[CloseCurlyQuote]s mysteriously sable\nrobe from her redolent shoulders,\n Thou from whose\nfeet reincarnate song suddenly leaping\nflameflung,mounts,inimitably to lose\nherself where the wet stars softly are keeping\n\ntheir exquisite dreams--O Love! upon thy dim\nshrine of intangible commemoration,\n(from whose faint close as some grave languorous hymn\n\npledged to illimitable dissipation\nunhurried clouds of incense fleetly roll)\n\ni spill my bright incalculable soul.", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-ii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-ii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-ii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets II"|>, "sonnets-iii" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets III", "FirstLine" -> "when unto nights of autumn do complain", "Book" -> "XLI Poems", "Text" -> "when unto nights of autumn do complain\nearth\[CloseCurlyQuote]s ghastlier trees by whom Time measured is\nwhen frost to dance maketh the sagest pane\nof littler huts with peerless fantasies\nor the unlovely longness of the year\n\ndroops with things dead athwart the narrowing hours\nand hope(by cold espoused unto fear)\nin dreadful corners hideously cowers--\n\ni do excuse me,love,to Death and Time\n\nstorms and rough cold,wind\[CloseCurlyQuote]s menace and leaf\[CloseCurlyQuote]s grieving:\nfrom the impressed fingers of sublime\nMemory,of that loveliness receiving\nthe image my proud heart cherished as fair.\n\n(The child-head poised with the serious hair)", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-iii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-iii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-iii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets III"|>, "sonnets-iv" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets IV", "FirstLine" -> "this is the garden:colours come and go", "Book" -> "XLI Poems", "Text" -> "this is the garden:colours come and go,\nfrail azures fluttering from night\[CloseCurlyQuote]s outer wing\nstrong silent greens serenely lingering,\nabsolute lights like baths of golden snow. \nThis is the garden:pursed lips do blow\nupon cool flutes within wide glooms,and sing\n(of harps celestial to the quivering string)\ninvisible faces hauntingly and slow.\n\nThis is the garden. Time shall surely reap\nand on Death\[CloseCurlyQuote]s blade lie many a flower curled,\nin other lands where other songs be sung;\nyet stand They here enraptured,as among\nthe slow deep trees perpetual of sleep\nsome silver-fingered fountain steals the world.", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-iv/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-iv.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-iv.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets IV"|>, "sonnets-ix" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets IX", "FirstLine" -> "when my sensational moments are no more", "Book" -> "XLI Poems", "Text" -> "when my sensational moments are no more\nunjoyously bullied of vilest mind\n\nand sweet uncaring earth by thoughtful war\nheaped wholly with high wilt of human rind--\nwhen over hate has triumphed darkly love\n\nand the small spiritual cry of spring\nutters a striving flower,\n just where strove\nthe droll god-beasts\n\n do thou distinctly bring\nthy footstep,and the rushing of thy deep\nhair and the smiting smile didst love to use\nin other days (drawing my Mes from sleep\nwhose stranger dreams thy strangeness must abuse....)\n\nTime being not for us,purple roses were\nsweeter to thee\n perchance to me deeper.", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-ix/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-ix.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-ix.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets IX"|>, "sonnets-v" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets V", "FirstLine" -> "Thou in whose swordgreat story shine the deeds", "Book" -> "XLI Poems", "Text" -> "Thou in whose swordgreat story shine the deeds\nof history her heroes,sounds the tread\nof those vast armies of the marching dead,\nwith standards and the neighing of great steeds\nmoving to war across the smiling meads;\nthou by whose page we break the precious bread\nof dear communion with the past,and wed\nto valor,battle with heroic breeds;\n\nthou,Froissart,for that thou didst love the pen\nwhile others wrote in steel,accept all praise\nof after ages,and of hungering days\nfor whom the old glories move,the old trumpets cry;\nwho gavest as one of those immortal men\nhis life that his fair city might not die.", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-v/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-v.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-v.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets V"|>, "sonnets-vi" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets VI", "FirstLine" -> "when the proficient poison sure sleep", "Book" -> "XLI Poems", "Text" -> "when the proficient poison sure sleep\nbereaves us of our slow tranquillities\n\nand He without Whose favour nothing is\n(being of men called Love) upward doth leap\nfrom the mute hugeness of depriving deep,\n\nwith thunder of those hungering wings of His,\n\ninto the lucent and large signories\n--i shall not smile beloved;i shall not weep:\n\nwhen from the less-then-whiteness of thy face\n(whose eyes inherit vacancy) will time\nextract his inconsiderable doom,\nwhen these they lips beautifully embrace\nnothing\n and when thy bashful hands assume\n\nsilence beyond the mystery of rhyme", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-vi/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-vi.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-vi.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets VI"|>, "sonnets-vii" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets VII", "FirstLine" -> "and what were roses. Perfume? for i do", "Book" -> "XLI Poems", "Text" -> "and what were roses. Perfume?for i do\nforget....or mere Music mounting unsurely\n\ntwilight\n but here were something more maturely\nchildish,more beautiful almost than you.\n\nYet if not flower, tell me softly who\n\nbe these haunters of dreams always demurely\nhalfsmiling from cool faces,moving purely\nwith muted step,yet somewhat proudly too--\n\nare they not ladies,ladies of my dreams\njustly touching roses their fingers whitely\nlive by?\n or better,\n queens,queens laughing lightly\ncrowned with far colours,\n\n thinking very much\nof nothing and whom dawn loves most to touch\n\nwishing by willows,bending up streams?", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-vii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-vii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-vii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets VII"|>, "sonnets-viii" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets VIII", "FirstLine" -> "come nothing to my comparable soul", "Book" -> "XLI Poems", "Text" -> "come nothing to my comparable soul\nwhich with existence has conversed in vain,\nO scrupulously take thy trivial toll,\nfor whose cool feet this frantic heart is fain;\ntry me with thy perfumes which have seduced\nthe mightier nostrils of the fervent dead,\nfeed with felicities me wormperused\nby whom the hungering mouth of time is fed:\nand if i like not what thou givest me\nto him let me complain,whose seat is where\nrevolving planets struggle to be free\nwith the astounding everlasting air--\nbut if i like,i'll take between thy hands\nwhat no man feels,no woman understands.", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-viii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-viii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-viii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets VIII"|>, "sonnets-x" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets X", "FirstLine" -> "I have seen her stealthily frail", "Book" -> "XLI Poems", "Text" -> "I have seen her stealthily frail\nflower walking with its fellows in the death\nof light,against whose enormous curve of flesh\nexactly cubes of tiny fragrance try;\ni have watched certain petals rapidly wish\nin the corners of her youth;whom,fiercely shy\nand gently brutal,the prettiest wrath\nof blossoms dishevelling made a pale\nfracas upon the accurate moon....\nAcross the important gardens her body\nwill come toward me with its hurting sexual smell\nof lilies....beyond night\[CloseCurlyQuote]s silken immense swoon\nthe moon is like a floating silver hell\na song of adolescent ivory.", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-x/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-x.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-x.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets X"|>, "sonnets-xii" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets XII", "FirstLine" -> "perhaps it is to feel strike", "Book" -> "XLI Poems", "Text" -> "perhaps it is to feel strike\nthe silver fish of her nakedness\nwith fins sharply pleasant, my\n\nyouth has travelled toward her these years\n\nor to snare the timid like\nof her mind to my mind that i\n\nam come by little countries to the yes\n\nof her youth.\n And if somebody hears\nwhat i say--let him be pitiful:\nbecause i've travelled all alone\nthrough the forest of wonderful,\nand that my feet have surely known\nthe furious ways and the peaceful,\n\nand because she is beautiful", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-xii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-xii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-xii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets XII"|>, "sonnets-xi" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets XI", "FirstLine" -> "who\[CloseCurlyQuote]s most afraid of death?thou\n art of him", "Book" -> "XLI Poems", "Text" -> "who\[CloseCurlyQuote]s most afraid of death?thou\n art of him\nutterly afraid,i love of thee\n(beloved)this\n\n and truly i would be\nnear when his scythe takes crisply the whim\nof thy smoothness. and the mark the fainting\nmurdered petals. with the caving stem.\n\nBut of all most would i be one of them\n\nround the hurt heart which do so frailly cling....)\ni who am but imperfect in my fear\n\nOr with thy mind against my mind,to hear\nnearing our hearts\[CloseCurlyQuote] irrevocable play--\nthrough the mysterious high futile day\n\nan enormous stride\n (and drawing thy mouth toward\n\nmy mouth,steer our lost bodies carefully downward)", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-xi/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-xi.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-xi.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets XI"|>, "sonnets-xiii" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets XIII", "FirstLine" -> "when i am in Boston,i do not speak", "Book" -> "XLI Poems", "Text" -> "when i am in Boston,i do not speak.\nand i sit in the click of ivory balls....\n\nnoting flies,which jerk upon the weak\ncolour of table-cloths,the electric When\nIn Doubt Buy Of(but a roof hugs\nwhom)\n as the august evening mauls\nKneeland,and a waiter cleverly lugs\nindigestible honeycake to men\n....one perfectly smooth coffee\ntasting of hellas,i drink,or sometimes two\nremarking cries of paklavah meeah.\n(Very occasionally three.)\nand i gaze on the cindercoloured little ME\[CapitalGamma]A\nE\[CapitalLambda]\[CapitalLambda]HNIKON \[CapitalXi]ENO\[CapitalDelta]OXEION \:038e\[CapitalPi]NO\:038e", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-xiii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-xiii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-xiii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets XIII"|>, "sonnets-xiv" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets XIV", "FirstLine" -> "will suddenly trees leap from winter and will", "Book" -> "XLI Poems", "Text" -> "will suddenly trees leap from winter and will\n\nthe stabbing music of your white youth\nwounded by my arms\[CloseCurlyQuote] bothness\n(say a twilight lifting the fragile skill\nof new leaves\[CloseCurlyQuote] voices,and sharp lips of spring\nsimply joining with the wonderless\ncity\[CloseCurlyQuote]s sublime cheap distinct mouth)\n\ndo the exact human comely thing?\n\n(or will the fleshless moments go and go\n\nacross this dirtied pane where softly preys\nthe grey and perpendicular Always--\nor possibly there drift a pulseless blur\nof paleness;\n the unswift mouths of snow\ninsignificantly whisper....", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-xiv/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-xiv.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-xiv.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets XIV"|>, "sonnets-xv" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets XV", "FirstLine" -> "a fragrant sag of fruit distinctly grouped.", "Book" -> "XLI Poems", "Text" -> "a fragrant sag of fruit distinctly grouped.\n\nI have not eaten peppers for a week.\n\nOn this street the houses immensely speak\n(it is nine minutes past six)\n\nthe well-fed L\[CloseCurlyQuote]s immaculate roar looped\nstraightens,into neatest distance....\n\nA new curve of children gladly cricks\nwhere a hurdy-gurdy accurately pants.\n\nand pompous ancient jews obscurely twitch\nthrough the bumping teem of Grand. a nudging froth\nof faces clogs Second as Mrs. Somethingwich\n\n(with flesh like an old toy balloon)\n\nheavily swims to Strunsky\[CloseCurlyQuote]s,\n \n Monia\[CloseCurlyQuote]s mouth\neats tangerines looking at the moon--", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-xv/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-xv.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-xv.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets XV"|>, "sonnets-xvi" -> <|"Title" -> "Sonnets XVI", "FirstLine" -> "by god i want above fourteenth", "Book" -> "XLI Poems", "Text" -> "by god i want above fourteenth\n\nfifth\[CloseCurlyQuote]s deep purring biceps,the mystic screetch\nof Broadway,the trivial stink of rich\n\nfrail firm asinine life\n (i pant\n\nfor what\[CloseCurlyQuote]s below. the singer. Wall. i want\nthe perpendicular lips the insane teeth\nthe vertical grin\n\n give me the Square in spring,\nthe little barbarous Greenwich perfumed fake\n\nAnd most,the futile fooling labyrinth\nwhere noisy colors stroll....and the Baboon\n\nsniggering insipidities while. i sit,sipping\nsingular anisettes as. One opaque\nbig girl jiggles thickly hips to the kanoon\n\nbut Hassan chuckles seeing the Greeks breathe)", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-xvi/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-xvi.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/xli-poems/poem/sonnets-xvi.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "Sonnets XVI"|>, "five-americans-i" -> <|"Title" -> "LIZ", "FirstLine" -> "with breathing as(faithfully)her lownecked", "Book" -> "is 5", "Text" -> "with breathing as(faithfully)her lownecked\ndress a little topples and slightly expands\n\none square foot mired in silk wrinkling loth\nstocking begins queerly to do a few\ngestures to death,\n the silent shoulders are both\nslowly with pinkish ponderous arms bedecked\nwhose white thick wrists deliver promptly to\na deep lap enormous mindless hands.\nand no one knows what(i am sure of this)\nher blunt unslender,what her big unkeen\n\n\[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote]Business is rotton\[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote] the face yawning said\n\nwhat her mouth thinks of\n (if it were a kiss\ndistinct entirely melting sinuous lean...\nwhereof this lady in some book had read", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/is-5/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/is-5/poem/five-americans-i/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/is-5/poem/five-americans-i.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/is-5/poem/five-americans-i.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "LIZ"|>, "five-americans-ii" -> <|"Title" -> "MAME", "FirstLine" -> "she puts down the handmirror. \[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote]Look at\[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote] arranging", "Book" -> "is 5", "Text" -> "she puts down the handmirror. \[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote]Look at\[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote] arranging\nbefore me a mellifluous idiot grin\n(with what was nose upwrinkled into nothing\nearthly,while the slippery eyes drown\nin surging flesh). A thumblike index down-\ndragging yanks back skin\[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote]see\[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote] (i,seeing,ceased\nto breathe). The plump left fist opening\n\[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote]wisdom.\[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote] Flicker of gold. \[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote]Yep. No gas. Flynn\[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote]\n\nthe words drizzle untidily from released\ncheeks \[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote]I\[CloseCurlyQuote]ll tell duh woild:some noive all right.\nAint much on looks but how dat baby ached.\[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote]\n\nand when I timidly hinted \[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote]novocaine?\[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote]\nthe eyes outstart,curl,bloat,are newly baked\n\nand swaggering cookies of indignant light", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/is-5/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/is-5/poem/five-americans-ii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/is-5/poem/five-americans-ii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/is-5/poem/five-americans-ii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "MAME"|>, "four-vii" -> <|"Title" -> "FOUR VII", "FirstLine" -> "since feeling is first", "Book" -> "is 5", "Text" -> "since feeling is first\nwho pays any attention \nto the syntax of things\nwill never wholly kiss you;\n\nwholly to be a fool\nwhile Spring is in the world\n\nmy blood approves,\nand kisses are a better fate \nthan wisdom\nlady i swear by all flowers. Don't cry\n--the best gesture of my brain is less than\nyour eyelids\[CloseCurlyQuote] flutter which says\n\nwe are for each other:then\nlaugh,leaning back in my arms\nfor life\[CloseCurlyQuote]s not a paragraph\n\nAnd death i think is no parenthesis", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/is-5/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/is-5/poem/four-vii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/is-5/poem/four-vii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/is-5/poem/four-vii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "FOUR VII"|>, "one-x" -> <|"Title" -> "ONE X", "FirstLine" -> "nobody loses all the time", "Book" -> "is 5", "Text" -> "nobody loses all the time\n\ni had an uncle named\nSol who was a born a failure and\nnearly everbody said he should have gone\ninto vaudeville perhaps because my Uncle Sol could\nsing McCann He Was A Diver on Xmas Eve like Hell Itself which\nmay or may not account for the fact that my Uncle\n\nSol indulged in that possibly most inexcusable\nof all to use highfalootin phrase\nluxuries that is or to\nwit farming and be\nit needlessly\nadded\n\nmy Uncle Sol\[CloseCurlyQuote]s farm\nfailed because the chickens\nate the vegetables so\nmy Uncle Sol had a\nchicken farm till the\nskunks ate the chickens when\n\nmy Uncle Sol\nhad a skunk farm but\nthe skunks caught cold and\ndied and so\nmy Uncle Sol imitated the\nskunks in a subtle manner\n\nor by drowning himself in the watertank\nbut somebody who\[CloseCurlyQuote]d given my Uncle Sol a Victor\nVictrola and records while he lived presented to\nhim upon the auspicious occasion of his decease a\nscrumptious not to mend splendiferous funeral with\ntall boys in black gloves and flowers and everything and\n\ni remember we all cried like the Missouri\nwhen my Uncle Sol\[CloseCurlyQuote]s coffin lurched because\nsomebody pressed a button\n(and down went\nmy Uncle\nSol\n\nand started a worm farm)", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/is-5/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/is-5/poem/one-x/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/is-5/poem/one-x.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/is-5/poem/one-x.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "ONE X"|>, "one-xi" -> <|"Title" -> "ONE XI", "FirstLine" -> "now dis \[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote]daughter\[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote] uv eve(who aint precisely slim)sim", "Book" -> "is 5", "Text" -> "now dis \[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote]daughter\[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote] uv eve(who aint precisely slim)sim\n\nply don\[CloseCurlyQuote]t know duh meaning uv duh woid sin in\nnot disagreeable contras tuh dat not exacly fat\n\n\[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote]father\[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote](adjustin his robe)who now puts on his flat hat", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/is-5/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/is-5/poem/one-xi/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/is-5/poem/one-xi.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/is-5/poem/one-xi.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "ONE XI"|>, "one-xii" -> <|"Title" -> "ONE XII", "FirstLine" -> "(and i imagine", "Book" -> "is 5", "Text" -> "(and i imagine\nnever mind Joe agreeably cheerfully remarked when\nsurrounded by fat stupid animals\nthe jewess shrieked\nthe messiah tumbled successfully into the world\nthe animals continued eating. And i imagine she,and\nheard them slobber and\nin the darkness)\n\nstood sharp angels with faces like Jim Europe", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/is-5/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/is-5/poem/one-xii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/is-5/poem/one-xii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/is-5/poem/one-xii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "ONE XII"|>, "one-xiii" -> <|"Title" -> "ONE XIII", "FirstLine" -> "it really must", "Book" -> "is 5", "Text" -> "it really must\nbe Nice,never to\n\nhave no imagination)or never\nnever to wonder about guys used to(and them\nslim hot queens with dam next to nothing\n\non)tangoing\n(while a feller tries\nto hold down the fifty bucks per\njob with one foot and rock a\n\ncradle with the other)it Must be\nnice never to have no doubts about why you\nput the ring\non(and watching her\nface grow old and tired to which\n\nyou\[CloseCurlyQuote]re married and hands get red washing\nthings and dishes)and to never,never really wonder i\nmean about the smell\nof babies and how you\n\nknow the dam rent\[CloseCurlyQuote]s going to and everything and never,never\nNever to stand at no window\nbecause i can\[CloseCurlyQuote]t sleep(smoking sawdust\n\ncigarettes in the\nmiddle of the night", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/is-5/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/is-5/poem/one-xiii/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/is-5/poem/one-xiii.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/is-5/poem/one-xiii.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "ONE XIII"|>, "one-xiv" -> <|"Title" -> "ITEM", "FirstLine" -> "this man is o so", "Book" -> "is 5", "Text" -> "this man is o so\nWaiter\nthis;woman is\n\nplease shut that\nthe pout And affectionate leer\ninterminable pyramidal,napkins\n(this man is oh so tired of this\na door opens by itself\nwoman.)they so to speak were in\n\nLove once?\nnow\n her mouth opens too far\nand:she attacks her Lobster without\nfeet mingle under the\nmercy.\n (exit the hors d\[CloseCurlyQuote]oeuvres)", "URLs" -> <|"Book" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/is-5/"], "HTML" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/is-5/poem/one-xiv/"], "JSON" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/is-5/poem/one-xiv.json"], "TXT" -> URL["https://cummings.ee/book/is-5/poem/one-xiv.txt"]|>, "Label" -> "ITEM"|>|>, "EntityClasses" -> <|"tulips-and-chimneys" -> <|"Entities" -> {"amores-i", "amores-ii", "amores-iii", "amores-iv", "amores-v", "amores-vi", "amores-vii", "amores-viii", "chansons-innocentes-i", "chansons-innocentes-ii", "chansons-innocentes-iii", "epithalamion", "impressions-i", "impressions-ii", "impressions-iii", "impressions-iv", "impressions-v", "la-guerre-i", "la-guerre-ii", "of-nicolette", "orientale-i", "orientale-ii", "orientale-iii", "orientale-iv", "orientale-v", "orientale-vi", "portraits-i", "portraits-ii", "portraits-iii", "portraits-iv", "portraits-ix", "portraits-v", "portraits-vi", "portraits-vii", "portraits-viii", "portraits-x", "post-impressions-i", "post-impressions-ii", "post-impressions-iii", "post-impressions-iv", "post-impressions-v", "post-impressions-vi", "puella-mea", "songs-i", "songs-ii", "songs-iii", "songs-iv", "songs-v", "songs-vi", "sonnets-actualities-i", "sonnets-actualities-ii", "sonnets-actualities-iii", "sonnets-actualities-iv", "sonnets-actualities-v", "sonnets-realities-i", "sonnets-realities-ii", "sonnets-realities-iii", "sonnets-realities-iv", "sonnets-realities-v", "sonnets-realities-vi", "sonnets-unrealities-i", "sonnets-unrealities-ii", "sonnets-unrealities-iii", "sonnets-unrealities-iv", "sonnets-unrealities-v", "sonnets-unrealities-vi"}, "Label" -> "Tulips and Chimneys"|>, "and" -> <|"Entities" -> {"and-seven-poems-i", "and-seven-poems-ii", "and-seven-poems-iii", "and-seven-poems-iv", "and-seven-poems-v", "and-seven-poems-vi", "and-seven-poems-vii", "portraits-i", "portraits-ii", "portraits-iii", "portraits-iv", "portraits-ix", "portraits-v", "portraits-vi", "portraits-vii", "portraits-viii", "portraits-x", "portraits-xi", "portraits-xii", "post-impressions-i", "post-impressions-ii", "post-impressions-iii", "post-impressions-iv", "post-impressions-ix", "post-impressions-v", "post-impressions-vi", "post-impressions-vii", "post-impressions-viii", "post-impressions-x", "post-impressions-xi", "post-impressions-xii", "post-impressions-xiii", "post-impressions-xiv", "sonnets-actualities-i", "sonnets-actualities-ii", "sonnets-actualities-iii", "sonnets-actualities-iv", "sonnets-actualities-ix", "sonnets-actualities-v", "sonnets-actualities-vi", "sonnets-actualities-vii", "sonnets-actualities-viii", "sonnets-actualities-x", "sonnets-actualities-xi", "sonnets-actualities-xii", "sonnets-actualities-xiii", "sonnets-actualities-xiv", "sonnets-actualities-xix", "sonnets-actualities-xv", "sonnets-actualities-xvi", "sonnets-actualities-xvii", "sonnets-actualities-xviii", "sonnets-actualities-xx", "sonnets-actualities-xxi", "sonnets-actualities-xxii", "sonnets-actualities-xxiii", "sonnets-actualities-xxiv", "sonnets-realities-i", "sonnets-realities-ii", "sonnets-realities-iii", "sonnets-realities-iv", "sonnets-realities-ix", "sonnets-realities-v", "sonnets-realities-vi", "sonnets-realities-vii", "sonnets-realities-viii", "sonnets-realities-x", "sonnets-realities-xi", "sonnets-realities-xii", "sonnets-realities-xiii", "sonnets-realities-xiv", "sonnets-realities-xix", "sonnets-realities-xv", "sonnets-realities-xvi", "sonnets-realities-xvii", "sonnets-realities-xviii", "sonnets-realities-xx", "sonnets-realities-xxi", "sonnets-realities-xxii"}, "Label" -> "&"|>, "xli-poems" -> <|"Entities" -> {"chansons-innocentes-ii", "chansons-innocentes-i", "la-guerre-i", "la-guerre-ii", "portraits-i", "portraits-ii", "portraits-iii", "portraits-iv", "portraits-ix", "portraits-v", "portraits-vi", "portraits-vii", "portraits-viii", "songs-i", "songs-ii", "songs-iii", "songs-iv", "songs-ix", "songs-v", "songs-vii", "songs-vi", "songs-viii", "songs-x", "songs-xi", "songs-xii", "sonnets-i", "sonnets-ii", "sonnets-iii", "sonnets-iv", "sonnets-ix", "sonnets-v", "sonnets-vi", "sonnets-vii", "sonnets-viii", "sonnets-x", "sonnets-xii", "sonnets-xi", "sonnets-xiii", "sonnets-xiv", "sonnets-xv", "sonnets-xvi"}, "Label" -> "XLI Poems"|>, "is-5" -> <|"Entities" -> {"five-americans-i", "five-americans-ii", "four-vii", "one-x", "one-xi", "one-xii", "one-xiii", "one-xiv"}, "Label" -> "is 5"|>|>, "Properties" -> <|"Title" -> <|"Label" -> "title"|>, "FirstLine" -> <|"Label" -> "first line"|>, "Book" -> <|"Label" -> "book"|>, "Text" -> <|"Label" -> "text"|>, "URLs" -> <|"Label" -> "urls"|>, "Label" -> <||>|>, "Label" -> "e.e. cummings poem", "LabelPlural" -> "e.e. cummings poems"|>|>|>]